Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 980: : Scuffle

Not long after, a large number of security guards poured in from outside the church.

The addition of security made the scene even more chaotic! Simply Ling Yueyue was protected by Huo Yunmo, and was not affected!

Between them, Ling Yueyue clearly saw Nan Jianning suddenly ran away, and then hugged Huo Jiantian who was hiding in a corner. Regardless of Huo Jiantian's struggle, she was ready to leave with Huo Jiantian in her arms.

Seeing this scene, Ling Yueyue didn't think about anything, just thinking that she would never let her take Tian Tian away!

So, regardless of her own image, she squeezed out of the crowd, and finally stopped Nan Jianning before Huo Jiantian took Huo Jiantian away, "What are you doing holding Tiantian? Let him go!"

Nan Jianning said impatiently: "Go away, I am Tiantian's aunt, I have the right to take him away!"

Huo Jian was born afraid that Ling Yueyue would not save herself, so she hurriedly said: "I don't want to go with her, vicious stepmother, please help me!"

Although he didn't like this vicious stepmother, he thought she had robbed his father! However, compared with the vicious stepmother, he hates this so-called aunt even more!

Ling Yueyue frowned, "I heard no, he said he didn't want to! Let go of him quickly! Otherwise I'm not polite to you!"

"Huh!" Nan Jianning snorted disdainfully, and was too lazy to pay attention to Ling Yueyue, holding Huo Jiantian before leaving.

Seeing that the softness is not good, Ling Yueyue went straight to grab it.

Nan Jianning couldn't dodge and was directly thrown to the ground by Ling Yueyue.

Ling Yueyue slapped left, slap right, slap after slap, facing south, Jianning's delicate little face greeted her.

Not to be outdone, Nan Jianning pulled Ling Yueyue's veil and her hair.

The two quickly fought into a ball.

Even so, Nan Jianning still held Huo Jiantian with one hand, but refused to let go.

Seeing how hard they were fighting, Huo Jiantian took this opportunity to bite Nan Jianning's arm around him.

"Ah!" Nan Jianning cried out, instinctively let go.

Huo Jiantian was free and hurriedly got up from the ground.

Upon seeing this, Nan Jianning wanted to reach out again.

Ling Yueyue slapped her directly, and then quickly hugged Huo Jiantian in her arms.

Nan Jianning's eyes flushed red, and angrily said: "Give him to me!"

Ling Yueyue glared at her, lowered her head, and asked Huo Jiantian in her arms, "Everyday, do you want to go with her?"

"No! Vicious stepmother, you must not hand me over to them, I hate grandpa and grandma, I hate them!" Huo Jiantian answered decisively without thinking about it.

Ling Yueyue raised her eyebrows and said proudly: "I heard that, he said no, you get out of here!"

Nan Jianning was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he rolled up his sleeves and rushed to grab it.

"Stay obediently, don't move! See how I teach her!" Ling Yueyue put Huo Jiantian on the ground and confronted her generously.

The two women just rolled on the ground like this, twisting into a ball regardless of their image.

Although Nan Jianning has a rough personality, she has been accustomed to being pampered since she was a child. Where could she be the opponent of the female man Ling Yueyue, her face was swollen by Ling Yueyue in three or two strokes, and her eyes flowed with tears.

"Come on stepmother, stepmother is great, stepmother come on!" Huo Jiantian looked at the side of the excitement, did not forget to cheer and cheer.

This was the only time I met Ling Yueyue and stood by her side!

When Huo Jiantian called this out, Ling Yueyue played even more vigorously, directly pressing Nan Jianning on the ground, sitting on her, and constantly twitching her ears.

Because he was too focused, he didn't know what was happening around him. It wasn't until he was suddenly pushed away by an external force that Ling Yueyue suddenly woke up!

At this moment, Ling Yueyue still looks like a bride, the makeup on her face is completely spent, the wedding dress is ripped, the veil is also dropped, her hair is messy, and the tiara falls on her hair to be shaky.

It is totally unimaginable that she is the bride just now.

Ling Yueyue didn’t care about her image, so she squatted down and pulled Huo Jiantian, who was standing on the side, to her. While checking his condition, she asked concerned, “Everyday, are you okay! Let me see, hurt No!"

Huo Jiantian blinked and shook his head blankly, "I'm fine!"

In fact, he did not expect that the vicious stepmother who had been diametrically opposed to him would actually be able to give so much for himself! Especially when she sees that she has no image now, it is fake to say that she is not moved!

It seems that this vicious stepmother is not as bad as he thought!

"It's okay!" Hearing Huo Jiantian said that she was okay, Ling Yueyue breathed a sigh of relief, took Huo Jiantian into her arms, and said pantingly, "In the future, I will only be allowed to bully you. Don't worry. I will protect you, and I will never let anyone bully you!" This was said to Huo Jiantian, but also to Nan Jianning.

She was warning her that if she dared to attack Huo Jiantian's idea, she would be rude to her.

Listening to Ling Yueyue's heroic words, Huo Jiantian suddenly counted on the nose, and his eyes were hot, as if something was going to flow down.

Even Huo Yunmo on one side, his dark eyes were stained with a hot light!

After a short while, security rushed in, and all the people from the Nan family were taken away, and the church was calm!

However, due to the trouble of the Nan family, the church is no longer like a church, but messier than the vegetable market.

The bride is not like the bride, and the groom Huo Yunmo is not much better!

Although the clothes on her body are not torn, they are wrinkled, and her meticulously combed hair is a bit messy now.

The rest, whoever joins the battlefield, are not much better! One is more embarrassed than the other.

The only thing that should be fortunate is that even though Ling Yueyue is like a lunatic, she still desperately protected the four-piece jewelry set by Huo Yunmo.

Ye Anxin hesitated, and was the first to ask, "Yueyue, what should I do now? Will the wedding continue?"

Ling Yueyue touched her hair, then her clothes, and said with no good air: "Keep on ass, it's all like this, let it go! Just have a drink later!"

Yan Qinghan walked out of the crowd, with a smile on his face with Cai Jun, reaching out to hold Huo Yunmo's shoulder, and couldn't help but joked in a low voice: "Yunmo, congratulations, you married a girl! Ling! Yueyue is the most sturdy woman I have ever seen! Your future life will not be lonely anymore, it will be wonderful! I now finally understand why you married her! There is really no better marriage than her You! Except for her, most people can't hold it!"

Huo Yunmo glanced at Yan Qinghan, her thin lips pressed tightly, and did not speak.

Huo Jiantian was hugged by Ling Yueyue, and it took him a long time to react. He moved uncomfortably, his face was slightly red, his mouth pouted, and he said embarrassedly, "Let go of me, you vicious stepmother. !"

[PS: Because of the plot needs, there is a little overlap with the previous content! However, it is not exactly the same. This time the writing is based on Ling Yueyue's perspective, and the previous ones were based on Ye Anxin's perspective! So, there are still some differences in the middle! From the beginning of the next chapter, there is a brand new content, no overlap at all! 】

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