Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 550: : Fall again

Ye Anxin smiled and said, "I told you a long time ago, what's the matter to be clear in person, put it in my heart, it caused the two people to be jealous, but hurt the feelings! But to be honest , I am really happy to see that Mr. Huo is so kind to you and dedicated to you! From now on, don’t think about it and live with Mr. Huo! I believe that he is the only one in his heart now, and my sister is for him It's completely a thing of the past!"

Ling Yueyue nodded and said, "I know! He told me! He said he loves me alone now!"

"That's not it! Okay, I can rest assured that I know you and Mr. Huo are okay! I want to call my mother! Hang up first!" Ye Anxin was about to hang up and listened. Ling Yueyue on the other end of the phone yelled, "An Xin, wait!"

Ye Anxin asked in confusion, "Is there anything else?"

Ling Yueyue hesitated for a while, but couldn't help but said, "An Xin! I...I met my aunt on the street two days ago!"

"...!" Ye Anxin was taken aback, and said in doubt: "When you meet my mother, you meet my mother. What's all the fuss about?"

Ling Yueyue paused, her teeth bit her lower lip and continued, "The point is, I saw a man beside her aunt! The man was very considerate to her aunt, and the two behaved very intimately, as if... It's like a couple with a good relationship!"

Ye Anxin was stunned when he heard this, "Man?"

Ling Yueyue nodded and said solemnly, "Yeah! I saw my aunt across the road at the time, but my aunt didn't see me! There are too many people, and I haven't had time to see the man's appearance! But, look at his figure. And clothes, it should not be uncle!"

After listening to Ling Yueyue's words, Ye Anxin thought for a while before saying, "I know!"

Ling Yueyue originally wanted to hang up, but she couldn't help her curiosity, she still asked, "Reassure! Who is that man? Isn't it your biological father?"

Ye Anxin shook her head and said thoughtfully: "I don't know! I have something to do these days, and I haven't had time to visit my mother, nor have time to call my mother, so I don't know who that man is! I'll take a look! I think, you are right, that man should be my biological father!"

In the past few days, because of the foxes in the hospital, she almost did not fall ill. She didn't have time to see her mother, and she didn't even make a phone call! She knew that her mother was accompanied by A Qing, and she also told A Qing that her mother should call her immediately if anything happened! Since A Qing did not call, it means that her mother should be fine!

So, she really ignored her mother these days!

Ling Yueyue nodded, "All right! I also care about my aunt, and I don't want her to be deceived by a man again! I married a scum like Ye Shan in the last half of my life, and now I finally got rid of Ye Shan, but I don't want to fall into another wolf's den again. ! If you need my help, please speak up. It is my duty to deal with your auntie and you!"

"Well! I know, I'll hang up first!" After saying goodbye to Ling Yueyue, he hung up.

After hanging up the phone with Ling Yueyue, Ye Anxin didn't call Ye Mu right away. Instead, she held her phone tightly in her palm, thinking about what Yueyue had just said in her head!

That man...!

Is it really her biological father Nan Mingchuan?

Didn't Mom say it? To draw a clear line between Nan Mingchuan and Nan Mingchuan, she did not want to be the mistress of the relationship between Nan Mingchuan and Xue Rong!

But why are you with Nan Mingchuan now?

Could it be... Couldn't the mother still forget her feelings for Nan Mingchuan, so the two of them secretly met with Xue Rong behind their backs?

If this is the case, then mother is too confused!

Xue Rong can do a series of vicious things for Nan Mingchuan. If Xue Rong knows that her mother and Nan Mingchuan are not connected, she will definitely not give up! With her mother's weak personality, how could she beat Xue Rong.

And, what happened to Xiaosan and the main room, Xiaosan didn't take care of it!

The more I thought about it, the more disturbed Ye Anxin became! She was afraid that her mother would fall again and do things to hurt herself and others again!

But what should she do?

Ye Anxin sat on the cradle and thought seriously for a while, then took out her mobile phone, opened Ye's mother's phone number, hesitated for a while with her finger above the phone number, and finally clicked on the phone number.

The call went out smoothly, and after a while, the call was connected, "Hey...!"

Listening to this strange voice, Ye Anxin thought he had dialed the wrong number. He took away the phone and took a look at the phone number. After confirming that it was correct, he frowned slightly and asked hesitantly, "You...are you Aunt Qing?"

The person on the other end of the phone said, "Is it Miss Ye? I'm A Qing!"

Ye Anxin asked wonderingly, "Aunt Qing, where is my mother? Isn't this her cell phone? How could it be you answering the call?"

Qing explained: "My wife hurried out after answering a phone call, and accidentally left her mobile phone at home!"

Ye Anxin asked hurriedly, "Phone? Do you know whose call it is?"

A Qing shook his head and said, "I don't know! But it seems to be a man!"

"Man?" Ye Anxin's brows furrowed tighter upon hearing this. "Do you know how long that man has been in contact with my mother? Does my mother go out to meet with him every day?"

Qing thought about it carefully for a while, and then said, "I called after my wife moved here the next day! After that, I made several calls every day! At the beginning, my wife refused to go out! Just the beginning of these few days. Yes, I went out almost as soon as I got the call! Then I went home very late!"

Ye Anxin asked again, "Did my mother take that man home?"

Qing said truthfully, "No! I have never seen it once!"

Ye Anxin was about to hang up, but suddenly seemed to remember something, and asked: "Then, do you think my mother has changed in the past few days? For example, I love dressing up? My face is refreshed? The whole person feels radiant, completely It's like a different person!"

A Qing asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

Hearing this, Ye Anxin’s heart instantly cooled down a lot, “Okay, I know! Aunt Qing, I’m sorry, please watch my mother’s situation more these days, and report to me at any time. Situation! Also, don’t let my mother know that I called her today, and don’t let her know, you told me this! After hanging up the phone later, please find out and call my mother Send me the man’s cell phone number, and delete the call and text messages on my mom’s phone!"

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