Cyber Daming

Chapter 115 Excellent Acting Skills


A soap boot stepped into the sewage puddle, splashing large turbid water spots.

The sound of footsteps echoed in this silent alley, waking up the creatures living here.

Amidst the rustling sounds, an extremely strong wild cat with scars all over its body jumped over the beggar's head, baring its teeth.

One person and one cat raised their eyes almost at the same time to look at the uninvited guest.

In this day and age, anyone who dares to wear military uniforms and long swords is probably not someone to be trifled with.

The beggar understood that this was not someone he could rob, so the wild cat naturally had no midnight snack.

The man and the cat moved their eyes away in unison, and crawled out on the greasy ground with their hands and feet.

The movements are ugly, but the speed is extremely fast.

Under night, the difference between humans and animals is close to nothing.

If Chengdu County is a living body full of vitality, then the main streets are the arteries that sustain life, and the dirty and cramped alleys are capillaries covered with blood clots.

The pipe network is intricate, and its main function is to hide dirt and maintain the superficial prosperity of the city.

To put it bluntly, this is a barbaric area under order, which is very suitable for killing people.

Also extremely suitable for killing.

"Why did you choose such a place to meet?"

At the end of the alleyway, a mountain of meat blocks the place.

Yu Kou twisted the legs of his robe with both hands, fearing that he would be contaminated by the surrounding filth.

For this Taoist who was born in a noble family, occasionally going to the chain of monasteries to give lectures and 'sell lessons' to ordinary people who are greedy and want to become immortals is already the most difficult thing in the world.

Even though he was wearing the Feiyu suit, he never thought of coming to a place like this.

The moonlight filtered in from a sliver of sky above the alleyway, tearing apart the darkness and revealing Li Jun's angular face.

"Reporting to my lord, I was forced to choose this place because of my helplessness."

"Now that Gu Yong is gone, Shudao Logistics has no leader. Overtly or secretly, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at me, trying to grab my handle and pull me into the water. The villain also worked hard to find the opportunity to see you, and also Please forgive me, sir."

Yu Kou sneered, "You have spent so much time and energy in the Jiaofang Division? Are you about to tear that one apart?"

"It's just a matter of hiding one's stupidity and self-destruction. How can such a subtle little trick be hidden from the eyes of an adult?"

Facing Li Jun's poor flattery skills, Yu Kou chuckled and raised his hand to wave at the tip of his nose.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Guard did not continue to stick to these minutiae, and went straight to the point, "Did you bring the things I asked you to collect?"

"How dare you disturb the adults if you don't handle things well?"

Li Jun took out the electronic file recording the Gu family's bribery from his arms and handed it to Yu Kou.

"It records all the playthings of nobles and nobles that Shudao Logistics has handled since the recommendation. Most of them were given to Feng Huang, the director of the Ministry of Civil Affairs Examination, as a filial piety."

Yu Kou lowered his head and browsed the contents of the file. After a moment, he couldn't help but sneered, "Master Feng doesn't have a high official position, but his taste is not bad. These are good things that can't be seen on the market."

Li Jun listened to the movement in the alley, but there was still silence all around.

No one has come yet? Then you have to find a way to delay it for some time.

Li Jun gave a flattering smile and said, "Sir, I don't understand one thing. The Gu family is a third-class Confucian family. Can this little thing really bring them down?"

"Whether you can or not depends on who does it."

Yu Kou expressed a profound expression and raised the electronic file in his hand, "If we Jin Yiwei handed it over, of course it wouldn't make a splash."

"But if Confucianism is run by its own people, this will be an extremely sharp knife!"

"There are only so many positions in the imperial temple, one carrot and one pit, and even some of the carrots have been dried and have no chance to enter the pit. If you want your own people to rise to power, you have to pull out others first. This dossier is the best starting point.”

"Now is a special period for recommendation. Although everyone knows the rules of the game, it is something that cannot be put on the table. If someone exposes it, it will become a target of public criticism."

In the dim alley, Yu Kou's voice was as cold as a ghost's.

"A person lives by his face, and a tree lives by his skin. Reputation is worth a thousand dollars to these hypocrites."

"On the day of the official recommendation, Wu Gong took out this thing in front of everyone, and the Gu family became a stinking shit. How will Gu Xi deal with it?"

Li Jun pondered for a moment and then asked: "If the Wu family can use such a trick, the Gu family can also do it. If we all throw the dung spoons at each other, won't it be over if we all stink together?"

"The first move is a strange move, called reporting. The second move is a stupid move, called revenge."

Yu Kou looked proud, "I'm afraid the Gu family won't have time to retaliate, and the matter of recommendation will be finalized. Do you believe it or not?"

"The villain naturally believes what the adults say. But..."

Li Jun hesitated for a moment, "If we do this to the Gu family, will the Daomen cause trouble for us?"

Yu Kou lowered his eyes slightly, his eyes were extremely bright, he didn't know whether it was the moonlight or the light.

"It seems that you know a lot of things recently."

Li Jun said: "Not long ago, Gu Xi summoned me into the Gu Mansion. He told the villain."

"It seems that Gu Xi thinks highly of you."

Yu Kou's eyes were filled with excitement, and he raised his hand to lift up the hem of his robe, revealing the flying fish suit worn under his brocade robe.

"I am first the bannerman of the Imperial Guard of Chengdu Prefecture, and secondly I am the follower of the Taoist sect in the Qingcheng Group. It is my duty to be loyal to the court. Even if this will offend the Taoist sect, so what?"

Dear Immortal Banban, if Wei Ju'an, the chief bannerman of Baoning Prefecture, hadn't told me your details, I might have been deceived by you.

Li Jun cooperated with Yu Kou's performance, "You are so loyal and brave, you can learn from the sun and the moon."

"No need to say any more flattery." Yu Kou waved his hand, "And you don't have to worry. The collapse of the Gu family is just a new money-making tool for the Qingcheng Group.

"Some tools should be replaced if they are no longer obedient or difficult to use, and they are happy to see this happen."

Li Jun felt awe in his heart. The "they" in the other party's words were probably the shareholders of Yu Kou's lineage.

"On the contrary, it's you." Yu Kou fixed his eyes on Li Jun. "First kill Wu Jinfeng, and then kill Santiao from the Sichuan-Chongqing Gambling Club. You have offended the Wu family to death, aren't you afraid of the Wu family?" People take revenge?”

"I'm afraid. I'm afraid that people from the Wu family will come to my door during this period."

Li Jun looked timid and said anxiously: "So this time I want to ask you to give me a clear path."

"There is a clear path," Yu Kou clasped his hands on his chest, hanging on his tall belly, "I'm just afraid that you won't dare to walk."

Li Jun panicked and said, "The Wu family's knife is now on my subordinate's neck. As long as there is a way, why don't you dare to go?!"

"That's good. When the Gu and Wu families draw their swords against each other, you can hide in my chained monastery. That's the property of the Qingcheng Group. No matter how courageous the Wu family is, they won't dare to go there. .”

As soon as Yu Kou finished speaking, rustling footsteps suddenly sounded in the alleyway.

Although the movement was small, it was no less than the sound of thunder in their ears.

"Is there a tail behind you?"

"I do not know!"

Yu Kou's face suddenly turned livid, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife, swiping across Li Jun's face.

But all I saw was confusion and fear.

It doesn't look like a fake.

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