Cyber Daming

Chapter 262 Cheating money

This Huangliang dreamland, which looks similar to an ordinary living room, was constructed by Zhao Qingxia. The overall environment is very crude, and some walls are even distorted.

As for other functions, such as the ability to imprison the consciousness of the linker, it is even less possible.

Otherwise, Mo Jin would not dare to easily accept the invitation and enter the link.

However, although there was no danger, Mo Jin also had no authority here, and could not even build a chair. He could only watch Zhao Qingxia sit comfortably, while he could only stand stupidly.

"Zhao Qingxia, do you think you can win by making some boring noise?"

The anger in Mo Jin's eyes was even worse.

Zhao Qingxia blew the scraps off her nails and said calmly: "This is just the beginning, the more exciting things are yet to come. I didn't expect that you and your son have so many enemies. I can't help but see how hard you are adding insult to injury." It’s also very scary.”

Mo Jin sneered, "Rumors can only be rumors. No matter how much you say them, they will never become true!"

"So confident?"

Zhao Qingxia changed the hand holding the sword and continued to sharpen his nails, "I know that your father and son have closed down the company in Offshore Siwei, but don't you really think that this can destroy all the evidence?"

"It's impossible for so many arms to fall from the sky, right? From mining, smelting, manufacturing, and transportation, can you still kill everyone upstream and downstream of the entire counterfeiting line? No more business in the future?"

Mo Jin gritted his teeth and said angrily: "You came in today, Master Ben, just because you want me to listen to your nonsense?!"

"of course not."

Zhao Qingxia suddenly stopped talking, looked down at her hands angrily, and muttered: "Damn it, these nails are cut too fast. How are you going to fill the cup next? Are you using your toenails?"

Perhaps because he felt that taking off his shoes would easily make Mo Jin go berserk, Zhao Qingxia finally gave up the idea.

"The one who can untie the bell must tie it. I want to tell you that the only person who can untie this public opinion storm and clean up your house is me."

Mo Jin frowned, "What do you mean by this?"

Zhao Qingxia raised her hand and built a chair behind Mo Jin. Her tone changed from arrogant and domineering to gentle and soft.

"I'm here to make peace."

"Make peace?"

Mo Jin's eyes were suspicious. He always felt that Zhao Qingxia's expression was a bit strange, but for a while he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Yes, in fact, there is no deep hatred between us. The whole thing happened because Juzitang inexplicably assigned me a place in the Tianzhihui."

"To be honest, I actually don't have much interest in Juzi Hall, and I have never taken the initiative to compete for the qualifications to study in the hall. Being an enemy of Master Jin is purely a coincidence."

"Since you are not interested in Juzitang, why did you refuse when I offered to buy your research results and quota?"

Zhao Qingxia sighed, "Sometimes opportunities happen to me, and I subconsciously don't want to give up easily."

Mo Jin finally sat in the chair and asked with a sneer: "Then how can you figure it out now?"

"The arm cannot twist the thigh. I, Zhao Qingxia, am obsessed with martial arts and do not do my job properly. Even if I can successfully graduate from Juzi Hall in the future, I will only be Mo Xuqi in Dingpaitian. If I am luckier, I can be promoted to Mo Xuliu. But Even so, they are no match for your family."

Zhao Qingxia shrugged his shoulders and spread out his hands, "Rather than fighting to the death, wouldn't it be better if everyone gets what they need?"

Mo Jin stared at the smiling man in front of him, and after pondering for a moment, he said, "Since you want to negotiate peace with me, what's the point of throwing dirty water on Huang Liang's dream?"

"Since it is a peace negotiation, you must let the other party see your strength. Otherwise, how can you set a price?"

The rumors that kept him awake turned out to be just a way for the other party to raise a price.

Mo Jin was filled with rage at this moment and wanted to kill Zhao Qingxia directly.

You want fucking peace talks, so why don't you just ask? Do you have to go through this?

Now that I have a stinking mess all over my body, I smile and say that I can clean it up for myself, but I have to pay some cleaning fees. What the hell is this?

However, Mo Jin also knew that if the current public opinion had not caused the popular sentiment among the Mo attack troops to fluctuate, he might not have had peace talks with Zhao Qingxia at all.

It is easy to kill people, but it is difficult to clean up and smear the reputation.

"Tell me, what conditions do you want?"

