Cyber Daming

Chapter 381 Calculation and Blame

A pool of water as red as blood, a decaying courtyard that looks like a hurricane passing through, a young man in red robe squatting on the back of a sword, tattered black armor riddled with scars, a ring of impermanence book flashing with dim light, and a simple pendant engraved with small golden characters.

The edge hidden in the dark is ready to move, and the invisible and colorless power is ready to go.

The fingers caged in the big sleeves are clasping the talisman seal, and the fingertips are rubbing the different shades of lines on it.

The tender flowers carved on the edge of the finger tiger are in bud, blooming with a chilly feeling.

Li Jun, two black and one red, with three eyes on his face, sat on a piece of gravel with a golden sword, staring expressionlessly at the two Daoxu from the Yongle Palace in the empire.

Fuhe's eyes were cold and indifferent, and his dark and complicated eyes slowly moved between Li Jun's right hand and Qingfu's body.

Huozao, who was wearing a red Taoist robe, held up the mutilated head and looked curiously at the domineering Wu Xu, smiling heartlessly on his slightly childish face.

The courtyard that was noisy in the middle of the night finally experienced a brief moment of silence. Daxue took advantage of this opportunity that might disappear at any time to cover up the mess on the ground.

"Why do you want to do it today?"

The first person to break the silence was Fu He, who was wearing a blue robe.


Li Jun raised his eyebrows, "You still have to wait for a long time to kill someone?"

"No need, but today is indeed too much of a coincidence." Fuhe replied without any clue.

"Oh, are you talking about those things about your Daoxu?"

Li Jun suddenly remembered some news that Chen Qisheng had told him. Suddenly, it seemed that the Taoist priest of Yongle Palace had the same idea as Chen Qisheng, and they both wanted to use the power of Jinyiwei in the Japanese area to complete the tasks assigned by Bai Yujing.

It seems that I made a mistake today and did something good for Chen Qisheng.

I have to knock something out of this bull nose later.

Li Jun made up his mind, but waved his hand casually on his face, "It was purely accidental. I have no interest in your Daoxu fight."

Everything in the plan came to nothing because of an accident.

This result seems to be more difficult for Fu He to accept than Li Jun's deliberate intention.

The iron bars on the sides of his neck were tense, like veins exploding in anger.

"Since it was an accident, why did you kill the green clam?"

Li Jun's eyes were strange, as if he was wondering how the other party could say such retarded words.

Putting aside the hatred between him and Yu Canghai, just the relationship between Wu Xu and Dao Xu. Isn't it normal for the two people to meet and fight?

Don't kill people in a fight, is that the point?

The Taoist order in front of me doesn't look stupid, but why does everything he says and do seem to be in a daze?

Suddenly, Li Jun finally understood why Chen Qisheng always looked disdainful every time he mentioned these new Taoist priests who had been indulging in the dream of Huangliang all year round and rarely walked in the world.

They even gave this group of people the nickname "Three Nothings".

Heartless, sexless, and brainless.

"You talk about being so damn ungrateful, but they are actually just a bunch of psychopaths who have burned out their brains."

These are Chen Qisheng’s original words.

Fuhe turned a blind eye to the strange look on Li Jun's face, and said with a straight face: "We are here just to seek help from the Osaka City Guards, and have no intention of intervening in the grudges between you."

"Is this bull-nosed person treating us as fools?"

"It's the three of us!"

The voices of Lord Ma and Li Hua sounded close to each other in Li Jun's ears.

Li Jun slowly moved his shoulders and neck, taking the time to familiarize himself with the increasing physical strength as the sequence progressed.

"If your Yongle Palace wants to recruit Yu Canghai to join the gang, if my head is not included in the conditions, he will not agree."

Li Jun had a half-smile on his face, "So, why are you pretending to be innocent with me here?"


The young man in red robe crushed the Taoist friend's remains in his hand and threw them away, the smile on his face becoming more and more unscrupulous.

"We don't want to fight with you."

Fu He still said calmly: "As long as you let go of the green clam, we can forget about it."

"You mean this?"

Li Jun raised his right hand, and bursts of light flashed on his middle finger.

"I'm sorry, I can only arrest people in imperial prison, but I can't release them. And there has never been a precedent among the Jinyi Guards for releasing people who were arrested and put into imperial prison!"

"Hey, martial arts practitioner."

A careless voice suddenly broke in.

Li Jun turned around and saw Dao Xu, who was wearing a fiery red robe, pointing a finger at Li Hua, who was standing on his shoulder.

