Cyber Daming

Chapter 395 The domineering Lord Ma

Under the rocky dome where the sun could not be seen, corpses and bullet casings were mixed on the ground. The sound of the friction of steel armor was short and intense. Scarlet blood droplets flew out and were shattered by the cold light of the sword.

The blood in Mizumura Goto's body was rolling like a pump, and waves of heat surged from his kidneys, constantly hitting his head. The temples on his left and right sides bulged high, and his eyes were as sharp as a substance.

There was a ferocious knife wound hanging on Li Jun's back, and blood gushed out from under the broken armor, dyeing half of his body red.

Chu Ke's body, which had been chopped in half, was lying at his feet. Li Jun closed his eyes and stared coldly at the red devil in front of him, whose whole body was constantly trembling.

Li Jun knew very well that the other party was not afraid, but was so excited that he couldn't control himself!


Mizumura Goto was the first to break the brief stalemate and struck again with his knife. Li Jun's pupils suddenly shrank and he stepped forward without hesitation.

Two shrill cold lights collided together, causing a sharp explosion that was unique to a sharp weapon.

Shuicun Wudou's eyes were dazzled when he saw Li Jun holding a knife behind his back, turning forward and squeezing through his wide open middle door. All of them were shocked in an instant. At this moment, it was too late to kick up or pull away. Mizumura Goto could only grit his teeth and swing the sword with all his strength. The blade that had become jagged in the previous collision struck Li Jun hard on the shoulder.

At the same time, he also clearly felt a biting coldness coming from his waist and abdomen.


The corners of Li Jun's eyes twitched, and the saw-like blade cut open the armor on his shoulder, tore open the skin covered with cyan lines, and embedded itself deeply into the seams of the bones. Severe pain penetrated deep into the bone marrow and shot straight into his brain.

Mizumura Goto was also having a hard time, with a line of blood running across his waist. If the red ink-armored Feihu hadn't reacted quickly enough and strengthened the abdominal armor defense the moment the blade approached, he would have become like Chu Ke. His fate was that he was cut in half by Li Jun and died on the spot.

The two people who exchanged injuries had no intention of retreating. The knife bit the knife, and the fist chased the fist. The sound of the steel twisting and the muffled sound of the fist hitting the flesh were connected together.


Mizumura Goto roared again, his eyes under the evil ghost mask were filled with blood and frighteningly red. The strength in his hand suddenly became stronger and he punched Li Jun on the side of his face.

Li Jun was suddenly hit hard, his head jerked back, a broken tooth spurted out mixed with blood, and his body involuntarily took two steps back. Before he could stand upright, the sword had already whizzed down towards the front door.


Two mechanical arms stretched out from Li Jun's back. Lord Ma crossed his arms and used his arm bones as a shield to withstand the falling sword.

The Mojia Feihu, who was all red, could not stand idly by. He raised his arms and wrists, revealing the muzzle of his gun, and pointed it at Li Jun's chest.

At such a close distance, even Li Jun's current physique could not stop the ruthless erosion of the torrent of bullets.

Everything happened in a flash of lightning, with gunshots about to start and life and death on the line.

Li Jun's retreating left foot suddenly stepped on the ground, and the strength in his body surged like a mountain torrent.

Eat dragon and tiger!

Chonglou, prosperous!

"Let go of the old horse!"

The red light in his one eye trembled, and Prince Ma felt blessed. He suddenly pulled away his two mechanical arms, and the armor scraped against the edge of the sword, creating a large dazzling fire.

The Xiuchun knife wrapped in flames was as fast as lightning and aggressive as fire. It rushed out from the gap in Lord Ma's arms!


The two long knives, which had been in a fierce battle till now, shattered at the same time, and the broken blade shot out. One of the blades went straight to Ke Yi, who was huddled in the corner, and sank into the rock wall close to his temples.

Rock debris fell rustlingly, falling all over his head and face. Ke Yi was shaking like chaff, sweating profusely, and his eyes were full of complex expressions of regret and fear.

