Cyber Daming

Chapter 29 Shocking Change

The sky is like an ocean, and the rainwater pours down in waterfalls, making the roaring sound deafening.

The convoluted black clouds were so low that they were almost touching the carved eaves at the top of the tall building.

The holographic projections that seemed like miracles in the past were all swallowed up, and even the magnificent glare emitted by the shop signs was suppressed and dimmed.

At the southern end of Kowloon Street, an ancient Ming-style house lies in the shadow where the light cannot reach it.

In front of the house, hundreds of disciples of Pao Ge, dressed in black, stood with their hands behind their backs, letting the wind and rain splash, but still no one said a word.

Silence is like rocks on the seabed.

When the thunder in the black cloud roared again, a figure holding a black umbrella finally appeared slowly.

At this moment, the disciples of Brother Pao standing in the heavy rain spontaneously separated to the left and right to make way for them.

Wherever the figures passed, these domineering and domineering brothers in muddy water robes all bowed their heads and paid respect.

"Brother Jun."

"Brother Jun."

The sound waves intertwined one after another, like surging waves, and actually drowned out the sound of the pouring rain, which was as heavy as drums!

Before crossing the threshold of the house, the figure under the black umbrella suddenly stopped. The umbrella was slightly tilted, revealing a cold and hard jaw like a knife or an ax.

Li Jun looked up at the plaque with gold characters and black background hanging on the lintel, and a sneer slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, Yi Bo Yuntian?"

The structure of this house, which represents the main hall of the Paoge Association, is not complicated, with only one entrance in depth. Bypassing the screen wall in the courtyard is the spacious meeting hall.

Although Li Jun had a vague expectation when he saw the battle in front of the entrance of the hall. But when he actually saw the coffin placed in the center of the hall, he couldn't help but froze on the spot.

Is Zhao Ding really dead? !

"You came."

Kuang Qingyun, who was kneeling in front of the coffin, heard the footsteps behind him and slowly stood up. He still wore the same green gown, but his eyes didn't have the slightest trace of the past, and his fatigue was evident.

Li Jun looked at the sorrow on Xiang Jingyun's face that didn't seem to be fake. After a moment of silence, he asked, "How could this happen?"

Kuang Qingyun smiled bitterly and said: "When the gene has collapsed to his level, death has already followed him like a shadow. It will not be a surprise when it comes."

Li Jun looked beyond Kuang Qingyun and stared at the coffin for a long time.

At this moment, he still didn't believe that Zhao Ding would die suddenly and violently.

Even if the genetic disintegration is really irreversible, the helmsman of the Muddy Waters Robe will never die so silently.

Kuang Qingyun looked at the indifferent expression on Li Jun's face, and a surge of anger suddenly burst out in his eyes.

"Li Jun, Master Ding is dead, aren't you sad at all?"

"Why are you crazy?"

As soon as Li Jun finished speaking, he suddenly felt a tightness in his neck, and Kuang Qingyun grabbed his collar.

"Am I crazy? Are you too cold-blooded?"

Kuang Qingyun said angrily: "Yes, I know that regarding Zhao Dou, you thought you were being used as bait by Lord Ding, so you harbored a grudge against him."

"But don't fucking forget that without Mr. Ding, you would have been hacked to death by those beasts from the Sacrifice Sword Society!"

Facing Kuang Qingyun's soaring anger, Li Jun's eyes didn't show a trace of emotion, and he still said calmly: "Is it kindness or enmity, you don't need to remind me."

"Fuck!" Kuang Qingyun raised his left hand and punched Li Jun in the face.

There was a muffled bang, and Kuang Qingyun's fist was firmly grasped by a palm.

The low roar of the opening of the mechanical heart suddenly sounded in the empty hall, and then it stopped suddenly and abruptly.

Li Jun's fist hovered in front of Kuang Qingyun's eyebrows. The violent wind of the fist made his hair on the temples dance wildly, and at the same time extinguished the increasingly bright red spots in his eyes.

Is he actually so strong?

Kuang Qingyun's eyes were horrified. He was also a follower of Sequence Nine, but Li Jun gave him an unmatched sense of oppression.

"You and Mr. Ding had a deep relationship, and you couldn't accept his sudden death for a while. I can understand this."

"But don't forget that there are hundreds of pairs of eyes outside looking at us right now! If you don't want Brother Pao to collapse now, you'd better wake up."

Li Jun's eyebrows were raised, and the hostility in his body suddenly exploded, and he said in a cold voice: "After finishing Master Ding's affairs, you, Mr. Kuang, can beat you however you want, and I will stay with you till the end!"

Kuang Qingyun's face turned green and white, and he finally let go of Li Jun unwillingly.

