Cyber Daming

Chapter 265 The Ambition of the Ming Gui (3)

The sun sets and night rises.

A red-eyed crow passed through the still faint moonlight, with a hand-length injector in its sharp beak, and slowly landed on Li Jun's shoulder.

"Have you been prepared for this for a long time?"

Li Jun laughed and cursed, looking down at the injector that fell in his palm.

"Is this what you have studied? Mimicry martial arts?"

"It's not mimetic martial arts. This is a new thing that Duoduo and I jointly researched. It works like a martial arts injector. But it contains a special potion used to awaken Mo Xu's special ability, Minggui's Will."

"The will of the ghost."

Li Jun raised the injector to his eyes, and there was dark liquid flowing back and forth in the translucent medicine chamber.

"Actually, in the process of studying mimetic martial arts, I have been thinking about the way in which the ability of martial arts exists and the way to awaken it. Is it innate in human genes, or is it acquired through an injector?"

"After exchanges and research between Duoduo and I, we agree that the human body actually always carries various martial arts genes, but most people are recessive, while a small number of genes are more active and easy to awaken. They are called those who follow the order.”

"Before the 'First Imperial Wave', martial arts practitioners awakened genes in this area through various hard exercises. The martial arts injector is also a shortcut derived from this principle, omitting the need for training. The process directly stimulates the martial arts genes in the human body."

Zhao Qingxia's voice gradually became excited, "We even think that this principle can be applied to all sequences. In the thousands of years before the establishment of the empire, the predecessors changed the abilities of the sequences through generations of gene changes. Seal carving was engraved into the genes. After reaching a certain amount of accumulation, it coincided with the birth of mechanical prosthetic technology, and finally achieved an explosion from quantitative change to qualitative change, forming today's three religions and nine streams."

Li Jun frowned and tried to keep his thoughts up with Zhao Qingxia.

"So you mean, this thing can stimulate my genes outside of Wu Xu?"

"If nothing else happens, it should be."

Li Jun's lips parted slightly, and the shock in his heart was far more intense than the expression on his face.

A picture even popped up in his mind uncontrollably. It was a picture of himself stepping on a flying sword, holding a Buddhist wheel on his head, holding a Xiuchun knife in his right hand, and pinching the Great Ming Law in his left hand. His muscular body was wearing an ink armor, and his chest was The center's heartbeat was rumbling, and the Yin Yang family's plans were constantly being deduced behind the scenes.

Although it may look weird, there is no doubt that it is absolutely powerful!

Zhao Qingxia listened to Li Jun's gradually heavier breathing during the sound transmission, and seemed to have guessed the unrealistic thoughts in his mind. He said helplessly: "It's not that exaggerated. The serial barriers between the three religions and the nine streams are stronger than we imagined. Be indestructible.”

"Although the abilities of these sequences may be imprinted in the genes, some are active, and some are just like dead during the iteration process, almost becoming waste genes."

"For example, if you ask a scholar whose ancestors have been scholars for eighteen generations to take the martial arts order, not only will his body and mind be extremely repelled, but even the dominant Confucian genes in his body will rise up to resist. In this case, even if you force it If you awaken the martial arts gene, you may only get a muscular stick that can read the Analects of Confucius."

"After the popularity of brain smarts and mechanical prostheses, the barriers between sequences have become even higher. At least the main sequences must have a certain correlation before cross-sequences are possible."

"It's like between Wu Xu and Bing Xu, between Dao Xu and Yin Yang. And as the sequence level increases, the main gene's ability to suppress other genes will become stronger, and it will be harder to cross the sequence."

"Brother Jun, you are Wu Liu now. If you try to awaken the genes related to Taoism and Buddha chanting in your genes, I am afraid that it will immediately cause genetic shock and collapse."

This pouring of cold water completely extinguished the unrealistic illusions in Li Jun's heart.

"Then there is a connection between Wu Xu and Mo Xu?"

