Cyber Daming

Chapter 257 The Wild World Group (3)

When Li Jun pushed open the private room door, Mo Jin was already missing.

In the huge room, a table of wine and food was already cold. Saburo Nemoto, who had been waiting for a long time, stood up slowly, cupped his hands towards Li Jun and said with a smile: "Saburo Nemoto, the representative of the Procurement Department of Huangshi Group, has met Mr. Li."

"My nose is pretty sharp, and I can run pretty fast."

Li Jun didn't show any look of annoyance on his face, and it was obvious that this time he missed the target was expected.

After all, Zhao Qingxia can reversely track Mo Jin's position through the sound transmission system of the Mo attack team, so the other party will naturally be aware of the approaching danger in advance.

But what Li Jun didn't expect was that someone would be waiting for him here.

"Mr. Li, have you misunderstood? There is only the villain here from beginning to end, and no one else. How can we escape?"

Li Jun looked at the other person up and down, recalling the self-introduction of the other person just now.

"You, what kind of desolate world group, are so courageous that you even dare to get involved in the business of smuggling arms. Don't you know that selling weapons in criminal areas is illegal?"

"It's unfair, sir. Huangshi Group is an honest and honest trading company. We don't do any business prohibited by the Ming Dynasty Law."

Saburo Nemoto spread his hands and said with a smile: "We are good people, very good people."

Good people, what the hell?

Li Jun recalled some dusty memories in his mind, and his expression became strange for a moment.

"You say you are a good citizen, that's all? Take out your good citizen certificate!"

Good Citizen Certificate. What is that?

Is it a new policy implemented by the Japanese civilian area? Never heard of it!

Saburo Nemoto looked stunned, then said with a smile: "I must have a certificate of good citizenship, but I was in a hurry this time and forgot to bring it with me."

"If you, my lord, doubt my identity, I have the contact information of the Xuanfu Envoy of the Japanese People's District. They can prove it for me."

This little Japanese pirate is pretty good at telling lies with his eyes open.

Li Jun sneered. It was naturally impossible for him to reach out to answer the phone in Saburo Nemoto's hand. He walked to a chair and sat down on his own.

There is a black umbrella in the palm of his right hand. The slender umbrella is shaped like a long sheathed knife.

"Okay, let's stop chatting here. Since you dare to stay here, you must have promised Mo Jin to help him hold me back, right? Or are you, the Huangshi Group, planning to help him deal with the aftermath?"

Nesaburo moved his lips and was about to speak when he was interrupted by Li Jun directly waving his hand.

"Stop talking about nonsense that you have nothing to do with Tianzhihui. We are not ignorant of the world. If you keep pretending, you will be insulting."

Seeing Li Jun's attitude was so aggressive, a cold light flashed across Saburo Nemoto's eyes.

"Master Li is indeed a cheerful person. In this case, I will open the skylight and speak frankly."

Nemoto Saburo said sternly: "This matter is ultimately a family matter within the Tenshi Association. It is inconvenient for us outsiders and we should not interfere. If you promise not to participate in it anymore, then you are a friend of the Huangshi Group. Treat friends, Huangshi The group has always been very generous.”

"Oh? You want to bribe me?" Li Jun raised his eyebrows, "Then tell me what conditions you can offer."

This vulgar fool! Nesaburo cursed secretly in his heart.

As a Japanese man obsessed with the culture of the Ming Dynasty, he loved the language art of the Ming Dynasty very much. He paid attention to speaking seven points and leaving three points blank. I don't even bother to talk about it.

In his opinion, the artistic conception of "still holding the pipa and half covering one's face" is the quality that upper class people should have.

As for Li Jun's straight-to-the-point way of speaking, only those untouchables who don't belong to the order can do this.

"If what we understand is correct, Mr. Li, you should be at the peak of martial arts, right?"

Li Jun smiled and said: "You did your homework very thoroughly, almost."

There is indeed only a narrow gap between Wu Xuqi and Wu Xuliu at their peak, and Li Jun is almost right.

"If you are willing to give up protecting Zhao Qingxia, Huangshi Group can provide you with a sixth-grade martial arts injector for free. Whether it is martial arts, body training or body skills, you can choose on your own."

Saburo Nemoto said: "This meeting gift should be sincere enough, right?"

The Huangshi Group actually has a sixth-grade martial arts injector! And judging from what the Japanese people said, they had more than one injector in their hands, covering all categories of martial arts sequence abilities!

When I was dozing off, someone handed me a pillow.

What a fucking surprise!

Li Jun was overjoyed. After breaking through Jinxu and becoming Wuxu Liuzhige, he had accumulated a large number of mastery points in his hands. However, he had been suffering from the lack of a sixth-grade martial arts injector and was unable to convert the mastery points into combat effectiveness.

But now that Nesaburo has given himself the direction, the rest is simple.

Thinking of this, Li Jun inexplicably felt that the Japanese people in front of him were no longer so disgusting. He smiled softly and asked: "Does your Huangshi Group have sixth-grade internal strength?"

Tall buildings rose from the ground. After experiencing Xu Jiu's plan to wipe out his family, Li Jun's obsession with internal strength has reached an obsessive level.

Nenzaburo looked at the excited Li Jun, and a feeling of contempt suddenly arose in his heart.

He is another greedy villain who betrays his friends for glory. He is the same as those blood-sucking Xuanfu officials in the Japanese area.

But having said that, although I hate people like Li Jun very much, without the existence of these villains, the Huangshi Group would not have developed so rapidly in recent years.

The more these moths there are, the faster this huge empire will collapse, and the smoother the revitalization of the Japanese areas will be.

Perhaps in a few years, they will be able to turn the so-called empire into a criminal area, and let these arrogant Ming people become humble criminals, and taste the pain and humiliation they have experienced.

The greed revealed in Li Jun's eyes made Saburo Nemoto relax completely.

A person who is caught with desires, even if he is a tiger, will be collared and become a captive domestic cat.

"As the largest trading group in the Japanese area, Huangshi Group has everything you want."

Saburo Nemoto chuckled and said: "But the sixth-grade internal energy injector is worth a lot of money. Even if we like your friend Mr. Li very much, we can't give it to you for free. But..."

Saburo Nemoto's words continued, but after Li Jun heard him admit that he had sixth-grade internal energy in his hand, he automatically ignored the rest of his words.

"As long as I raid the lair of these Japanese pirates, won't I have everything?"

Li Jun's eyes shone brightly and he murmured to himself: "Is it possible that this Japanese community is still my blessed land?"

"Master Li, what do you mean?"

Nenzaburo heard Li Jun's muttering clearly, and his face suddenly darkened.

"I advise you not to toast or eat as a penalty. Since I dare to wait for you here, I naturally have the confidence to make you stop!"


The umbrella in Li Jun's hand touched the floor, "Your confidence is the two soldiers ambushing you downstairs, right?"

"Oh, by the way, you are a good citizen."

Li Jun's tone was teasing, and the black light of the Book of Impermanence ring on his hand flashed, "Including you, there are three soldiers and seven generals in total. What, you think you can kill me like this?"

Nemoto Saburo said in a ferocious voice: "We killed a lot of martial arts warriors who fled the Japanese area back then!"

"Have you pinched a few soft persimmons and it made you more confident?"

Li Jun smiled faintly, stretched out a finger and tapped his head, "Move your head and think about it carefully. If the three of you Bingqi can defeat me, does Mo Jin's grandson need to run away with his tail between his legs? ?”

Saburo Nemoto felt an inexplicable chill in his heart, but at this moment, the arrow was already on the string and he had to shoot, and he was not allowed to continue to think about it.

"Do it!"

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