Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 813: : I am not a puppy

Her son has really grown up and is sensible! She never told him about his birthday, but he still remembered it, and he could prepare gifts for her!

"I'm hungry, I'm going to eat!" Xiaobai didn't dare to look at Ye Anxin, walked awkwardly towards the bathroom, and sat down at the dining table after washing his hands.

"I'll go too!" Ye Anxin was about to stand up and follow along with her in her arms.

As a result, as soon as he stood up, he was pressed by Mu Beiting to sit on the sofa, and his legs were also placed flat on the sofa by Mu Beiting.

Mu Beiting frowned and said: "You just sit here, I will bring it for you!"

After hearing Mu Beiting's words, Ye Anxin realized the strangeness, and walked over from the dining table, and glanced at Ye Anxin from start to finish, finally fixed his gaze on Ye Anxin's gauze ankle, frowning and asking concerned. , "Mom, what happened to your feet?"

Ye Anxin smiled and said disapprovingly: "It's okay, it's just a sprain! I have seen the doctor today and applied the medicine! It will be all right in a few days!"

Hearing that, Xiaobai's brows not only did not loosen, but frowned more tightly, "Mom, it's not that I said you, you are such a big person, don't you know to take care of yourself? Only one night, you just put your feet Twisted! Are you deliberately not letting my father and I worry about it?"

After being trained by Xiaobai, Ye Anxin didn't know he was not angry, but smiled happily and rubbed Xiaobai's eyebrows, "Hey, Mu Shaobai, you are only six years old this year! Don't frown all day," Like a little old man! Look at you like this, you look exactly like your father!"

Xiaobai's mouth squashed, and disdainfully retorted: "If you take care of yourself and don't let my father and me worry about it, I won't be like an old man all day long!"

"...!" Ye Anxin pursed his lips and lowered his head. Although he dared not refute Xiao Bai blatantly, he still couldn't help muttering, "I'm so uncomfortable!"

Seeing her mother's expression of anger but not speaking, Xiao Bai sighed helplessly, sighed and shook his head instead of sighing.

Seeing that his wife could not hold her head up because of his son's training, Mu Beiting couldn't bear to say: "Your mother is not to blame for this incident, it is my negligence! In the situation yesterday, I should tell her not to wear high heels!"

Seeing Mu Beiting relieved himself, Ye Anxin immediately raised his head and looked at Mu Beiting admiringly.

Seeing her father being so kidding to her mother, Xiao Bai put her hands on her hips and said dissatisfied: "Dad, you can pet your wife, but there must be a limit! If you blindly pet her, you will make her even less able to take care of yourself. Worrying!"


"...!" Mu Beiting and Ye Anxin were speechless at the same time, they looked at Xiaobai like this.

After a while, Ye Anxin still reacted first, touched Xiaobai's head, and said with a smile, "Okay, I know I'm not good, don't worry, Xiaobai, don't be angry, okay? Dad? I love my mother too, don't blame him!"

"Huh! As soon as the couple sang and got together, they knew how to show their affection!" Xiao Bai's squat mouth looked at them contemptuously, then looked at Ye Anxin's bandaged ankle, and asked uncertainly, "Are your feet really okay? Don't you lie to me!"

Ye Anxin squinted his eyes and said with a smile, "Oh! It's okay! There is no fracture. The doctor said it was a soft tissue injury! After applying the medicine, I was also taking medicine to relax the muscles and blood, so it's fine! It will be fine in a few days. Up!"

Xiaobai nodded and said solemnly: "Well! That's fine! Then you will stay at home obediently these few days and don't go anywhere. If you run around again, I will let my father buy an iron chain. Tie you at home!"

Hearing this, Ye Anxin had a black line on her face, and whispered: "I'm not a puppy, am I on a leash?"

Xiao Bai raised her eyebrows, her pretty eyes narrowed slightly, "What did you say?"

Seeing Xiaobai's guilty conscience, Ye Anxin didn't dare to say anything. He smiled and hurriedly said, "It's nothing, it's nothing! Let's go eat with Dad! I'll just sit here and eat!"

"Yeah!" Xiaobai nodded, and said to Mu Beiting: "Dad, let's go eat!"

Mu Beiting looked at Ye Anxin and walked to the dining room with Xiaobai! Xiao Bai sat down where he usually sits while Mu Beiting personally went into the kitchen, served Ye Anxin a meal, and put Ye Anxin’s favorite dishes in a bowl and put it on the coffee table in front of the sofa. OK, "Give the babysitter on the first day of the middle school, you eat first!"

"Oh!" Ye Anxin responded and handed it to the nanny on the first day of the new year.

As soon as the babysitter reached out and hugged him, Xiao Chuyi seemed to notice the change, and immediately burst into tears with his mouth wide open.

Seeing that he had finally coaxed him into tears, Ye Anxin hurriedly reached out to the nanny! The nanny returned to Ye Anxin's hand again.

"Good year in the first year! Mom is holding you! Don't cry, don't cry!" Ye Anxin looked at the child in his arms distressedly, while coaxing, he reached out to wipe the tears off her face!

After being so coaxed by Ye Anxin, the first one in the junior high school finally stopped crying! It's just that the small body twitched and blinked and looked at Ye Anxin pitifully with teary eyes, that little appearance is as pitiful as it is.

"Poor little thing, I'm sorry for your mother, and you didn't see me all day and night. Are you worried about your mother and missed your mother!" I thought it was because I didn't hug you all night and today. Only after her, she was so tired of her!

In the past, when she was at home every day, the nanny wouldn't cry or make trouble when she hugged her. It was good! Only today is the only time she was tired of her after being born so long, and she was not touched by the nanny.

"I hold her, you eat first!" Mu Beiting stretched out his hand towards Ye Anxin.

Ye Anxin shook his head and refused, "No, you go eat first! I'm not very hungry yet!"

Mu Beiting stubbornly said: "You eat first, you eat faster!"

Thinking that she used to hug Mu Beiting in the first day of the junior high school, she would not cry if she hugged Mu Beiting, Ye Anxin handed the first day of the junior high school to Mu Beiting's arms.

Sure enough, when Mu Beiting hugged Xiaochuyi Empress, Xiaochuyi really did not cry, and squinted at him and smiled sweetly.

Looking at the father and daughter behind the feelings, Ye Anxin shook his head helplessly, picked up the bowls and chopsticks placed on the coffee table, and ate them gorgingly.

In fact, Mu Beiting was right, Ye Anxin did eat a lot faster than Mu Beiting!

Ye Anxin eats horribly, while Mu Beiting eats slowly and slowly! Ye Anxin finished the same bowl of rice in a few minutes, but Mu Beiting was twice as slow as her!

So, in a short while, Ye Anxin was full and took Xiao Chuyi back to his arms and let Mu Beiting go to eat!

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