Cyber Daming

Chapter 340 Joint

"Uncle Zou, why don't we go directly to our uncle? Didn't you say he is also in the Japanese area?"

"You girl, I told you that from now on you have to call me Uncle Que and pay attention to the sense of ceremony!"

"Okay, Uncle Zou."

"...Uncle Li is indeed in the Japanese area, but now is not the time for us to meet him."

"Why Zinan."

"It's not your fault! If you insist on changing yourself like this, if Li Jun sees it, he won't beat me to death with one fist."

"I feel like I'm pretty good now. At least I don't have to worry about someone piercing me with a flying sword again."

"Actually, Xiaohua, you don't need to do this. With your Uncle Li and Uncle Zou here, no one will dare to point a broken sword at you again."

"Don't worry, Uncle Que. This is of my own free will. I will explain it to my uncle myself when we meet him."

Zou Sijiu, who looked like a bird in the hall, was silent. After sighing secretly, he raised his hand and opened the grilled wooden door of the restaurant in front of him.

The steam of food and the boiling voices of people instantly poured out from the open door, blowing away the snow and cold on his body.

Steaming sukiyaki pots can be seen everywhere in cramped storefronts that are common in Japanese areas.

The milky white soup is constantly rolling and bubbling in the casserole, with tofu and mushrooms floating up and down in it. The aroma is fragrant and makes the mouth and tongue lick.

Cleanly dressed waiters walked around in the narrow gaps carrying thin slices of beef.

Perhaps because of the extremely cold weather this year, this restaurant specializing in sukiyaki has been doing particularly brisk business.

Not only were people kneeling on the tatami, but even the wooden counters were crowded with diners, gathering together in twos and threes, staring expectantly at the tumbling hot pot in front of them.

So much so that when Zou Sijiu, wearing a priest's white robe, walked into the store, he didn't stir up the slightest disturbance.

Zou Sijiu looked around at the packed shop, squeezed his way to a table, smiled at the man who was engrossed in eating, and asked, "Sir, can you share a seat?"

Without raising his head, the man took out a piece of beef from the pot, rolled it gently in the bowl of egg liquid, then stuffed it directly into his mouth, and mumbled a few times, signaling Zou Sijiu to help himself.

Zou Sijiu was not polite, he knelt down and sat opposite the man, picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started to eat happily.

A pot, two people eating facing each other, silent and speechless.

There were noisy people around, but it had nothing to do with being in this remote corner.

The two of them moved the chopsticks like flying, and they didn't stop eating until the empty plates on the table piled up like a mountain, and their foreheads were dripping with sweat.

The man sitting opposite took out a mechanical cicada from his arms and placed it on the table. Then he said: "Quie, you are late. A quarter of an hour later than the scheduled time."

"I met a liar pretending to be a fortune teller on the road. In order to punish him, I delayed a little time."

"Those poor people are the ones who need our rescue. You should not embarrass them."

Zou Sijiu picked up the black pottery teacup on the table and took a sip.

"With weak will and insufficient ability, there is no need to recruit such people. Even if they enter the organization, they will only become hidden dangers."

"Okay, he shouldn't have blasphemed Shintoism in front of you."

The other party seemed to understand Tang Shangque's stubborn character, and did not continue to argue. Instead, he asked: "This meeting with you is because the higher-ups want to know whether the people who disappeared in the empire have anything to do with Black Dragon Capital?"

If it doesn't matter, will I replace this noble man? These idiots are stupid.

Zou Sijiu cursed in his heart, but his face showed an unusually solemn expression.

“Currently, I don’t have much access to information at this level, but judging from some clues, Black Dragon Capital does have this suspicion.”

The man frowned, "It's just a suspicion. Can't you confirm it yet?"

"Matsuyama, do you want to see my body in the dark alley of Edo Castle?"

Zou Sijiu pretended to be angry and said: "I am just a yin and yang manager, and rashly contacting the group's secrets will only expose my identity!"

"Don't be angry, Que. The organization is just eager to know what their purpose is."

A Honghu member named Songshan reassured: "After all, the number of missing people is too large, which has made Daoxu's people anxious, and many Tianshi have been sent into the Japanese area to investigate. If they can't learn their plan in advance, it will be very difficult. It may affect the organization's layout."

Zou Sijiu's heart was moved when he heard this, and he once again used the big document technique to retrieve the information extracted from the bird's computer in the hall at an extremely fast speed.

