Cyber Daming

Chapter 273 Fight violence with violence


The Xiuchun knife that came with the wind and rain chopped on the shield, making a deafening roar.

The two figures were separated as soon as they touched each other, and each was bounced to both ends of the carriage.

Li Jun leaned down, and his five fingers covering his gauntlets dug into the floor, tearing out a ravine that was not long but deep enough.


The armor on his legs gradually opened and closed, like an evil beast shaking its scales. Amidst the blood-spraying mechanical hum, turbulent air flow spurted out from Li Jun's legs, pushing his figure out again.

The embroidered spring knife moved with him, and the splashing light of the knife seemed to drag the cold moonlight into this carriage.


Prince Ma was extremely angry at Mo Ke's betrayal of Ming Gui.

At this time, he no longer had the cynicism of the past. The roar coming out of his red eyes was full of hatred, and the power of the ink armor soared to the extreme without reservation.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The dull drum beat kept blasting in Li Jun's ears, beating the bloody courage and ruthlessness in his bones!

The blood in the body was also ignited by the murderous sound of the guzheng, boiling and filling the sky!

The eyes are getting redder and the sword is shining faster!

Looking at the figure coming straight towards him, Mo Ke clenched his teeth and held a shield in front of him with both hands.


The long knife was as powerful as a mountain and chopped hard on the black shield, and the cold blade cut out hot sparks!

Mo Ke felt as if he had been hit head-on by a speeding chariot. The muscles and bones of his arms made an overwhelming clicking sound. He could no longer stand on his feet and staggered backwards.

At this moment, the red doors at the front and rear of the carriage burst into pieces, and a large number of figures swarmed in and rushed towards Li Jun.

These are the cronies of the Mo attack force who fled with Mo Ke!

"Old Li!"

"Don't worry, he can't run away."

Li Jun shook his left hand, and the injector he got from Zhai Mancang fell into his palm and inserted directly into his neck.

[Eating Dragon and Tiger (Level 6 Martial Arts) learning completed]

[Consume 300 mastery points, and the Dragon-eating Tiger will be upgraded to the sixth level of Dzogchen]

[194 mastery points remaining]

The dragon is in the Li Palace and is the symbol of the liver. The tiger is in the ridge position, which is the shape of the lungs.

Eat liver qi and lung essence to gain the power of dragon and tiger!

Li Jun took a deep breath of the air that smelled of burnt and gunpowder smoke. His breath was like an air dragon. His already strong and muscular figure became even bigger, and a violent aura spread in the carriage.

"Through vertical and horizontal measures, the strong should be weakened!"

"Baihui, Qihai, Guanyuan, plant orifices to open acupuncture points!"

"Mechanical heart, overclocking!"

The well-coordinated Mohist attacking troops took the order of troops as the vanguard, Zongheng and the farmers supported each other, and cooperated with the sophisticated Mohist firearms in their hands.

For a moment, flesh and blood resonated with the heart of the machine, and magic and bullets flew together!

Li Jun, who was in the center of the fire, pressed his knife and looked around, but everywhere he saw were chickens and dogs!

"A warrior stops a fight and fights violence with violence."

Li Jun's lips twitched and he smiled slightly, "So that's what it feels like."

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure had disappeared from the spot.

Puff puff puff puff!

The sound of sharp knives breaking flesh continued one after another, and the broken body knocked open the car and fell into the raging waves.

"The mechanical heart is overclocked, the king of the country!"

One of the seven soldiers roared loudly, and the stretched and deformed mechanical body directly tore apart his clothes and skin. The humanity in his eyes quickly disappeared as the mechanical body expanded, and was replaced by an indifferent and ruthless divinity.

The machine is used as the body, and the heart is used as the god.

He strode forward, and the fellow members of the Mo attack force who were blocking the road were directly knocked away. The damaged roof of the carriage above his head was torn open by him, and he smashed it in his hand against the charging figure.


The heavy roof of the "Peiyi" was cut open in the middle, and the Xiuchun knife continued to use its remaining power, carrying the strong wind and slashing forward.

It wasn't until the strong wind hit his face that the deputy chief of Bingqi came back to his senses in shock and hurriedly raised his arms to resist.


With one strike of the knife, two thick mechanical arms were thrown into the air, and milky white bionic blood spurted out from the cavity of the arm bones.

The majestic body of the ‘King of the Kingdom of Dhrita’ suddenly fell to his knees like a jade pillar toppling a mountain of gold.


