Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 533: : Moon and Moon

Because of the good relationship between the five young masters of Jincheng, although her phone does not have their phone numbers on her mobile phone, she has always kept the numbers of the other four people in her mind!

After the phone rang twice, it was connected, and Huo Yunmo's deep and magnetic voice came from inside, "Hey, I'm Huo Yunmo!"

Ye Anxin said politely: "Mr. Huo, this is Ye Anxin!"

Hearing that it was Ye Anxin, Huo Yunmo on the other end was obviously taken aback, and then said, "Sister-in-law, what can I do with me?"

Ye Anxin pursed her lips, and after hesitating for a while, he said, "Mr. Huo, that... I know it's a risk to call you suddenly today! But... I want to ask you, when do you have time, let's come out to eat Let’s have a meal! I want to talk to you about something, about Yueyue!"

Huo Yunmo hardly hesitated, and said directly, "Okay! I have time tonight, I will treat you to a meal!"

"That's good! Then I'll wait for you at the Chinese restaurant next to your company!" After speaking, Ye Anxin hung up and asked the driver to drive to Huotian Group.

After hanging up with Huo Junmo, Ye Anxin called Mu Beiting again.

The phone was connected almost quickly, and Mu Beiting's voice was as cold as ever, "Hey!"

Ye Anxin said warmly: "Uncle! I have something tonight, so I won't go back for dinner! You and Xiaobai are eating at home by themselves, and say sorry to him by the way!"

Mu Beiting asked displeasedly, "What's the matter?"

Ye Anxin didn’t even think about concealing it. She just thought about it and she couldn’t explain it clearly on the phone in a few words. Seeing that Mu Beiting had taken the initiative to ask, she explained with a smile, “I went to the teahouse for a cup of tea with Yueyue. , I found that she had something on her mind, it was about Mr. Huo! So I called Mr. Huo just now, asked Mr. Huo for dinner, and wanted to talk to him about Yueyue!"

Mu Beiting furrowed his brows, and said unhappily, "What does her matter to you? No!"

Mu Beiting's answer was as early as Ye Anxin's expectation. With the past few years, she has also mastered his character seven to eight points. Therefore, after hearing Mu Beiting's answer, she was not angry. I didn’t think much, I just explained patiently: "Why Yueyue’s business is not my business! I grew up with Yueyue and I grew up together. At the beginning, my uncle and I had an awkward relationship, and she did not help me. Now she has met Things, as a good sister, if I don’t help her, who else can help her? She has been suffering since she was a child. Unlike me, at least there is a mother who loves her! There is no one beside her except me. I am her A good friend is also her relative! I don’t want the happiness she finally got so lost! Therefore, I must talk to Mr. Huo, otherwise, I will feel guilty!"

After listening to Ye Anxin's long series of words, Mu Beiting at the arc was silent for a while. After a while, he nodded and asked reluctantly, "Where are you eating?"

Ye Anxin answered truthfully, "The Chinese restaurant next to Huotian Group!"

Mu Beiting was silent for a while before saying: "Be careful and safe!"

Seeing Mu Beiting agreeing so easily, Ye Anxin smiled and bends his eyes, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, uncle, it's okay! I'll pay attention!"

"Yeah!" Mu Beiting faintly responded, but didn't plan to hang up.

Seeing that Mu Beiting didn't seem to have any plans to hang up, Ye Anxin knew that he was reluctant to hang up so early, so he glanced out of the car window and saw that there was still some distance from Huotian Group, so he said, "Uncle, today busy?"

Mu Beiting still replied in a very calm tone, "It's okay!"

"Usually you should pay more attention to your body, no matter how busy you are, you must also pay attention to rest. Don't forget to eat lunch. Don't do anything by yourself. You can leave it to the people below to do it...!" Ye Anxin couldn't stop as soon as he opened his mouth. It's a whole lot!

Although she was nagging, Mu Beiting on the other end of the phone did not show any impatience at all. Instead, she quietly listened to her nagging on the phone.

Ye Anxin has long been accustomed to this way of getting along. She always talks here, and he listens to it without saying a word. The occasional response is considered an answer!

No matter what she said, no matter what she said, the uncle on the other side of the phone was very patient. He never thought she was nagging, as if he still enjoyed listening to her non-stop chattering.

Ye Anxin and Mu Beiting talked for a long time, until they were about to arrive at the Huotian Group, they smiled and said, "Uncle, I have arrived at the destination, first hang up!"

"Yeah!" Mu Beiting faintly replied, still not intending to hang up.

Before hanging up the phone, Ye Anxin was still worried and said: "Um, uncle, don't eat with you because I didn't eat dinner with you. You don't eat or eat late, it will not be good for your stomach! Wait for me and Huo My husband is finished talking, I'll go back right away, don't worry about me!"

"Hmm!" Mu Beiting was still just one word.

Ye Anxin sighed in his heart, and then hung up the phone reluctantly.

As soon as the phone hung up, the driver stopped at the entrance of the Chinese restaurant opposite Huotian Group.

Ye Anxin got out of the car, walked in, and was about to let the waiter find a place, but saw that Huo Yunmo was already sitting by the window and beckoning to her.

Seeing Huo Junmo being so positive, Ye Anxin breathed a sigh of relief, and said that he was very happy!

At least it proves that Huo Yunmo said that there is a month in his heart, otherwise he would not be so impatient to wait for her here.

Ye Anxin walked towards Huo Junmo, Huo Junmo stood up, and the gentleman took the chair opposite for her, invited him to take a seat, and then walked and sat down.

After both of them were seated, they reached out to call the waiter.

After the waiter brought the menu, he handed it to Ye Anxin and said politely: "Sister-in-law, I don't know what you like to eat. You can order it yourself. Don't be polite to me. Just order what you like."

Ye Anxin was not polite to him, smiled, took the menu, read it carefully, and ordered a few dishes that he especially liked after pregnancy. After he finished ordering, he passed the menu to Huo Yunmo and asked him to order.

After both of them had finished ordering, Huo Yunmo returned the menu to the waiter and offered Ye Anxin a cup of tea.

"Thank you!" After Ye Anxin thanked him politely, he took a sip of his tea.

I just drank the uncle and chatted, but she said she was thirsty and her throat was dry. After a cup of tea, she felt a lot more comfortable.

Before Ye Anxin could speak, Huo Yunmo couldn't wait to ask, "Little sister-in-law, you said you were looking for me for Yueyue's business. What's wrong with Yueyue? I recently thought she was weird, so she didn't say anything when I asked her! I am worrying!"

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