Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 815: :Show affection

Seeing Ling Yueyue dumbfounded and not speaking, Ye Anxin couldn't help but stretched out her hand and shook it in front of her, "Yueyue, what's wrong with you?"

It took a long time for Ling Yueyue to react, and said excitedly: "Rely... I can't tell! Your uncle is so boring! It's a necklace and a yacht, and he even set off fireworks for you! It's really numb! Listen! My goose bumps are all coming out!" He shuddered deliberately as he said, and touched his arm.

Ye Anxin pouted and said dissatisfied: "What! This is romantic, alright!"

"Yeah! This is romance, not numbness!" Ling Yueyue glared at Ye Anxin, and stared closely: "Look at your unpromising appearance. You started protecting your calf so soon? I just said he was numb, and again I didn't say anything bad, so anxious to defend him!"

"...!" Being mocked by Ling Yueyue for a while, Ye Anxin's cheeks were red from the root of her ears to her neck in an instant.

"Oh... I'm still worrying about you! I'm wise to run to him, hoping that he will give you a romantic birthday! He even had people coax me out at the time! It made me angry, for a few days Can't eat! Unexpectedly, he had already planned!" Ling Yueyue deliberately magnified the matter!

In fact, after leaving the Mu Family Group that day, although she was very angry, under Huo Yunmo's gentle attack, she quickly threw the matter out of the sky!

Therefore, it is not that she can't eat without what she just said!

When she said this, she was only telling Ye Anxin on purpose.

Ye Anxin blinked her big Shui Yingying eyes blankly, and asked wonderingly, "Have you been to the uncle? When did it happen? Why don't I know?"

"I won't tell you, your uncle deliberately concealed you again, of course you don't know!" Ling Yueyue gave her a white look and continued, "It was the day that I bought your birthday present in advance that day! I just sent you home directly. Went to the Mu Family Group! Before, you and Mu Beiting have been in an unstable relationship. It’s normal not to have a birthday! But now your relationship is so good! I want him to give you a surprise and let him spend your birthday with you! Me and him Say, let me think of a plan, and let her follow my plan to celebrate your birthday! I didn't expect that guy, at the time, looked irrelevant and refused to agree! I was really boring and half dead! I thought that all his goodness to you was fake! Unexpectedly, he had a plan in his heart! What a boring man!"

Ye Anxin's eyes widened in disbelief, "You mean, you went to the uncle before my birthday?"

Ling Yueyue sighed, pretending to be helpless: "Yes! For you, a good sister, I'm so heartbroken! However, I didn't expect Mu Beiting to be much more romantic than I thought! Actually let it go! Fireworks, what a happy birthday wife! It's really nasty!"

Hearing that, Ye Anxin couldn't help but smile a sweet smile, "Yeah! I didn't expect that uncle would learn to cook longevity noodles for me! And steak! Come home late in the night before my birthday. It's not to socialize, but to learn how to make noodles! I am so touched when I think of the way my uncle was kneading dough in the kitchen in an apron!" With that, Ye Anxin couldn't help but imagine the scene in her head!

In the past, no matter how much Mu Rufeng paid for her, no matter how good she was, on her birthday, he would just send a large bouquet of roses and then take her out for a meal! She couldn't feel the slightest birthday atmosphere at all! If it weren't for Mu Rufeng's happy birthday, she would just think it was an ordinary date! Because she looks like this every time she goes out on a date with Mu Rufeng!

So, in the final analysis, whether a man treats you well, really depends on that heart! If he has a heart for you, he will try to coax you and please you! However, this kind of discussion is not ordinary flowers, candlelight dinner, but ingenious discussion!

And the uncle is that kind! Usually he always looks cold and indifferent, as if he doesn't care about anything! In fact, as long as he really loves you, he will treat you with his heart!

Looking at Ye Anxin's peach-hearted eyes and the obsessive aftertaste eyes, Ling Yueyue couldn't help but roll her eyes, stretched out her hand, and pinched her face forcefully.

"Hi...!" Ling Yueyue's sudden attack made Ye Anxin suddenly regained consciousness, and couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath.

"Ye Anxin, did you find me to chat with you to resolve boredom, or did you deliberately stimulate me and show affection in front of me? If it is the former, I am happy to stay with you, if it is the latter, then I am sorry, I Don't accompany me!" He said, standing up and leaving.

Seeing that she was leaving, Ye Anxin took her arm in a hurry, squinted her eyes and smiled sweetly, "Oh, it was not intentional! This topic is not caused by you! People are really just boring, I want to talk to someone. !"

"Huh...!" Ling Yueyue snorted coldly, raising her chin high, looking unmoved.

"Okay, my good Yueyue, I won't do it for the uncle anymore!" As he said, afraid that Ling Yueyue would not believe it, she hurriedly raised her right hand to swear, "I swear, I will never mention the uncle, let's just causal talk!"

Upon seeing this, Ling Yueyue nodded in satisfaction and sat down on the sofa again.

Ye Anxin held Ling Yueyue's arm affectionately, and asked with a smile, "Yueyue, do you know anything fun? It doesn't matter if you go abroad in China! I want to wait for my feet and go out with Xiaobai and the first day Have fun! It's too boring to stay in Jincheng every day!"

"There are so many fun places! I think Jeju Island in South Korea is pretty good, and...!" Ling Yueyue became excited when she talked about where to go, and she started talking in a rush.

After coming down all morning, the two chatted very happily, Ling Yueyue also stayed here for lunch!

Because Ye An was inconvenient, he did not sit at the table to eat, so the housekeeper brought it to the coffee table to eat! Ling Yueyue also sat with Ye Anxin on the sofa to have lunch together!

After eating lunch, Xiaochuyi also woke up! Ling Yueyue hugged Xiaochuyi and played for a while, and when it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon, she said goodbye to Ye Anxin and left.


The so-called injury for a hundred days! Ye Anxin's feet were treated at home for a full month before they were completely healed. There was no swelling, no pain, and there was no problem jumping around. Only then did Mu Beiting and Xiaobai agree to let her go to the ground!

In the month of foot injury, Ye An was bored at home for more than a month!

After the foot injury healed, I couldn't wait to go shopping with Mu Beiting and Xiaobai and Xiaochuyi!

Every time I go out on the first day of the junior high school, I look around excitedly, and I don’t need to sleep all day!

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