"This weapon spirit of yours looks pretty good. Do you want to sell it?"


A deafening gunshot exploded, and a line of blood suddenly appeared on the side of Huo Zao's face.

He raised his hand in confusion and touched the viscous liquid on his face. Before the anger condensed in his brows and eyes could explode, his sight was already swallowed up by a pair of armored fists with fingernails.


The red wall collapsed into ruins, and among the smoke and dust, two figures, one black and one red, tangled and crashed into the distance.

Fuhe's face was gloomy and ugly as he jumped onto a flying sword, and the thin piece hanging from his earlobe couldn't help shaking.

The sound of clanging collisions could be heard behind him, but he had no intention of turning back to help.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I have too much time to take care of myself.

Fuhe looked at the bare-handed man in front of him. The sharp whistling of his genes had already stripped him of all lust, and once again set off strange ripples.

"This feeling should be fear."

Fuhe chewed on this long-forgotten negative emotion, and the mechanical fingers hidden in his sleeves kept clenching and unclenching.

not only that.

Compared to the "Tai Shang Wang Qing" whose state of mind was broken, there was one thing that Fu He didn't understand even more.

Why did the hypnotic phantom sound that he set upon entering the arena have no effect on this martial sequence?

Why are the results of six-line divination always a bad omen?

Li Jun didn't know these complicated thoughts in Fu He's mind. He swung his arms and heard continuous cracking sounds from the bones in his body.

"You'd better not move, or you'll die too."

Osaka Castle, northern suburbs.

"Your Highness, the imperial guards from Himeji and Shiga have now broken through the peripheral interception and are moving quickly towards the Bay Manor."

Morioka, who was bowing, paused for a moment, "Should we send some more good guys to stop them?"

His Highness, as he called him, was a handsome man about thirty years old, wearing a white Ming Dynasty gown and a net scarf on his head. His long black hair was pulled up on top of his head by a bamboo hairpin. He had an elegant demeanor and an extraordinary temperament.

The whole person seems to have nothing to do with the ruthless rebels promoted by the Xuanwei Si Yamen. Instead, he looks like a Confucian scholar who has been promoted through academic routes. He is as jade-like and gentle.

This is the only two princes among the entire Japanese pirate area.

The King of Peace, Sugawara Heizhen.

"It's no longer necessary. Ordinary good hands can't stop the two Jinyi Guards coming out. What's more, Su Ce is obviously really angry now. Qiu Long and Ye Lao don't dare to hold anything back. At this time, they go to touch Their brows are not a wise choice.”


Sugawara Heimai threw away a luxurious cypress fan in his hand, and a majestic tall building in an ancient city was painted on the fan.

If you look closely, you can still see the word "Edo" carved on the gate tower.

"This time we took the initiative to expose so many hidden stakes, and even sacrificed an inestimable member of the Imperial Guard like Yu Canghai, which completely exceeded the benefits paid by King Kamakura in advance. He is the one who has accomplished this business. It’s not a loss at all.”

"Yu Canghai may not know until his death that he was just a bait thrown by us from beginning to end." Morioka said in a contemptuous tone.

Sugawara Heizhen shook his head, "No, he knows it very well. Even from the time you came into contact with him, Daoxu, who was kicked out by the Qingcheng Group, probably guessed our purpose."

"he knows?"

Morioka was taken aback, and there was even a hint of frustration and embarrassment in his brows.

He originally thought that a large part of the reason why Yu Canghai joined Honghu was due to his sharp tongue and ability to maneuver.

But now from Heima Sugawara's words, it seems that the other party is actually just pushing the boat along.

Morioka asked in confusion: "If Yu Canghai has guessed our purpose as Your Highness said, then why did he agree?"

"Because he urgently needs a life-saving charm."

Sugawara Heizhen smiled slightly, his face full of romance, "Even if he knew that this life-saving charm was probably also a life-killing charm, he had no choice but to hold it in his hand first."

"For Yu Canghai, it is bound to happen that Li Jun wants to kill him. At the Jinyiwei Xindan Review Conference, the speed of progress and strength shown by Li Jun made Yu Canghai feel like a knife hanging over his head, and he was sitting on pins and needles. .”

"That's why he was willing to take the risk of offending Sento Su Ce, and he also wanted to stand unequivocally with the Centaur Meiwang of Edo City."

Sugawara Heizhen seemed to be present at the meeting that day, and he knew everything that happened at the review meeting and talked about it.

"It's a pity that King Ming's methods are not inferior to him at all, so Yu Canghai understands that it will be too difficult for him to divert trouble to the east."

