Cyber Daming

Chapter 192 What is a Taoist Friend?


The hot air waves evaporated the raindrops into mist, and the dazzling fire burned people's cheeks.

Everywhere an explosion occurred, within a radius of one foot, there were miserable scenes of broken limbs flying everywhere and blood and flesh everywhere.

In an instant, the square was filled with panic, curses, and cries.

Pushed, dragged, and trampled, those who were lucky enough to escape the explosion eventually died at the feet of the same innocent people.


A gleam of cold light came out of the scabbard.

Wang Xie used his backhand to cut down a Honghu member who was running past him.

The severed head rolled down and a column of blood spurted out. The headless body ran forward for a few steps before falling to the ground.

"Boss, these beasts Honghu are crazy!"

"I saw."

The voice on the other end of the communication was unusually cold.

Wang Xie gritted his teeth and said, "What should we do now? Let the brothers get off the field and evacuate the crowd?"



Another member of Honghu was beheaded by Xiuchundao.

Unfortunately, the bomb tied to his torso had already been ignited. As the smoke lingered, Wang Xie Tie stepped forward with a livid face, grabbed the corpse by the collar and threw it into the air.


Blood streamed down, covering his head and face.

Wang Xie shook off the pieces of meat that fell on his shoulders and asked angrily: "Why not? How many can be saved?"

"Which one is more serious, death in the house or death all the way?"

The voice in the communication suddenly became louder, "Wang Xie, let me tell you, if the culprit is not eliminated, this kind of thing will happen again in the future!"

The corners of Wang Xie's mouth tightened, and the bones of the palm of his hand holding the handle of the knife cracked.

"What you have to do now is not to save people, but to kill people! If you can't bring me the mastermind this time, I will throw you into prison first!"


Wang Xie's red eyes stared at the cyan figure that was massacring the employees of Qixia Group.

The body bowed slightly, like a furious cheetah, shooting out!

In the square, chaos continued.

The crowded crowd scrambled for the narrow and slippery mountain road, countless pairs of arms were dragging and pushing each other, and dirty words turned into swords, stabbing the surrounding companions mercilessly.

At this moment, there are no other fellow Taoists around him, they are all sworn enemies trying to get through.

Even the people who had squeezed onto the mountain path would be dragged back again by arms stretched out from nowhere, and then swallowed up cleanly by the crowd.

"Let me, please. My grandson is still in the square."

In the turbulent crowd, a thin figure was walking backwards with difficulty.

The old man's frightened face floated up and down in the sea of ​​arms and heads. Occasionally, he desperately took a few steps forward, only to be dragged back even further the next moment.

"Please, save my grandson, we are fellow Taoists, we are fellow Taoists"

His sad pleas were almost inaudible, just like his aging body, making no waves among the frantic crowd.

Just when the old man was in despair, his vision blurred by tears suddenly saw a pair of extremely fanatical eyes.

The owner of the eyes was surprisingly the person who told him not long ago that "there are no gods in the world."

"Honghu, go to death!"


The violent explosion opened a gap in the dense crowd.

Amidst the screams one after another, a bloody road appeared in front of the old man.

"Thank you."

Perhaps he was disturbed by the explosion, or perhaps his mind was swallowed up by the hell-like scene in front of him.

Or maybe the sky is full of immortals and gods, but this person is the only one who answered his prayer.

By some strange coincidence, the old man actually opened his mouth to express his gratitude to the pagan who 'opened the way' for him.

The old man struggled and staggered to his feet, staggering towards his grandson.

But before he could take a few steps, his almost deaf ears suddenly heard a faint, but crazy enough cry.



The old man turned his head blankly and saw a wave of scarlet and hot blood sweeping towards him.


Amidst the harsh sound of breaking through the air, the flying sword sank into the center of the Spirit Officer's brow, stirring the majestic body into scattered clouds.

Zou Sijiu kneeled on the ground, panting heavily, sweat pouring from his forehead.

It's still a bit reluctant to steal permissions and fight with people who are one level above you.

At this time, Zou Sijiu suddenly missed Li Jun very much.

