Cyber Daming

Chapter 347 Stripping Site

"Looking for dragons and sharing money to see the winding mountain. The first level of winding is wrong. I am not going to rob tombs now. This algorithm does not apply."

In the Black Dragon Capital Building, Zou Sijiu, who was wearing a Japanese priest's robe and the face of a 'Tang Shangjing', looked at the messy fork in front of him and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes bright and shining, and his hands danced rapidly in front of him.

"A slender house has good luck, and it will be rented. It's hard to get out of a strong neighbor's environment. If you want the God of Wealth to visit you, there must be a road to the west of the house!"

Zou Sijiu locked his eyes on the westernmost fork in the road and moved forward with unusual determination.

After a while of burning incense, Zou Sijiu looked at the familiar fork in the road in front of him, and his face suddenly turned ashen.

"Okay, okay, you Black Dragon Capital are using the Nine Palaces Bagua to repair your lair, right! Damn it, I have to figure out what pattern your underwear is today!"

Zou Sijiu's eyes were fierce, and the black hair covering the back of his head was windless. Just when he was about to roll up his sleeves and start to deduce, a doubtful voice sounded behind him.

"Tangshang Que? What are you doing here?"


Zou Sijiu turned around suddenly, and at the back of the head where the other party couldn't see, the brain intelligence of Tang Shangque himself was reactivated.

"I was just missing the cherry blossoms in my hometown, and I was trying to figure out when would be the best time to return home."

"Return home. Don't move yet."

The other party looked at him suspiciously, and a mechanical spider jumped out of his sleeve and landed on Zou Sijiu's shoulder.

"Nagano-kun, what do you mean? According to regulations, I have the authority to move freely on this floor. Why do you doubt me?"

Zou Sijiu looked angry, but his body remained motionless, allowing the 'Network Wife' who could identify his identity to crawl onto his computer.


The blood-red light in the spider's eyes rose rapidly like water, and when it was about to overflow, it suddenly turned green and made a crisp sound.


Zou Sijiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but his face was even more angry.

"How about it, can you confirm my identity now? If you are still not satisfied, you can continue the test. I can still bear this humiliation. Who gave you the surname Mingzhi?"

Akechi Nagano was not angry because of Zou Shijiu's strange aura. After putting away the 'Luo Xinfu' that jumped back into his palm, he said apologetically: "Mr. Que, please don't be angry. You also know that now is the most critical time for the entire group. Naturally You should be more careful.”

Zou Sijiu, who successfully escaped the disaster, did not go down the slope as the other party wanted. Instead, he followed the character and habits of the palace bird and shouted loudly: "Of course I know that now is a critical moment, but this cannot be the reason for you to use such a method. An excuse to test my identity through humiliating means!"

"Mr. Que, please forgive me for my rashness."

Akechi Nagano's hidden vigilance finally faded away. He put his hands against the sides of his pants, straightened his back, and bowed deeply towards Zou Sijiu.

The heat is almost over, and if it continues, it will be too much.

"Okay, I can understand your uneasiness, Nagano-kun. But please believe that although my surname is not Akechi, my loyalty to Shinto is no less than anyone else!"

Zou Sijiu put away the anger on his face, waved his sleeves, and was about to leave.

"Mr. Que, please stay."

Just when he was about to pass by, Akechi Nagano suddenly spoke.

Damn little Japanese pup, what else are you going to do?

Zou Sijiu's face instantly tightened, and he pretended to be calm: "Is there anything else?"

"There was some trouble at the 'stripping site'. The consciousness of the 'sacrifice' was too tenacious to complete the peeling off smoothly. A priest with the order of yin and yang needs to be guided."

Akechi Nagano said with a smile: "It just so happens that Mr. Que is here, so I don't have to look for other priests."

Stripping site. Isn’t this exactly the place you are looking for?

It turns out that the ‘God of Wealth’ that I want to patronize in my deduction is this guy.

"If the group needs it, of course I am obligated. However, my name is not within the permission to approach the 'strip site'."

Zou Sijiu couldn't hold back the joy in his heart, so he acted awkwardly: "I thought the group didn't trust people with foreign surnames like me."

"Mr. Que, you are worrying too much. I didn't let you participate before. It was out of other considerations, not because I doubted your loyalty. Now is the time when we need you to contribute to the Japanese Shinto."

Akechi Nagano bowed again, "Please do not refuse."

"Since you said so, Nagano-kun, let's go."


Akechi Nagano led the way, leading Zou Sijiu all the way to the deeper parts of the building.

The whole process lasted for half an hour, and Zou Sijiu was sure that he had left the Nine Palaces and Bagua area.

"No wonder there was something wrong with my algorithm at the beginning. Who would have thought that Black Dragon Capital would be so crazy and actually build a maze of this size underground under the group?"

A giant mechanical door glowing with cold light completely blocked the way forward.

Akechi Nagano walked in front and stood in front of the door.

A red light shot down from the top of the door, covering him.

Perhaps considering that his behavior just now had hurt Zou Sijiu's dignity, Akechi Nagano did not let him come forward for identity verification this time.


The three-foot-high steel door slowly slid open.

Zou Sijiu's eyes continued to shrink as the world behind the door slowly unfolded.

A huge underground space was filled with harsh mechanical noise.

Hundreds of bodies were suspended under a dome made of rock, with nerve bundles as thick as two fingers inserted into the backs of their necks.

These people's eyes were closed tightly, but it could be seen from their twitching bodies from time to time that they were not dead yet, but just fell into Huangliang's dream.

The other end of the wire harness hangs down to the ground, like a small meandering tributary, gathered in a huge yellow beam host that is as tall as two people and shaped like a squatting fox.


Zou Sijiu's eyes widened in shock at the scene in front of him, and a sonorous and powerful word popped out of his mouth uncontrollably.

"Mr. Que, what are you talking about?"

Akechi Nagano looked confused, and the noise in the grotto prevented him from hearing clearly what Zou Sijiu had just said.

"I mean, this scene is awesome!"

Zou Sijiu shouted loudly and gave the other party a thumbs up.

"There are four stripping sites like this in the entire Japanese area, with Edo as the center and distributed among the four major cities in the southeast, northwest and northwest!"

Akechi Nagano looked excited and opened his arms, "After all the stripping sites are completed, Gao Tianyuan will come to the Japanese area, and then we will no longer have to endure the exploitation and oppression of the Ming Empire!"

Yes, there is indeed no need to exploit it.

When everyone is fucking killed, who will be exploited?

Who gave you the courage to do this?

Zou Sijiu nodded with a look of admiration: "The Mingzhi family must be unparalleled in the world!"

Akechi Nagano raised his arms and exclaimed: "You don't need to say this, Mr. Bird, you will also have a contribution to this great cause. The history of the Japanese area will also leave a mark for you!"


Zou Sijiu had a stiff look on his face and smiled sarcastically.

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