Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 850: : Keeping the vacant room alone

The next day, Ruan Zhitong slowly opened his eyes. The first thing to open his eyes was to touch the place beside him.

empty! Cold, not even Mu Beiting's breath!

Could it be that Mu Beiting didn't go to the room to sleep all night?

This realization made her frown slightly! Unhappy to get up, freshen up, without changing clothes, go downstairs in pajamas.

When she went downstairs, Xiao Bai was sitting on the sofa holding Xiao Chuyi to play with her, but Mu Beiting was nowhere to be seen.

Ruan Zhitong walked over and asked, "Xiao Bai, where is Dad?"

Xiaobai raised his head to look at Ruan Zhitong, and explained: "Dad and Uncle Pete went out for a morning run! I had to go with them, but the first day of the first year was so noisy that I had to hug me. Going for a morning jog with Dad, we have to stay at home with the first day of the junior high school!

Ruan Zhitong asked wonderingly, "Uncle Pete? Why did he come so early today?"

Xiaobai said, "No! Uncle Pete doesn't seem to go back all night!"

Hearing that Pete hadn't left all night, Ruan Zhitong was a little relieved because Mu Beiting hadn't returned all night, and hurriedly asked, "I haven't gone back all night? Is your father really so busy?"

Xiaobai nodded and analyzed it in a very methodical manner: "Yes! I heard Uncle Pete say that there are so many things in the company that need to be handled by Dad! The Mu Group is so big, there are so many branches, and so many industries are involved. Each branch has a CEO, but there are always some things that the CEOs can’t handle! Repeated and accumulated day by day, as you can imagine, there must be many things!"

"Oh!" Hearing what Xiaobai said, the haze in Ruan Zhitong's heart completely disappeared.

When the Nguyen Group was still in the past, she also saw her father busily dizzy every day! What's more, the Nguyen Group was not as big as the current Mu Group at that time! Being busy is entirely reasonable!

Thinking about it this way, he was a lot more cheerful about Mu Beiting's absence from home all night.

Perhaps it is to ease the relationship between Ruan Zhitong and Xiao Chu Yi, Xiao Bai put Xiao Chu in a hug, picked up her little hand and touched Ruan Zhitong's hand, warmly coaxed: "Little Chu Yi, she is a mother , Your favorite mother! Although her face is a bit swollen now, her appearance has changed a little! But, she is indeed our mother! When mother hugs you, you don't cry anymore, OK?"

It's a pity that Xiao Chuyi didn't eat his set at all. He glanced at Ruan Zhitong, and then immediately moved away. Ruan Zhitong was so angry that he looked at him with such contempt.

Although his teeth were itchy in his heart, Ruan Zhitong did not show it. Instead, he took Xiaochuyi’s hand and said with a smile, “Xiaochuyi, I’m your mother! I’m your mother! Although my mother is not the same as before. It looks good, but I'm still your mother Yo! After a while, mother's face will recover, and then it will be as beautiful as before! Don't dislike your mother anymore, OK?"

When Ruan Zhitong spoke, his voice was soft and sweet, plus the expression on his face! No matter who it is, she will be melted by her warm smile.

However, the first grade school just didn't buy it! I tried to take the small hand out of Ruan Zhitong's hand several times, but unfortunately, because it has only been more than three months, the hand is not accurate, the strength is too small, and I can't get it out!

He couldn't get his hand out, Xiao Chuyi stared at Ruan Zhitong with big watery eyes, then his mouth slumped, and then he started crying loudly.

"Oh... why are you crying again!" Seeing that Ruan Zhitong just touched Xiao Chuyi's hand, she started crying without showing any face, Xiao Bai only felt that one head was two big.

Ruan Zhitong's eyes flickered, and she gritted her teeth secretly, but said distressedly: " seems she is still afraid to see me now!" As he said, he let go of Xiaochuyi's hand in frustration.

No, I just let go of my hand, Xiaochu stopped crying immediately, and smiled triumphantly at Xiaobai, as if to tell Xiaobai that he had won the battle!

Seems to understand the hidden meaning behind Xiao Chuyi's smile, Xiao Bai couldn't help but pull the corner of his mouth, it was really funny and angry.

Fearing that his mother would be sad, Xiao Bai hurriedly comforted: "Mom, don't be sad, when your face is better, she will accept you in the first day of the junior high! She is now a face control!"

Although, even he felt that Da Cong felt a little repulsive to this mother in his heart, and he felt different from before! However, this is his mother after all. He is a sensible child. He can't dislike his mother, let alone do things that make her sad.

"I know, it's okay!" Ruan Zhitong touched Xiaobai's head pretending to be distressed, with a warm smile on his mouth.

At this time, Mu Beiting and Pete who were running outside came back! Seeing Ruan Zhitong was awake, Pete greeted with a smile, "Madam, you are awake!"

Ruan Zhitong hurriedly smiled and greeted the door, "Well! Big Brother Pete is all sweaty, do you want to take a shower in the guest room?"

Pete sniffed under his armpits, smiled and nodded, "Okay, please trouble Madam!"

"Then I will find a set of your BOSS clothes for you to change temporarily!" With that, Ruan Zhitong was about to go upstairs to look for clothes, but Peter called out, "Madam, no need, I asked the family to put the clothes on last night Bring it to me! I have my own clothes, I don't need the president's clothes!" As he said, pretending to not see Ruan Zhitong's stiff expression, he walked upstairs quickly.

Looking at the back of Pete going upstairs in a daze, Ruan Zhitong couldn't recover for a long time.

What does it mean that people at home have already sent the clothes? He... what does he mean? Did he bring his clothes and plan to live long?

Is he planning to fight Mu Beiting every night?

What about her? Mu Beiting is busy with his official duties every night, doesn't he keep the vacancy alone every night?

Thinking of this possibility, Ruan Zhitong's face couldn't be better.

Looking at her subtle expression, Mu Beiting walked over, hooked her shoulder, and said warmly, "My wife, are you angry?"

Ruan Zhitong shook his head hurriedly, and said with a smile, "No! Why would I be angry when Big Brother Pete came as a guest at home! It just felt a little sudden, I didn't hear you mention it yesterday!"

Mu Beiting explained: "This was also decided temporarily last night! The accumulated work this week is too much, and there is something wrong with the two branches, it will be very busy these few days! So last night it was decided temporarily. Pete moved here temporarily to take care of the work in the shortest time! Otherwise, the company will fall into the biggest crisis in its life!"

[PS: The 50,000 words update is complete, okay! 】

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