Before his trembling lips could cry out the words for mercy, a blade had penetrated through his chest and come out through his body!

[Get 30 mastery points]

Li Jun didn't bother to look at the small black characters that popped up in front of his eyes. He tiptoed and his figure rushed high into the sky.

On the roof of the car in the distance, Mo Ke, wearing armor, was running wildly.

The once strategizing hero was now reduced to a helter-skelter escaping rat.

The cold night rain hit Mo Ke's face, completely extinguishing his ambition and fighting spirit.

With just two sword strikes, he already clearly understood the gap in strength between himself and Li Jun.

Although they were both from Xu Liu, Mo Xu's rangers had no chance to compete with Wu Xu's thugs.

What's more, Mo Ke hasn't fought anyone head-on for many years since he took charge of the Mo Attack Force. Now he hopes that his cronies can delay enough time for him to escape.

"Tiger, where is the equipment depot on the Peiyi? If you can grab Yi Chengsi's Wave-Containing Flying Boat."

Before he finished speaking, the tiger's urgent voice suddenly came from the blue mechanical eyes, "Be careful behind you!"

Mo Ke was horrified and twisted his running body around, holding the mechanical shield in front of his chest.


Li Jun, who was chasing after him, punched the shield, and the strength of his muscles and bones poured out along the edge of his fist! The shield, which had already been cracked by the Xiuchun knife, made a crisp cracking sound and shattered into pieces of iron all over the sky.

Mo Ke's face was livid, his eyes were fierce, and two short blades popped out from his arms, piercing Li Jun's head.

In Li Jun's eyes, the opponent's counterattack was so weak that it made people laugh. Instead of using the Xiuchun knife on his back, he raised his arms and blocked the incoming blade with his arm armor.

With his backhand, he caught the opponent's knife that he wanted to drag back, and at the same time, he raised his knee forward and hit Mo Ke's abdomen with a fierce knee strike.

Although protected by armor, the huge force still made Mo Ke feel a sharp pain in his abdomen, and he couldn't help but choke out a mouthful of scarlet blood.

The armor on his shoulder bounced off, and the two jet-black gun muzzles just popped out. Before they could explode, Li Jun reached out and broke them off.

Lord Ma followed closely behind, stretched out two sharp blades from his waist, and stabbed him fiercely.


The sword flashed, but only two shallow white marks were cut on the tiger's body. On the contrary, it was the wound on Lord Ma's sharp blade.

There is a two-level difference between the two ink armors of Lord Ma and Tiger. It is difficult for his ink armors to harm each other due to their strength.

But at this time, Li Jun, who has activated the sixth-grade explosive martial arts, is enough to crush this person even without the increase of Lord Ma!

Fighting not only depends on whether the knife in hand is sharp, but also depends on whether the person holding the knife is brave enough.


Li Jun punched Mo Ke's shoulders with both fists, causing his figure to collapse. Before Mo Ke could wake up from his dizziness, Li Jun rushed in with his right foot and kicked him in the chest. Amidst the strange sounds of steel twisting and ribs breaking, the cracked armor plate inserted backwards into his flesh and blood.

The severe pain made Mo Ke roar in pain. He struggled to break away from Li Jun's shackles, but Li Jun directly broke the bones in his arms.


Mo Ke screamed out in pain and staggered back.

"Old Ma, the rest is up to you."

Li Jun did not directly kill Mo Ke, but temporarily handed over the control of his body to Lord Ma, choosing to let himself watch.

Without words, the meaning is self-evident.

The one eye in the helmet glowed brightly with red light, he stepped forward, raised his foot and stepped on Mo Ke's knee.


Snow-white bone fragments pierced out from the flesh and blood. Mo Ke could no longer stand and fell to his knees.

"Tiger. How dare you betray me!"

At this moment, the physical pain is far less than the mental impact.

Without Li Jun's guidance, Lord Ma's script would not have been able to break off Mo Ke's legs, which were protected by armor.

But the moment Lord Ma raised his foot, the armor on Mo Ke's leg suddenly contracted on its own, directly exposing his body.

Not only that, Mo Jia, who used to be as light as a feather, is now like a heavy weight on his shoulders!

Mo Ke's head was lowered, and on his ferocious and twisted face, a pair of bloodshot eyes stared intently at the Orchid Mechanical Eye on his chest.

"Do you think they can survive if you sell me?"

"Sir, I don't want to lose the beautiful clothes in front of me, so I have to give it a try."

After finishing speaking, the mechanical eyes slowly closed.

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