Cyber Daming

Chapter 158: Joining forces with the weak to defeat the strong, using the small to make a big differ

"Cao Cang, you are too impatient to conclude this matter now."

Gong Qinghong smiled slightly when he heard this, "The climax has not yet reached, so how can we say it's the end?"

Cao Cang said coldly: "You can't change the outcome by talking harshly."

"This is a fact. Now it's just your turn to sing, and then it's time for us to take the stage."

As soon as Gong Qinghong finished speaking, the fallen tree suddenly flew up and roared towards Cao Cang.


The tree trunk was smashed to pieces with a stick, and through the flying wood chips, Cao Cang saw the burly and majestic figure again.

A man whose body should have been broken and lying on the ground waiting for death actually stood up again.

"It turns out that you have changed into a seventh-grade mechanical body. No wonder you dare to covet my mechanical heart."

Cao Cang looked stunned, then showed disdain, "But Wei Meng, no matter how hard you take the beating, you can't change today's outcome."

Wei Meng laughed, "You are indeed better than me in a duel, but who told you that there are only two of us on stage today?"

Anyone else?

Cao Cang's heart suddenly sank, and the three detection units disguised as hair on his head were all activated, but the feedback results showed that there were only four humanoid life forms within a radius of one kilometer.

That half-dead Mohist follower? Impossible. With his current vital signs, he would die if he came on stage.

"Hey, what do you mean by this look?"

Cao Cang ignored Zhao Qingxia, who looked angry, and his eyes fell on Gong Qinghong, his expression slightly strange for a moment.

"Do you have the courage?"

"The world has a lot of misunderstandings about me," Gong Qinghong smiled helplessly, and slowly pulled out his hands from his sleeves, "Although the original intention of Zongheng is to fight, how can you dare to revolution if you are afraid of death?"

"Join the weak to defeat the strong, and use the small to gain strength. This is my favorite plot in the Zongheng sequence."


There was a sudden sound of cracking silk in the forest, and a cold white line appeared out of thin air, rushing towards Gong Qinghong.


Wei Meng's figure stood in front of Gong Qinghong, bending his arms into a shield to support the long stick that was shaped like a white line due to its rapid swing.

"To be strong is to accumulate weakness!"

A deep and thick voice sounded behind Wei Meng, and an invisible force field invisible to the naked eye spread rapidly.

At the same time, a sharp and piercing howl of mechanical heart pumping came from Weimon's chest, reaching the overclocking threshold in the blink of an eye.

But what makes Cao Cang even more frightened is that this whistle has a tendency to continue to rise!

Gong Qinghong can actually increase the overclocking level of the mechanical heart? !


Wei Meng roared loudly, his whole body was filled with ferocious flames, he raised his hand and waved his arms, and punched Cao Cang.

Cao Cang slid his wrist down, grabbed the middle part of the long stick, and shook his arms.

There was only a soft click sound, the long stick was broken from it, and an iron chain fell out from the broken place.

The long stick suddenly turned into a nunchaku and was drawn towards Wei Meng's fist!

"Those who are straight are accumulated in crookedness!"

Another layer of force field covered him, Cao Cang's vision suddenly distorted, and the stick body that was supposed to hit Wei Meng's fist fell into the air.


Cao Cang was punched in the chest and flew backwards.

Gong Qinghong's voice continued, "Anyone who has more than enough is accumulated from insufficient."


After flipping backwards in the air, Cao Cang, who had just landed on the ground, suddenly swayed back and forth and almost fell to the ground.

He raised his hand to hold his chest, and the 'Heart Monkey' hidden deep inside actually accelerated its pumping at this moment, and a huge pressure made his mechanical body creak.

Cao Cang didn't dare to overclock, or even easily increase the operating power of the mechanical heart.

Because his current mechanical body is only of the eighth grade, it cannot bear the pressure caused by the pumping of this seventh-grade out-of-print mechanical heart, the ‘Heart Monkey’!

