Cyber Daming

Chapter 370 Martial Law

"Jin Qizhao, I know you are different from them. You have a conscience in your heart. You don't understand why they set fire to so many innocent people, and you also regret why you didn't save those familiar friends."

Fan Wu Jiu's tone softened, "As long as you tell me who your online contact is, I can help you atone for your sins."

"Kill me, I am willing to use my life to compensate them."

A twisted smile appeared on Jin Qizhao's face, which seemed to be crying and laughing, and his eyes were empty and vacant.

"This fire burned thousands of people to death. Do you think your life is worth it?"

"I don't know enough, I know."

Jin Qizhao looked sad, "But this is all I can offer, Mr. Fan, I really am not online."

"I know what you are worried about. Since ancient times, there has been a dilemma between loyalty and righteousness. You have lost your righteousness, so you want to leave the last bit of loyalty to yourself."

Fan Wujiu said softly: "But have you ever thought that the organization you have devoted all your loyalty to may not be merciful to you?"


Almost at the moment Fan Wujiu finished speaking, a deafening gunshot suddenly exploded in the lonely snow.

Yasha's expression suddenly changed, he grabbed the knife and rushed forward, trying to block Fan Wujiu.

But as soon as he took a step forward, Fan Wujiu's left arm was hit by a bullet and exploded into pieces scattered all over the sky.

Without any hesitation, Yasha turned around and rushed out in the direction of the gunfire.


Jin Qizhao fell into the snow like a stranded fish, breathing heavily with lingering fear on his face.

As a secret agent who has been lurking in Inushan City all year round, Jin Qizhao knew exactly how strong Fan Wujiu was.

This shot can actually smash one of his arms to pieces, which shows how terrifying the power is. If it hits him,

When death really passed in front of him, Jin Qizhao realized that he was so afraid of death and didn't want to die so much.

"Jin Qizhao, you are also following the order. You should know very well who the bullet was aimed at just now."

Fan Wujiu, who had lost an arm, had a calm expression and no trace of pain could be seen.

He slowly squatted down in front of Jin Qizhao, with his heels off the ground and his right hand, Duoyan Wei, touching the ground.

"I helped you block this shot. You have become an abandoned son now. Even if I let you go now, Honghu will never trust you again. Jin Qizhao, you have lost your loyalty and filial piety. Now you should live for yourself."

"I recruit..."

Jin Qizhao's inner defense was finally completely lost, and his expression was dejected.

A satisfied smile appeared on Fan Wujiu's lips, he stood up straight again and slowly closed his eyes.

Suddenly, the rustling sound of falling snow in his ears quickly faded away, and the incomparable pain in the wound also quickly dissipated.

It was replaced by noisy voices and the faint smell of wine lingering in the nose.


Fan Wujiu opened his eyes, and what he saw was Xie Bi'an with a serious look on his face and Zou Sijiu with a proud look on his face.

There is also Concubine Yuan Ming holding a cigarette stick and smiling charmingly.

The switch between the real world and the dream made Fan Wujiu feel slightly dazed. He grabbed the wine glass on the table and drank it all before regaining his composure.

Fan Wujiu banged his wine glass on the table and cursed, "Xiaobai, what kind of bullshit plot did you make up? It almost came out. I am also a soldier six after all. What kind of gunpowder firearm can beat my arm to pieces at such a long distance?" Crush?”

"That's because you are ignorant. Go back and look through the exchange list of the Ministry of Industry. Not to mention breaking your arm, I'll smash it to pieces for you."

Xie Bian rolled his eyes, "Stop talking nonsense, has this person been recruited?"

"Of course. If I take action personally, are there any prisoners that I can't solve?"

At the same wine table, Jin Qizhao stared at the world in front of him with wide eyes.

"Is everything just a dream?"

"Stop dreaming. I don't care if you don't have a good citizen certificate or you don't have a good citizen certificate. As long as you can't get it, you won't be allowed to enter the city. Get out of here."

Outside Osaka City, the road into the city was completely blocked by steel-cast horses. The cut-off traffic flow stretched out for several miles. They moved forward slowly under the greetings of the armed guards and were inspected one by one.

"Is this the law enforcement attitude of your Osaka Castle garrison? Why is Osaka Castle suddenly under martial law? Do you have any official documents issued by the Department of Propaganda and Comfort? Show them to me!"

"What are you looking at? Get out of here and don't blame us for being rude if you mess around again."

"Don't push me, let me tell you, I am not an unidentified worker slave, I am the supervisor of Tamoto Company, I"

boom! boom! boom!

The heads peeking out of the car windows were frightened back by the sudden gunshots.

As the supervisor's body was dragged away, the stagnant traffic began to move again.

"Why is Osaka Castle suddenly under martial law? Is it because our whereabouts have been exposed?"

In an inconspicuous car, Prince Ma looked at the congested road in front of him with a confused tone.

"No, that old magician Zou Sijiu still has a few tricks up his sleeve when it comes to playing tricks. Unless someone gets close to him, he won't be exposed so easily."

"Then what is Osaka Castle doing?"

"It may be related to the purge order issued by Qianhu." Li Jun guessed.

"No way, with such a big fanfare, Yu Canghai is afraid that Honghu doesn't know what he is going to do, right?"

Li Jun shook his head, "I don't know about that."

"Fortunately, Xiaobai gave us the identity prepared in advance, otherwise we would have to abandon the car and walk now."

Prince Ma turned his head and looked at Li Jun, who was sitting in the passenger seat. "I'm not telling you, Lao Li, why bother killing Yu Canghai? How old is this? You can still sneak into the ancient times like this?" A scene from Huang Liang’s dream.”

"If you ask me, it's better to find a night when it's dark and windy. The two brothers go straight to the Osaka City Hundred Household Office, charge all the way up, hack Yu Canghai to death and then leave. How do you say that, kill one person in ten steps , sneak back to Inuyama Castle?"

As Lord Ma spoke, he raised his hand to rub the bionic skin covering his body. This feeling of restraint made him very uncomfortable.

Li Jun opened his eyelids and glanced at the other party angrily, "Do you think the hundred households in Osaka City are all trash? If you really do what you say, we will be beaten into sieves before we even see Yu Canghai. .”

"If you can't force your way in, you can also behead them."

Lord Ma rubbed his nose. He didn't like the face Huapi made for him. It didn't reflect his handsomeness at all.

"I have thought about this method for a long time, but Xiaobai's spy in Osaka Castle can't find Yu Canghai's location."

Li Jun frowned slightly. According to the information Xie Bi'an detected, after the bandit intelligence report was sent to Qianhu Station, Yu Canghai's whereabouts became irregular. Even in Baihu Station, he was very careful and changed frequently. Office location.

Songshan's death may have made Yu Canghai feel a crisis.

"It's not okay to do this or that. It seems I can only pretend to be a good citizen."

Lord Ma let out a long sigh, and suddenly a bright smile appeared on his fake face. He stuck his head out of the car window and shouted to a guard with a gray beard: "Sir, we are good people, genuine good people."

"Whatever you shout, whether you are a good citizen or not cannot be said with your mouth."

The old guard came closer, bent down and glanced into the car. The moment his eyes met Li Jun's eyes, his brows subconsciously frowned, and he muttered about another ignorant young man who didn't know the depth of the situation.

"Which city are you from? What are you doing in Osaka Castle? Take out your good citizen certificate and take a look at it. If you don't have it, take your computer and scan it. Let me warn you first. If you don't have a good citizen certificate and a computer, just now That person is a lesson learned for you!"

The chapter I owe cannot be made up today, but I will definitely make it up tomorrow!

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