Cyber Daming

Chapter 275 Old Ghost and Two Evils

In the middle of the Japanese area, Inuyama Castle, suburbs.

A brand-new thick-soled soap boot stepped hard on the back of Beisan Fengxing's neck, crushing his head into the mud.


Beisan Fengxing clearly heard the sound of the joints in his neck being dislocated. Fortunately, he had already replaced a mechanical spine, otherwise this kick would have left him paralyzed in bed for the rest of his life.

He opened his mouth to shout, but the foot on his neck became heavier the next second, and mud immediately poured into his mouth, blocking the words that came to his lips.

"Damn it, catching a small soldier requires the dispatch of two of our division chiefs. When did our Inuyama City Jinyi Guardhouse fall to this point?!"

The man stomped Bei San's head and complained loudly, "In this damn weather, shouldn't we be soaking in the hot springs, hugging each other, holding the mountain peaks in our hands to watch the bright moon?"

"The reason why the household office's funds are so tight is because there is a pervert like you as the director of the department. Who has nothing to do to lead the team building in the hall?!

The speaker was also a young man with fair skin, thin lips, and scarlet red hair. His snow-white hair was tied into a bun on his head. The texture of the white outfit on her body is also quite elegant.

It was clear that there was no rain in the sky at this moment, but he still held a black umbrella in his hand, as if he didn't even want to face the moonlight.

In comparison, the man with much darker skin smiled disapprovingly and said, "Do you know why I chose the pseudonym Fan Wujiu? It's because I'm a lecherous evil spirit!"

"Don't talk nonsense with me here. Move more quickly. Have you forgotten what day it is today?"

The man standing under the umbrella has a delicate appearance, but he speaks with the accent of the white mountains and black soil in the northern part of the empire.

Fan Wujiu looked surprised, "What day? The day to celebrate the establishment of the Japanese settlement? That's not right. Could it be the celebration of Baidi's Hundang store? That's not right either."

"You didn't hear a word of what the old ghost said just now. There is news from Laizhou Mansion that the eldest brother has boarded the train!"

"Which brother? What kind of car are you riding, so domineering?"

Fan Wujiu looked confused, and suddenly he seemed to remember something, his whole body trembled suddenly, and he couldn't control the strength of his feet, and directly stepped on Bei San Fengxu's neck bone.

The bionic blood rushed around in Beisan Fengxing's body, gushing out along his mouth and nose, and mixed with the mud.

He struggled to speak, but the two men in front of him didn't give him any chance.

Although Beisan Fengxing had already guessed the identity of the other party and knew that he was in trouble. But shouldn’t the other party ask him as usual? Whether you tell yourself or not is secondary, but you should at least ask!

"That martial artist is here today?! Xie Bian, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

"I told you to use less birds and more brains. If it weren't for the purpose of giving that big brother a meeting, would you and I be here to deal with the little soldiers of this desolate world group?"

"Giving gifts? When did he get involved with the Huangshi Group?"

"Didn't you read the recent Jinyi Wei Residence newspaper?"

"I can't read."

The veins on the back of Xie Bian's hands throbbed, "What the hell!"

Seeing that the other party had a tendency to curse, Fan Wujiu quickly said with a shy smile: "Weren't you busy checking for Honghu's traces some time ago? You didn't even have time to look. Tell me."

"Mo Ke, the chief officer of Tianzhihui's Mo Attack Force, offended Li Jun's friends because of a quota in Juzi Hall. After discovering that he had kicked the iron plate, he asked the Huangshi Group to send someone to help him settle the matter."

Fan Wujiu became interested, "Wu Xu fights Wu Xu, it's exciting! What's the result?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If Li Jun loses his business, what gifts should we give today? It's time to send elegiac couplets!"

Xie Bian said angrily: "He killed both Huang Shiyuan and Mo Ke."

"He is indeed an outstanding representative of the Jinyiwei who went from Chengdu Prefecture to Chongqing Prefecture, stabbed the vassal king to death, and then chased him to the Japanese area to kill the swan!"

Fan Wujiu looked admiring, "My eldest brother is fierce!"

"Okay, stop looking like a fool. The old ghost is already waiting on the platform. We have to get there quickly."

Xie Bian shouted: "Don't step on it, hurry up and ask questions!"

"Okay, okay, just ask."

Fan Wujiu was extremely excited at this moment. He used his toes to pick up Bei San Fengxing's head from the soil. He lowered his head and said with a smile: "If you resist, you will be punished strictly, and you will die miserably. If you confess, you will be lenient, and you will die happily. Choose!"

You ask? Just let me tell you without asking anything! what did I say?

And is this how you Jin Yiwei interrogate you? To say it or not, is it a dead end?

Beisan Fengxing stared with a pair of frightened eyes and asked in a trembling voice: "Sir, have you arrested the wrong person? I am a good citizen."

"Okay! What a Japanese man!"

Fan Wu Jiu suddenly yelled, "Lao Xie, this kid has such a tough mouth, or I'll kill him directly!"

