Cyber Daming

Chapter 171 Nuo ghost enters the temple

Ugly time.

Red light shone in the sky, and thunder suddenly broke out on the ground, resounding throughout the temple.

Looking down from mid-air, you can see dense numbers of bald heads rushing out of the dormitory, like ants coming out of the nest, looking in panic at the rampaging and wreaking Zhang Kuangchen dragon.


Another dormitory collapsed with a deafening roar, and the dust kicked up was like the flying claws of a dust dragon, tearing the courage of these monks to pieces.

After so many years of building a temple in Chongqing, this is the first time that Luohan Temple has been visited.

Who is it that is so arrogant? !

"Hey, can you pay attention to me? Shouldn't you be taking me as a hostage at this time?"

He Zangjia yelled and grinned.

But his act of seeking death did not receive any response.

At this moment, all the monks in Bodhidharma Academy looked like they were facing a formidable enemy, their eyes fixed on the dust dragon in the distance.

Only the head of the Bodhidharma Academy looked solemn, staring at the gloomy night sky above the ruins.

"With such astonishing destructive power, could it be that the person coming is the 'Fire General'? But if it is him, why has the 'Tingting' security been unable to locate him for so long?"

Unsolved doubts and sudden changes occurred.

An unknown source of panic spread in the hearts of the monks of Bodhidharma Monastery, as if a raging fire was burning their hearts and lungs, scratching their heads and scratching their heads, making them unable to sit still.


Sitting cross-legged on the futon, the first one yelled angrily.

But the moment he finished speaking, his pupils suddenly shrank as he stared at the night.

In that thick darkness, he actually saw two extremely bright stars!

"Watch your head!"

The monks looked up in shock and saw a ferocious face emerging from the night!

Until this moment, they finally heard the hunting sound of shaking clothes!


Because of its extremely fast speed, it almost formed a bunch of black lines and crashed through the golden roof of Bodhidharma Academy.

The falling bricks and stones carried fierce momentum, like raging stray bullets, mottled the golden paint of the Demon-Conquering Vajra enshrined in the hall.

Alarm bells were ringing in the head of Bodhidharma Academy, and he did not dare to hesitate at all. His strong figure jumped up from the futon and rolled backwards to get out of the way.


The futon and the ground beneath it were cracked.

A fist sank deep into it until it reached the elbow!

The head of Bodhidharma Academy turned over and landed on the ground. Looking at the strangely dressed enemy in front of him, he shouted angrily: "You are not one of the 'Thousand Sects and Eight Generals'. Who are you?!"


The fist was pulled out, and broken stone fragments fell from the arm, hitting the ground with a crackling sound.

There was no sound coming from the ferocious Nuo who looked like a ghost. He turned slightly and looked at the young man lying on the ground who didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Suddenly, a bloodstained and miserable figure came into view, and moved in front of Zhou You with the movement of a hungry tiger pouncing on food.

"Brother, you are finally here. These bald donkeys are so damn inhuman. They actually want to dig out Zhou You's brain alive and stuff it into the Buddha's kingdom."

Although he didn't recognize this Nuo mask, He Zangjia knew who the person under the mask was even if he thought about it with his toes.

He touched the blood on his face and said passionately: "But don't worry, brother, as long as I am still breathing, I won't let them hurt Zhou You!"

"You have worked hard."

The lines on the thickly colored Nuo face moved, forming a ferocious and terrifying smile, which made He Zangjia feel chilled all over.

Fortunately, he was a man who had seen the world, so he could keep his composure. He immediately twitched his facial features and forced out an aggrieved expression.

"No, it's not hard, it's just that life is a bit tough."

Nuo turned back and glanced at the head of Bodhidharma Academy with his sharp eyes.

"This benefactor, a poor monk named Hui Nan, is the head of Bodhidharma Academy of Luohan Temple. Today's matter is purely a misunderstanding. How about we stop fighting here and sit down to discuss it in detail?"