Therefore, Cao Cang has been very careful to control the degree of operation of the mechanical heart. This is what he calls "the ape that descends the heart and the horse that subdues the mind".

But now, Gong Qinghong is actually able to forcefully activate his mechanical heart. His strength is definitely not the ordinary Xu Ba, but half of his feet have already stepped into the threshold of Xu Qi.

"This bastard is so hidden!"


Wei Meng jumped forward to attack, his fists opened and closed wide, and he blasted towards Cao Cang with loud roars that tore the air.

The nunchucks in Cao Cang's hand flew up and down, and he opened a layer of stick net in front of him, barely holding Wei Meng's fist.

But his face became increasingly uglier. The huge pressure made him feel as if he was carrying a thousand pounds of weight, and the mechanical body that used to be like arms and fingers actually showed a tendency to lose control.

Gong Qing shouted loudly, "Cao Cang, it's your turn."


The mad Wei Meng was like a giant land beast, inserted into the stick net with his bare hands. The whistling nunchucks hit him, but only a few sparks came out.

In an overclocked state, he finally fully unleashed the power of his seventh-grade mechanical body.

There was a heart-wrenching squeaking sound.

Cao Cang's right arm, which he couldn't dodge, was grabbed by Wei Meng, and his fingers were pressed together to crush it into scrap metal.

"This 'Heart Monkey' is mine!"

Wei Meng's face showed ecstasy, and he clasped his left hand directly to Cao Cang's chest, heading straight for the heart hidden under the mechanical bone plate.

Cao Cang, whose right arm was clamped, was unable to break free at this time. It seemed that he could only watch as his chest was cut open and his heart removed.


At this thin line between life and death, Wei Meng suddenly saw a pair of prosthetic eyes as black as ink.

In those abyss-like eyes, a little golden light suddenly lit up.

"Is this... overclocking?"

Wei Meng's heart was filled with turmoil, and a fear originating from his genes enveloped his whole body.

He subconsciously threw away Cao Cang's right arm, turned around and ran away.

"Gong Qinghong, you bastard, didn't you say he didn't dare to overclock?"

Gong Qinghong's expression was stunned, then he realized it and cursed angrily: "He's bluffing you. If he dared to overclock, would you and I still be alive?!"


Wei Meng's forward figure suddenly stopped, and his footsteps suddenly stopped leaving a deep hole in the ground.

When he looked back, there were indeed no frightening eyes behind him.

"Fuck, you dare to bluff me?!"

The violent heartbeat and distorted vision made Cao Cang's running movements appear skewed, as if he would lose his balance and fall to the ground in the next moment.

Although he was embarrassed, his speed was not slow. In an instant, Cao Cang had rushed to Zhao Qingxia's side, and his only left hand that could still move grabbed his shoulder.

Since Gong Qinghong can't be killed, the person named by General Yao must be brought back.


Suddenly, a palm stretched out from nowhere and placed on Cao Cang's left arm.

In Cao Cang's horrified eyes, his entire arm fell apart in an instant and was dismantled into tiny parts.

Suddenly losing his balance, he fell forward and slid along the ground with an ugly movement like a dog eating shit.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Zhao Qingxia raised her head in surprise, staring blankly at the unfamiliar face in front of her, but those eyes were so familiar.

"Where's Mr. Ma?"

Zhao Qingxia's face showed a complex expression that seemed to be crying and laughing, and he slowly opened his palm, revealing a broken knife that was as long as a finger.

"I'm tired, let's go to bed first."

"Master Ma, please rest while I kill these people first."

Li Jun's expression became obviously stiff, and there seemed to be flames in his eyes.

"Qing Xia, which one to kill first?"

Zhao Qingxia leaned on the tree trunk and stretched out a trembling finger, "Just that stupid big guy, and that Zongheng. Huh? What about Sun Tzu?!"

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