"Mo Xu was born as a knight-errant in ancient times, but craftsmen engaged in invention and manufacturing achieved higher achievements. And for a long time before the 'World Divided Martial Arts', Mo Xu and Wu Xu had always been closely related , have frequent genetic exchanges with each other. Compared with other sequences, the correlation is slightly higher."

"Are you sure, kid?!"

After listening to the confused Li Jun, he simply asked the key question straightforwardly.

"This... not yet."

Zhao Qingxia's enthusiastic voice finally cooled down a little.

Li Jun raised his eyebrows, "So you are going to use me as a test subject?"

At this time, the sound of crows burst in.

The girl said with a firm tone: "Although this potion has not been clinically tested, it will not damage your original body, senior brother. It will only cause diarrhea at most, but there will be no other problems."

For no reason, Li Jun suddenly remembered that in the Crow Clinic on Ghost Street in Chengdu in the past, Crow Duoduo had the same enthusiastic expression when he was dissecting his own body.

what is this? Are you good research partners? ! Am I becoming the guinea pig? !

What bad luck!

"Duoduo, are you sure there is no problem? Although I am strong, this injection may not kill you, but I am your senior brother and your only relative."

Li Jun looked at the pitch-black potion in the injection, feeling more and more unreliable.

Crow Duoduo comforted him: "Don't worry, senior brother. In fact, I have already tried it on Zhao Qingxia. Although it is the same sequence and I can't see any effect, there are no adverse reactions."

"What the hell? No wonder I had diarrhea every day in those days, and I almost lost my bowel movement. So it was you who gave me the injection?!"


A crisp slap sounded in everyone's ears.

Prince Ma sighed deeply when he heard this, with a look of sympathy on his face. Li Jun, on the other hand, was happy and happy.

With Zhao Qingxia walking in front, Li Jun no longer needed to hesitate.


When the medicine is injected into the body, there is no excitement like when martial arts is injected into it, nor is there the bone-breaking pain of genetic conflict.

Everything happened naturally like a gentle breeze.

[The study of Minggui's Ambition (eighth-level martial arts) completed, early stage of eighth-level 0/200]

Because of Zhao Qingxia's own sequence, his skill level is only eighth level, and the mastery points required for improvement are doubled! But this does not prevent Li Jun from indeed obtaining this ability!

"Zhao Qingxia, let me ask you a question."

Li Jun stood up suddenly, "If I grab a Mo Xuliu and give it to you, can you extract a sixth-grade Minggui's Will for me? Can you mass-produce it?"

"My current sequence is too low, so I can't do that step yet, but it should be possible. However, mass production is a bit too cruel. This thing requires bone marrow extraction, which is very painful."

There was deep fear in Zhao Qingxia's voice.

The sky was dark and the sea breeze was biting.

Li Jun's eyes were cold, and a thought suddenly came to his mind at this moment. Zhao Qingxia's technology may have been studied by Mo Xu's people a long time ago, and it has already been popularized throughout the empire!

Vaguely, he seemed to see a secret hidden in history, slowly unfolding before his eyes.

Against a bloody background, countless martial arts disciples who were desperate, seriously injured and on the verge of death walked towards the operating table one after another, praying to the craftsmen of Mo Xu who had fought side by side to use their genes enhanced by decades of training as a blueprint to make a branch. The martial arts injector stained with blood.

Some of these injectors, which were originally intended to revitalize the martial arts sequence, were taken away by the surviving sect members, and some flowed into the underground black market.

And because of the high profits, this bloody technology has changed from an opportunity for revitalization to a shackles cage made of blood feuds.

Li Jun suddenly remembered that when he was working in Shudao Logistics, Gu Yong once said that among the great nobles in the north, they most like to support followers of the martial arts sequence.

"The reason why martial arts is endless, it turns out that there is this layer of bone-breaking and marrow-absorbing inside!"

Today is not short!

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