Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 556: : It's his fault

This time, her mother must be very sad, otherwise she would not cry so much!

Suddenly, Ye Anxin regretted her actions a bit!

If she could open one eye and close one eye and let her mother and Nan Mingchuan continue, would her mother be very happy!

This thought just came to mind, and she immediately shook it off!

No... it is wrong to continue like this! The longer the time, the deeper the mother will sink. What if there is nothing to extricate herself from then?

Although it is sad now, it is only temporary. After a while, this wound will slowly heal!

"Mom, don't be sad! Actually... after all, after the capital, Dad shouldn't come to provoke you again! Since he can't give you happiness and give you status, then he shouldn't come to provoke you again! Doesn't he know? , Did he hurt you two women at the same time by doing this? He is too selfish, and he is too selfish to be afraid to bear the reputation of abandoning the wretched wife, and to keep you around! Such a man is not worthy of you. He is sad!" Although he is very reluctant to say this to his biological father! But Ye Anxin felt that he was right!

If it weren't for Nan Mingchuan to provoke her again, her mother would not be so sad!

In fact, after returning from the capital, my mother has always been fine and life is very peaceful! It was him, he insisted to disturb her mother's peaceful life!

If he did not come, her mother would not be so sad!

Thinking of this, Ye Anxin couldn't like this biological father either! It's just because of his blood that I have to admit that he is his father!

Hearing Ye Anxin scolding Nan Mingchuan, Ye mother hurriedly let go of her and hurriedly explained for Nan Mingchuan, "It's not... it's none of his business, it's me! If it weren't for me to give her time, he wouldn't have a chance. In the final analysis, I am not persistent enough! If I have a firm attitude, he will have no chance! So, don’t blame him! In the final analysis, he is also your father! For the past 26 years, he has been looking for us, he has not It's not unreasonable, don't want us!"

Ye Anxin sighed and said helplessly: "Mom, you will always be so kind and only think for others! Forget it! I'll take you home! Let Aunt Qing prepare something for you. You didn't eat anything just now. , Your health is not good and you are hungry, what if your body is hungry?"

"Okay!" Ye Mu nodded. Although she has no appetite at all, she is indeed tired now and wants to go home and rest.

She can't guarantee that if Nan Mingchuan chases it out now, she will be softhearted again! She has no confidence in herself!

Seeing his mother's evasive mind, Ye Anxin comforted: "Mom, don't worry, I won't let him come to you again! As long as you stick to your position and don't take the initiative to find him, then you will be fine!"

Ye Mu nodded and said firmly: "I know! I will stand firm and will not waver!"

"Let's go! Let's go home!" Ye Anxin smiled at ease, helped Ye Mu stand up, and walked slowly toward the two-bedroom apartment!

Because the farm restaurant where they ate was under the building where Ye Mu lived, the two of them got home after a while.

A Qing, who was cleaning at home, hurriedly greeted him when he heard the sound of the key opening the door. When he saw the tears on Ye Mu's face, he was slightly taken aback, and asked concerned, "Madam, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Anxin smiled and said warmly: "Aunt Qing, it's okay, don't worry! My mother didn't have lunch just now, please go and order noodles for her!"

"Okay! I'm going now!" A Qing nodded and hurriedly washed his hands and went to the kitchen.

"Mom, let's rest on the sofa!" Ye Anxin closed the door and helped Ye Mu to sit down on the sofa.

Mother Ye sat down on the sofa and held Ye Anxin's hand nervously, "Anxin, do I want to change my mobile phone number! I am afraid, afraid that he will call me again!"

Ye Anxin smiled and patted Ye mother's hand, "Mom, you never told your dad your mobile phone number, how can he contact you? If he is interested, no matter how many times you change the phone number, he can find me! Knowing that you are soft-hearted, I'm afraid that he can't stand the offensive of his rhetoric! But as long as you are determined not to go out to see him, it doesn't matter! Don't worry, I will tell the uncle and let the uncle find a way!"

"Well! Don't worry, I will stand firm!" Ye Mu nodded, saying to Ye Anxin. In fact, she was reminding herself as if to keep calm, don't go to Nanmingchuan again, don't Do something to hurt Xue Rong again!

"Wash your face after eating the noodles later, and then lie down on the bed to have a good rest!" Ye Anxin still smiled gently!

She knows that even if her mother is not sleepy, she needs to be alone! At this time, my mother definitely does not want anyone to quarrel her!

"Yeah!" Ye Mu nodded, and unconsciously lowered her head again without saying a word.

Ye Anxin sighed in her heart and kept quietly sitting next to Ye Mu to accompany her! It wasn't until A Qing brought out the prepared noodles that Ye Anxin took the initiative to reach out and received it, and then handed it to Ye Mu, "Mom, eat some noodles first! Even if you don't have an appetite, you can eat it better, otherwise you can't hold it. of!"

"Okay!" Ye Mu nodded, took the noodles that Ye Anxin handed over, and ate slowly.

Although she had no appetite, in order not to worry Ye Anxin, Ye Mu still resisted eating a bowl of noodles!

After eating, Ye Anxin accompanied Ye Mu to the bathroom to wash her face. Then she sent Ye Mu back to the room and watched Ye Mu lie down on the bed. Then she left with confidence and gently closed the door.

After closing the door, Ye Anxin did not leave immediately. Instead, she stood outside the door and listened for a while. Seeing that there was nothing strange inside, she turned and left.

A Qing has been standing in the middle of the living room hesitatingly, and when Ye Anxin walked around, he stammered and asked, "Madam, is she okay? What's wrong with her? She doesn't seem to be in a good mood?"

Ye Anxin whispered: "Aunt Qing, please look at my mother more these days, she is indeed a little uncomfortable these days! If she has any unusual conditions, please call me!"

A Qing nodded hurriedly when he heard the words, "Okay, I know! I will look after my wife, please rest assured, Madam!"

Ye Anxin smiled and said gratefully: "Then I will go first! I will trouble you in the future!"

Seeing Ye Anxin's politeness, A Qing blushed rather embarrassedly, "It's okay, it should be! As long as the wife doesn't dislike me for doing badly!"

"How come! I'll go now!" Ye Anxin exchanged greetings with A Qing again. Before leaving, he couldn't help but glanced at Ye Mu's closed door before turning to leave.

On the way home, Ye An was very disturbed! I kept thinking about the sad look of my mother in my head!

It was night when she returned home, and Mu Beiting and Xiao Bai were sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for her.

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