"Although Li Jun was a brother in Sichuan, it's still a problem if he is not from Sichuan. Even if he is, are you so excited to have a fellow countryman here? He didn't even go through the basic process, be careful of the old ghost and deduct Your salary!"

"Are you jealous! Do you have a fellow with such thick legs?"

Seeing Fan Wujiu's arrogant expression as if he was a villain, Xie Bian held his forehead and looked speechless.

"Get out of here."

Xie Bian approached with an umbrella, took out a paper document from his arms, and shook it open in front of Beisan Fengxing.

"Beisan Fenxing, born in the 52nd year of Longwu, was born in Inushan City, a Japanese area in the Ming Empire. He served as the leader of a small violent gang, ran two taverns and a mixed-use restaurant with services, and usually resold some organs and prosthetic limbs. and contraband, doing some things to bully and dominate the market, but overall he is a useless waste."

Beisan Fengxing's face turned green and white, and his heart was filled with fear and anger.

He was horrified because the other party knew his true identity so well, and angry because he didn't think he was a waste.

"Seven days ago, you hooked up with the Huangshi Group, specializing in helping them distribute the Mohist arms smuggled from the empire. Your customers include violent organizations, rogue warriors, and some small groups of Honghu rebels who are not popular."

Xie Bian released his fingers, and the white document was blown by the cold wind, covering Bei San Fengxing's frightened face.

"You have two choices now. One is to account for your upline and buyers, and then die happily. The other is to be imprisoned in Jinyiwei Prison for hundreds of years, and experience everything from suffering, numbness, dementia, to madness. The whole process ends up being reduced to useless trash.”

"Time is limited, you'd better make a decision quickly."

Beisan Fengxing spat hysterically, "Anyway, the result is death, so why should I choose?!"

"As expected, he is really tough. I can't ask any more questions. Lao Hei, just throw him into prison."

Is this so tough? Are you giving up on interrogation?

A weird idea came to Beisan Fengxing's mind. It seemed that these two Jin Yiwei had never thought of questioning them properly from the beginning, but were just going through a routine process with the ultimate goal of throwing themselves into prison.

In a daze, he suddenly remembered that he had heard a rumor that the Jinyiwei in the Japanese area had a target task every year to throw enough criminals into prison. They must be trying to use themselves as credit, that's for sure!

The psychological defense that Beisan adheres to is rapidly collapsing.

Xie Bian sighed softly, "By the way, after we finish the work, we will drop by and throw his whole family in. Treason is the rule of the Yi clan."

"I said!"

Fear exploded in Beisan Fengxing's heart, completely swallowing up his will.

"The Pei Yi is about to enter the station. Passengers on the platform please pay attention to safety. Please stand outside the yellow line and do not cross the tracks."


A heavy-duty off-road vehicle roared onto the platform and stopped suddenly just as it crashed into the crowd.

Amidst the harsh friction sound, before the vehicle came to a stop, two figures quickly jumped out and ran towards a strange 'black block' somewhere on the platform.

Dozens of tough-looking men wearing black uniforms lined up in three neat rows, exuding a cold aura that kept strangers away.

"Old ghost, we are here." Fan Wujiu shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Two bastards, it takes so long to deal with a small matter. Isn't it embarrassing? How does this make our new colleagues think of our business capabilities?"

The person who scolded him was a middle-aged man with a round face and ordinary appearance. Even though he was wearing a frowning posture, he didn't show any dignity at all.

"Especially you, Xiaohei, why did you drive just now? How many times have I told you that people like us should keep a low profile. Do you understand being low-key?! Go back and copy the work regulations ten times for me! Handwrite!"

Seeing that the middle-aged man was still chattering, Xie Bian stood to his left and reminded in a low voice: "The car is entering the station, pay attention to your appearance!"

The man then closed his mouth without saying anything, and gave Fan Wu Jiu another look before he stopped talking.

After a moment, the Peiyi slowly drove into the platform after slowing down.

The man looked at the tattered train in front of him in astonishment. After being stunned for a moment, he suddenly smiled in admiration.

He is worthy of being the future star of our Inuyama City Jinyi Guardhouse. Look at how hard the Peiyi is, he is young and energetic!


The compartment door slid open, and Li Jun's figure slowly stepped out.

"Old Li, the local Jin Yiwei looks very arrogant."

Prince Ma, who was wrapped in a black robe, looked at the murderous welcoming team in front of him and said in a low voice.

"Xiao Li, right? I am Inushan City Jinyiwei Baihu Gui Wangda. You can call me Lao Gui, or you can call me Gui Ge or Da Ge. Anyway, just don't call me Sir."

The middle-aged man came up to him and patted Li Jun on the shoulder with an attentive look on his face.

"Li Jun has met Brother Guigui."

"We are a family when we get here. Come, let me introduce you to our colleagues at the household office."

Ghost King Da turned around to face everyone, raised his hand and clapped his hands, "Come on, call someone."

All the royal guards bowed and shouted in unison: "Brother Jun!"

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