Cyber Daming

Chapter 377 Dirty Heart

South of Osaka Castle, on the coast of the bay, is a secluded manor.

"Zhi Lu, how is the intelligence collection of your two offices going? The time given by Qianhu Office to handle the case is not long."

A man with a net scarf on his head was leaning against the red wall of the manor, with his hands folded across his chest. He was wearing a simple and elegant outfit. Only a silver-threaded dragon python embroidered on the corner of his clothes clearly revealed his identity as the Imperial Guard. .

"You have ordered the city to be closed and under martial law. Who among those swans dares to show their heads at this time? Besides, I don't see you in a hurry, so why are you panicking?"

The person who replied chuckled and took a look inside the manor.

"The order to close the city was implemented with your permission. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can go to your Majesty. There is no need to be angry with me here."

Jian Tan replied with a cold face. After hesitating for a moment, he softened his tone.

"We are both standing on the cusp of the storm now, with many people pointing fingers behind our backs. You also know this in your heart. Now is not the time for internal fighting. This 'clean-up' is the first since we took office. It’s a large-scale operation. If we can’t seize this opportunity to make achievements and establish our authority, how can we gain a foothold in the household in the future?”

Jiantan's words also captured Zhilu's worries.

The two of them rose to the top not because of any outstanding achievements. To put it bluntly, they were the result of the success of Xin Baihu's appointment.

If the new 100 households want to establish their authority, the simplest and most effective way is to dismantle the remaining staff of the original 100 households and promote and train their own confidants.

Create personnel conflicts in the "one rise and one fall", divide and disintegrate possible power bases, and grasp the right to deal cards in the process of reshuffling the cards.

The former Xiaoqi Zhilu and Jiantan were the lucky ones in this process, while Huang Guan and Shibai were the poor victims.

Now hundreds of households hate them and there are countless people waiting to see their jokes.

That's why the supervisors, who made the wrong move in their first step in taking office, are so anxious and want to make some achievements and stabilize their position.

Although Zhilu was happy to watch the other person suffer, he also understood the meaning of losing one's lips and teeth.

Chilu suppressed the disdainful look on his face and frowned and said: "Although Osaka is the largest city in the Kansai area of ​​Japan, Honghu has many lurking personnel here. But you also know that many sources of intelligence are from Huang It was established by Guan Yi, but now he seems to be unable to do anything, so I don’t have a good solution.”

"It's the same situation in one place. The subordinates who were the bait at the beginning are all one by one."

Jian Tan suddenly cut off his words, his eyes filled with cold light, and a flying dragonfly flew out of his sleeves, climbed on the eaves tiles above the two of them, and quickly flapped its wings.

"Zhilu, I am a cheerful person, and I will no longer hide things from you. Let me tell you clearly, no matter what the outcome of this 'clearance' operation is, I will never let the bait continue. Stay in Osaka.”

"I also feel that Huang Guan's existence hinders the normal operation of the second office."

The two looked at each other and smiled, both seeing the undisguised murderous intent in the other's eyes.

"Since everyone has this idea, things will be easier to handle."

The supervisor smiled and said: "You all have smart brains for intelligence. Do you have any good ideas?"

"Of course there is a way, it just depends on whether you dare."

"You tell me first and listen."

Zhilu had obviously planned ahead and said without thinking: "Weren't you just worried about not being able to meet the target of Qianhushao? Let's start from here."

"Be clear." Supervisor asked eagerly.

"Although most of the informants in Osaka Castle were developed by Huang Guan, these people are all useless people who can't afford to be early. Now that Huang Guan has lost power, they have long had the idea of ​​​​changing their positions."

Although he was in the shielding field opened by Xi Tinglang, Zhilu still suppressed his voice and said: "I have mastered the hiding place of a Xu Liu Honghu. As far as I know, this person is a fierce character. He is very powerful." It’s not easy to deal with. You arrange it with the intensity of Xu Qi’s mission and let the bait lead his team to arrest him. In this kind of wrong intelligence, it is normal for someone to die in the line of duty. "

Jian Tan's eyes lit up when he heard this. After pondering for a moment, he asked, "What if the bait is not dead?"

"Even if the bait is lucky and escapes this disaster, if the intelligence is wrong, the second branch I am responsible for is naturally to blame. But the person who sold the information to me is one of Huang Guan's most trusted informants."

Zhilu narrowed his eyes and asked: "If I tell Lord Baihu that Huang Guan is suspected of secretly communicating with Honghu in this matter, do you think the Lord will believe it?"

Before Jiantan could speak, Zhilu said first, "If you believe it, then Huang Guan will definitely die. If you don't believe it, it means the higher-ups don't want to touch them yet, so you and I don't have to rush to do it."

"So no matter what the final success or failure is, we have a high chance of being able to deal with one person first. As for the remaining one, if he is wise enough, he will leave Osaka Castle. If not, we have many ways to slowly process him. "

Zhilu smiled coldly, "Even if luck is not on our side in the end, and the bait is still alive, Huang Guan is not exempt. But it is inevitable that the prestige of the two people will fall to the bottom. When the time comes, we will rectify one or two things. No resistance.”

People who play with intelligence have really dirty hearts.

Jiantan cursed secretly in his heart, and his disgust and fear of Zhilu became even more intense, but there was an expression of surprise and excitement on his face.

"Just do as you say."

Before he finished speaking, the Impermanence Book ring on Zhilu's finger suddenly vibrated.

There is Jinyiwei's internal communication sound transmission access.

Zhiluo had a slightly weird expression, and instead of connecting to the communication device built into the auricle, he connected directly in front of the supervisor.

The light shot out, revealing Huang Guan's anxious face.

"Zhilu, where is Mr. Baihu now? I have important information to report to him!"

Huang Guan got straight to the point and his tone was quite impolite.

Chilu's pale eyebrows knitted together, "My lord is meeting with important guests now. If you have anything, you can tell me directly."

Huang Guan decisively refused, "No, it's a serious matter, I must report it to you personally."

"Then just wait."

Zhi Lu immediately sneered and raised his hand to cut off the screen.

"Wait a minute."

Huang Guan's expression was hesitant, and after a moment he gritted his teeth and said: "It's bait, he rebelled!"

The corner of Jian Tan's mouth outside the screen suddenly turned up, overjoyed.

On the contrary, Zhi Lu suddenly had a gloomy expression. This sudden change completely disrupted his plan, and instead gave a great gift to the supervisor who was falling into a trap.

"you sure?"

Huang Guan spoke firmly, "I'm sure."


"No, it's Inuyama."

The words stopped abruptly, and a humble look appeared on Huang Guan's face, and he said in a low tone: "Zhilu, now I am no longer the commander-in-chief, and I also know that you have always been very afraid of me. This bait's rebellion has given me A slap in the face. Even people like him know how to find another way out, so why should I continue to fight with you here."

"This intelligence evidence is my last chance. I want to trade with Mr. Baihu for a chance to be transferred back to the empire."

Huang Guan begged: "Zhilu, you won't even leave me this last escape route, will you?"

This humble expression, this pleading tone.

Zhi Lu saw Huang Guan for the first time in so many years.

The excitement and joy in his heart at this moment was even greater than when it was announced that he had been promoted to the general banner of the Second Division.

It turned out that it was not a change of plans, but a double happiness.

Zhilu smiled softly, "Master Baihu is in the southern suburbs now."

The words were carried by the night wind, crossed the red wall, passed through the imperial Jiangnan-style vegetation and rockery, and when they reached the deepest part of the courtyard, they were no longer audible.

This is an open-air hot spring that is more exquisite than the Hakutei Hunyu in Inuyama Castle.

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