Cyber Daming

Chapter 15 The so-called eternal life

"I am disappointed."

Zhao Ding's thin body slowly sat upright as he was being lifted. His sharp eyes looked down at Zhao Dou who was kneeling in front of him, "Do you understand why?"

"Why? Hahahahaha."

Watching Luo Zhen leave, Zhao Dou had obviously anticipated his next ending. His slumped head suddenly lifted up, and there was no trace of fear in his eyes anymore, replaced by overwhelming hatred.

"Isn't it because I didn't accompany you to play the role of a loving father and a filial son, but instead wanted to take your position and your life?"

"If it weren't for this bunch of losers from the Sacrifice Sword Guild, it wouldn't be me who's kneeling here right now, but you! Zhao Ding!"

Zhao Dou bit the last two words very hard, grinning like a ferocious hyena, venting his malice unscrupulously.

"It seems that even now, you still don't understand!"

Zhao Ding's eyes were full of disappointment that could not be overcome. In his opinion, Zhao Dou was still so naive and ignorant.

"It's not wrong to fight, but you have to be able to win, and even more, you have to be able to lose! Even if you die, don't blame others!"

The old man glared angrily, his voice filled with overwhelming anger.

"I'm not disappointed that you usurped power, but I'm disappointed that you can't even win against an old man whose genes have collapsed and are on the verge of death!"

"I'm not disappointed that you are vicious and vicious, but I'm disappointed that you actually eat inside and outside and cling to outsiders! Who is Luo Zhen? Can you fucking control that hungry tiger that eats people without spitting out their bones?"

"If you, Zhao Dou, can win today, I can laugh louder than anyone else even if I'm kneeling here! Because you are my descendant!"

The roaring Zhao Ding is like an old lion, and his withered body exudes a terrifying aura.

Zhao Dou's face was as pale as paper, and various emotions including anger, regret, and fear were intertwined and changing in his eyes, and finally turned into a hysterical roar.

"If you are willing to pass on the position of the tiller to me, why should I rebel?!"

"Because you are incompetent! The country that I, Zhao Ding, conquered cannot be handed over to a waste!"

Zhao Ding waved his hand and pointed at the silent Mushui Pao brothers around him, "Open your dog eyes and look at these brothers!"

"If I give them to you, can you survive with them?"

Zhao Dou opened his mouth with red eyes, but before he could utter a single word of argument, Zhao Ding sealed the deal.

"you can not!"

Three words, each sonorous, crushed the last glimmer of light in Zhao Dou's eyes.

"You will only be eaten up by Luo Zhen and Hu Zhong, and Brother Muddy Water Pao will be completely defeated at your hands!"

After Zhao Ding said this, he closed his eyes tiredly, no longer looking at the dull-looking Zhao Dou, and waved his arms like dead branches in the air.

"Let's die together, father and mother. Otherwise, if I die, you won't be able to survive in this world."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, Kuang Qingyun, who was standing behind Zhao Dou, suddenly stretched out his arm and inserted his five fingers directly into the back of Zhao Dou's neck like a knife.

With a pop, the biochip buried in Zhao Dou's neck was forcefully pulled out.

"Uh, ah." Zhao Dou's pupils were blurred and he muttered unconsciously.

The wound on the back of the neck was like a broken showerhead, constantly splattering milky white bionic blood.

There was no trace of red in Zhao Dou's blood.

In order to gain Zhao Ding's recognition, he had already transformed himself into not being like a human being.

But even so, he was still a waste in Zhao Ding's eyes until his death. A waste who has no qualifications to live after the death of his elders.

Kuang Qingyun slid open the palm of his hand holding the chip, and a black box the size of a matchbox popped out.

Li Jun knew this thing. It was a host that built Huangliang's dream, and judging from such a compact size, the computing power of this host was not high.

The simulated Huangliang dream should only last for about five years, and then it would continue to reset and the cycle would repeat.

A bone-chilling chill suddenly appeared in Li Jun's eyes, and he suddenly understood what Zhao Ding wanted to do.

"Master Ding, do you really want to do this?"

Although he also looked down on Zhao Dou, Kuang Qingyun couldn't help but ask one more question before inserting the biochip that carried the backup of Zhao Dou's consciousness into the host.

Kuang Qingyun's question was not answered immediately. It was not until a long time later that Zhao Ding's tired but determined voice came out.

"Being able to live in a happy dream should be the best ending for Adou."

Kuang Qingyun opened his mouth, but in the end without saying a word, he inserted the chip into the host's interface without hesitation.


A red light lights up on the black box, which is a sign of successful consciousness uploading.

Zhao Dou's body has died, but his consciousness has gained 'immortality'.

It’s just that this kind of ‘eternal life’ is very short-lived.

Kuang Qingyun held the main unit in both hands and walked to the side of the host, gently placing it on Zhao Ding's lap.

Until this moment, the ruthless Muddy Waters robe man at the helm finally stopped hiding his sadness. He rubbed the black box back and forth with his palms like dead branches, and his lips trembled slightly.

"Mr. Zhao Ding, please control your emotions, please control your emotions!"

The life-support equipment sounded a piercing alarm, and two dull-looking androids warned Zhao Ding in stiff tones.

Zhao Ding took a deep breath and quickly calmed down, then opened his eyes and looked at Li Jun.

"Ajun, I didn't know about Zhao Dou's betrayal of you. Even if Qingyun used the eighth-grade internal power to seal your mouth, it was not my intention. If I knew, I wouldn't let them do this."

Zhao Ding's voice was very calm, as if he was stating an ordinary fact.

Kuang Qingyun no longer had any domineering arrogance in his body. He stood aside with his hands tied and said apologetically: "It's my fault, Master Ding."

"For the brothers who were injured or lost their lives today, I will provide money to properly support their families. In addition, I will give you a separate compensation of 300,000 Ming Dynasty treasure notes. How about that?"

Zhao Ding's attitude was very sincere, even a bit humble. As the helmsman of the Brother Pao Association, he didn't need to explain so much to Li Jun.

Regardless of whether what Zhao Ding said is true or false, the fact that he can do this has already given Li Jun enough face.

Otherwise, even if he uses Li Jun as a trap to catch this evil shark in Luo Zhen, what can Li Jun do?

Kill Zhao Ding to vent his anger?

As long as Li Jun has such an idea, he will be shot to pieces immediately.

A follower of the ninth martial arts sequence can barely be considered a superman, but superman is not a god either.

A bullet to the head will kill you.

No one fired a gun in today's conflict, that's because Luo Zhen Tianfu's garrison patrol officers were there.

This level of identity is both protection and shackles. Including Luo Zhen himself, everyone's hands and feet are tied by this identity.

Because once a large-scale quarrel breaks out, the nature of the whole thing will immediately change.

Gang vendetta and armed conflict have very different meanings.

Neither the senior officials of the Tianfu Garrison nor the people standing behind Zhao Ding wanted to see a gunfight break out on Kowloon Street.

But now, Zhao Ding no longer has such worries.

If he wanted to shoot Li Jun, it was just a matter of words.

Li Jun lowered his head slightly so that no one could see his expression clearly, and said calmly: "On behalf of my dead brother, thank you Lord Ding."

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