Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 847: : Don't kiss mom?

But, this is his mother after all! He didn't want his mother to be sad after hearing this!

He thought that this strange feeling should be temporary, and it should be good after a while!

"I know!" Mu Beiting touched his head, and only then turned and left after vowing to guarantee.

Seeing Mu Beiting's back, Xiao Bai suddenly felt a little dazed! I don't know why, how does he feel that Dad is worried! What is dad thinking? He used to think he knew his father well, but now he feels more and more unpredictable?

Xiaobai scratched his hair, although he was puzzled, he didn't think much! Continue to lower his head to play with the little junior in his arms!

Not long after Mu Beiting returned to the study, Pete came over with a large stack of folders!

Two people stay in the study for an afternoon! When Ruan Zhitong woke up after a long sleep, Mu Beiting was still in the study dealing with official duties!

Ruan Zhitong knocked on the door of the study until the dinner was finished and the housekeeper came up to shout for dinner.

Not long after, Mu Beiting's deep voice came from the study, "Come in!"

Ruan Zhitong opened the door of the study, stretched his head halfway in, and saw that Mu Beiting and Pete were looking at him together, sticking out their tongues playfully, pushed the door and walked in, squinting his eyes and smiling sweetly, "Uncle, busy. One afternoon, it's time to eat!"

Mu Beiting nodded and said lightly: "Well! You go down first, I'll go down right away!"

"Yeah!" Ruan Zhitong nodded obediently and looked at Pete, "Brother Pete, you can stay and have dinner together!"

Pete agreed unceremoniously, "Thank you Madam, I see!"

Before leaving, Ruan Zhitong warned with anxiety, "Then I will go down first! Remember, you must come down quickly, otherwise the food will not taste good when it is cold!"

"Well! Let's go down immediately!" Mu Beiting smiled and responded.

Ruan Zhitong smiled sweetly before turning around and leaving the study!

The moment the study door was closed, the smile on Mu Beiting's face instantly condensed, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

When Ruan Zhitong went downstairs, Xiao Bai was already sitting on the sofa! And the first one has been handed over to the nanny.

Ruan Zhitong walked over and said warmly: "Xiao Bai, wash your hands and eat!"

"Good!" Xiaobai nodded obediently, stood up and obediently went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

"Come and come, give me a hug for the first day!" After Xiaobai entered the bathroom, Ruan Zhitong walked to the nanny and reached out to hug the first day.

Without thinking about anything, the babysitter handed Xiao Chu Yi to Ruan Zhitong's arms.

As a result, Xiao Chuyi, who was chewing on his fingers, was held in his arms by Ruan Zhitong, and immediately started crying sadly.

Seeing Xiaochu crying as soon as he got into his arms, Ruan Zhitong was very irritable, but his face was helpless, "You kid, just so good, how come you cry so hard when you get into my arms? Is it mother's Looks too powerful, so it scares you?"

Hearing Xiaobai's first year of crying, Xiaobai hurriedly ran out of the bathroom, "Mom, what's wrong with the first year of the junior high school? Why did you start crying again?"

"I don't know, she cried as soon as I held it in my hand!" Ruan Zhitong squatted down, parallel to Xiaobai, touched Xiaobai's face, and asked sadly, "Xiaobai, mom asks you, Isn't the mother's appearance terrifying?"

She hugged the first day one after another, but she cried a lot on the first day! I remembered that in the restaurant on the boat that day, after waking up on the first day of the first year, she cried a lot while holding her, but Ye Mu would heal immediately after she held her, so she stopped crying!

Then came the words of the hospital, and then today! Anyway, as long as she is holding her, she will definitely cry in the first year of junior high!

Gradually, she seemed to understand something!

Possibly, her appearance and disguise deceived everyone around her, but she did not deceive this child who was only over three months old!

Children are different from adults. Adults see things by their eyes, while babies see by their feelings!

Possibly, she was holding Xiaojunyi's speech, Xiaojunyi felt that she and Ye Anxin had a different breath, and knew that she was not her mother, so she resisted.

However, children can only cry but can't speak, so they can only use crying to show resistance.

Never before has a child cried so much when held by his own mother! No matter how ugly or ugly the mother is, children think that their mother is the most beautiful in the world!

Now, the first one is crying so hard, if she is allowed to cry like this again, she will definitely expose her flaws!

Therefore, she must find a good excuse and reason for herself! She couldn't let her entire plan be destroyed by a little milk baby who was only more than three months old.

After hearing what Ruan Zhitong said, Xiaobai felt the sadness in her words, and then looked at her still swollen right cheek. In order not to make her sad, Xiaobai hurriedly comforted and said, "No, I think it's pretty good! No matter what mommy. What became of it, in my heart, my mother is the most beautiful! She is still young in the first grade, and she still doesn't understand this. After a while, she won't cry anymore!"

Ruan Zhitong lowered his eyelids, pretending to be sad: "Mom's face has become like this, and I don't know how to talk to it! My mother is afraid that her mother's face will always be bad, so she always doesn't want her to hold her in the first year of middle school!"

Xiaobai hurriedly continued to comfort him: "Mom don't worry! Your face will definitely get better! It's just a matter of time! I will slowly accept you in the first year of the junior year and let you hold it!"

"I hope so!" Ruan Zhitong sighed deliberately, and gently coaxed Xiao Chuyi who was still crying.

However, no matter how she coaxed, Xiao Chuyi cried very much!

Seeing that Xiaochu was so angry when she was crying, Xiaobai felt distressed and hurriedly said: "Mom, give me a hug! I'll just hug and coax it! She just ate milk, if she keeps crying like this Will spit up milk!"

"Yeah!" Although his teeth were itchy, Ruan Zhitong handed Xiao Chu Yi into Xiao Bai's arms.

Sure enough, Xiaobai had just carried Xiaochuyi into his arms, and Xiaochuyi stopped crying immediately, and even made a giggle.

During the whole process, Ruan Zhitong and Mu Beiting did not notice the two figures standing at the top of the stairs on the second floor!

From the moment Ruan Zhitong picked up Xiaochu, Mu Beiting and Pete were already standing there! Therefore, it is natural to see everything that happened just now!

Seeing what happened downstairs, Pete looked at Mu Beiting in surprise, "President, this...this...!" This situation made Pete wonder what to say!

A three-month-old baby, would she not want her own mother? Doesn't it all depend on feelings that children like someone? Therefore, it is also natural for children to have their own parents from birth!

But... the young lady who had always been good before this time actually refused to want her mother, and she cried so hard! It's as if the one holding her is not his own mother, but someone who wants to hurt her!

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