"Even following the attitude conveyed by Su Ce in the series of incidents in the Huangshi Group, he knew that if a conflict broke out between himself and Li Jun, there was a high possibility that King Ming would just sit back and watch."

Sugawara Heizhen was fanning the cypress fan. Morioka glanced at it suddenly, but was shocked to find that the pattern on it had changed from the ancient Edo city to four towering skyscrapers at some point.

"Since this backing is unstable, we can only find another way out. And our appearance just gives this Osaka City Hundred Households a new choice."

"If the Jinyi Guards don't give him a way to survive, then jumping to the enemy camp is a logical thing. What's more, we also gave him the Bai Yujing authority he dreamed of."

"In Yu Canghai's mind, although joining Honghu is dangerous, it is also profitable. Especially at this special moment when the New Deal is implemented, some key information is enough for him to eat a lot at once."

"So he can save capital while waiting for things to develop and unknown variables that may arise."


At this moment, dazzling fire and deafening explosions came from a distance.

At the same time, a projection jumped out from Morioka's fingertips, and he knelt on one knee, but before he could speak, Morioka waved his sleeves away.

It's just that Himeji and Shiga Kinuiwei's entry into the city has been expected, so there is no need to waste time listening to it.

In comparison, he was more interested in Sugawara Heizhen's words.

"Your Highness, does the variable you are talking about refer to Yongle Palace?"

"That's right."

Sugawara Heizhen smiled and said: "Whether it is the Japanese Imperial Guards or our Honghu, there is no way they can be compared with Yongle Palace, one of the six oligarchs in the empire's local order. As long as Yu Canghai can get close to this big tree, all difficulties will naturally be overcome. It can be solved easily.”


Sugawara Taira shook his head, "He didn't expect that Li Jun would not care about Jin Yiwei's identity and choose to resolve the hatred between them in such a reckless way without considering the consequences."

"Killing a colleague without permission is a capital crime."

Morioka's eyes were cold, "Li Jun may not be able to escape death this time. It's really stupid to trade one life for another just for the sake of temporary pleasure and revenge."

"Do you think Su Ce will kill him?" Heizhen Sugawara asked suddenly.

Morioka was stunned for a moment, then nodded as he should and said: "I will definitely kill him, otherwise it will not be enough to convince the public!"

"It seems you still don't understand this Su Qianhu."

Sugawara Heizhen smiled, and patted Morioka on the shoulder with a fan in his right hand, "From the day he entered the Japanese area, he did not use force to convince people, let alone virtue, but used this !”

Heima Sugawara clenched his left fist and shook it in front of Morioka, "Conquer people with force!"

"As long as the genes of this sect's martial arts master are not completely withered, as long as he is still breathing, the overall situation of Jinyiwei will not be overturned. Even if some dissatisfaction arises, it will only be a small fight and can be resolved with some small means. "

Morioka suddenly understood, and then sneered disdainfully: "It is a huge irony that a sect's martial arts leader should care so much about a lone martial arts leader, and it is extremely ridiculous!"

"After the division of martial arts in the world, Su Ce was completely disappointed with the sect Wu Xu. Now in his eyes, there is only Wu Xu, and there is no difference between the sect and the solo. To him, Li Jun is more than just a junior. , to be precise, it is a place of hope.”

Sugawara Heizhen suppressed the smile on his face and looked solemn.

Although Morioka disagreed with this, he still followed Sugawara Heizhen's words and added a word of sincere admiration.

"So we have to sell another face to Su Ce, so that he can protect Li Jun as he should. Otherwise, when King Kamakura's men attack Edo City, this old man will bear all his vengeance on me. On one person.”

Sugawara Heizhen sighed, "This blame is too big, I can't bear it."

"What kind of face?"

Morioka froze on the spot, not understanding what His Highness meant for a moment.


Sugawara Heizhen suddenly turned around, looked directly at Morioka, and said word for word: "I handed over to him a Honghu who made his own decisions and was so bold that he dared to kill hundreds of Jin Yiwei."

Morioka's expression changed suddenly, but before he could make any move, his vision was completely obscured by a pair of fiery red fans.

The scene on it was suddenly different from before. The four buildings were surrounded by blazing flames, and a huge bird flapped its wings in the night.

Sugawara Heizhen shook the human head on the fan to the ground and shook the fan to shake away the dripping blood.

"Su Qianhu, I have handed over the culprit. Every injustice has its own owner, and every debt has its owner. If you are still angry, you must not come to me."

Sugawara Heizhen looked at the sky in the distance and muttered to himself.

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