Cyber Daming

Chapter 152 Attack

Although the fragment of the flying sword now has no remaining power to continue to emit radiation and contaminate flesh and blood.

But the bond between Li Jun's flesh and blood was very tight and became more and more deeply rooted.

Li Jun had a vague hunch that even if he improved the seventh-grade body-building technique of Cutting the Knot Suojin to the Great Perfection state, it might be difficult to eliminate this fragment by himself.

As for external means such as surgery and hard extraction, Li Jun did not dare to try it easily.

Because after fighting against Yu Kou and his son, Li Jun already knew how to operate this flying sword.

Although Chengdu Prefecture and Chongqing Prefecture are far apart, if Yu Canghai, with the blessing of Qingcheng Dongtian, can really connect this fragment, wouldn't it be dangerous to secretly blow himself up?

"Yes." He Zangjia's answer was clean and crisp, but his face was not at all relaxed.

"Brother Jun, you also know that farmers regard all things as their fields, and the body is regarded as the 'own field' granted by heaven and earth, so we are always studying flesh and blood."

"With my ability, if I want to solve this problem without any hidden dangers, I can only use the farmer's method of 'spotting' to strengthen the cells around the sword tip and wrap it up and engulf it."

He Zangjia's voice stopped suddenly, but Li Jun knew the unfulfilled meaning.

If you want to use the farm to 'spot', it means that you have to hand over the control of your body, which is unacceptable for the martial arts sequence.

If Li Jun didn't take the initiative to speak, He Zangjia would naturally not show such attentiveness.

"But it doesn't matter if you don't take it out. That old guy Yu Canghai can't be so far away and can control it remotely through flesh and blood. If he is really that powerful, the Yu family won't be just a small shareholder of Qingcheng Group. "

He Zangjia laughed, breaking the dull atmosphere in the courtyard.

"Brother Jun, take this."

Drinking and sex is the most beneficial way to get closer to a man. After this period of meticulous care, He Zangjia no longer seems restrained in front of Li Jun.

He took out a palm-sized screen from his sleeve and handed it to Li Jun.

"There are almost no groups operating this kind of external yellow beam equipment, so this is the best available on the market. Although the browsing efficiency is still very low, it is at least usable."

"Thank you."

"We brothers, let alone these things, there is also this."

He Zangjia then handed over a two-finger-thick black Pai Gow, and smiled apologetically, "Brother, I am only a Wen Pai Tiger Head, and the highest authority can only give out this W Pai Zai Gow."

"It's just an identity, as long as it can be used."

Li Jun didn't mind it at all. He played with the Pai Gow and asked with a smile: "How do you use this thing? You won't show it to anyone, right?"

Speaking of showing off his brand, Li Jun suddenly remembered that he also had an identity card on his body - the Jinyi Guards School Lieutenant.

"That's not so primitive. There is a series of dynamic secret keys on the side of the card. This is the identity symbol of the Sichuan and Chongqing Gambling Club. Only by inputting this into the device can you log into the Huangliang network within the gambling club."

Li Jun followed He Zangjia's instructions and successfully boarded the Huangliang Network in Sichuan and Chongqing cities.

In an instant, all kinds of information flowed rapidly on the screen like a waterfall. If his dynamic vision hadn't been powerful enough, he might not have been able to see even a single word clearly.

Just when Li Jun was about to concentrate on surfing the Internet, He Zangjia suddenly said: "Brother Jun, do you know someone named Gong Qinghong?"

Gong Qinghong.

Li Jun finally recalled the name, "I know him. I killed one of his men in Chengdu Mansion. What happened?"

He Zangjia looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "I received news that he has recently sent out a lot of people and is looking for people everywhere."

Li Jun suddenly raised his hand and scratched his brow, "Who is he looking for?"

"Mo Family Tianzhi Association, Zhao Qingxia!"

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Next to a stream surrounded by mountains, there was a clear and continuous sound of blacksmithing coming from the house.

Zhao Qingxia, who was naked from the waist up, was sweating profusely as he stood in front of an iron felt. The oven next to him was billowing with heat. If an ordinary person were here, it would be difficult to even breathe.

After a while, Zhao Qingxia stopped beating and threw a red arm towards the corner.

"Damn it, you can live without quenching the fire? Are the requirements for your craftsmanship so low now?"

Prince Ma leaned on the corner and kicked the half-finished product away with his only remaining foot.

"Just be content. This is a place where birds don't poop. It doesn't matter what you want. Being able to repair it so quickly under such conditions is already a gift for me. Don't expect too much!"

Zhao Qingxia strode over with a bucket of water, picked up the manipulator with pliers and swung it in the water for a few times.


In the rising water vapor, the manipulator took off its warm red coat, revealing its rough body.

"I don't want it. If I wear this thing, how can I have the face to be in the magic circle, what can I use to pick up girls, and what skills can I use to become famous?!"

Lord Ma looked at the approaching iron hand and couldn't help but howl.

"I'm not asking you to use it all the time. I'll just make do with it for a while."

Now with only two limbs left, Prince Ma had no ability to resist and could only watch as Zhao Qingxia attached this ugly iron hand to himself.

After doing all this, Zhao Qingxiaqi sat next to Lord Ma and said in a low voice: "Old Ma, how long are we going to hide in this nook of the mountain?"

"That depends on when you can fix me."

Zhao Qingxia was stunned, "Does this have to last until the Year of the Monkey?!"

Lord Ma snorted, "If you hadn't given up the 'rabbit cave' I carefully prepared to others, so we could only hide here, Lord Ma, I would have regained my glory long ago."

Zhao Qingxia frowned, "That's brotherhood, you know nothing!"

"I know shit, and you actually say I know shit?!"

Prince Ma's tone suddenly turned sad, "What kind of evil did I do? I was exposed to the evil in your hands and ended up like this."

"Okay, okay, it's up to me this time."

Seeing that Lord Ma was about to start howling again, Zhao Qingxia immediately interrupted him.

"In the worst case, I'll help you seduce the vice-president's Luban machine later. Haven't you been thinking about that old woman for a long time?"

"What old lady, are you blind?"

Prince Ma was furious, "You can't see such a broad mind?!"

"I don't know how broad a machine tool can be"

Zhao Qingxia muttered, then suddenly changed the topic, "It's been half a month, and I don't know how Brother Jun is doing."

"Are you still in the mood to worry about him?"

Prince Ma snorted coldly: "As for Li Jun's stubborn fate, even if our two masters die, he will not die."

Zhao Qingxia wondered: "Old Ma, if you don't want to see him so much, why did you help him carry that sword that day?"

"Master Ma, I'm not trying to save him, I'm worried about that girl Li Hua."

In the simple shack, the two fell into silence at the same time.

After a long time, Zhao Qingxia said with a sad face: "Old Ma, do you think there is still hope for Xiaohua?"

"As long as the core is not broken, there is still hope. But it cannot be delayed for too long, otherwise the consciousness will dissipate."

The young man was silent and his red eyes were dim.

"Then hurry up, fix it as soon as possible, and get out of this hellish place as soon as possible."

Zhao Qingxia smiled reluctantly and stood up with his hands on his knees.

At this moment, there was a slight noise outside the door.

The young man looked down and saw an object the size of a fist jumping and rolling in.

"Fire thunder?!"

Just as the exclamation came out, a black shadow flew out from the corner, knocking the fire thunder directly away.


Amidst the deafening explosion, Zhao Qingxia turned around in shock, only to see Lord Ma swinging his bare shoulders, leaping over with one leg, and pretending to be on top of him.

"Why are you still so stunned? Why don't you run away!"

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