Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 802: :what's the situation?

The place where she just made the modeling is the center of the city! She thought she would reach her destination soon! However, now she has not only left the center of the city, but has arrived in a strange environment to her! In addition, it was already dark, there was no light around, and there was endless darkness out of the car window, and she could see nothing!

After marrying Mu Beiting for so long, she has accompanied him to several dinner parties! The venue of the dinner is either in the hotel or in the villa!

How could it be located in such a remote place today?

Pete explained: "Forgot to tell Madam, today’s dinner is on the yacht! So, I will take Madam on the yacht now!"

"On the yacht?" Ye Anxin was taken aback, but never thought that today's dinner party would be set on the water!

However, she hasn't attended the dinner on the water yet! It's definitely more interesting than being in a villa.

The driver continued to drive forward and drove for a long, long time. At this time, Ye Anxin's stomach was already groaning hungry!

Just when Ye Anxin was about to ask how long it would take, the commercial vehicle finally stopped!

Pete got out of the car first, and then the gentleman opened the door for Mu Ye with peace of mind.

As soon as I got off the car, I saw an endless river! There is a yacht parked on the dark riverside, and the entire yacht is shining with a soft and warm light! Illuminate the surrounding river a lot!

She didn't know much about yachts, and she had only seen it occasionally on TV before! This should be regarded as the first yacht she really saw! Even if she doesn't know anything about yachts, she knows that this yacht is very big, really big. There are three floors in total. The lights are on outside each floor. It is a luxurious and big one!

The entire yacht was sprayed with white paint, and there seemed to be words written on the side of the yacht. Because of the angle, Ye Anxin couldn't see what words were written!

At this moment, a cool breeze came over! The cold Ye Anxin couldn't help shivering.

It is spring and the temperature is warming up, no matter whether it is day or night, you can no longer feel the coolness! However, since Ye Anxin is standing by the river now, the wind blowing from the river has a bit of chill!

Seeing Ye Anxin staring at the yacht in a daze, Pete walked over and said with a smile, "Madam, the president is already waiting for you on it, let me send you up!"

"Okay!" Ye Anxin nodded and followed Pete to the front!

Because it was on the beach and she was wearing high heels, the heel of her shoes sank into the beach just two steps.

"Oh...!" Ye Anxin whispered, his ankle licked, and his whole body fell toward the beach.

Seeing that her petite body was about to fall to the ground, the look she had spent a few hours on was about to be destroyed! Fortunately, at the very moment of his death, Pete turned around, holding her arm wisely, and steadying her body.

Pete was busy and concerned about the text, "Madam, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Ye Anxin paled and shook his head!

"Madam, I'm sorry, I was negligent! Come, I will help you!" As he said, he held Ye Anxin's arm and took her cautiously towards the yacht step by step.

Ye Anxin clenched her teeth and walked hard step by step towards the yacht.

Every step she took, she felt a tearing pain in her ankle! However, in order not to worry Pete, she had to hold back for a while and waited for the dinner tonight before going home to apply the medicine.

With Pete's support, Ye Anxin finally got on the yacht!

Walking on the splint of the yacht, the careful Pete quickly noticed Ye Anxin's strangeness, and hurriedly asked, "Madam, what's the matter with you? Did you just sprained?"

Ye Anxin hurriedly shook his head and explained, "I'm fine! It's just uncomfortable walking on the yacht in such high shoes!"

"Really okay? Or should I show it to you?" Pete lowered his head in disbelief and looked at Ye Anxin's ankle!

Ye An hid his foot behind the other foot with a guilty conscience, and said with a smile, "Really no need! The dinner is about to start, we can't be late, otherwise we will be ashamed of the uncle!"

Seeing Ye Anxin's subtle movements, Pete was sure that the sprain just now made Madam's ankle really sprained!

But the wife was right just now. Tonight is a special day. The president is already waiting in the yacht. Even if the wife is injured now, he can't take her away!

And, since she can walk, it proves that the wife should not be hurt badly. Later, she will tell the president and let her apply ice to the wife and it should be fine!

Thinking about this, Pete didn't ask anything, and helped Ye Anxin walk into the yacht!

As he walked inside, Ye Anxin became more puzzled, "Brother Pete, isn't there a dinner tonight? Why is it so quiet, as if there is no one inside?"

Pete explained with a smile, "This yacht is so big that everyone hasn't gotten out of it! When the lady opens the door, you can see people!"

"Oh!" Ye Anxin didn't understand anything, she could only believe whatever Pete said.

After walking for a while, Pete finally stopped in front of a door with Ye Anxin.

Pete didn't push the door, but said to Ye An, "Madam, I will send you here. When I leave, you can go in alone! Don't worry, the president is inside, you go in. He will take you later!"

Ye Anxin smiled sweetly at Pete, "Okay, I get it! Please trouble Pete!"

"No thanks, this is what I should do!" As he said, let go of Ye Anxin's arm, waved to her, turned and left.

After Pete left, Ye Anxin reached out and opened the door in front.

When the door opened, Ye Anxin was dumbfounded!

What about the dinner party? What about the good people? It was empty inside, there was no one at all!

She thought that as soon as the door was opened, there must be a crowd of people inside! However, apart from a long dining table, there is a candlestick on the table, the candlestick is burning with candles, and a bunch of blue enchantresses are placed next to it, there is no one at all! Even Mu Beiting didn't see it!

What exactly is going on? Did she go in the wrong place, or did Pete take the wrong place?

Driven by curiosity, Ye Anxin walked inside step by step! When she walked to the dining table, the door that had just opened suddenly closed with a bang!

Ye Anxin turned her head suddenly, before he could see clearly, the light in the room suddenly went out! Only the candle on the long dining table was still burning, lighting up the entire space in a dim yellow!

At the moment the light was turned off, Ye Anxin only felt that his heart sank suddenly! Just when she was afraid to take out her mobile phone to make a call, there was a sudden burst of music in the empty room!

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