Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 844: : Under the stairs

As a result, they were good, no one really took care of themselves, let alone coaxed themselves!

It's alright now, I'm so hungry, I'm sitting in the living room, and I can even smell the food coming from the dining room!

Thinking of the fragrant food, Ling Yueyue couldn't help swallowing her saliva again!

Obviously it's already greedy, but the sweetness sitting at the table does not seem to feel the pain of her mother at all. While eating, she still does not forget to praise: "Wow, it is so rich! It tastes so good! Aunt Mu, your chef Cooking is so delicious, can I eat it often in the future?"

This is Tiantian’s first time to eat here. As far as snacks are concerned, as long as they are delicious, they can’t resist! So, if you want to buy snacks, you only need to give her delicious food!

However, Tian Tian didn't know, she almost angered Ling Yueyue sitting on the sofa in the living room when she said this. And kept scolding the little white-eyed wolf in my heart!

Ruan Zhitong nodded and agreed without hesitation, "Yes! If you want, you can come and eat every day in the future!"

"It's great! I want to eat that!" Tiantian jumped up from the chair happily, and pointed to a dish farther away from her and asked the people around her to pick it up. It looked like it was not polite.

"I'll pick it for you!" Ruan Zhitong smiled and narrowed his eyes, stretched out his chopsticks and pinched some of the food she was pointing to into her bowl.

"Thank you Aunt Mu!" Tiantian smiled and thanked her, and then ate her head sullenly.

Looking at the happy look they were eating, no one seemed to find her sitting here! Even his daughter doesn't care that she is still hungry.

You know, in order to welcome a good girlfriend to leave the hospital, she just ate some porridge this morning, and then rushed over! After busy working all morning, it was grapefruit leaves and skyrocketing, she was already hungry! Although I ate some fruit just now, I am not full! So, she is really hungry now, and her stomach is very rude and began to grumble in protest.

Everyone didn't pay much attention to her, as if she had completely forgotten her character!

And Tiantian and Ruan Zhitong didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. They even made noises when they were eating! Listening to the sound of their eating and smelling the food, she unconsciously licked her lips! When she was wondering whether to rush to eat directly, Ye Mu's voice came from the restaurant, "Yueyue, come over and eat some! People are iron rice or steel, so how can you not eat! What's more, Xiao Bai It's just a child, why bother with a child and spread it out to make others laugh!"

"...!" Seeing Ye Mu finally spoke, Ling Yueyue's moved tears filled her eyes.

Thinking she was still angry, Mother Ye continued, "Hurry up and eat! From the morning until now, I should be hungry! If you can't come, they will finish the meal!"

"...!" Ling Yueyue sat again and continued to struggle for a while, and then stood up, pretending to be reluctant, walked to the table and sat down, bulging her cheeks, desperately saying: "I'm giving auntie face, no I care about you! Huh...!" As he said, he picked up the chopsticks and started to eat.

At the beginning, you can pretend to be reluctant! However, when the two bites of food were eaten, the appetites instantly opened up, and they forgot the face that was about to die just now, and ate them hungrily.

Ling Yueyue and Ye Anxin are the best best friends. The postures and appearances of the two eating meals are exactly the same. They both seem to have been released from a starvation prison, with their heads buried, and they desperately pulling rice into their mouths, without any food.

Seeing her like this, a trace of imperceptible contempt flashed deep in Ruan Zhitong's eyes!

As a well-educated girl from a young age, she has always been sitting and eating, eating and eating, and she has always been silent for food! When I see people who have bad eating habits, I feel disgusted and feel that their quality is low!

She never thought that one day she would become the kind of person she hates most! Pretend to eat like a wolf every day!

Although she looked down on Ye Anxin and Ling Yueyue in her heart, Ruan Zhitong didn't show it on her face at all, and she still smiled innocently!

After lunch, Ling Yueyue and Ye Mu Ye Shan stayed at home for a while, then left together, letting Ruan Zhitong rest earlier.

At the end of the day, Ruan Zhitong hasn't stopped since she was busy being discharged from the hospital in the morning. After everyone was gone, she lay on the bed tired and didn't want to move.

Mu Beiting sat down beside her and asked softly, "Is he tired?"

Ye Anxin nodded and said with a smile, "Yeah! It's been a long time since my house has been so lively. Although I am tired, I am happy!"

Mu Beiting touched her head, and said concerned: "If you are tired, take a break! I will call you when I have dinner tonight!"

"Yeah!" Ruan Zhitong nodded, took Mu Beiting's arm, and groaned: "Then what about you? Don't you sleep with me?"

Mu Beiting shook his head, "No! Pete will bring some official duties from the company to deal with me later! I have been with you in the hospital these days, and a lot of things have accumulated in the company! In the next few days, I will almost be busy!"

Hearing that, even though Ruan Zhitong was unhappy, he still did not say anything generously. Instead, he said distressed: "You have been taking care of me in the hospital these days, and I haven't got much rest! No matter how many things the company does, I can't be busy. Too much! Otherwise the body will be overwhelmed!"

"I know! I'm out, take a break!" Mu Beiting nodded, stood up and was about to leave, suddenly there was a baby's cry outside the door.

Hearing this cry, Ruan Zhitong sat up from the bed and looked at Mu Beiting! Before the two had time to say anything, they heard a knock on the door, followed by the voice of the nanny, "Mr., madam, the lady has been arguing as soon as she woke up, and she didn't even drink milk when she was fed! Mrs. and Mrs.!"

As soon as the babysitter's voice fell, Mu Beiting walked to the door and opened the door.

Sure enough, Xiaochuyi was held in her arms by the nanny, and a cry that was higher than a cry kept coming out of her little mouth! There were tears all over his face.

Mu Beiting took the first day of the junior high school in distress, and said blankly: "Give me the young lady, and you can bring the Niuna for the young lady!"

"Yes!" The babysitter nodded, turned and left.

This time is different from before. Xiaochu didn't stop crying when he arrived in Mu Beiting's arms. Instead, the more he cried, the more sad he became. No matter how Mu Beiting hugged him, he couldn't coax him well!

Ruan Zhitong walked over and saw that Xiaochu's little face turned purple and blue from crying, and she asked distressedly, "Husband, what's wrong with her in the first grade? Why are you crying so hard while holding her?"

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