Cyber Daming

Chapter 26 Mohist Family

As the anger in his heart was vented, the scarlet red in Li Jun's eyes had dissipated, and his eyes returned to their former coldness, "What if I die?"

"You can't do anything if you die, it's just a little trouble. This kid is from the Mo Family Tianzhi Association. The people in this organization don't have much ability. They just like to protect their shortcomings. Killing him will do you no good."

The red light flickers on and off, just like the eyes of a real person.

Li Jun raised his hand to shave his eyebrows, grinned, revealing a pair of bloody white teeth, "Threaten me?"

"No, no, no, absolutely not. Master Ma, I don't, brother, I just don't deserve it for you."

"Brother, I've heard about what happened to you in Brother Muddy Water Pao. It's really not worth it to make these people embarrassed."

This man named Ma Wang Ye is no less slick than the stall owner in Ghost Street. His tone is extremely sincere, and he looks like he is thinking about Li Jun with all his heart.

Li Jun was silent for a moment, glanced at the injector stretched out in front of him, and asked, "What does this mean?"

"The Eighth Grade Boxing Technique - Bajiquan, really good for fighting and killing people, Zhao Qingxia's life-buying money."

A flash of shock flashed through Li Jun's eyes. Zhao Qingxia was not a martial artist, but he actually had an eighth-level martial arts skill? !

No wonder Li Jun was so surprised, because even though Chengdu Prefecture has the largest underground black market in the entire southwest of the empire, there are still very few martial arts injectors of grade nine or above circulating on the market.

The reason is that it is difficult to obtain martial arts injectors of this level.

Since the decline of martial arts sects, martial arts injectors are basically in the hands of the Ministry of War.

Martial arts injectors of the ninth grade and above are specially provided to generals, and the whereabouts of each are registered with the Ministry of War. The number of them among the people is extremely rare.

Another reason is that only those who follow the martial arts sequence can inject eighth-level martial arts, and there are too few people in the martial arts sequence.

Supply is difficult, demand is low, and there is a lack of profit motivation, and the market naturally lacks vitality.

Therefore, Li Jun has only injected an eighth-grade internal skill so far, and he got it from Kuang Qingyun.

The second master of Brother Pao probably also thought that this thing was too narrow in use and would not fetch a good price if it was sold, so he gave it to Li Jun as a favor.

The metal branch swayed more enthusiastically, like a wagging dog's tail.

"I watched the fight just now from beginning to end. Brothers used their hands instead of swords from beginning to end, using the ninth-level martial arts single-sword technique. But when changing fists, there were no boxing moves. It must be that there is still a boxing technique missing, right? "

"With this Bajiquan, your close combat strength will immediately increase. If you face a stupid young man like Zhao Qingxia, you can win with three punches and two kicks."

Lord Ma was sincere and sincere, and Li Jun seemed to have no reason to refuse, but the next moment he shook his head extremely decisively.

Because if he kills Zhao Qingxia, he can at least gain hundreds of mastery points.

It is completely possible to push [Qingdi Jue] to the later stage, and the benefits are no less than an eighth-level martial arts.

"not enough."

It’s not that it’s impossible, it’s not enough.

Prince Ma keenly captured the meaning of Li Jun's words. After a moment of silence, he said: "Then add one more, eighth-grade body forging, golden bell!"

This kid is still a fat sheep!

Zhao Qingxia could actually take out two eighth-grade martial arts weapons from his body, which made Li Jun feel hot.

Seeing the eagerness in Li Jun's eyes, Lord Ma quickly said: "It's really gone this time. This guy Zhao Qingxia is a Mojiu mechanism craftsman. He has these two eighth-grade injectors because he is obsessed with martial arts."

"Even if you beat him to death, I won't be able to get anything else out of you. Brother, you believe me."

Li Jun looked at the red lights that were flashing so fast that they were almost connected, and understood that nothing else could be squeezed out of Zhao Qingxia.

Seeing the other party reaching out to take five six-art chips and two injectors, one yellow and one black, a sigh of relief came from the exoskeleton armor.

After Li Jun put away his things, he looked at the exoskeleton mecha that was slowly "sitting up".

