Cyber Daming

Chapter 35 Bloody Past

In the central area of ​​Qingyang District, Chengdu Prefecture, a very conspicuous skyscraper stands. The holographic advertising transmitter projected four extraordinary BMW horses, galloping around the middle of the building.

This is the headquarters building of Shudao Logistics Group.

At this moment, in the proprietor's office at the top of the building, Gu Yong, who had a long fair face and lips as thin as a knife, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, staring at the god-like holographic projections under the night sky.

Gu Jia, who was as short and thick as a wooden stake, had his hands folded on his abdomen and stood a few steps behind Gu Yong with a flattering look on his face.

"Gu Jia, what do you think that old dog is doing now?"

After hearing the question, Gu Jia quickly stepped forward and looked in the direction pointed by Gu Yong's finger.

It was a building that was very close to the headquarters of Shudao Logistics Group. There were countless phantoms of sharp weapons and firearms suspended outside the building. The four characters "Tianfu Heavy Industry" on the top of the building were extremely eye-catching.

Gu Jia understood and smiled, "To tell you what the young master is saying, Wu Laogou must be furious now and racking his brains thinking about how to explain it to his master."

"Hahahahaha," Gu Yong laughed loudly upon hearing this, with indescribable joy on his face, "Zhao Ding sang well in this play, and it is considered worthy of death."

"He has also helped us make a lot of money in Kowloon Street over the years. I will give Brother Pao half of this year's share, even if it is the silk gold given to him by this young master."

"I'll do it right away," Gu Jia nodded, his expression becoming more and more flattering, "Young master, you are kind-hearted."

Gu Yong smiled and said: "Stop flattering me, who will be the new helmsman of Brother Pao now?"

"Kuang Qingyun, a soldier of the ninth order, is equipped with the powerful witchcraft heart of the witch clan series. There is not much room for improvement, and he cannot make any waves."

Gu Jia rolled his eyes and his tone changed: "But this time it wasn't him who took action."

"Oh, who is that?"

"Li Jun, a Wujiu fanatic, was the one who snatched things back from Tianzhihui last time."

"A person from the martial arts sequence." Gu Yong pondered a little, glanced at Gu Jia meaningfully, and said with a smile: "Looking at your attentive look, do you plan to recruit this Li Jun under your command?"

"Young Master Yong is the only one who knows me. You can see through this little man's thoughts."

Gu Jia quickly added another flattery and said: "The rats from Tianzhihui have begun to show up again. Now the Wu family has also lost face in our hands. I am afraid that the next transaction will not only be the chicken and goose area, but also the entire Chengdu." I'm afraid the whole southern part of the government will be uneasy. At this time, we can find someone who can fight in front, and we can save a lot of trouble."

"You are thinking long term this time."

Gu Yong complimented Gu Jia in a polite way, walked around and sat behind a large desk, picked up the purple clay bowl on the desk, blew hot air slowly, and asked without raising his head:

"Have you checked Li Jun's background? Is he clean?"

Gu Jia replied swornly: "Don't worry, young master, his background is absolutely clean. Otherwise, Zhao Ding wouldn't have used him as a back-up against Luo Zhen, and even handed him the farmer's 'Vernal Equinox'."

Hearing the words 'Spring Equinox', Gu Yong paused while drinking tea, "So, this is still a 'living' Wu Jiu?"

Gu Jia smiled and said: "With that 'Vernal Equinox', even if Li Jun doesn't fully come back to life, he won't die for a while. And it's easy to handle people like this who have been through the gate of hell."

Gu Yong nodded slowly, his eyes staring at the tureen suddenly showed a strong sense of ridicule, he shook his head and sneered.

"The eating habits of Buddhism and Taoism are still too ugly, and they use this unattractive trick to dig into the roots of the martial arts sequence. If these martial arts practitioners accidentally go into a detour, that will be the end of the path of life and death. There is no way to deal with it. It’s hard to find a way to survive if you pay millions of dollars.”

"But among those who can afford so much money nowadays, how many of them would choose the martial arts sequence?" Gu Yong shook his head and sighed.

Gu Jia's face showed just the right amount of curiosity, and he followed Gu Yong's words, "Why do the Buddhist and Taoist families do this?"

Gu Yong did not answer directly, but asked instead: "Let me ask you, if you, Gu Jia, were an ordinary person from a poor background and wanted to change your destiny, what would you do?"

"Of course I will study hard, master the scriptures, and strive to become a Confucian disciple!"

Gu Jia did not hesitate, but from the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of the disdain on the face of the person in front of him, and immediately changed the subject, "However, studying is a matter of talent. A rough guy like me should choose the martial arts sequence. Although the possibility is low, at least there is a glimmer of hope.”

"Why not choose Buddhism and Taoism?" Gu Yong continued to ask.

Gu Jia was stunned and blurted out: "Because it's expensive, and the thresholds for these two sequences are also out of reach."

"Most ordinary people think the same as you. The civil and military order is the first choice to achieve class leap."

