Cyber Daming

Chapter 104 Let them fight

Chengdu Prefecture, Chengdu County, New Deal District.

Although this administrative district does not have the wealth and prosperity of Qingyang District, where "the sound of a click and a thousand taels of gold" exists, it does not have the openness of Shenghua District where thousands of nations come to visit each other and exchange what they have.

But the people living in this administrative area naturally have a condescending temperament.

For no other reason, the reason is that the only Chengdu county government in the entire empire that can govern thirteen administrative districts at the county level is located here.

Such a special administrative status makes many ordinary people mistakenly think that Chengdu County is Chengdu Prefecture.

As such a large county that sits in the core area of ​​the entire land of Tianfu, the county government system in Chengdu County is so simple that it is a bit shabby, even inferior to the county government in Mianzhou County.

There are no corridor pilasters with carved dragons or phoenixes in the entire county government office, nor are there any quiet and elegant courtyard landscapes.

The only valuable item is a plaque written by the late emperor Longwu hanging on the beam of the main entrance: "Government is connected with people and people are harmonious."

At this moment, in the depths of the county government office, there was only a little firelight shining through a shabby study room.

The swift wind and rain beat against the doors and windows of the study, and occasionally a few wisps of strong wind came in along the cracks in the wall, excitingly blowing the water vapor rising above the copper pot.

"After eating pickles and rolling tofu, the emperor and prime minister are not as good as me."

In the joking tune, a pair of chopsticks with bamboo scars reached into the milky white soup, gently scooped up a piece of soft boiled tofu, and gently wrapped it in the dish.

"Keep your innocence in this world."

The old man with gray temples swallowed a mouthful of sweetness, savored the delicate touch between his lips and teeth, and shook his head with an intoxicated look on his face.

At this moment, a middle-aged scholar with a beautiful beard walked in quietly and held a Confucian disciple's bow to the old man who was enjoying pickles and rolled tofu in front of him.

"Sir, we have found out. The person who bombed Shu Road Logistics is the Sichuan-Chongqing Gambling Club in Chongqing. The leader is Gong Qinghong, codenamed 'Four Tiao'. It is the dereliction of duty of my subordinates to allow these gangsters to cross the border this time. Please punish me, sir."

The old man ignored his words and continued to enjoy the food in the pot slowly.

It wasn't until the bamboo chopsticks couldn't pick up another piece of tofu in the pot that the old man put down his chopsticks, grabbed the corner of his robe that was placed under his buttocks, and wiped his mouth.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged scholar's tight mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

The civil official's robe, which symbolizes the political power of the entire Chengdu County, is actually used as a mouth rag!

If this spreads out, the county magistrate will probably be drowned in the saliva of the legal censors.

The middle-aged scholar hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively: "Sir, do we want to do something? After all, the Wu family went too far this time."

The old man took a sip of the anti-greasy tea, swung it left and right in his mouth a few times before swallowing it, and asked lazily: "How to do it?"

The middle-aged scholar's beautiful beard twitched under his chin and remained silent.

"The Gu family is in trouble right now, and no one likes it. If you send your Tianfu garrison to Shudao Logistics to help at this time, aren't you asking for trouble? Those people in the Gu family probably thought you were laughing at them. We can’t even hold on to our property.”

There was a smile in the old man's words, obviously mocking the Gu family.

"This time, the imperial court has only recommended one quota for the entire Chengdu Prefecture. The old people in the Gu and Wu families have been dying and retreating in recent years. It is almost impossible to keep the position of the third-class family. If we don't work hard at this time, what will happen? Desperately? It’s excusable, right, Yaozong.”

"That's what you said, my lord."

Huang Yaozong, who is in charge of the entire Chengdu County garrison and serves as county captain and director of the garrison bureau, responded repeatedly: "But this time the Wu family has really gone too far. They actually paid these gangsters to take action regarding our Confucianism. It's true. It is ungentlemanly.

The old man joked: "I think you are still angry about the Wu family paying off your patrol inspector named Luo Zhen, right?"

"Luo Zhen had evil intentions and deserved his death. I am worried that the two families will take this opportunity to break up and drive each other out."

Huang Yaozong spoke with concern, "After all, there are some old people from both families working in Jinling, the capital. If the matter gets too big, I'm afraid you will be held accountable."

"Are a few old and immortal silverfish worthy of holding me accountable?"

The old man snorted disdainfully, and his wizened body that couldn't even hold up his robe suddenly showed an awe-inspiring and domineering look.

Huang Yaozong's eyes were dazed, and he suddenly remembered that the adult in front of him was no ordinary character.

To be able to serve as the magistrate of Chengdu County in the year of the Great Era, his background is probably tougher than that of the Gu and Wu families combined.

It is a pity that the county magistrate himself is usually very quiet. At the beginning of taking office, he suppressed all opposition voices with thunderous means and made Shenghua District the first area in Shu to open a port, achieving regional economic development every three years. Jump.

The rest of the time, I just like to stay in this simple study and study some food and drink, and have no interest in government affairs at all.

Otherwise, my boss would be so lazy, and I, a county captain, wouldn't have to endure so many grievances on weekdays.

Just as Huang Yaozong's thoughts were wandering, the old man's voice came to his ears.

"Let them make trouble. There is no movement even from the magistrate's office. Why are we anxious? And if either Gu Yong or Wu Gong has the ability to deal with the other this time, I won't mind recommending him personally, and even I can give up the position of county magistrate to him."

When Huang Yaozong heard the old man's heroic words, he couldn't help but secretly thought, who didn't know that Lord Fu Yin had been studying at Donglin Academy for many years, so how could someone in the prefect's Yamen take action against the powerful family.

But he still agreed: "My lord is talking about the losses caused by those two families."

"I will record them one by one, and the bill will be sent directly to their family head in Jinling. If someone does not pay compensation, I will immediately go to Donglin Academy to find the prefect and take away their family title!"

"Understood, my subordinate will do it now."

Huang Yaozong bowed, and when he retreated to the door of the study, he heard the old man shout, "I'm out of tofu, please bring me another plate."

The middle-aged scholar poked his teeth in response, closed the door and left.

The voices of people were silent, but the sound of rain remained.

The old man lay on the oily armchair with its corners rubbed, looking at the soup that was still rolling in the copper pot, and he was lost in thought for a long time.

Suddenly, the old man frowned, raised his hand and slapped his neck, his face full of anger, and he muttered to himself.

"Now the knives of the Legalists and Zongheng are almost at our necks, and the Yin-Yang family's gang of magicians are also hiding in the corner, trying to make a move, and they are all still engaging in infighting!"

"The Director of Ceremonies has only been dead for a few years, so the scars have healed and they have forgotten the pain?!"

The old man had no appetite at all at this moment, so he stood up suddenly, rolled his sleeves and cursed: "When someone knocks the fucking table over, everyone will squat down with chopsticks to beg for food! It's like a sea of ​​books, full of dead trees and ashes. .Bah, damn your book business!"

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