A seemingly easy-to-catch ambush has evolved into the current situation. Even Chu Ke, who promised to give him a fortune, was reduced to a cold corpse.

The ferocity of this Jin Yiwei has been deeply engraved in his mind, like an invisible hand, tightly grasping his heart, making even his breathing become fast and difficult.

Ke Yi's mouth was full of bitterness: "How did it get to this point?"

Different from the remorse here, Mizumura Goto's face was still full of sternness. He decisively threw away the handle of the knife in his hand and suddenly stepped forward. His right hand became a claw and his five fingers were like hooks, and he directly dug into Li Jun's chest. eyes.

The fingertips brushed against the one-eye that emitted the passionate drumming sound, and fell into the air.

"Five fights, retreat quickly!"

After all, Feihu's shout was still a step too late. Li Jun's back sank the moment he threw the knife at Wudou in Shuicun. The gravel on the soles of his shoes was directly crushed into snow-white pieces by the force of the catharsis, and the short tiger jumped out.

Li Jun rushed straight in front of the opponent at an astonishing speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye. He dropped his shoulders and elbows, lifted his chest and lifted his back. He clasped Zhihu's right fist and struck hard at the waist of Shuicun Wudou at the kidney level!


Bajiquan is as powerful as a horse raising its hooves, and the force of splitting muscles and bones goes straight into the lungs. Accompanied by the clear sound of bone cracking, a mouthful of hot blood spurts out from Mizumura Goto's tightly closed lips.


Mizumura Goto's bloody eyes bulged, as if they were filling the eye holes of the evil ghost mask.

He and Li Jun's arms were clasped together, and the fingers of both hands were wrapped in fists wearing finger tigers, wrestling with each other!

The heavy building collapsed!

Chongloujue was operating to its limit without any reservation, and Li Jun's power suddenly reached a new level.

At this moment, Mizumura's five buckets of kidneys were hit hard, and the martial arts that made him forget the pain and fearless of death was greatly reduced.

Under the ebb and flow of the situation, the two sides competed to decide the outcome, and Mizumura Goto's wrist bones made an overwhelming clicking sound.

At this moment, a red light suddenly appeared.

Feihu's hand knife rose from behind Shuicun Wudou and pierced Li Jun's face!


A black shadow blocked Li Jun's eyebrows, and it was Lord Ma who raised his hand to stop him at the critical moment.

The armor pieces flew away, and the red hand knife inserted into Lord Ma's palm.

"Fuck it, come out and challenge!"

Lord Ma roared angrily, and like a black cloud exploding, he took the initiative to fall off Li Jun's body, grabbing Fei Hu's arm and pulling it outward.

Mizumura Goto's figure swayed, his arms that were struggling couldn't help trembling, and he roared repeatedly, obviously affected by the pulling of the two people.

Seeing this, Feihu had no choice but to break away. The two sixth-grade ink armors were entangled and fell into the distance.

"You even changed your appearance to that of a Japanese pirate. You are a piece of cake that has forgotten your ancestors. Master Ma, I will clean up the ghost realm today on behalf of you!"

Lord Ma's curse came out of his red eyes, and he stepped on the armor and blood on the ground, spitting out two short blades as black as ink from both hands, and rushed straight towards the red armor.

Feihu remained silent, and pulled out a red wakizashi with his right hand from the palm of his left hand. His body was buried like a predatory beast, the blade of the blade was horizontal, and a pair of eyes embedded on both sides of the hood were hidden behind the blade.

Thorn Lala.

A heart-wrenching sound of metal friction sounded. Feihu was pushed back several steps by the momentum of Lord Ma. He suddenly turned his body to the side, stepped aside and raised his arm to chop, directly cutting off the black blade of Lord Ma's left hand. Break.

Feihu, who succeeded in the attack, was greatly refreshed. He moved his wrist and slashed horizontally, intending to decapitate Lord Ma directly.

