Cyber Daming

Chapter 259 Breaking through the bottom line

On the outskirts of Lingshan Guard City, an armed chariot was speeding away in the direction of Weihai Guard.

Mo Jin grabbed the armrest of the car window and leaned most of his body out of the car, looking at the fire rising into the sky in the distance.

"Even though this didn't kill you, it seems that the rumor must be true."

Mo Jin untied the bun on his head with one hand, letting his shoulder-length hair dance in the strong wind, and suddenly cursed.

"Wu Xu Zhige actually jumped out at this time, so damn unlucky!"

After venting the depressed anger in his heart, Mo Jin slowly sat back in the car with a cold aura, closing his eyes and concentrating.

In the original plan, he could completely solve Zhao Qingxia's trouble today.

Although the disappearance of the other party will definitely make Juzitang send people down to investigate, but with his family's power in the Tianzhi Association, it will not be troublesome to deal with it.

It's nothing more than paying a price.

At that time, the admission quota of Juzitang will naturally be returned to his own hands, and the business at home and in the Japanese community can continue.

In Mo Jin's view, Zhao Qingxia's appearance was originally just an insignificant episode. After you crush this unknown person to death, everything will return to normal, everyone will still make money, and their ranking will continue to rise.

But now with Li Jun's fate, Mo Jin's plan has been completely disrupted, and the development of things has even exceeded the control of the prince of the Tianzhihui Mo Attack Force.

The background that the other party moved out was not inferior to his own, and even more threatening.

This couldn't help but make the arrogant Mo Jin feel extremely irritated.

"A wild dog that bites people on sight also wants to fight with wolves. Li Jun, do you really think I am afraid of you?"


Suddenly, the brain behind Mo Jin's head made a sound indicating that Huang Liang's dream had been connected, and then the vision in front of him began to change.

A conference room with simple decoration unfolded in front of you. There was no luxurious Ming-style wooden furniture in front of you. All the tables and chairs were shining with the cold light of iron.

A giant shield hangs on the wall directly in front, with the Mo family's token Juzi Sword inlaid in the center.

A middle-aged man with a calm temperament was sitting under the shield. The cold look on his face made Mo Jin's heart sink.


Mo Jin quickly controlled the anger in his heart, stood with his hands tied, lowered his head and shouted.

The only person who could be called that by him was Mo Ke, the chief officer of Tianzhihui Mo Offensive Force.

"I already know about Lingshan Guard."

Mo Ke went straight to the point, and his calm voice made it impossible to hear his happiness or anger.

"The entire seventh team was wiped out, and one of the deputy commanders in charge, Mo Xuqi, was also killed on the spot. This matter cannot be suppressed, and I will report it to the higher-ups in the meeting truthfully."

Mo Jin was shocked when he heard this, "Why?"

"This matter was made by Xu Feng, the deputy chief of the Mo Offensive Force, on his own initiative. Although you were the leader of the seventh team, you had no knowledge of the whole process. Do you understand?"

Mo Jin suddenly said: "I understand."

"That's it for Team 7. No matter who asks about it from now on, you will always use the same rhetoric."

Mo Ke paused for a moment and then changed the topic: "Next, I want to hear what you said, why do you want to drag the Huangshi Group into trouble?"

Mo Jin was keenly aware of the trace of anger emerging in his father's eyes. He immediately looked stern and said urgently: "I did it on purpose."

"My son thinks that since Huangshi Group wants to get goods from us, it is better to let them help us solve the problem of Li Jun. If it succeeds, we will reap the benefits. Even if it fails, there will be one more person to share the pressure in the future. people."

"Those Japanese people are not fools. What did you promise them that made them agree to take action?"

Mo Jin's heart trembled, "Mo Mo Jia."

"You have violated the bottom line of Tianzhihui."

Mo Ke leaned back, closed his eyes slightly, and said after a long time: "Now that Saburo Nemoto is dead, the Huangshi Group also knows what level of strength Li Jun is, and I'm afraid they won't continue to send people to get involved. ”

"How can it be?"

Mo Jin didn't know why: "Don't they want to do business with our family?"

"Your behavior of concealing Li Jun's information this time is no less than betrayal in the eyes of the Japanese people. After suffering a loss, they will definitely wait quietly for us to decide the winner. If our father and son lose, they Naturally, I will try to attach myself to the next leader of the Mo Attack Force again."

"But they aren't worried. When we win, they won't have this bowl of rice to eat?!"

Mo Ke said calmly: "They need us, and we need them too. Not all Japanese people have the courage to violate the laws of the Ming Dynasty, and there is more than one Tianzhihui in the entire Mo family."

"Then we'll do it ourselves!"

Mo Jin said ferociously: "I don't believe it. The entire Mo attack force can't defeat Wu Xuliu?!"

"Stupid!" Mo Ke's eyes that were slightly closed suddenly opened.

Although he was in Huangliang's dream, Mo Jin still felt a strong sense of oppression coming towards him.

"The first step is to attack the enemy, then the second is to attack the enemy, and the third is to attack the army! Go to the end personally and leave no room for change. That is what a fool would do!"

Mo Ke's angry scolding echoed in the conference room.

Suddenly, the tables and chairs overturned, the walls shook, and the entire illusion was destabilized by his anger.

"That's what my father taught me."

Mo Jin lowered his head and quietly pressed his hands on his thighs to prevent his body from shaking at all, "Then what should we do now?"

"Your transaction with Mojia has already exceeded the bottom line of Tianzhihui. But this is not the most serious thing. What is really scary is that after the breakthrough, you start to be hesitant and timid again!"

Mo Ke's voice was as loud as a bell, and every word was deafening.

"Now that the Huangshi Group has been dragged into the water, it is impossible for them to surface easily! They now choose to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight because the three ink armors can no longer impress them, then open one to let them An offer you can’t refuse!”

Mo Jin's pupils trembled, and he subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said in shock: "Father, what do you mean, give them complete Mo armor with Ming Gui on them? Those are all Mo Xu's heroic spirits."

"Since you choose to break through the bottom line rules, you must break through them cleanly! Only in this way can you re-establish the bottom line rules after winning!"

Mo Ke waved his hand and said, "Tell those Japanese people that as long as they can solve this matter, they can get three complete Mojia."

"But one of them must be taken out of you! This is a lesson for you."

Huang Liang's dream was interrupted, and Mo Jin's eyes returned to the carriage again, staring blankly ahead.

"Brother Jin, what did the old man say when he asked you to enter Huangliang Dreamland?"

A clear voice sounded, and Mo Jin subconsciously looked sideways.

In the driving position, an exoskeleton armor was concentrating on controlling the steering wheel.

Mo Jin was silent for a long time, without saying a word. He just clenched his fists and dug his fingers into his palms.

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