I am doing technical work, so I have to let him do the fighting.

"Yin Yang Ba Nuo Gong can open the 'back door' and is so familiar with Qixia Cave Heaven. Are you the Zou Sijiu from the Peace Hotel?"

Wang Wenqin, dressed in snow-white Taoist robes, walked slowly over.

At this moment, the sky and the earth were already dark, and the remaining rays of the setting sun were swept away by dark clouds, leaving only a golden line undulating along the mountain.

When the last ray of light is taken away, Qixia Cave Heaven will completely change hands.

Unfortunately, this scene will never happen.

Because this giant rat will be killed by him soon!

"Master Dao, I thought of the friendship between the Daomen and the Yin and Yang families back then, and I allowed you to coexist with me in Chongqing Mansion. I didn't expect that you were so shameless that you dared to covet my cave."

Zou Sijiu, who was seriously injured, simply sat down cross-legged and squinted at Wang Wenqin, who was approaching step by step.

"Lao Niubi, don't flatter yourself. It's like you have the guts to go to Hongya Mountain and scan the Peace Hotel."

Wang Wenqin said in a deep voice: "The southwest of the empire is the basic base of Daomen, and Chongqing Mansion will be taken back by us sooner or later."

"You said it so confidently, I almost believed it."

Zou Sijiu said with a smile on his face, "If the Taoist sect really has that ability, can the Qingcheng Group stay in Chengdu Mansion? Is it your turn to be a small character like you?"

"You Yin-Yang sorcerers are still so annoying even though you have sharp teeth and sharp lips."

Wang Wenqin snorted coldly, "Hand over the 'back door' in your hand, Master Dao, and I can leave a trace of your soul behind and give you a chance to be reincarnated!"

"Bragging again."

Zou Sijiu shook his head and sneered: "If you had the ability to strangle me completely in the yellow beam, you wouldn't be able to detect where the 'back door' is."

Wang Wenqin said ferociously: "I can cut off the connection between Qixia Dongtian and 'Bai Yujing', and lock you here for the rest of your life!"

“That’s my ‘Eastern Palace’, not your ‘Bai Yujing’.”

Zou Sijiu spat, "A bunch of treacherous bastards!"

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Since you are so stubborn, Master Tao will send you on your way!"

The two fingers of Wang Wenqin's right hand are held together like a sword, and the halberd is pointed at Zou Sijiu.

The flying sword hanging in the air flew in a circle and hit Zou Sijiu between his eyebrows.

"It's indeed time to hit the road, but I don't need you to see me off."

Zou Sijiu suddenly grinned, which made Wang Wenqin's heart sink.

He glanced away and saw a familiar mark on Zou Sijiu's right hand.

Shangkundi and Xiagenshan. Qian hexagram means good luck.

At the same time, the last ray of afterglow finally dissipated, and the setting sun completely disappeared into the distant mountains.

Wang Wenqin's face suddenly turned pale, and a sudden emptiness enveloped him.

It was as if something extremely important had been taken away, and the whole person was hollowed out.

"My authority, my cave"

"I will take back the Huangliang authority that you have taken away from you in the Yin and Yang sequence. Remember, I said this to Master Zou!"

Zou Sijiu laughed loudly, and his figure suddenly became illusory, as if he was about to disappear on the spot.

But after a period of chaos and shaking, it coalesced again.


Zou Sijiu looked at his hands in horror, the skin on his face trembling, and every inch of his skin conveyed the panic in his heart.

"Failed to escape? How is it possible? What went wrong?"

"Why don't you run away? Do you think that now that you have authority, you have the capital to compete with Pindao here?"

A cold sneer came, followed closely by a high-pitched and harsh sword cry.

Zou Sijiu felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and a thought suddenly came to his mind.

I've been tricked!


Just when Zou Sijiu's body was about to be pierced by the flying sword, thunder suddenly exploded in the dark sky.

There were bursts of thunder, as if coming from outside the sky.

Then Zou Sijiu felt that the world in front of him began to shake, and then seemed to melt, becoming blurry.

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