Cyber Daming

Chapter 12 Rise up

"Toratsuka, are you sure of your people?"

Luo Zhen looked at the two people standing on the ring, with a red light pulsing deep in his eyes.

In his sight, the skin and bones of Li Jun and Lang Ren were analyzed layer by layer, and even the internal force deep in the flesh and blood was clearly visible.

In terms of strength, both of them were injected with eighth-grade internal energy, and their levels were almost the same.

"Don't worry, Sir, Lang Ren is a killing machine. As long as the opponent's strength is below the level, he will definitely not be his opponent."

Toratsuka is very confident about the strength of the Wave Blade.

Although Rukawa Tan and Flame Ghost are also ranked among the "Ten Nobles", they are only the bottom characters among them, and their close combat capabilities are not very strong.

On the contrary, Lang Ren, who does not have mechanical prosthetics or implants on his body, is the strongest member of the younger generation of the Sacrificial Sword Society, and has even stepped into the sequence with one foot.

"You are a person who knows the right and wrong, and I believe in your choice."

Seeing Hu Zhong's vow, Luo Zhen felt reassured, and turned on the scanning function of his metal prosthetic eyes to look at Zhao Ding who was carrying him up.

Of course, there was no gain. The black cloak seemed to be able to block outside scanning.

Luo Zhen's eyes moved and landed on Kuang Qingyun, and he was suddenly stunned.

"Look at your dad!"

Luo Zhen blinked, his eyelids shaking rapidly, and the chip behind his skull quickly refreshed the program loaded in the prosthetic eye.

After a while, Luo Zhen determined that it was not a malfunction of the metal prosthetic eye, but that these words actually appeared inside Kuang Qingyun's body.

He is also in the military order!

"Hu Zhong, this Kuang Qingyun must die!"

Hu Zhong was confused by Luo Zhen's sudden burst of strong murderous intent, but after Zhao Ding's death, Qingyun must also be a target of purges, so there is no problem with this kind of smooth flow.

"Okay, my lord."

The Kowloon boxing ring is also called the "blood gold ring". In the past, the bet for a boxing match was as high as hundreds of thousands of Ming Dynasty treasure notes.

But compared with today's bet, it can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket.

Under the gaze of hundreds of pairs of eyes, Li Jun and Lang Ren moved almost simultaneously.

The wave blade stepped forward, the back of the windbreaker swung loudly, and a cold light was dragged out from the waist, making a harsh whistle through the air, and struck Li Jun's face with a strong murderous intention!

The eighth-grade Japanese swordsmanship, draw your sword and kill!

Li Jun's reaction was equally quick. He raised his sword and kicked it. The scabbard of Qi's sword flew out like a powerful crossbow, hitting the light of the sword and exploding into pieces of wood.

Holding the sword in both hands, the Qi family sword's blade, which was almost half the length of a man, slashed down with the force of Mount Tai.

The two knives collided, causing a sharp metallic buzz.

In the explosion of sparks, the two looked at each other, full of murderous intent!

"Kneel down for me!"

Li Jun shouted violently, the muscles of his arms wrapped with veins bulged, and his body that had been tempered by the eighth-level internal skill Qingdi Jue burst out with terrifying force, constantly pressing against the wave blade.

Li Jun, who had experienced plotting, betrayal, and ambushes in just a few dozen hours, was filled with rage and bloodshot eyes. He had only one thought in his mind, and that was to kill this Japanese pirate alive!

The huge pressure from the katana made Lang Ren frown, and he immediately understood the huge advantage of weapons like the Qi Family Sword in combat.

His rich experience in close combat allowed him to make the most correct choice instantly and move his feet.

The samurai sword slid against the slender blade of Qi's sword, making a tooth-gripping sound, and actually swung the Qi's sword away by sticking to the sword and unloading force.

Lang Ren sidestepped to Li Jun's side, lunged and pulled his back, and the samurai sword was as fast as thunder, striking the weakest side of Qi's sword.


The sound is like the sound of a bell, piercing gold and cracking stones.

Li Jun felt a heavy weight on his wrist, and the Qi family knife fell uncontrollably, hitting the ground of the ring hard and causing pieces of gravel to collapse.