"You're so stupid, I almost killed you, Lord Ma. No wonder the three religions want to suppress you people."

Lord Ma muttered, but found that Li Jun was staring at him with a curious look on his face, and he couldn't help but froze.

"Are you really a weapon spirit? Not a bionic program or something else?"

Li Jun was full of curiosity about this 'Lord Ma' who was just like a real person.

"Brother, do we really want to discuss this issue here? The people from Shudao Logistics will be here soon."

Li Jun sat cross-legged and said calmly: "There are still two minutes left until five minutes. If you speak faster, there is still time to run."

"Okay." Lord Ma sighed.

Following his words, the exoskeleton mecha shrugged its shoulders, causing the unconscious Zhao Qingxia inside to look like a human being sighing.

"Have you ever heard the word 'Minggui'?"

"You have one minute and fifty seconds."

"This concept is very important and must be explained thoroughly from here."

"One minute and forty-five seconds."

The red light stays on, like an angry glare.

"One minute and forty seconds."

"Okay, I admit it. I don't quite agree with the Mohist belief that everything is animistic and there is a god above the head. However, when people of the Mohist sequence break the lock and advance order, the mechanical bodies they cast with their own hands will have autonomous consciousness."

Li Jun sneered at this mysterious and mysterious explanation.

Nothing comes out of thin air. What you think comes out of nothing is just that you don't know the reason.

At this time, Li Jun suddenly recalled the situation when he was promoted to Wujiu. The sudden burst of anger made him seem to be a different person at that moment.

Thinking of this, Li Jun couldn't help but wonder: "Could you be this kid's second personality?"

"Am I him? Then, Mr. Ma, my wisdom in the Mohist Artifact Circle and the Huangliang Dream Artifact Forum has completely failed!"

Lord Ma's voice suddenly rose, and he was extremely angry at Li Jun's judgment.

"Sacred weapon?" Li Jun's eyes were suspicious and he looked up and down.

"It will grow. In the future, this kid Zhao Qingxia will be promoted to a higher rank, and I will be able to follow the rising tide."

Li Jun twitched his lips and stopped arguing on this issue. He changed the question and asked: "Why did Zhao Qingxia want to rob Shudao Logistics Group?"

Prince Ma shouted at the top of his lungs: "Brother, I still have to ask, I really don't have time."

"You will die if you don't tell me."

Zhao Qingxia, who was in a coma, was led to spread his hands, "You are poor, and your trouser pockets for R\u0026D are cleaner than your face. If you don't have money, you can only rob big companies. Who makes Confucians rich, but they also like to be rich and unkind."

Li Jun asked suspiciously: "Is it that simple?"

"It's really that simple. If he really had a plan, Zhao Qingxia wouldn't engage in hand-to-hand combat with you on a whim. Wouldn't it be a delay?"

This weapon spirit speaks, nine lies and one truth.

Li Jun made a quick judgment in his mind.

But one thing Li Jun is sure of is that Jinyiwei will choose to attack the Gu family in Yizhou at this time. I am afraid it is not only because of the help of the Taoist sect, but also because of the Mo family.

This contraband trade is probably just an insignificant line in a huge spider web.

No matter what role the Mo family played in it, if he killed Zhao Qingxia, he would be in endless trouble.

There was not much time left to escape. Seeing that Li Jun had no intention of stopping him, Lord Ma stood up with Zhao Qingxia and performed an ancient martial arts fist-holding ceremony towards Li Jun.

"Brother, the mountains will remain green and the water will flow forever. See you in the world."

After saying that, he jumped up and turned into a black dot quickly disappearing among the airtight buildings on Kowloon Street.

At the top of the messy eaves, Li Jun stood up slowly, holding the horrific wound on his abdomen, and groped in his trouser pocket for a long time.

Suddenly his face relaxed, he took out a intact holographic phone and dialed.

"Stop moving, I'm not dead yet."

On the other side of the screen, Crow Hua hurriedly hid his packed luggage, while Crow Duoduo in the corner was still looking at his banned book with concentration.

It's just that the book seems to be held upside down.

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