When King Kong meets ghosts and gods, what he says is not to put down the butcher's knife, but to stop fighting.

How ironic.

"No, I'm in a bad mood today and can't talk."

Listening to the cold voice coming from under Nuo's face, Hui Nan couldn't help but frown.

"Luohan Temple advocates treating others with courtesy, but we are not afraid of getting into trouble! Do you single-handedly want to make enemies of the hundreds of monks in my entire temple?"

"Just them?"

Li Jun raised his eyes and scanned them. Wherever he looked, all the monks were as silent as a cicada, and no one dared to make a sound. "A bunch of chickens and dogs."

It's all those idiots who have harmed my Buddhism.

Hui Nan looked at the scene in front of him, and suddenly felt a trace of sadness in his heart.

In those days when "the world was divided into martial arts", Buddhist monks were so brave and good at fighting that even those in martial arts dared to fight head-on without fear.

But now when faced with the invasion of the temple by an evil spirit suspected of being Xu Qi, all of them were still timid.


Li Jun stepped forward, his steps neither urgent nor slow.

"Donor, if you are still stubborn, don't blame the poor monk for being ruthless."

Monk Huinan looked stern, but he was shouting urgently in his mind: "Brother Abbot, what is going on over there in the Main Hall, why has the Buddhist Kingdom on Earth not been launched yet?!"

"That Nuo noodle has a shielding function, and the Buddhist host in the temple has never been able to complete the lock."

An old voice echoed in his heart.

Hui Nan's tone was stunned, "What should we do?"

"Junior Brother Huinan, I'm afraid the only way is to smash that Nuo noodle. As long as we can drag this madman into the Buddhist kingdom, we will definitely win!"

If I am sure that I can break this Nuo noodle, why not just blow this man’s head off? Do you still need to open a Buddhist kingdom?

Could it be that the abbot wants to take this opportunity to kill me and reshuffle Bodhidharma Academy?

Huixin, you old bald donkey who has been stabbed a thousand times.

Before Hui Nan could stop cursing in his heart, he was interrupted by the awe-inspiring murderous aura in front of him.

Li Jun's steps were faster and faster. Five feet away it was like a heavy rain breaking tiles, and ten feet away there were even louder drums!

Another step fell, and the ghosts and gods were in front of the monk.

Using the spine as the axis and the waist as the root, swing your arms sideways and smash down!

Baji split hanging, single split hand!


The power above his head was like rolling mountains. Hui Nan no longer had the mind to think about those strange thoughts. He only heard him shout angrily, his face suddenly became ferocious, and there was a fierce anger between his eyebrows.

Suddenly, tiny golden Sanskrit words appeared under Hui Nan's exposed skin outside the monk's robe, and his whole body seemed to be coated with a layer of bright golden light.

There is bright yellow Buddha light spurting out from the scar on the top of his head, forming a circle in the air, and hanging a golden Dharma wheel behind his head!

The Seventh Sequence of Buddhism and Taoism—The First to Conquer Demons!

Hui Nan's arms as thick as pillars were folded over his head, and he faced the arm that was smashing down with the force of carrying the cauldron!


The terrifying force from her arms made Hui Nan's huge body fall suddenly. She bent her left leg and landed on one knee. The gold bricks under her feet instantly turned into powder.

In just a few seconds, Li Jun stepped forward and pushed his knee, knocking away Hui Nan's panicked arm that pressed down defensively.

Huinan threw his hands away, and the middle door opened wide in an instant.

Li Jun swung out his right leg and hit Hui Nan on the chest.

The huge force pushed the Buddha Seven, who had initiated the Vajra Transformation, to move backwards, plowing a ravine of bricks and earth in the bright and clean sutra hall.

"Pure flesh and blood power, he is a martial arts sequence!"

A trail of thick white blood was left at the corner of Hui Nan's mouth, which stained the golden skin and was extremely dazzling.

But a terrifying light suddenly burst out in his eyes, followed by unspeakable excitement and greed!

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