Zhao Qingxia chuckled, "I'm not afraid of making fun of you, Mr. Jin. I'm from a bad background. I've lived too many hard lives since I was a kid, and I've never seen much money at all."

"After being promoted to Mo Xu, all my family wealth was used to forge and upgrade Mo Armor and study my own hobbies. I am still destitute now. That's why I went to Chengdu to fight against the autumn wind and rob the money of the Confucian clan. In the end, I had no luck. , I was chased away like crazy and almost lost my life."

Mo Jin looked bored and said: "Stop talking nonsense, how much do you want!"

Zhao Qingxia slowly stretched out two fingers and said, "This is the number."

"Two million?"

"Haha, Mr. Jin, please stop joking. How can an admission quota at Juzi Hall be worth only two million?"

Zhao Qingxia squinted and smiled: "It's 20 million!"

Mo Jin stood up suddenly and stared at Zhao Qingxia fiercely: "You want to use me as a pig to slaughter? You should buy yourself a Huangliang host with 20,000 treasures and prepare to hide in it for the rest of your life! I don't believe that the warrior can always protect him. Holding you!"

Damn, are you falling out now? Why don't you make a fucking counteroffer!

Zhao Qingxia's expression was stiff, and he saw his body getting stronger and weaker. Mo Jin, who was about to disconnect, hurriedly shouted: "We can still discuss it!"

"Five million! This is the highest price I can give."

Mo Jin's body was also extremely solid. It was obvious that his actions just now were just to intimidate Zhao Qingxia.

He now understood where the strange feeling in his heart came from.

To sum it up in two words, it’s unfamiliar!

Zhao Qingxia is just a fool, he doesn't know how to negotiate at all, and he doesn't have so many complicated thoughts.

Spraying dirty water first, and then taking advantage of the opportunity to negotiate the price with himself. This series of actions must be instigated by the martial artist in uniform behind the scenes!

The other party is afraid.

After all, I still didn’t dare to continue fighting with myself, so I played these little tricks to get more money.

Seeing Zhao Qingxia being manipulated by him, Mo Jin's anxious mood finally calmed down completely.

"If I can solve these troubles with five million, I won't have to let those criminals get involved. Naturally, I won't have to take out my Minggui Mojia at the risk of being out of order."

With the idea settled, Mo Jin said coldly: "I will give you five million treasures. You must clarify all rumors immediately, and you must not appear in the empire from now on! Otherwise, even if Li Jun is behind your back, Support me, I can even kill you!"

"No problem! As long as the money is available, I will do it immediately."

Zhao Qingxia's straightforwardness made Mo Jin frown, "I have recorded the entire process from the moment I entered this dream. If you dare to take money and do nothing, you should know the consequences!"

What are the consequences? Ruin my reputation, or take my life?

Zhao Qingxia secretly thought, you would never let me go in the first place. Sooner or later, everyone will draw their swords and see the red.

Afraid of being hunted by you? Nonsense!

As for reputation, what do I care about if I am so poor that I need to rob Confucian companies to survive?

"Don't worry, Mr. Jin. If I were a greedy person, I wouldn't let you lower the price so easily."

Although Mo Jin still had some doubts in his heart, the opportunity to show his ability to solve problems in front of his father and obtain the qualification of Juzitang was too tempting.

Moreover, based on his previous investigation of Zhao Qingxia's background, although this mud-legged man came from a humble background, he had never heard of any despicable behavior except for his obsessive study of the so-called mimicry martial arts.

The opportunity is rare, no matter what, you have to give it a try!

Thinking of this, Mo Jin no longer hesitated and stretched out his right index finger to outline a complex figure in the air in front of him.

This is his transfer key.

After a while.

A bank card flashing with dazzling golden light condensed out of thin air and floated in front of Zhao Qingxia.

Zhao Qingxia stretched out his hand as fast as lightning, grabbed the bank card in his hand, and crushed it directly.

Hearing the sound of tangible treasure notes flipping in his ears, Zhao Qingxia immediately smiled and raised his hands to the proud-looking Mo Jin, thanking him sincerely.

"It's enough to catch so much, thank you!"

"Get the money and go quickly"

Before Mo Jin finished speaking, Zhao Qingxia's figure had disappeared.

As the builder disconnected, the entire Huangliang Dream began to collapse.

Mo Jin looked at the world that was slowly collapsing in front of him, recalling Zhao Qingxia's satisfied smiling face, and couldn't help but froze in place for a moment.

An unreasonable uneasiness lingered in my heart.

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