Cyber Daming

Chapter 287 New Dan (2)

Ming Empire, Kyoto.

For many people who have lived here since childhood, the Imperial City Forbidden City has never been on the ground, but in the clouds.

I don't know where the clouds are, and the real dragon lives in it.

The towering four-sided palace is layered one on top of another, with nine beams, eighteen columns, and seventy-two ridges. The inner layer is made of steel and iron, and the outer layer is made of luxurious wood.

The golden dragon surrounds the pillar, and the nine sons lie on the spine. It is square and upright, reaching the sky and the earth.

This is a masterpiece of architectural craftsmanship by Mo Xu of the Ministry of Industry. It uses physics as a metaphor to fully embody the Ming Dynasty's concept of a round sky and a round earth.

Around the palace, the office buildings of various ministries and departments of the empire were scattered scattered.

New Year's Day has arrived, and all the officials working here have taken a break from work. At this moment, the lights in the building are dim, and soldiers in black armor are guarding the imperial city.

Only in the place closest to the imperial city, there is an inconspicuous short building made of Ming Dynasty that still shines faintly.

It was already late at night, but the square in front of the short building was filled with vehicles of the same standard and red color.

These are all ‘Zhu Yu’ produced by Shenji Heavy Industry and distributed uniformly by the Ministry of Civil Affairs to senior officials in the empire.

This is Wenyuan Pavilion. Although it is at the foot of the imperial city, it is in the hearts of all officials.

His head is as white as snow and wrinkled like a mountain, his majestic official uniform covers his stooped body, and his curved fingers hold a straight penholder.

A bright yellow paper file is displayed on the desk, and it is filled with beautiful black small characters in Guange style. The old man leaned over and held his bespectacled eyes close to him, carefully considering each word.

Behind him is a magnificent picture scroll that depicts the empire's thousands of miles of territory, including the two capitals, thirteen provinces in the mainland, and nearly a hundred criminal areas of various sizes.

At this time, red light spots are shining in these areas, which means that the local administrative officials have all been linked to the "Tianguan Realm" of the Huangliang Dream of the Ministry of Officials, and they remain silent and wait quietly.

To the left and right of the desk, two rows of silent imperial officials stood.

Different from usual times, their positions are not based on the size of their official positions, nor are they based on their rank.

The closer he is to the desk, the more aged his appearance becomes.

For these conservative old people, although they experienced and even led the "second technological revolution" in the first half of their lives, the principle that "the body's hair and skin are influenced by its parents" has long been ingrained in their genes.

They stayed aloof amid the changes and refused to accept prosthetic modifications. They rigidly believed that the wisdom of life they had honed over a lifetime of hard study and their accumulated literary and political achievements were enough to support promotion in the sequence.

The queue continued to extend towards the gate of Wenyuan Pavilion. The age of the people standing with their hands tied was also getting younger and younger. From a beard under their chin to a beardless face, the traces of prosthetic modifications on their bodies became more and more obvious.

The Six Arts of the Gentleman is an extremely vast project. Ordinary people will never be able to practice any of them to the pinnacle in their lifetime.

Therefore, among these prime ministers and young officials of the New Donglin Party, a new and high-sounding thought gradually emerged, that is, "Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you."

If Confucianism does not accept the mechanical body, how can this technology be promoted among the people?

The queues were long and orderly, making this cabinet meeting look more like a family gathering.

A discussion within the Confucian clan!

The cinnabar dotted on the pivot pen is as red as blood, like a general in red, looking over the neatly arranged black-armored soldiers on the bright yellow school field.

I don’t know how long it took, but the review was finally over.

The old man raised his wrist and put down the pen with a heavy stroke.

The yellow paper, the black characters, and the cinnabar marks are accurate, and there is no room for change.

"This official document on the implementation of the New Deal, together with the list of newly selected governors, should be distributed to various places through the 'Tianguan Realm' by the Ministry of Civil Affairs."

The old man wrote his name, put down his pen, took off his glasses from the bridge of his nose, and stood up slowly while holding the edge of the case with both hands.

"After Xindan, the empire will be entrusted to you."

"Thank you, Mr. Ge." Everyone bowed in unison.

"This is the last thing I can do. I won't have to work hard anymore."

The old man smiled slightly and waved his hands to everyone, "As long as the New Deal can be implemented smoothly and a stable criminal area can be left for the empire, I will be satisfied."

An old official with the same serious look on his face held his arm and said softly: "You can't rest, the New Donglin Party cannot do without you."

"There is an old saying in the officialdom, 'Those who are praised will prosper, and those who destroy will be prosperous.' If I continue to hold on to this position and take all the credit, someone will stab me in the back. He called me 'a great traitor seems like loyalty, a great deceit seems like honesty'."

The old official said angrily: "Who dares?! Whoever dares to jump out from the Sanfa Division, I will be the first to pull out his skin!"

When the old man heard this, he just smiled lightly and raised his eyes to look at the room full of vermilion.

"I'm old, and it's no longer appropriate for me to occupy this position. Confucianism and Taoism are not the same as those of Buddhism and Taoism. If it loses its flow, no matter how clear the water is, it will turn into a pool of mud."

The old man pointed to his forehead and joked: "This head has been working hard with me all my life. I don't want to think that when I close my eyes, it will be dug out and continue to work."

"A dragon cannot do without a leader. If you really become an official, who will be the leader of the New Donglin Party? Who has the qualifications and ability to convince the public?"

"Ten years ago, facing the powerful Supervisor of Ceremonies, I was just an unknown Confucian scholar. Who would have thought that a change of power would change the world, so many sage pioneers died, and finally let A fool like me, with incompetent qualifications, took advantage."

"Now, another monstrous cultural achievement is before you. Who can seize this opportunity and bring stability to the empire. The position of leader of the Donglin Party belongs to him."

The old man pushed away the supporting arm and slowly walked towards the door with a hunched figure, his slightly loose official uniform dragging on the ground.

Everywhere he passed, no one bowed or bowed his head.

Standing in front of the threshold, the old man slowly straightened his back, but in the eyes of the people behind him, it was as if the mountains were rising from the ground.

The thick palace door slowly opened, revealing the dark sky and the towering palace.


The loud ringing of the bells resounded throughout the world.

At this moment, all over the city, no matter men, women, old or young, poor slaves in any order, millions of pairs of eyes are looking towards the sky.

A bright yellow projection stepped out of the clouds.

"Since I inherited the great cause, I have been working hard and sleeping for ten years, working hard and not daring to slack off. Today, when the Yuan Dynasty is changed, the world will be a new one. I wish all the people to work tirelessly and their genes will not stagnate."

A slightly childish voice came from the floating airship, from the cars on the streets, and from the clever orifices behind the heads of countless people.

"Those who govern the people love the people wholeheartedly, those who govern strive diligently, and those who govern themselves are diligently promoted. Correct their hearts, be cautious in their actions, be loyal and avoid being unkind, be upright and avoid evil and in vain, do not be obsessed with dreams, do not waste your time, and do not rely on weapons. Abuse your body and abuse others, don't humiliate others based on your order! Everyone in the empire must abide by the law! If you are ordered by heaven, you will live forever!"

"Teacher, am I right?"

A faint sound floated into my ears on the night wind.

The old man smiled slightly, lifted up his red official robe, knelt down and kowtowed.

"Zhang Fengyue, the chief minister of the cabinet, congratulates my emperor on long live, long live!"

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