After repeatedly confirming that there was no relevant information, he asked doubtfully: "What is the layout of the organization?"

"You don't need to worry about these things, Mr. Que. You will know when the time comes. I am telling you this just to remind you how urgent the current situation is. You just need to find out as soon as possible whether these people have been captured by Black Dragon Capital. ”

Matsuyama smiled half-heartedly and said: "Before I came, the higher-ups had already given instructions. After you complete this task, you no longer need to lurk in Black Dragon Capital and can directly return to the organization. By then, with the merits you have accumulated over the years, you will be able to After being promoted to Yin Yang Seven, you can naturally be promoted to some small criminal areas and become a Honghu King in charge of a place!"

They had just finished their meal and were handed another big cake. Honghu's methods were as old-fashioned as ever.

Zou Sijiu sneered in his heart, and answered according to the characteristics of the bird in the hall: "I am not interested in leading the criminal community. I just want to explore the mysteries of Shinto and serve for life. Just like following the ambition of Honghu, I will be unswerving."

"Of course. After we take over and reshape this empire, everyone can do what they want."

Matsuyama smiled and said: "But before that, the organization needs you to find out the purpose of Black Dragon Capital as soon as possible. Or in other words, what does the woman Akechi Haruhide want to do."

"Are there any clear instructions from above?"

Zou Sijiu frowned, "The industries covered by Black Dragon Capital are too broad, and there are many people under its command. Without a clear direction of investigation, it will be too difficult."

"The organization has also taken this into consideration, so Lord Ping'an specifically asked me to tell you to pay special attention to 'authority'!"

Zou Sijiu raised his eyebrows, "Permissions? Does it mean Huangliang Dreamland?"

"That's right."

Songshan nodded and said: "These missing people are spread across all the major provinces of the empire. Among them are not only people with Taoism, but also some who are followers of the Yin and Yang sequence. The only thing they have in common is that they have partial access to Huangliang Dreamland .”

Zou Sijiu looked shocked. This time it was not that he was pretending, but that he really did not know this information.

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower.

What does Black Dragon Capital want to do by divesting and collecting so many Huangliang rights? Could it be that he wanted to trick Chen Cang secretly?

But if you just want to break through the empire's blockade of Huangliang Dreamland in the Japanese area, with the number of backdoors Black Dragon Capital obtained back then, you don't need so many permissions at all.

Could it be

Zou Sijiu's thoughts turned rapidly, and he had a vague feeling of bad premonition.

Matsuyama looked at the silent white-clothed priest in front of him and chuckled: "Don't worry, Que, you just need to complete the task. No matter what they want to do, the organization has enough power to stop them."

"By the way, there is one little thing about the organization that I need you to pay attention to."

Zou Sijiu calmed down and said, "What's the matter?"

"Pay attention to a person's movements."


"The owner of the Huangshi Group, Huangshi Lie!"

Zou Sijiu asked in confusion: "You mean, he will have private contact with Black Dragon Capital?"

"It's possible."

Matsuyama said softly: "And the organization will have an operation to be launched in Inuyama City in the near future, and we should have some intersection with this person. We don't want to conflict with the Huangshi Group at the moment."

Inuyama Castle. Isn’t that Li Jun’s jurisdiction?

Zou Sijiu raised his hand and pressed his chest to suppress the throbbing coming from there.

"I see."

"That's it. I'll go first on a snowy night. I hope to meet you next time, Mr. Que."

Matsuyama slowly stood up from his kneeling position and left towards the door.

Zou Sijiu stared at his back with disdain and slowly uttered a sentence.

"And he pretended to be so? What a damn unlucky person!"

"Uncle Que, uncle, he is in danger."

An anxious childish voice reached Zou Sijiu's ears.

He patted his chest gently and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, girl, your Uncle Li's life is strong, these people can't kill him. And don't you want to see him? Now is your chance!"

"When Li Jun is in trouble by Honghu, we and I will suddenly send a magic weapon from the sky to save him from the dire straits."

Zou Sijiu smiled and said: "The sense of this ceremony is exciting just thinking about it! I don't know how happy your Uncle Li will be when the time comes."


"That must be true. Uncle Que, when have I ever lied to you?"

Zou Sijiu had a bright smile on his face, but he was muttering silently in his heart.

Li Jun, Li Jun, let me help you first. You won’t beat me to death, right?

probably not

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