He knew that what Li Jun said was right. Master Ding passed away suddenly, leaving the Pao Brother Society without a leader. The only two sequencers who had the ability to suppress the situation were him and Li Jun.

If there were internal strife between them, the whole Brother Pao would fall apart immediately.

Master Ding did so many things during his lifetime just because he was afraid of something like this happening.

Kuang Qingyun took a deep breath and suddenly rolled up his right sleeve.

Li Jun frowned when he saw this, thinking that the other party was still stubborn and prepared to use ruthless measures to help Kuang Qingyun wake up completely.

But the next moment, he saw that the bionic skin on Kuang Qingyun's right forearm cracked, revealing a cavity in which a silver metal injection was stored.

Kuang Qingyun raised his hand and threw the injection over. The liquid in the medicine cabin was as green as emerald. As it swayed, you could almost feel the extremely high vitality in it with your eyes.

"This is something Master Ding asked me to give you. Li Jun, let me tell you, he didn't forget what he promised you before he died!"

The moment he took the injection, Li Jun felt his body burst into unprecedented hunger!

This strong impulse originates from the resurrected martial arts sequence genes in the deepest part of the body.

It was as if the potion was a piece of delicious flesh and blood, and Li Jun's body was a beast about to starve to death.

"Inject! Quick, inject it!"

Li Jun's ears were filled with eager roars, and uncontrollable desires merged into a terrifying torrent, constantly attacking his remaining sanity.


Li Jun's five fingers suddenly dug into his palm, and blood dripped instantly. The severe pain that hit him barely kept him awake for the last time.

"What is this?"

The corners of Kuang Qingyun's eyes twitched. He knew that Li Jun was still afraid, and the anger that had just been suppressed in his chest surged up again.

"Let me tell you, this is the 'Vernal Equinox', one of the twenty-four solar terms in the farm sequence. It is a treasure more precious than the Taoist longevity elixir. It can be sold for millions of Ming Dynasty treasure notes on the black market!"

Kuang Qingyun pointed at Li Jun and angrily rebuked: "Master Ding left you all the things to extend his life, and you are still doubting him. Li Jun, are you still a fucking human?"

Veins appeared on Li Jun's forehead, and blood dripped from his palm, staining the injection, making the emerald green liquid in it look inexplicably coquettish.

"What else did Master Ding say?"

Kuang Qingyun crossed his arms across his chest, his mouth tightened, and his eyes were full of mockery.


Li Jun roared like a wild beast, his eyes bloodshot and terrifying.

Kuang Qingyun suddenly felt panic in his heart. The biochip in his skull detected his disordered body hormones and immediately sent an alarm to his brain.

At this moment, he had an inexplicable and real premonition that if he didn't tell him, Li Jun would attack him without hesitation!

Kuang Qingyun took a step back warily and said in a deep voice:

"Master Ding asked me to tell you that using the martial arts injector is already a shortcut. You must not rush into greedy power again. Only by pushing every martial arts to the extreme and then advancing to the rank can you avoid falling into genetic disintegration."

What Zhao Ding and Crow Duoduo said were almost exactly the same!

With two verifications, it can be confirmed that Zhao Ding is telling the truth, and this 'Vernal Equinox' potion is also genuine.

Thinking of this, Li Jun no longer suppressed the hunger and thirst that was about to burn him, and inserted the injection into the artery in his neck.

The liquid entered the blood vessels, and Li Jun's body suddenly erupted into loud cheers. Whether it was flesh, blood, muscles, bones, or cell genes, they were all frantically devouring this fresh vitality.

[Get 300 mastery points]

Looking at the small words appearing on his retina, Li Jun quickly completed the point distribution.

[Consumption of 100 mastery points, single-sword sword selection increased to (late ninth-grade 33/100)]

[Consumption of 100 mastery points, Bagua Wandering Step is upgraded to (9th-grade late stage 0/100)]

[Consumption of 100 mastery points, the iron cloth shirt is upgraded to (9th-grade late stage 5/100)]

Li Jun looked at Zhao Ding's coffin with extremely complicated eyes.

This 'Vernal Equinox' potion was Zhao Ding's only bargaining chip to restrain himself, but he let Kuang Qingyun give it to him so easily.

Perhaps, Zhao Ding is really dead.

In Kuang Qingyun's sad eyes, Li Jun, whose fierceness had faded away, walked up to Zhao Ding's coffin, stood tall, and finally bowed.

"Helmsman, I will definitely do what I promised you." Li Jun said to himself.

At this moment, a noisy quarrel suddenly broke out in front of the hall, and then the door was kicked open.

A large number of figures walked in, and the one walking in the front was Luo Zhen.

The chicken and goose district inspector was smiling with joy on his face.

"Oh, he's really dead?"

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