Cyber Daming

Chapter 349 Dream Infiltration (2)

Sun Qianyuan looked around at his surroundings. When he saw that the seal on the bright yellow box was still intact, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and asked with a smile: "Taoist Priest, where are we?"

"On the way to Siming Mountain."

Zou Sijiu answered vaguely, with a slightly helpless tone.

Perhaps it was because Sun Qianyuan's subconscious still remembered his desolate situation in reality, so after he fell into coma, the weather in Huangliang's dream became even worse.

Zou Sijiu originally planned to go straight to Siming Mountain in one go to fulfill Sun Qianyuan's obsession.

But not long after he set out, he was drenched by a sudden sleet.

After using the 'back door' to simulate a small part of Li Jun's physical body, Zou Sijiu obviously didn't care about the coldness.

But seeing Sun Qianyuan's body swaying continuously made him feel frightened.

In order to prevent the 'dream master' from thinking that he was freezing to death and ending this dream hastily, Zou Sijiu had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​a quick solution and found a dilapidated earth temple to rest temporarily.

There had obviously been a fight in this temple. There were traces of musket fire on the broken walls. Family crests and flags of different colors were scattered everywhere. The fragmented corpses had been chewed to pieces by wild beasts.

"The authority is still not enough. You can't go beyond the era and time of the background setting while keeping the dream stable. Otherwise, if you give yourself a 'Wei Wuzu' with unlimited bullets, wouldn't it mean that you can shoot one at a time?"

Zou Sijiu thought with regret, while Sun Qianyuan on the side was leaning against the fire and fell into a drowsy state again.

"Sun Qianyuan's obsession is very obvious. He still wants to become an immortal and become a follower of Daoxu. He mentioned Siming Mountain before, which is one of the caves of Daoxu. It seems that as long as he is brought to Siming Mountain, The permission stripping should be completed smoothly.”

"However, if I do this, won't it mean that my work for Black Dragon Capital has been in vain? This is definitely not possible!"

Zou Sijiu rubbed his chin, his eyes flickering in the light of the bonfire.

"We still have to find a suitable opportunity to awaken Sun Qianyuan's consciousness. Let him quietly transfer the authority to himself. This will provide enough evidence to prove that Black Dragon Capital is behind it."

"But now Akechi Nagano is watching from the outside. I have already taken a lot of risks by opening the 'back door'. It is a bit difficult to wake up Sun Qianyuan without the fluctuations in the dream appearing so abnormal."

The cold night wind got in through the cracks around it, making a terrifying sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves.

The scattered curtains in the temple were blown open by the wind, and the flames wrapped around the firewood kept beating.

In the swaying light and shadow, the bright yellow box placed at hand gave off a faint light, and a majestic divine power came out!

At the same time, Zou Sijiu suddenly felt a bone-chilling coldness, and suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the temple door.

A crisp sound sounded in the darkness where Feng Xue was whimpering.

A stooped and short old woman in kimono appeared quietly, and the sound just now came from the wooden clogs under her feet.

On the dry face covered with thick powder, the corners of his mouth twitched, revealing a set of extremely penetrating black teeth.

"Taoist Priest, have you ever seen my chance to become an immortal?"

As she finished speaking, a huge black shadow quietly appeared behind her. It turned out to be a white fox that was as tall as a human!

Temples, blizzards, giant beasts, old women.

These four things came together, and Zou Sijiu could smell trouble on his toes.

"How much do you hate these Japanese people in your heart? Why did you even bring that Huangliang host into your dream?"

Zou Sijiu sighed and turned to look at the fire.

Sun Qianyuan had completely fallen asleep, with a smile on his lips, and he slept extremely peacefully.

"Hey, what did you ask just now?" Zou Sijiu stood up with his knife in hand.

"Taoist Priest, have you seen my chance to become an immortal?"

Zou Sijiu grinned, flicked the knife in his hand, and teased: "Do you think this knife looks like your chance? Come on, let me chop it, and I will ensure that you become an immortal!"


A flash of cold light burst out of the temple door and hit the disgusting old woman in kimono.


The white fox's claws covered the old woman's head, and its sharp claws held the fallen long knife.

The old woman in kimono raised her face, and white powder fluttered down her cheeks.

She looked at the sharp blade close at hand with a calm expression, her cloudy eyes filled with deep sarcasm.

"If you can block the attack of God Inari, you, a Taoist priest from the Ming Dynasty, can be considered to have some strength. But that's all. Hand over the opportunity, and I can let you go!"

"I've said it so many times that I'm a little curious."

Zou Sijiu held the knife in one hand and gradually increased the force on his hand, "What is the opportunity to become an immortal that you mentioned?"

In the previous calculation, Zou Sijiu thought that as long as he brought Sun Qianyuan to Siming Mountain and induced him to join the Taoist sect, he would be able to fulfill his obsession.