"Brainless idiot!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lang Ren's lips, he raised his arm and slashed horizontally, and the blade glanced towards Li Jun's throat.

In the eyes of the hundreds of Hunshuipao brothers who were watching under the ring, Li Jun, whose chest was wide open at this moment, had no way to resist, and bursts of exclamations and wails came out of his mouth involuntarily.

Kuang Qingyun, who had a folding fan stuck on the back of his neck, had a clouded face. His body turned slightly in the direction of Luo Zhen without leaving any trace, and the faint hum of the mechanical prosthetic limbs preheating came from under his robe.

It is not difficult to guess that when Li Jun dies in the boxing ring, the second brother of the sage and sage will immediately kill Xiang Luo Zhen.

"Kill him!" Zhao Dou raised his arms and shouted wildly, his expression extremely crazy.

Hu Zhong looked serious, with the fingers of his hands spread out, and blue arcs of electricity were beating between his fingers.

Everyone in the Sword Sacrifice Association gathered around him and stood ready, ready for Brother Pao to fall out.

The fighting in the boxing ring has not yet settled, but the crowd is already filled with waves.

Only the old man on top of the banquet still looked as normal, as if he was not worried about Li Jun's defeat at all.

"Is my fifth brother Hongqi capable of being killed by a little Japanese pirate?"

Zhao Ding's chapped lips moved slightly, and his voice was small, almost talking to himself.

The moment the old man finished speaking, something unexpected happened on the stage and people were shocked!


Lang Ren exhaled and shouted violently, and the katana in his hand cut across like lightning, the sword's power was extremely sharp.

But until the arm holding the knife was fully extended, the wave blade still didn't feel the pleasure of cutting flesh and blood from the blade!

Li Jun's figure unexpectedly swung back an inch at the critical moment, barely getting out of the way of the decapitating sword!

"Shenfa?! Bagua Youshenbu?!"

Luo Zhen, who was a Tianfu garrison patrolman, had extremely vicious eyes. He recognized the movement technique used by Li Jun at a glance, and the corners of his already grinning mouth suddenly tightened.

Kuang Qingyun, who had almost been eliminated, forcibly stopped the mechanical Achilles tendon and calf artificial muscles whose power had climbed to the maximum.

The concrete floor beneath his feet cracked, and his skin, which was so fair that the pores were almost invisible, turned a bright red.

Standing opposite him, Torizuka looked equally astonished. The electric arc beating between his fingers became chaotic for a moment, and a white smoke of burnt skin slowly rose up.

All the surging undercurrents came to an abrupt end because of Li Jun's brutal kick.

The three masters who entered the sequence all had the same confusion in their minds as the dead Sun Jiu.

"This Li Jun actually injected so much martial arts, isn't he afraid of genetic collapse?"

In their understanding, there are two key points for advancing to the martial arts sequence. One is to maintain the absolute integrity of flesh and blood and not accept any prosthetic modifications or implants.

Another point is to maintain the stability of genes, which requires warriors not to inject too much martial arts, otherwise the weak genes before humans unlock them will easily collapse.

Even Lang Ren, who is known as the number one among the 'Ten Nobles' in the Sacrifice Sword Society, only has an eighth-grade internal force and an eighth-grade sword technique injected into him.

This is already the limit of his genetic carrying capacity.

Lang Ren never expected that Li Jun would actually inject a movement technique that was not very effective under the sequence and successfully dodge his own killing blow.

However, his shock did not last long, because there was already a fierce wind blowing above his head.

Li Jun did not choose to swing the slightly cumbersome Qi family sword, but used his left foot as a support point and his right leg like a sharp ax to chop at Lang Ren's head.

Lang Ren, who had no room to dodge, could only try his best to move his head and use his shoulders to resist Li Jun's heavy legs.


Langren's knees, which were not prepared to bear the force, suddenly softened. Unable to withstand the huge force, Langren hit the ground with a thud.

There was dead silence in the boxing ring at this moment.

Carrying him up, Zhao Ding looked heroic and suddenly shouted loudly: "Rise up!"

The old and thick angry voice echoed, and hundreds of muddy robe brothers who suddenly came back to their senses almost simultaneously opened their eyes and roared at the top of their lungs.

"Rise up!"

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