Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 541: : Flesh and Blood

Speaking of this, Ye Anxin said to herself: "Besides...Moreover...She and her uncle look so alike. People with such looks will definitely not be so heart-hearted. Vicious people!"

Seeing her almost collapsed, Mu Beiting frowned and said sharply: "Don't think about it! This matter has nothing to do with you!"

Ye An absentmindedly nodded, "Yes...this matter has nothing to do with me...I...I just love that fox terrier! Such a beautiful and cute puppy, it just died!"

Hearing this, Mu Beiting frowned more and more tightly. After adjusting Ye Anxin's posture, he pressed her head into his arms and said domineeringly: "Close your eyes and sleep!"

Ye Anxin closed her eyes obediently, and wanted to put herself to sleep quickly! However, she woke up late in the morning, and the scene just now was too shocking. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't fall asleep!

Mu Beiting, who was always bad at words, didn't know how to comfort her, but just kept stroking her back, hoping to relieve her fear.

Although Ye Anxin was still a little frightened, under Mu Beiting's touch, the fear in her heart improved a little.

The two were speechless all the way, Ye Anxin just lay quietly in Mu Beiting's arms, but still couldn't figure out who would be so cruel and do such cruel things to such a cute fox!

The car was driving slowly on the street!

When the commercial vehicle stopped at the entrance of the villa, Ye Anxin slowly opened his eyes.

"It's all over! Don't think about it! I will let the butler stew some tranquilizing tea for you to drink. After drinking it, take a good sleep!" Mu Beiting removed Ye Anxin's head from his arms and gently touched her. Pale scary little face.

Ye Anxin nodded obediently, trying to get off Mu Beiting's legs, but his legs were still soft and unable to exert any strength. In addition to the problem of sitting posture along the way, his legs became numb and he didn't feel at all.

Mu Beiting gently bumped her forehead with his forehead, and put her on the seat in a petting manner, got out of the car first, then bent over to enter, and the princess hugged her out of the car.

Ye Anxin didn't struggle, said nothing, and obediently let Mu Beiting hold himself in his arms.

Since the two reconciled, she never let him hug her in front of others like this!

But she was really frightened by the scene in the hospital today! Her body hasn't recovered its strength yet, it is impossible for her to walk in!

For the first time, she discovered that she was actually so vulnerable.

Mu Beiting entered the house holding Ye Anxin! Xiaobai just went downstairs during lunch break, and was about to go outside to get some breath and go into the study with Teacher Luo! As soon as he went downstairs, he saw Mu Beiting walking in holding Ye Anxin, but Ye Anxin didn't have any blood on his face, and his face was pale and scary.

Xiao Bai hurriedly ran down and hugged him, walked to Mu Beiting, held Ye Anxin's hand, and asked anxiously, "Dad, what's wrong with Mom? Her hands are so cold! Are they sick?"

"It's okay, I just watched something that I shouldn't see!" As he said, Mu Beiting turned his head to look at the housekeeper, and ordered: "Go and prepare some calming tea, and then send it to the room upstairs!" Going upstairs holding Ye Anxin.

Xiao Bai was worried, and hurriedly followed.

Ye Anxin was lying on the bed, her eyes were hollow, her heart was plopping wildly, she knew she was too frightened.

Xiaobai sat down on the edge of the bed, holding Ye Anxin's hand in distress, and asked uneasy, "Dad, what's wrong with Mom? What did she see that she shouldn't see?"

Although Ye Anxin still couldn't withdraw his mind from the Foxhound matter, he still saw Xiao Bai's worries in his eyes! In order not to make him worry about himself, he hurriedly said in a low voice, "Little Bai, don't worry, mom is fine! Mom will be fine after a short rest!"

"Mom, what did you see?" Xiaobai still couldn't figure out what on earth he saw that would scare her mother who has always been strong and kind.

Not wanting Xiao Bai to hear such a **** thing, Ye Anxin smiled reluctantly, "You are a kid and know so much what you are doing! I said, I'm fine, don't worry!"

Hearing this, Xiaobai's brow furrowed tighter.

Mu Beiting put his hand on Xiao Bai's forehead and forced him: "Xiao Bai, go out, it's time to study! Your mother needs to rest!"

Xiaobai looked at Ye Anxin hesitantly, "But...but I don't worry!"

Mu Beiting didn't have any room for maneuver and said, "Observe!"

Xiaobai frowned and lowered her head, tangled for a while, and finally nodded obediently, stood up, and before leaving, she didn't forget to say to Ye Anxin, "Mom, take a good rest. I will see you after class is over! Don't worry, with Dad and me by your side, you don't have to be afraid of anything!"

Ye Anxin smiled softly, "I know! Don't worry about me! I'll just take a rest!"

Xiao Bai looked at Ye Anxin uneasy and turned around and left unwillingly.

After Xiaobai left, Ye Anxin laughed at herself, "I always thought I was courageous, but I didn't expect to be scared one day! From childhood to adulthood, this is the first time I have seen such a **** scene! too disgusting!"

Mu Beiting sat on the edge of the bed, gently stroked the hair on her forehead behind her ears, and said softly: "It's okay, I can understand! In this case, not only you, anyone can not stand it. !"

"I feel uncomfortable, that little girl must be even more uncomfortable!" Thinking of such a cute fox dog, who was alive and kicking the first minute, and died the next second, even the skin was plucked!

Thinking of the **** mass of flesh, coupled with the pregnant woman's special reaction, Ye Anxin suddenly felt uncomfortable rolling in his stomach.

Ye Anxin was covering her mouth and wanted to get up from the bed to the bathroom, but her body was so soft that she could only retching on the edge of the bed!

Mu Beiting hurriedly took out the trash basket beside the bed and put it in the place where Ye Anxin was vomiting.

"Oh...!" Ye Anxin lay on the edge of the bed, vomiting directly at the trash basket!

After vomiting for a while, not only did I vomit out all the food I ate in the morning, but even the stomachache was vomiting out.

Mu Beiting hurriedly got up and poured her a cup of hot water, one hand smoothed her back, and the other handed the hot water to her, distressed and said: "Drink some hot water! It will be much more comfortable!"

Ye Anxin vomited for a while, until nothing came out again, and then he lay on his stomach and panted desperately.

The stuff in his stomach was spit out, and Ye Anxin instantly felt that his depressed chest was much better! Struggling to lie down on the bed again.

When Mu Beiting saw this, he hurriedly put the tea cup in his hand on the bedside table, reached out his hand to support Ye Anxin's body, put her back on his chest, and then brought the hot water to her mouth again, gentle Said: "Drink some water, I will feel more comfortable!"

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