Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 531: : The position of first love in a man's mind

Ye Anxin cared: "Yueyue, after you fell into Xue Rong's hands, she didn't do anything to you, right?"

Ling Yueyue shrugged and smiled and said, "No! What can she do to me! Just keep me locked up for a few days, and then Nan Jianning came back, and she gave me to Nan Jianning! After that, Nan Jian Ning took advantage of her carelessness and found an opportunity to secretly let me go! I didn't suffer any hardship, I ate well, and slept well, just worrying Tian Tian He Tian Tian for a few days!"

Ye Anxin breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, "That's good! I'm afraid she will do something to hurt you!"

Ling Yueyue held Ye Anxin's hand on the table and said worriedly: "I'm fine, but you and aunt! I heard Nan Jianning say that Xue Rong is going to sell you to Africa! Are you all right! On the way, her people didn't do anything to you and aunt, right?"

Ye Anxin shook his head and comforted: "I'm fine! It just scared my mother! I was locked in a small room in a fishing boat along the way! I was rescued by my uncle when I first arrived in Africa! After all, this I also have to thank Nan Jianning for this thing! Without her, I would not have been saved so quickly!"

Ling Yueyue sighed and sighed, "Yeah! I haven't seen her in five years, and I'm really admiring her. I didn't expect that in the past five years, she has changed so much, it is a change of heart! You don't know, she just started wanting When I let me go, I thought it was her trick again! It turned out that I had misunderstood her, and she really wanted to let me go!"

Listening to Ling Yueyue's mention of the changes in Nan Jianning, Ye An couldn't help but think of the spectacular scene where Nan Jianning crashed into the coffee table to save Xue Rong!

Yup! Nan Jianning has indeed changed a lot!

In the past, she would never have thought that Nan Jianning would make such a fierce move to save a person who had no blood relationship with her!

She is now admiring Nan Jianning!

Ling Yueyue sipped the lemon tea delivered by the waiter, and said, "An Xin, is there anything in the afternoon? It's okay to go shopping with me!"

Ye An thought without thinking, and readily agreed, "Yes! Anyway, the two of us are the most idle people in the world, and only I can accompany you!"

"Yeah!" Ling Yueyue nodded, lowered her head, and quietly enjoyed lemon tea and afternoon dessert.

Having known Ling Yueyue for so long, Ye Anxin was the first time she saw her taciturn, and couldn't help but ask: "Yueyue, what's wrong with you? Is there something on your mind?"

When Ling Yueyue heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately shook her head, "!"

Ye Anxin rolled his eyes and said in dissatisfaction: "Hey, we two have known each other for so long, can't I tell if you have any troubles? Although I am not smart, I will care about people with my heart! Let's talk, what's the matter? It is also a good thing to have one more person to share with you!"

"...!" Ling Yueyue still lowered her head and said nothing.

Ye Anxin thought for a while and couldn't help but boldly guess: "Is it about Mr. Huo?"

Ling Yueyue was silent for a long time before she said slowly, "Relax! You said, a man, is the most memorable first love?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Anxin was stunned, unconsciously thinking of Mu Beiting and Ruan Zhitong in his mind!

Ruan Zhitong is the first love of the uncle. If the first love is the most memorable for every man, does the uncle never forget Ruan Zhitong in his heart?

However, judging from the various things the uncle had towards Ruan Zhitong, she did not think that the uncle had not forgotten Ruan Zhitong, nor did she feel that Ruan Zhitong was different in his heart.

Ye Anxin tilted his head and thought about it for a while, before saying, "No! I think this should be different from person to person! Do you think that Mr. Huo has not let go of my sister Nan Jiansi in your heart? ?"

Ling Yueyue didn't answer, but her conversation turned thoughtfully, "Do you know? There is a simple character in Tiantian's name! The name Huo Yunmo married Tiantian was also because of Nan Jiansi! "

Ye Anxin heard the words, and laughed out with a'poof', "Ling Yueyue, I said how confused you were for a clever life! Why are you jealous with a dead man! Even if Mr. Huo can't let Nan Jiansi go anymore, I like her, but you are the one who is by his side now! It is also you who will grow old with him in the future! Why should you have trouble with a dead person?"

Ling Yueyue lowered her head and said lonely: "You don't understand! I only hope that his heart belongs to him, and he can love him wholeheartedly! I really love him, so I can't bear his heart's return. There are others! Just like you back then! Mu Beiting has repeatedly denied his feelings for Ruan Zhitong in front of you, but you still can’t let go, right? My mood is exactly the same as you used to be! "

Ye Anxin joked: "So, you can heal others, but you can't do it yourself? I knew that those who told me the authorities were obsessed with bystanders, but now I don't know to tell myself?"

Ling Yueyue sighed and said helplessly: "Oh...! You don't understand! If Nan Jiansi is not dead, but alive, I don't care! But, she is dead! Psychologists once said that the living is forever There is no substitute for the dead! Because people are dead, you will never be able to fight with her or fight with her! And I, this is the situation now! Although Huo Yunmo treats me well now, but in his heart In a certain corner, there will always be Nan Jiansi's position, and this position belongs only to the two of them, and I will never be able to touch it!"

Ye Anxin didn't care about Ling Yueyue's worries at all. "What if it only belongs to the two of them? After all, you are the one who laughs last, and you are the one who will be buried with Mr. Huo after his death!"

"Buried together? Huh...!" Ling Yueyue sneered, lowered her head, and fell into silence again.

This situation fell into Ye An's eyes. She seemed to understand something instantly, her eyes widened, and she asked incredulously, "You are a husband and wife, shouldn't you be buried together after you die?"

Ling Yueyue sneered: "It's true that I and she are husband and wife! However, Nan Jiansi is also his upright wife, and was buried in the Huo family cemetery in the name of Mrs. Huo! If I die first, you think, Huo Yun After Mo dies, who will he choose to be buried with? Is it me or Nan Jiansi?"

"...?" Ye Anxin was speechless when asked by Ling Yueyue.

Ling Yueyue laughed at herself, "Whoever is buried with depends on which one is more important in his mind! If I stayed with him for a lifetime, after death, he chose to stay with Nan Jiansi forever, do you think, Will I feel better in my heart?"

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