Cyber Daming

Chapter 391 Matsumoto Castle Samurai Town

At midnight, Matsumoto Castle East District.

A black SUV parked on the street. Li Jun leaned on the driver's seat and put his left hand out of the window. There was a spark between his fingers, and white smoke rose up.

"This is how the whole thing happened. After we got the news in advance, we set up an ambush and killed Peacock. Then Chen Qisheng left Inuyama Castle without stopping and went directly to Himeji Castle to chase Akechi Nagano."

The Impermanence Book ring worn by Li Jun on the middle finger of his right hand emitted a hazy light, creating a slightly illusory and graceful figure in the passenger seat.

"The banner of the most powerful Jinyiwei in the Japanese area died in such an understatement?"

Yuan Mingfei smiled faintly, "You said it was just a title. If she is really that powerful, she won't be just a general banner."


Yuan Mingfei blinked: "Are you looking down on me a little too much?"

"That's not true."

Li Jun's face remained calm, and he glanced at the long leg embedded with gold threads from the corner of his eye.

"If you are still the same as when you were in Chongqing Prefecture, I'm afraid you won't be able to escape the pursuit of Sanyan Temple. By the way, the news about Peacock sneaking into Inuyama Castle to kill you, did it really come from Edo Castle?"

"I'm surprised by that, but it's true."

Concubine Yuan Ming shook her head: "Originally I was just guessing, but until Xie Bian compiled a false news that 'the peacock died of a rogue samurai' and sent it back to the Edo Castle Hundred Houses, the other party just calmly asked Inuyama Castle to help send the body back. I It was only then confirmed that Prince Ming sent her to die on purpose!"

Concubine Yuan Ming's phoenix eyes were slightly closed, and a faint look of fear appeared on her face.

In the large cities in the Japanese area, the Jinyi Guard House only has one hundred households and two general banners, and there are no more than three small banners under the general banner.

This shows how valuable the chief flag of a local household office is.

But it was such a general banner who had fought for him through life and death for so many years, and who was both his confidant and right-hand man, that Prince Ming betrayed him without any hesitation.

Prince Ming's indifference and ruthlessness can't help but shock people.

Li Jun retracted his left arm that stretched out the window and rubbed his eyebrows, "Then why did he do this?"

"Who knows."

Concubine Yuan Ming pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Perhaps it is to show your kindness? You must know that in the entire Japanese Jinyiwei, who doesn't know that Qianhu Su Ce treats you differently?"

"Prince Ming is not like the kind of person who grovels and gives in easily."

Li Jun grinned. He still remembered Prince Ming's tough attitude at the Xindan Council meeting.

How could a person who dared to make trouble under Su Ce's nose and test the opponent's bottom line choose to surrender just because he was treated differently?

"But apart from this, I really can't figure out why he would betray his general banner."

Yuan Mingfei emphasized: "And this is at the risk of offending Sang Yanji. After all, his position as a hundred households in Edo City was obtained by Hanshan and Sang Yan from Su Ce with real money and silver. If Sang Yan The truth behind Yan Temple is that those nuns will not give up easily."

Li Jun raised his eyebrows when he heard this, "That"

Before he said anything, Concubine Yuan Ming guessed what he was thinking, shook her head and said: "The 'meat letter' that conveyed the news destroyed itself, leaving nothing behind. Even if dirty water was poured over it, it would not have much effect. "


Li Jun scratched his head and laughed, and the car fell into silence for a while.

"How do you think about what I said before?"

Concubine Yuan Ming pondered for a moment, then suddenly said seriously: "Now that the peacock is dead in Inushan City, Sangyan Temple will definitely continue to take action. If you are not willing, I might as well run away as soon as possible."

Li Jun was silent for a moment, turned his head and said with a half-smile, "Do you really want to join the Jin Yiwei?"

"A woman should always find a roof over her head."

"It's very windy and rainy in the Japanese area, and my roof is not spacious. I can't guarantee that you won't get wet."