But judging from the meaning of the 'evil thought' in front of him, Sun Qianyuan's true obsession may have always been with him.


The long knife trembled slightly, rubbing sparks on the claws of the beast.

The old woman in kimono didn't seem to notice the pain in the eyes of the white fox behind her, and she still looked arrogant: "The only opportunity to be favored by Shintoism is the White Jade Kyōsen Class!"

"It turns out to be that thing. I thought it was a Taoist priest who could be promoted to the rank, but this is also consistent with his status as an old-school monk."

Zou Sijiu suddenly realized that a plan to awaken Sun Qianyuan's consciousness emerged in his mind.

"If you persist in your obsession, Inari God-sama eats him!"

Seeing that Zou Sijiu had not put down the knife in his hand, the old woman's face gradually darkened.

Zou Sijiu grinned when she heard this, but what she said made her expression change.

"Why does a character who is not even considered a ghost play so many roles? Also, don't you notice that this fox is scared?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zou Sijiu suddenly punched the back of the knife with his left hand. The long knife, which was originally in a stalemate with the claws, cut off the claws and slashed towards the old woman's head with the force of thunder.


The old woman in kimono screamed, and at the critical moment, she suddenly shrank back, dodging the long knife at the slightest moment, and hid under the white fox.

"Inari God ate him, eat him quickly!"

She was in shock, grabbing the white fox's hind legs with both hands, and screamed crazily.

The white fox beast opened its mouth angrily, and its two rows of sharp teeth bit Zou Sijiu with a suffocating stench.


Zou Sijiu kicked the beast's head on the lower jaw, and his teeth suddenly closed like a guillotine, cutting off a piece of the scarlet tongue.

The splattered blood dyed the hair on the white fox's chest red, and a pair of beast eyes suddenly turned blood red. Amidst a burst of indistinct roars, it rushed out again.

Zou Sijiu slid sideways and easily dodged the oncoming attack, with a very relaxed expression on his face.

He who cheated, although he only simulated a small part of Li Jun's strength, still far exceeded the limit set by Sun Qianyuan in this Huangliang dream.

Here, he is the worthy God of War!


The fox's claws flew into the air, making two large holes in the soft snow. The beast turned around and was about to continue killing, when a headless corpse that was still steaming was thrown in front of it.

"Your name is Inari God, right?"

The long knife is placed on the shoulder, and the head is cut off under the foot.

Zou Sijiu smiled and said, "It's not very good either."


Only half of the tongue was left trembling continuously, and the surging blood rushed out of the white fox's mouth mixed with an angry roar.

Zou Sijiu retreated, leading this crazy beast into the Earth Temple.


The white fox was running rampant, and the crumbling pillars in the temple were suddenly in danger.

Loose tiles continued to fall and crackle into the bonfire.

The firelight flickered, illuminating Sun Qianyuan's face with flickering lights and darkening. His closed eyelids trembled and were about to open.


Zou Sijiu appeared beside the white fox in a flash, slashed out with the cold light in his hand, and forcibly cut off half of the beast's claw.


The white fox shook its head angrily. The severe pain from the broken claw had already made it unsteady on its feet, but the ferocity of the beast still drove it to rush towards Zou Sijiu crookedly.

This time, Zou Sijiu did not continue to play with the beast by keeping distance, but waited until the beast's mouth was almost in front of him, and then suddenly stepped aside.

Behind him, the bright yellow treasure box emitting light appeared in front of the white fox!


The wooden box shattered, and the fragments of the seal were blown up by the strong wind and fell into the extinguishing bonfire.

Zou Sijiu took a half step forward with his left foot, the muscles on his back tensed instantly, his right shoulder stretched, and the long knife that touched the ground broke through the air attack!


A huge fox head fell to the ground. The place where the long knife cut it open was as smooth as a mirror. The flesh, flesh and bones seemed to have not reacted yet and were still squirming.

Amid the dissipating heat, the rushing blood also didn't realize that the passage ahead had been cut off, and rushed into the cold and biting air without hesitation.

Zou Sijiu held the knife in his hand and wiped away the remaining blood on the knife.

On the other side, Sun Qianyuan had rolled over from the ground and sat up at some point, staring blankly at the wooden box that had been smashed by the white fox.

A knee-high statue of a Taoist god sitting cross-legged was exposed. In his two palms facing up, he held a bright yellow talisman with a pen and a dragon and a snake.

The light on the talisman's seal flows, flickering in and out with the person's breathing.

Zou Sijiu raised his head at this moment, looking through the hole in the temple dome at a twinkling star behind the wind and snow.

"It was your own evil thoughts that smashed the box, not mine. And this is a dream with a bright background. You can't let Bai Yujing strike me with lightning, can you?"

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