But the next second, a burst of gunshots roared through the underground casino.


The ferocious antlers protruding from Feihu's hood were broken by a sudden bullet, and one of his eyes was also smashed. Blue electric light kept beating in the gap.

He pulled away and retreated violently. At the same time, he looked around in horror and saw Lord Ma hunched over, with a gun muzzle protruding from the back of his neck, emitting light smoke.

"I'll challenge Master Ma to a duel, you're still a bit green!"

The spear "Zhao Dan" popped out from the spine. Prince Ma held it with one arm in his left hand, and inch-long angry flames continued to spray.

boom! boom! boom!

The bullets chased Feihu and bit him. Even though he kept dodging at high speed, the bullets still carved fist-sized holes in his body.

Feihu roared angrily. His body looked desolate at the moment, but in fact he did not suffer much damage. What really worried him was Mizumura Goto.

The gap between the sect's martial arts and the independent martial arts made him dare not even raise his eyes to look at the more bloody battle.

"Wudou can't hold on for long, we have to kill this ink armor quickly!"

With his mind set, Feihu protected his head and face with one hand and a cross-arm, and actually rushed forward against the roaring stream of bullets.

boom! clang!

The muffled sound of a gunshot and the crisp sound of a long knife hitting a bullet sounded almost at the same time!

Feihu collided with the scattered sparks in the sky, and the wakizashi drew a fiery red sword light and slashed at the gun body that was very close at hand!


The barrel of the "Izukudan" was cut off by the wakizashi, and the section of the fracture was as smooth as a mirror. The bursting gunfire finally stopped, leaving only the rumbling echo.

The powerful blade struck Lord Ma on the shoulder, and large pieces of armor cracked and flew out.


Feihu roared and raised his wakashi. At this moment, all the resentment in his heart towards Lord Ma's words burst out. The joy of killing stimulated the core of his ink armor to make an ear-splitting buzzing sound.


The huge rebound made Feihu's excited mind suddenly wake up, and a cold voice came into his ears.

"Do you know what the core of my ink armor is? Let me tell you, playing with guns is just my hobby. Don't take your melee combat too seriously!"

Lord Ma's feet sank into the ground, and he flipped the black blade of his right hand to block Fei Hu's red sword. The armor on his legs gradually expanded like breathing, bringing up a stream of white air.

"No matter who you are, you must die today!"

Feihu took half a step back, his armor plates rustling like the wind hitting leaves, and his red sword swept across in front of him again.

"It seems that you have never heard of my name, Lord Ma. Please visit the Huangliang Artifact Forum more often in your next life!"

Prince Ma tapped the ground with his toes, and shot out almost from the ground. The black blade slashed across Feihu's left ankle.


Feihu's left foot was broken at the ankle, and his figure suddenly tilted to the left. The red knife in his hand stabbed into the ground with a hiss, but he still didn't focus on the black shadow wandering around him.

The black blade once again approached the only remaining right foot. The horrified Feihu held up the red sword that was submerged in the ground and rose into the air.

"Want to run? Come down!"

A huge force grabbed Fei Hu's skirt and threw him to the ground.

In the swirling smoke and dust, a cold light glanced straight at the remaining single eye on his helmet.

Feihu weakly raised his left arm to block, and with a heart-wrenching creaking sound, the black blade cut through his arm, cut off the mechanical bones, and finally embedded itself in the side of the carcass, making him unable to move.

"The bones are quite strong."

Feihu, who had been hit hard, roared like a beast, lay on his back, and slashed at Lord Ma with his knife in vain.

It's a pity that this level of counterattack no longer poses any threat.

Prince Ma raised his chin extremely arrogantly, and easily got out of the way of the slashing blade. He kicked Feihu in the chest, and used the force to forcefully pull out the stuck blade from his armor.

Feihu, who was sliding close to the ground, finally got a chance to breathe. He was about to twist and jump up, but was kicked to the ground by Lord Ma who was following him.