"I've lived through many windy and rainy days. I'm also good at building bricks and mortar."

Yuan Mingfei spoke softly, but Li Jun still saw a hint of hidden nervousness in her trembling eyes.

Li Jun grinned and said: "The title of Concubine Yuan Ming, the little bannerman of the Second Department of Jinyi Guards in Inushan City, is more unpleasant than the title of guest minister."

"Does it sound bad?"

Concubine Yuan Ming smiled: "I think it sounds good."


The sound of the car door being pulled suddenly sounded.

The light emitted by the Impermanence Book Ring suddenly faded away, and Concubine Yuan Ming's figure also disappeared in an instant.

The passenger door was opened, and a middle-aged man with cold features sat in, wrapped in the cold wind.

There are hundreds of households in Matsumoto City, with leopard tails.

The person Li Jun is waiting for here today is him.

Distant lights penetrated the dim car, and two equally stern faces were reflected on the windshield.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Mr. Yan."

Leopard Tail stared forward and said with a smile: "Since you have come to Matsumoto Castle, why don't you just sit in the house instead of coming to a place like this?"

"I think so too. Unfortunately, Master Qianhu doesn't have much time for me. I have to deal with the matters in front of me first. Do you mind if you don't mind?"

"Of course not."

Leopard Wei laughed, "Yan Jun, you are now a popular person in front of Master Qianhu. The matters arranged by him are naturally the most important, so I understand."

"No matter who is famous or not, the sinners are still the same. I am the cause of this incident, so of course I have to deal with the aftermath."

Li Jun showed a wry smile, raised a box of white Jinyiwei special supplies with his right hand and handed it to Leopard Wei.

With a flick of his wrist, a cigarette bounced out of the box.

"So this time, I hope you can help me a lot."

"Oh, this is a rare thing specially provided to Qianhu Institute by the Ministry of Industry of the Empire. I didn't expect you, Mr. Yan, to take it."

Leopard Wei took out the cigarette sourly, not holding it in the corner of his mouth, but twisting it between his fingers.

"We are all colleagues, and it is natural to help. But I still have to ask one thing first, Yan Jun, where did you get the news? Is it a bit too outrageous?"

"Jinyiwei has rules. I can't tell you the source of the information. Please be more careful about this, Leopard Wei."


A cluster of firelight lit up in the dim carriage, and the orange flames cast a mottled light and shadow on Leopard Tail's face.

Li Jun's actions fell into Leopard Wei's eyes, making him feel relieved.

The Yan Jun in front of him now occupies a detached position in the Japanese Guards, but he still seems to understand the rule that strong dragons should not overwhelm local snakes.

However, if you take advantage of it, Leopard Wei has no intention of putting the cigarette butt in the corner of his mouth.

I saw him blocking the handed match with his hand, and the expression on his face disappeared into the darkness again.

"You want to ensure the safety of your informant, of course I understand that."

Leopard Tail said: "But if your information is inaccurate, Chuke, one of the three leaders under King Kamakura, is not hiding in my territory. If you and I, brothers, mobilize forces like this, we will become the laughing stock within Jinyiwei?" "

"What do you mean?"

Leopard Tail smiled and said, "What I mean is, can you let me send someone in to check first, and then we can take action after the news is confirmed?"

Li Jun frowned slightly: "The people of Honghu have always been cautious, especially after the 'Edo Rebellion', they completely lurked. If we continue to delay, I'm worried that something will happen, and if Chuke smells it and runs away, Now, who will bear this responsibility?"

"You don't have to worry about it, Mr. Yan. This is Matsumoto City. If Chu Ke really dares to lurk here without risking his life or death, he will definitely not be able to escape."

Leopard Wei's tone was cold and hard: "But if I am not sure whether the information is accurate, I will never let my brothers get involved rashly. Please be careful about this, Mr. Yan."

Li Jun knew clearly about Leopard Wei's hidden thoughts.

