Cyber Daming

Chapter 204 The situation is chaotic

"A magician who doesn't tell fortunes well actually hides so much wine. Do you really think he owns a restaurant?"

Li Jun folded his hands on his chest and stood in front of Zou Sijiu's private wine rack, looking up and down.

If Zou Sijiu were still here at this moment, he would be shocked that his secret was discovered by Li Jun.

In fact, the reason is not complicated.

Although Li Jun didn't understand the art of mechanism, Prince Ma, an old gangster of the Mohist family, was proficient in it.

As soon as he handed the control compass to Li Jun with his front foot, Lord Ma completely broke all the hidden restrictions in it.

At this time, Lord Ma should have already been swimming in Zou Sijiu's unique secret skill 'Yellow Liang Yuhai'.

Although Li Jun didn't understand why Zou Sijiu arranged the interior of 'Xiumen' like a wine shop.

But when I looked around, I found that this magic stick had quite a lot of good wine in his collection.

"There is actually this thing."

Li Jun raised his eyebrows and took out a jar of Mingjiu that was still covered with mud from the center of the wine rack.

There is a piece of red paper taped to the brown altar, with the four characters "Jiannan Shaochun" written on it, and it is written at the end of the red paper.

"What kind of wine should go with what kind of bowl, hey"

While talking to himself, Li Jun poured himself a bowl, wandered to the window, and threw himself into a rocking chair.

Peace Hotel is located outside the cliff tower of Hongya Mountain. Although the floor is not high, it can still overlook a corner of Zhongyu District.

It rains a lot in the mountain city, and it always comes unexpectedly.

The patter of rain passes through the colorful light and shadow, hitting the heads of pedestrians.

Bizarre but consistent projections of gods and goddesses float above the streets.

The attentive vendors clamored for their goods, attracting the slave laborers who had just finished their sales.

Orioles with heavy makeup hovered in the dark alley, and a strong man with painted dragons and phoenixes squatted not far away to watch.

A beggar in ragged clothes huddled under the eaves, feasting on the leftovers he picked up from an unknown wine shop.

In the transparent display window of the hospital, an operation to replace a prosthetic limb is underway. The crowd of people watching outside the door gradually grew, and the doctor's assistant took the opportunity to sell the hospital's charging standards.

In front of the wine shop where the gongs and drums were noisy, the dancers from Xiyi took off their clothes and danced in the cold rain. It was already commonplace for pedestrians to come and go. It wasn't until the astute waiter handed over a flyer with the word "original body" on it that some people were attracted into the wine shop.

Without the armed guards patrolling with live ammunition, the streets in Zhongyu District are more prosperous than those in Jigo District.

The wine bowl in the palm of the hand is not big, and it can be drank up in a few gulps to match the images of all living beings in the eyes.

Li Jun placed the wine bowl on the window sill and took out from his arms the external device that He Zangjia gave him that could connect to the Huangliang network.

After confirming his identity as a 'no-brand', he successfully entered the Sichuan-Chongqing Gambling Club's internal information platform.

Dense information flows on the panel like a waterfall. This is one of the reasons why Huangliang Mengjing’s external devices were eliminated.

The huge information flow is presented in the form of text, which is very low in efficiency and effect.

Moreover, after the "Division of Martial Arts in the World", the main power holders of the empire no longer rejected the martial arts sequence implanted with spiritual orifice chips, and the market naturally abandoned this backward interaction method.

Fortunately, Li Jun's current neural reaction speed is strong enough to keep up with the refresh rate of information.

After scanning some trivial, complicated and useless information, Li Jun clicked on a message that was highlighted in bold and red.

"The leader of the Que family, 'General' Qi Huai, colluded with Hong Hu, and his house was ransacked by the Jin Yiwei."

The information was detailed, and the process of how Qi Huai assisted Honghu in sneaking into the Qixia Group was clearly described.

He even pointed out Zhang Jinyun, the Daoba of the Qixia Group who was instigated by Honghu, and Fang Xinxu, the "resurrected" Yellow Turban warrior.

It seems that the person who posted this message was at the scene of the incident that day.

The wording in the following article is even more unceremonious, accusing Qi Huai, as the "general" of the Sichuan and Chongqing Gambling Club, who not only failed to seek the interests of the majority of gambling club colleagues, but instead participated in Honghu's rebellion.

This move completely disregarded the life and death of everyone in the congregation, and was not worthy of the word 'general' at all.

Call on the remaining "eight generals" to remove Qi Huai from his status as a "general", and at the same time hand over the territory under the name of "Tong Zi" and compensate other suits.

The entire message is eloquent and full of thousands of words, full of emotion, pictures and texts, and can be called a classic vernacular statement.

There were hundreds of replies to the message below, showing an atmosphere of excitement.

Even Li Jun couldn't help but guess that even if all of Qi Huai's family members were not sent to prison, their fate would not be much better.

You must know that assassinations account for a large share of the main business of the Sichuan-Chongqing Gambling Club.

Being targeted by so many villains would be difficult for even a 'general' to deal with.

However, after reading this provocative article, Li Jun had the same doubts in his heart as when he saw the reward he was offering.

It was clear that Shenxia Taoist Wang Wenqin and Fang Xinxu were both killed by him, but there was still no mention of it in the message, and his scenes were completely deleted.

Not only that, even Zou Sijiu and Prince Ma did not appear in it.

There were many believers gathered in front of Qixia Square that day. Although these people were frightened by Honghu's "self-destruction" and ran away, someone must have witnessed the situation at that time.

With the foundation and capabilities of the Sichuan-Chongqing Gambling Club in Chongqing, it is impossible to find out even this little thing.

It is so abnormal that the only explanation can only be that the person who posted this information was deliberately hiding it for them.

"Wang Xie? Impossible. He looks like he has a broken heart. How could he still go to the Sichuan-Chongqing Gambling Club's internal information platform to join in the fun."

Li Jun rubbed his chin and thought to himself.

"Could it be that in the 'card system', the wind general, metal generates fire?"

If this statement was really written by Jin Shenghuo, it would be in the interests of the 'Pai System'.

After all, Zhongyu District has always been regarded as a target by the 'Sparrow Clan'. Although the 'Pai Clan' has reached out through the Luohan Temple incident, there has been constant friction between the two parties.

Now that 'general' Qi Huai is forced to flee, the entire 'que family' must be in turmoil.

If you hold great righteousness at this time and instigate other people in the gambling club to attack the 'bird family' together, you will definitely get a lot of benefits.

It is not even impossible to drive the 'Sparrows' out of Zhongyu District in one fell swoop.

After thinking about it carefully, it makes sense that I would be hidden in this statement.

After all, I still have the identity of a 'card-type' miscellaneous brand.

"It seems that the Sichuan-Chongqing Gambling Club is also going to have civil strife."

One leaf falls and autumn is known.

Honghu used the Qixia Group to set up a trap to ambush him this time, and the impact may be more than that.

As a person in the game, I am afraid that I have already been deeply involved in it.

"Honghu, these bastards are really disgusting."

Li Jun raised his hand to rub his temples, feeling irritable in his heart.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door of the hotel.

"I didn't see the sign at the door. The proprietor is out. I'll wait for another day."

Li Jun shouted angrily at the Feng Shui compass on his wrist.

After a moment of silence outside the door, an angry voice came back from the compass.

"Can't change it!"

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