Cyber Daming

Chapter 372 Entering the City (2)

"Lao Li, are you sure the person Xie Bian mentioned is here?"

"Probably. That's right."

Li Jun looked up at the tattered neon sign above his head, and there was a sense of unconfidence in his words.

There are four big characters on the signboard, Lijing Club.

The first two words are relatively intact, and they are flashing with an ambiguous pink light. The wire tube that formed the word "Guild Hall" next to it was damaged, and the exposed wire harness was flashing with blue arcs.

You don't need to think too much, you can tell at a glance that this is not a serious place.

Moreover, it is not considered high-end.

"Xiaobai, what are you doing? We two brothers are here to do business this time. How can we arrange a place like this for us? Besides, Master Ma, do I look like such a non-picky eater?"

Although there was strong dissatisfaction in his words, Prince Ma could no longer hold back his feet, and he took the lead and opened the way.

He pushed away the approaching turtle man, his eyes were shining, and he skillfully took a blond and blue-eyed Western girl into his arms. Then, under the excited eyes of the other party, he stuffed a wad of treasure money into a large-scale store. Among the mountains.

"We are friends with your boss Ye Jinjiang. We made an appointment in advance to take us to him."

"Boss, please come this way."

The beauty of the Xiyi girl is not outstanding, but the beauty is that she is all original goods. After hearing the name 'Ye Jinjiang', her eyes flashed, and she immediately showed a more attentive and charming smile, speaking fluent plain language, attracting He led the two of them inside.

The three of them passed through disguises that were not worth mentioning on the surface and were just used to fool people. After passing through a narrow secret passage, the sight in front of them suddenly became clear.

This is a large rest area, with hundreds of spacious brocade chairs arranged vertically and horizontally. It is already overcrowded at this moment, and there are no empty seats.

There are neural wires hanging from each chair, linking guests into various customized Huangliang dreams.

There is a dedicated person waiting next to him, dripping colorful liquid into the guest's brain from time to time. The effect is immediate, arousing waves of happy moans.

Li Jun had seen this kind of liquid in Chengdu Mansion.

Five stones scattered.

"Good guy, what kind of business is this person arranged by Xiaobai? He's pretty good."

Prince Ma's surprised words rang in Li Jun's ears.

"I don't know. Let's take a look first and then talk."

After passing through this rest area, the three of them stepped into a long corridor paved with light-colored carpets, with bright shadow walls on both sides and a secret door embedded in it.

Along the way, the Xiyi girl was wrapped around Lord Ma like a boneless snake, rubbing her ears and temples together, not knowing what she was talking about.

However, from the fact that Lord Ma, a veteran of flowers, turned red when teased, it is not difficult to guess that the content is probably quite explosive.

"Boss, stop touching me. We've reached the right place."

In the deepest part of the corridor, the Xiyi girl squeaked shyly and slid off Prince Ma's body.

Prince Ma reluctantly took a bite of her face, and then let go of his hand, "We have something to discuss with your boss today. When I'm free later, I'll come back to you to discuss things!"

"Then you must come."

With the blessing of Bao Chao, Lord Ma is now full of charm in the eyes of the other party.

However, what this kind of promiscuous woman lacks most is her eyesight and knowing how to judge the importance. She quickly and cryptically slapped and pinched Lord Ma's butt with her left hand, and walked away with a coquettish smile.

"Who said there's no good stuff in a bad place? Look, you're blond and blue-eyed. I haven't tried this style yet."

Lord Ma was obviously still unfinished, and sighed: "Old Li, do you think I should ask Huapi to get me a real one later? Their agricultural order should have something to do, right?"

"If you have the guts, I have no problem with it. Okay, stop being so arrogant, it's time to get to work."

Li Jun smiled and cursed, stretched out his hand and pushed open the secret door in front of him.

There was only one person in the spacious room.

A bald man with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

"The little bustard ghost from the Second Department of Jinyi Guards in Inushan City has met Lord Baihu and Lord Keqing."

Li Jun looked at the bald man kneeling in front of him and finally understood why Xie Bi'an had been hesitant and refused to explain the identity of the hidden stake to him.

"Lao Li, do we still have such special talents in our household?!"

The person in front of him was obviously tall and tall, about seven feet tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a square face.

But no matter how Li Jun looked at him, he felt that the other party did not look like a Jin Yiwei.

"Are you really an official royal guard? The kind who eats royal food with you?"

"Sir, my subordinate was transferred to Inuyama Castle from Nanyue Province in the fifth year of Jiaqi's reign. Not long after he joined the job, he was arranged by Mr. Xie to move into Osaka Castle, so you haven't seen me. But my information is here There should be records in the household records, don’t you know?”

Hearing Lin Jinjiang's words, Li Jun couldn't help but feel ashamed. Although he was a member of the 100th household in Inushan City, all the government affairs in the household were left to Xie Bian to handle.

So far, he has not even identified the people in the household, let alone these hidden stakes planted in other big cities.


Li Jun coughed awkwardly and changed the subject, "You are really special in hiding your identity."

"Before you took office, our office's funds had been relatively tight, and we were unable to support us too much. However, collecting intelligence and developing informants is a costly task. In desperation, my subordinates had no choice but to find ways to open up sources on their own. .”

Lin Jinjiang chuckled and said, "I'm not good at anything else in the department I'm in. After thinking about it, I think this is the only one I'm good at."

"What sequence are you in?" Li Jun asked curiously.

"Miscellaneous family sequence."

Li Jun raised his eyebrows. You must know that among the three religions and nine streams that remain in the Ming Empire, there are a total of 12 sequences. Zaxu is a low-ranking sequence that can be compared with Wu Xu. It is even more rare.

This was the first time he saw a living follower of Zaxu.

"Zhaxu is good at this business, what do you mean?"

Lord Ma on the side also became interested and asked.

"If you have to say that you are good at it, you can't really call it that. It's just that when the hybrid gene was born thousands of years ago, some people put forward the idea of ​​'opposing the suppression of desire and advocating the guidance of passion'. I guess it may have something to do with this. Bar."

"But nowadays people in Zaxu are engaged in the 'prostitution' business, mainly because other sequences are reluctant to get involved in this industry, and Zaxu, a more profitable industry, cannot grab it, not to mention things like the basic population When I was desperate, Zaxu simply devoted myself to this development."

"The illegal Huangliang Dreamland that you have seen, sir, was jointly developed by us and the people from Yin Yangxu. We provided the story and background, and they provided the construction technology. There are also things like Wushisan and Afurong. Together with the Nong Xu, we made it specifically for the Confucian Xu.”

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