Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 804: : Uncle's mind

I didn't expect that Mu Beiting would take every word of his own in his heart, and Ye Anxin's eyes were red again!

"Try it, how does it taste?" Mu Beiting handed the bowl of longevity noodles to Ye Anxin.

Ye Anxin took the longevity noodles that Mu Beiting handed over, sucked his nose, forced the tears in his eyes back, then lowered his head, carefully savoring the taste of the longevity noodles!

This noodle is delicious, not only the taste is good, but more importantly, it is chewy. It doesn't look like other noodles in your mouth, it melts when you eat it! This one by one is not like the noodles you bought, but more like making them by yourself with flour and water!

Ye Anxin ate it and asked tentatively, "Uncle, this noodle is so delicious! Didn't you make it yourself?"

She always felt that this longevity noodle was not made by other chefs! Because when she is eating noodles, she can not only taste the taste of longevity noodles, but also appreciate the feelings inside! This mind is more important than the taste!

Mu Beiting pursed his lips and said softly, "As long as you like it!"

Although Mu Beiting did not directly answer Ye Anxin's question, it made Ye Anxin more certain that this longevity noodle was made by Mu Beiting himself!

You know, this kind of longevity noodles is much more complicated than other noodles!

After the rest of the longevity noodles, you need to go to the supermarket to buy the noodles, and then boil the water. After the water is boiled, put the purchased noodles in the pot. After the noodles are cooked, add appropriate salt and chicken essence! Sprinkle some green onion at the end!

In this way, a bowl of longevity noodles is ready! The whole process is very simple!

However, this bowl of longevity noodles made by Mu Beiting is completely different from just now! This bowl of longevity noodles made by Mu Beiting must go to the supermarket to buy flour, and then pour the flour into a bowl, add an appropriate amount of water, and mix the water and flour. Then use a rolling pin to flatten the mixed dough, and then use a knife. Cut into strips!

After the noodles are made, boil the water, and then cook the noodles according to the previous procedure!

The whole process seems simple, but it takes a lot of time! In addition, the amount of noodles and water must be just right, no more or less, too much water, the noodles will not be chewy, too little water, the noodles will be too hard!

And Mu Beiting's bowl of noodles has a moderate taste, which is enough to prove that he has put a lot of effort into making noodles! This skill is definitely not something that can be learned overnight!

Thinking of Mu Beiting's inexplicable late return recently, Ye An suddenly had a bold idea in his heart!

Could it be that the uncle came back so late this time, not because of official business, but to celebrate her birthday, so he went to learn to make longevity noodles?

If the uncle is really busy, why doesn't Pete follow him every time he goes out to socialize!

The more I thought about it, the more Ye Anxin felt that this was extremely possible! The tears forced back to his stomach blurred his vision again, Ye Anxin raised his head, looking at Mu Beiting with red eyes, and asked in a choked voice, "Uncle, you have come back so late every night recently. You are going to learn how to make longevity noodles. Yet?"

Mu Beiting nodded and answered truthfully, "Well! Making longevity noodles looks very simple, but unexpectedly it is very complicated! The noodles and water must be moderate, no matter which one is more or less, the texture of the noodles is much worse! When I was a kid, I didn’t think it was so complicated when I cooked for myself!"

Seeing Mu Beiting's generous confession, and remembering the steak with a special taste just now, Ye Anxin said again, "The steak I just ate was made by the uncle himself?"

Mu Beiting nodded, and responded softly, "Hmm!"

Ye Anxin couldn't help asking, "How did you make such a delicious steak?"

Mu Beiting did not answer Ye Anxin's words, but blinked at her, pretending to be mysterious: "Don't ask so much, as long as you like it! If you like it, I will make it for you every day!"

"I hate it!" Ye Anxin gave him a white look, blushing, and said embarrassedly: "Before, I thought about giving the uncle a romantic and unforgettable birthday! But, I didn't expect... I didn't expect this birthday party to let me. Even more unforgettable! Uncle, thank you, thank you for making me spend such an unforgettable night! And... and this gift... I love it!" As he said, fingers touched the diamond necklace on the neck unconsciously .

Because of the long-term contact with the skin, the necklace has been stained with her temperature and it has become warmer!

Before that, she didn't understand why there was no necklace in the evening dress that the store prepared for her! The whole dress is flawless, except that the neck is smooth!

Unexpectedly, it turned out that Mu Beiting had already prepared a post-action!

Seeing Ye Anxin liked it so much, Mu Beiting raised his lips contentedly, "Just like it!"

Ye Anxin said sweetly: "As long as it is something the uncle gave, no matter what it is, I like it!"

Mu Beiting's eyes lighted softly and urged: "Hurry up and eat the noodles! If you don't eat it, it will be cold!"

"Yeah!" Ye Anxin nodded, and cleaned up the longevity noodles in the bowl!

After I finished eating, I didn't feel enough, so I made a bowl of it myself! It was not until the two bowls of noodles were eaten that I barely put down the tableware in my hand! If it weren't for the stomach that couldn't hold on any longer, she really wanted to eat that big bowl of noodles clean!

"Uncle, you eat too! After eating the longevity noodles, we will live forever!" As he said, he stood up hurriedly, filled Mu Beiting with a bowl of noodles and handed it to him.

Mu Beiting put down the half-eaten steak, and ate a bowl of longevity noodles served by Ye Anxin!

"There are red eggs! You must eat red eggs for your birthday, so everything will go smoothly in the coming year!" Ye Anxin said, picking up the red eggs in the bowl, peeling the red eggs, and passing them to Mu Beiting's mouth.

After Mu Beiting took a bite, Ye Anxin put the rest of Mu Beiting's food to his mouth and ate with joy.

"It's delicious, it's delicious! Uncle makes delicious! I have been married to uncle for seven years, and this is the first time I have tasted uncle's craftsmanship! Unexpectedly, it is more delicious than mine!" Ye Anxin While eating, he desperately praised Bei Ting and put a high hat on him.

Mu Beiting smiled and said, "If you like it, I will often make it for you in the future!"

Hearing that, Ye Anxin refused without thinking, “No! Longevity noodles and red eggs are only available on birthdays. Usually, they don’t have the flavor! However, steak is fine! I want to eat it in the future. Make me steak!"

Mu Beiting readily agreed, "Yes!"

"Uncle is so nice!" Ye Anxin squinted his eyes and smiled sweetly! While eating red eggs, my head unconsciously remembered the scene of Mu Beiting and a woman standing outside a jewelry store at that noon a few days ago!

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