Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 544: : Can't hold back

Mu Beiting knocked her forehead domineeringly, took her hand to the door, and said, "Go down and eat first!"

"Good!" Ye Anxin nodded obediently.

The two hug each other, and the servants in the kitchen are still busy cooking! Fearing that Ye Anxin was hungry, the butler asked the servant to fill Ye Anxin with a bowl of noodles.

Ye Anxin ate the noodles in one breath, but still felt empty in his stomach, not at all!

Mu Beiting rubbed her head and said warmly: "Have a hold, the stomach is empty for too long, and it is not good for the stomach to eat too full at once!"

"I know!" Ye Anxin nodded obediently.

At this time, Xiaobai and Teacher Luo who had finished the class also came downstairs! After saying goodbye to Mu Bei Ting Ye Anxin, Teacher Luo left! Xiaobai walked to Ye Anxin and sat down, holding her hand, and caring: "Mom, how are you? Is it better? I was worried about your situation this afternoon. Are you okay?"

Seeing Xiaobai's cold and arrogant Xiaobai look like a warm man in front of others, Ye An's heart was full of satisfaction, "Don't worry! Mom just slept for a while and feels better!"

Xiaobai asked displeasedly, "What happened? When I went out in the morning, I was fine. Why did I just come back?"

As soon as Xiao Bai's voice fell, he heard Mu Beiting sternly said: "Okay, don't say anything, the past is over!"

"...!" Xiaobai looked at Mu Beiting in wonder.

Ye Anxin smiled and gently touched the little white face, "Your father is afraid that I will remember the scene I saw this morning! But... things have passed! What's more, I have a The advantage is that I have a bad memory! I forget what happened after a few hours! So, I have forgotten what I saw!"

In order to prevent Mu Beiting and Xiao Bai from worrying about them, Ye Anxin had to lie. She felt that white lies were excusable.

Although the death of the fox dog is still lingering in her mind, compared with the shock and fear of seeing that scene in the morning without mental preparation, she is really much better now!

She believes that time can dilute everything! After waiting a long time, she will gradually and completely forget.

Xiao Bai obviously didn't believe her words, raised an eyebrow and asked, "Really?"

Ye Anxin nodded affirmatively, "Of course! When did my mother fool you!"

Xiao Bai stared at Ye Anxin very seriously for a while, then nodded cautiously, and said solemnly, "Okay! I believe you!"

"...!" Ye Anxin couldn't help but draw the corners of his mouth when he heard the words.

"Go out and sit in the garden for a while to get some breath! When the food is ready, the butler will naturally call us!" As he said, Xiao Bai took Ye Anxin's hand and stood up.

Ye Anxin glanced at Mu Beiting, and Mu Beiting stood up, and the three of them walked towards the garden outside the house!

The air outside is better than at home! No matter how big the house is, the air is not very circulated, especially in the garden there are many flowers, plants and trees, and there is always a faint fragrance of green grass in the air.

Ye Anxin took Xiaobai to sit on the cradle in the garden, and let Mu Beiting push them behind!

Mu Beiting was obedient, standing behind the cradle, gently and rhythmically pushing the cradle for them.

Xiaobai happily nestled in Ye An's heart, and said with envy and jealousy: "Mom, you are still amazing! I am so old, and I have never enjoyed the treatment of my father! When I played before, my servants pushed me! Dad! At most, just sit next to him and read his company documents!"

Ye Anxin smiled and said, "After that, let your dad give you more pushes!"

Xiaobai nodded readily, "Okay! But, I'm afraid I won't tell Dad not to move! I will still ask Mom to speak!"

"No problem!" Ye Anxin smiled and squeezed Xiaobai's very warped nose.

Xiaobai didn't dislike any touch from Ye Anxin at all, even if she treated him like a child! If others treat him this way, he will be very disdainful and feel naive!

However, his mother treated himself this way, he only felt full of happiness, not the slightest dislike!

The three of them played in the garden for a while, until it was getting dark, and the housekeeper came over and called them to eat in the house. Then they entered the house and washed their hands to eat!

Ye Anxin sat on the dining table, holding the bowls and chopsticks, and was about to start. When he saw the plate of braised pork and twice-cooked pork on the dining table, he unconsciously picked up the **** corpses of the foxes, and his small faces turned white. , Tumbling in the stomach. Although she tried hard to suppress, she still couldn't help it, so she had to put down the dishes, ran to the bathroom with her mouth covered, and vomited over the bathtub.

Xiaobai and Mu Beiting looked at each other, and at the same time stood up and followed!

When they stood at the door of the bathroom, Ye Anxin was still lying on the bathtub and vomiting badly! The noodles I ate just now were all vomited out before they were digested.

"I'll let the housekeeper go to the family doctor!" Frightened by Ye Anxin's situation, Xiaobai turned to go to the housekeeper, but Mu Beiting was dragged by him.

Xiaobai looked at his father holding him, and asked anxiously, "Dad, what's the matter with Mom? It's good, why do you throw up? Why don't you let me go to the doctor?"

Mu Beiting frowned and said solemnly: "Let the butler remove all the meat dishes on the table!"

Hearing this, Xiao Bai was taken aback and looked at Mu Beiting inexplicably, "Meat Cai? Why did you want to withdraw it?"

Mu Beiting said blankly, "I don't want your mother to continue to vomit, so I withdrew them all! And told the housekeeper that so far, apart from fish, the family should not cook any meat dishes for the time being!"

Hearing that meat dishes are related to his mother's health, Xiao Bai nodded repeatedly, then turned and left.

Ye Anxin vomited on the bathtub for a long time! Until all the things in the stomach are vomited up and nothing is vomiting up, I feel a lot more comfortable!

Mu Beiting hurriedly poured her a cup of hot water and handed it to her.

"Thank you!" Ye Anxin took the hot water, blew it, and took a sip.

"Come out and rest!" Mu Beiting took her slender waist and led her to the outside sofa.

Ye Anxin was sitting on the sofa, stroking her chest with her right hand, constantly stroking! It seems that this is the only way to relieve stomach discomfort.

Looking at Mu Beiting's worried face, Ye Anxin apologized: "Uncle, I'm sorry, I worry about you and Xiaobai! You don't care about me, let's eat by yourself! I just have a rest!"

Mu Beiting firmly said: "We are not hungry, let's stay with you!"

"I thought I could do it! But... I saw... I saw...!" Thinking of the meat dishes, Ye Anxin swallowed his saliva and couldn't tell! She was afraid that she would vomit again if she continued.

Mu Beiting apologized: "It's okay! I was negligent!"

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