The blade hovered over Feihu's core hidden behind heavy armor, and the biting coldness made him dare not make the slightest move.

"You are definitely going to die today. I will not let you go regardless of emotion or reason, so there is no need to beg for mercy, and I will not insult you. I am not killing you now, I just want to ask you a question."

Lord Ma glanced at the battle situation beside him, and then slowly squatted down next to Fei Hu and asked one word at a time: "Why do you want to be a thief?"

"Who is the thief?"


Feihu sneered: "Why should I answer you?"

The blade fell, an inch into my heart.

"As long as I stand now and you lie down."

The core was injured, and Feihu's ink-armored body burst into violent twitches.

"Honghu is a thief, so does Mo Xu really treat us as human beings?!"

A shrill roar came from the big red armor. He suddenly raised his hand and grasped the black blade that was buried in his heart. The black helmet was raised high, staring at Lord Ma like a man.

"Are you willing to live in this cold body all your life, as a so-called ghost, fighting for others?"

Lord Ma's arm holding the knife remained motionless, just like his cold voice.

"If you don't want to, you don't have to choose to come out of the Minggui Realm. Becoming Mo Jia is your own choice!"

"It's my own choice, I won't deny it. But obviously Nong Xu can reshape our bodies, why do Mo Xu's people still lock us in armor, why?! Why can't we become real people, why?! "

Feihu's roar continued to echo, roaring back and forth like an angry wave.

Lord Ma was silent for a moment and said quietly: "The price you have to pay to change from a dead person to a ghost is far beyond your imagination. To become a living person again is not as simple as you think. Moreover"

Lord Ma reached out and pressed Feihu's helmet, pressing his head back to the ground.

"Since you have any dissatisfaction with Mo Xu's people, then go and get justice for yourself with a knife, instead of following Honghu here and killing those innocent people."

"Who is innocent? They all deserve to die."


The black blade was drawn out, followed by five fingers. With a stabbing sound, Lord Ma pulled out Feihu's core directly.

"It is indeed a worthy death."

Prince Ma shook off the sticky liquid on his right hand, stood up, and looked sideways not far away.

In the battle here, the two warriors were fighting like wild bulls. Mizumura Gotou's eyes were no longer gleaming, his face was gray and defeated, and he was breathing heavily. He was obviously on the verge of losing strength.

Li Jun shook his arms, shook off the shackles of Shuicun Wudou, and punched Xiang in front of him. Mizumura Goto hurriedly raised his arms to block, but it was useless. The fist easily knocked away the defense and hit him in the face.

Mizumura Goto fell with his head up to the sky, and his throat was pinched directly by an arm that stretched out like a dragon swimming out of the sea. The roar like a trapped animal was suppressed back into his throat, blood continued to flow from the corners of his twitching mouth, and his face turned dark red.


Li Jun exerted force with his tiger's mouth, and his five fingers were twisted like steel bars, sinking deeply into Shuicun Wudou's neck and lifting his body up.

Mizumura Wudou pulled Li Jun's arm in vain, his nails tore out streaks of blood, and obvious blue veins popped up on his forehead due to lack of oxygen.

Seeing that the opponent's throat was about to be crushed, Li Jun suddenly let go of his fingers, allowing the unconscious Mizumura Wudou to slip from his fingers and fall to the ground, splashing some smoke and dust.

"Did not see it."

Li Jun looked back at Lord Ma, glanced at Feihu who was still sparking behind him, and said with a smile: "You're still hiding it quite deeply."

"As I get older, I always know more things. The key is that I don't need to fight in close combat."

Prince Ma spread his hands, pointed at himself with his thumb, and said loudly: "Besides, it's not very unsightly to compete with others using knives. Now the girls in Mojia like men who can shoot. , especially a man like me who plays with big guns!"

Li Jun laughed loudly when he heard this: "As expected of me, Lord Ma, so tough!"

"Xiao Li, you're not bad either."

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