If a Honghu leader who participated in the Edo Rebellion is really hiding in Matsumoto Castle, the Leopard Tail, who is one of the 100 households in Matsumoto Castle, has no idea.

If Qianhu knew this, it would be enough to accuse him of dereliction of duty and incompetence. With Su Ce's temper, even if he didn't lose his official position on the spot, there would probably be no chance of him getting any further in the future.

Therefore, Leopard Tail would rather take the risk of alerting the enemy and confirm the accuracy of the information in person.

By then, he will have the final say whether Li Jun's news is true or false, and whether Chu Ke is in Matsumoto City or not.

The firelight swayed and moved away from Leopard Tail's face.

Li Jun lowered his head and guarded the edge of the flame with one hand. The orange flame lit a spot in front of his eyes and then slowly extinguished.

"I told you, you don't have to doubt the accuracy of the information. Chu Ke is hiding in the neighborhood ahead."

Hearing this, Leopard Wei's face suddenly darkened, and he said coldly: "Jun Yan, I supported Prince Ming at the Xindan Council meeting, and that was just a case-by-case basis. If you want to deal with the Jiaomu Jiao, you come to me in the name of killing Honghu. Trouble, then I advise you to stop thinking about it."

"If you can't produce evidence, then don't pretend to be a bully here!"


"It's really annoying to have a hot face against a cold butt."

Li Jun laughed at himself, flicked his fingers, and the cigarette butt between his fingers drew an arc and hit the roadside, exploding into a dense spark.

He stretched out slowly and turned his head to look at Leopard Tail: "I just pretended to be powerful today, do you have any objections?"

His face showed a gangster spirit and he was domineering.

An invisible biting chill suddenly arose in the small carriage, lingering in Leopard Tail's heart.

In an instant, all the hair on Leopard Tails' body stood on end. In horror, he actually felt a heavy sense of oppression from Li Jun.

Just like facing Su Ce in Qianhusuo.

He killed Baihu Zhenjun in Osaka Castle.

Leopard Wei realized in hindsight that he suddenly remembered a rumor that circulated within Jinyiwei after the 'Edo Rebellion'.

But so what?

That true king was looking for death on his own and colluded with Honghu first, so Lord Qianhu asked Yan Jun to kill him.

I walk and sit upright, how dare he really attack me? !

Leopard Tail's mind was racing with thoughts, he gritted his teeth and straightened his neck: "I"

As soon as a word was spoken, it was directly interrupted by the roaring wind of fists.

Leopard Tail's sternum sank to an exaggerated extent, and the sound of broken bones was particularly clear in the narrow space. The seat beneath him also tore and collapsed with a harsh tearing sound.


The black truck's body shook violently, its four tires burst at the same time, and it collapsed on the side of the road.


Leopard Tail vomited a large mouthful of blood and lay on his back among the cold mechanical wreckage. His eyes were empty and he fell into a brief trance.

When he came back to his senses, he felt a touch of coldness against his ears.

Without enough time to identify what was in his ears, Leopard Tails opened his eyes angrily, staring at the face above his head whose expression was unclear.

"Yan Jun, how dare you attack your colleagues? Do you know that this is a major crime among the Jinyi Guards?"

Leopard Tail's face was blood red and tinged with livid color, and blood splattered from his mouth as he spoke.

But what responded to him was just a 'click' sound from the spring of the firearm.

"What are you going to do?!"

Leopard Tail's pupils trembled, and now he finally knew where the coldness in his ears came from.

Veins popped out in his arms as he struggled desperately. It's a pity that with Nong Xuliu's strength, he couldn't break free from the foot that was stepping on his chest.

"Among the Jin Yiwei today, how come there are still hundreds of people as simple as you? Huh?"

The body of the Wei Wusu gun in Li Jun's hand was pressed against Leopard Tail's ear and clicked without hesitation.

boom! boom! boom!

Leopard Tail's body stopped struggling, and the splashing gravel cut his side face until it was bloody. A scarlet blood line flowed from his left ear, dyeing half of his shoulder blood red.