Gu Yong said in a deep voice: "But have you ever thought about it, although our Ming Empire has hundreds of millions of people, only one in a thousand is qualified to break the Jin order, and even less than one in ten thousand has the potential to continue to advance. After such screening, there won’t be much left.”

"Talent is the foundation of each major sequence, and it can also be regarded as a market. If the entire market share is taken up by the civil and military families, what will the others do?"

Gu Jia suddenly realized that without a massive talent base, the entire line would quickly languish.

Even as the population iterates, the number of people carrying this sequence of genes will decrease sharply, and the final result will be that the entire sequence disappears and is annihilated.

Just like the hundreds of schools of thought that were brilliant for a time thousands of years ago and finally disappeared into history.

Gu Yong's eyes flashed with cold light, and he spoke sonorously: "So if one of them is eliminated by Civil and Military, the other sequences will have room to continue to grow."

"Then why?" Gu Jia's lips squirmed, but at the last moment he closed his mouth tightly and swallowed the words that had come to his mouth.

"I know what you want to ask." Gu Yong smiled slightly, "They chose to attack the martial arts sequence because there is a dispute between martial arts and Buddhism."

Gu Yong picked up the tea bowl and took a sip, and said slowly: "People in the martial arts sequence are all flesh and blood believers. Their bodies are not stained by machines. They are said to see gods on the fist peak. If they don't believe in gods and Buddhas, they believe in themselves."

"This is almost the opposite of using Huangliang's dream to build a virtual cave and practice in an electronic Buddha country, which emphasizes the spirit over the body!"

"The avenues are different, so naturally water and fire are incompatible. During the peak period of the martial arts sequence, they bullied these two families."

"Do you think people like the Mo Family Tianzhihui are real fanatics?" Gu Yong sneered disdainfully, "The things they did are far worse than those warriors before Jiazi."

"At that time, people from the Buddhist and Taoist families were robbed by martial arts people. You can't even imagine how miserable it was. As a result, countless Taoist and Buddhist temples closed down!"

"There was even a saying at that time that the foundation of Taoism is the best nutrient for strengthening the Dantian of martial arts, and the Happy Buddha Kingdom of Buddhism is the best place for them to vent their desires.

"With such a struggle for interests and a struggle for great ways, how could those Taoists and Buddhas not roll up their sleeves and risk their lives with the warriors?"

It was also the first time for Gu Jia to hear such a secret, and he was dumbfounded and amazed.

"But young master, if the martial arts sequence was really so powerful, how could it be that we lost so miserably?"

"Because no one wants them alive."

Gu Yong said calmly: "When a giant tree falls, it will shake the earth at first, but in the end it will breed countless grasshopper germs. The other eleven sequences are involved. No matter how strong the martial arts is, it will only fail miserably. End."

Gu Jia's eyes were horrified, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. In such an environment where everyone was surrounded by enemies, no wonder Wu Jiu's title was such a violent name.


Gu Jia's eyes suddenly twitched and he said worriedly: "Are we taking action too?"

"It's just a matter of following the current and reaping the benefits."

Gu Yong wrote lightly: "And ordinary people have no way of knowing these past events. Even if Li Jun knows, what can he do? How dare he do it? At most, he can scold his predecessors for their incompetence and scold himself for entering the martial arts sect by mistake."

Gu Jia chuckled and felt that he was making a fuss. So many warriors died decades ago, why do you need to worry about a small character like Li Jun?

He lowered his eyes and thought for a while. Seeing that Young Master Gu Yong was having a good time talking about sex today, he simply asked all the questions in his mind at once.

"Young master, I still have something that I don't understand. Since it's already come to a life-or-death situation, why don't you just cut the grass and root it out to avoid future troubles?"

Gu Yong's next words made Gu Jia break into a cold sweat.

"It's not that I don't want to give up, but I will never give up. People learn how to punch their fists before they learn to speak. This is an instinct engraved in genes and cannot be erased."

"Furthermore, look at who are practicing martial arts nowadays? Gangsters, bandits, and poor people. What kind of disturbance can these cause?"

"Besides, there are still some old monsters in the martial arts sequence who are still alive. Leave some hope to these people so that they won't go completely crazy. After all, no one wants to be dragged to death by these people."

Gu Jia nodded repeatedly, his face deeply palpitating.

"However, people from the martial arts sequence do have a useful knife. I will give Li Jun a chance this time."

Gu Yong raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a map with the entire Shu land suddenly appeared on the huge floor-to-ceiling window. There is a red dot beating constantly at the southwest end of Chengdu Prefecture.

"Songpanwei?" Gu Jia looked at it intently and was suddenly shocked.

Gu Yong ordered: "There is news that someone here found a consolation edict written by Emperor Chongzhen himself, and asked Li Jun to bring it back."

Gu Jia thought for a moment and said tentatively: "That's a lawless place where Xifan is entrenched. Should we send a security team to follow Li Jun?"

"It's just a rich man's collection. There's no need to mobilize a large force for such a small thing."

Gu Yong flicked his sleeves and said, "Let Li Jun handle it alone. If the matter is done well, I will let him take over Gu Ding's supervisory position."

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