"The people who called you have surrounded this neighborhood for me. If a swan is lost, then I will doubt whether you are a collaborator. By then, there will be no difference between you and the true king of Osaka Castle. ”

Li Jun threw away the empty Wei soldiers, patted his sleeves on both sides calmly, and looked up at the brightly lit and lively neighborhood in the distance.

As far as the eye can see, under the light, there are countless crooked shanties and low buildings patched together.

The imperial-style signboards are crowded with the unique carp streamers of the Japanese area, and the wooden row houses are next to the blue bricks and blue tiles on the hard top of the mountain.

At the entrance of the block, there is a gatehouse made of welded steel pipes, wrapped with densely packed luminous lamps, and waves of greasy colors are constantly flowing back and forth. Two rusty iron chains hang a sign with three characters written in plain language: Samurai Town.

It was simple, dilapidated, and crowded, but it had a lively atmosphere that Li Jun was familiar with.

This neighborhood called Samurai Town is very similar to the Chicken and Goose District in Chengdu County.

Li Jun followed the bustling crowd through countless casinos, goulan, and Huangliang Dreamland Pavilion. He turned aside and turned into an alley next to the main road.

It is exactly the same as the Chicken and Goose District, except that the two-foot-wide lane is crowded with people and vendors.

Mechanical prosthetics, brain orifices, artificial organs from agricultural companies. I don’t know where I got it from, but I found artificial Taoji and Huigen with heavy signs of use. There is even a black mass of mechanical heart, where flesh and blood and machinery coexist.

These things were placed grandly on the ground for passers-by to choose from.

However, only the stalls selling prosthetic limbs, mechanical hearts and artificial organs were visited by people. On the contrary, no one paid any attention to those Daoji and Huigen.

This is not difficult to understand. After all, this is a Japanese area, and the Huangliang Dreamland of the empire is not open to it at all.

Even if one is implanted with the Taoist foundation and the wisdom root, and steps into the two sequences of Taoism and Buddhahood, there is no possibility of promotion.

Li Jun walked among them, with a faint smile on his lips, recalling his past days on Jiulong Street in Chengdu Prefecture.

After passing through this alley, the alley that turned into became even narrower. On both sides were some temporary shacks made of iron sheets, connected together in a dark mass, and the gaps between the houses were filled with debris and garbage.

Li Jun stood in front of a featureless shack, looked up at a red-eyed crow standing on the eaves, and raised his chin.

After a while, the door of the shack opened, and a huge gun barrel with a thickness of three fingers stretched out and pressed directly in front of Li Jun's eyebrows.

"Who are you and why are you parked in front of my house?"

The man holding the gun was a young man with a shaved head. His shirtless upper body was covered with signs of bad transformation. There was also a tattoo of a man wearing a crown on his right arm and shoulder.

Li Jun raised his eyebrows. He knew this tattoo. It was none other than Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian.

"I find you."

"Looking for me? Are you looking for death?"

The young man had a sneer on his face and was about to press down on the trigger with his index finger.

Xiaobai’s informant is a bit of a tiger.

Li Jun suddenly reached out his hand, and under the young man's shocked gaze, he grabbed the barrel of the gun and folded it upwards, twisting the gun with no discernible model into a ball of scrap metal.

"I came from Inuyama. Your cousin asked me to come to you."

"I don't know what cousin you are talking about, but you have the strength to be my biological father."

The young man has a strange expression, his eyes are calm, but his face expresses the emotions of fear and surprise vividly.

"If you don't believe it, you can take a look at this."

Li Jun threw his Jinyiwei badge over, "It contains the dynamic secret key linking the empire's 'Xingjing' and Beizhen Fusi. But I advise you not to try it here."

In fact, Li Jun didn't need to say any follow-up words at all, because the young man with a flat head had already froze on the spot the moment he took over the Jinyiwei waist badge, staring straight at the waist badge in his hand, and kept mumbling to himself.

"Fuck, we really have a biological father."

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