Cyber Daming

Chapter 407 Yin and Yang Four, Zhuang Zhoudie


Luo Cheng stirred hard with his wrist, and a stream of smelly and hot blood spurted out, splashing all over his head and face.

At the same time, Huang Shilie's sweeping fist had also arrived and hit Luo Cheng's shoulder hard.


Half of Luo Cheng's body seemed to have been hit by a cannonball. Corroded flesh and blood and broken pieces of equipment flew everywhere, and his vision dimmed almost instantly.

The turbulence surrounding the body was also blown away by a more ferocious force, dragging Luo Cheng's remaining body to fly outwards.

The thin line between life and death, the time to fight for your life.

The features on Luo Cheng's face were ferocious, filled with a ferocious anger that was extremely rare among new sect monks.

The golden seal attached to the sword suddenly spit out thin threads, and regardless of the danger of breaking his hand, his right hand holding the sword was tightly tied to the hilt.


There was an extremely raw sound of tearing the silk, and Huang Shilie's abdomen was almost cut open at the waist. In the horrific wounds, one could see the squirming organs.

Just when Feijian was about to be pulled out of Huang Shilie's body,

The last bit of mental power surged out of Luo Cheng's almost dry brain, activated a fire seal, and slammed it on Huang Shilie's head!


The blazing flames surged up and ignited the dilapidated house.


The flying sword with a broken blade penetrated the ground, cutting a crack several feet long, and finally stopped Luo Cheng's uncontrollable body.

"Ha ha."

Luo Cheng gasped for breath, and his eyesight went black. He held the flying sword in both hands and managed to stand. The bionic blood gushing out of his body almost formed a white 'blood pool' at his feet in the blink of an eye.

The flames raged, twisting the cold air.

Luo Cheng resisted the dizziness in his head and forced himself to open his eyes wide, staring at the looming figure in the sea of ​​fire.

"Are you the simulation in Akechi Haruhide's dream, or are you the real sect martial artist?!"

One breath. Two breaths. Three breaths.

The dry spirit made Luo Cheng feel that his days were like years at this moment, and white blood flowed from his forehead to the tip of his nose, and then slowly dripped to his lips.

Normally, his mind would not be shaken by these subtle touches at all, but at this moment he was no longer able to control his body, and instead the instinct in his genes began to take over.

He stuck out his tongue and licked a mouthful of bionic blood from his lips, and a disgusting sour taste surged between his lips and teeth.

Almost at the same time, Luo Cheng could no longer resist the tide of sleepiness, and his eyelids fell heavily like an iron valve weighing a thousand pounds.


The flying sword in the palm of his hand suddenly made waves of uneasy restlessness.

Luo Cheng, who was about to faint, suddenly opened his eyes. In his shaking vision, a dark and twisted face burned by the flames suddenly pressed close to the tip of his nose!


Luo Cheng screamed, subconsciously raised his right hand and swung it forward, his staggering figure fell to the ground in an ugly posture.

There was no pain as expected, nor was there the spiritual light from the cave that was rumored to be seen by Dao Xu when he was alive or dead. Even the overwhelming fatigue disappeared at this moment.


Suddenly enlightened, Luo Cheng slowly got up from the ground, lowered his head and patted the dust on his robes, while letting out an unintelligible laugh.

"I thought I was a big deal, and I actually got into a fight with a martial artist. It seems like I was really dreaming."

Luo Cheng slowly raised his head and saw that the middle-aged woman who was conscious of Qingxiu had been pierced through the chest by a flying sword and nailed to the seat.

On the last chair arranged vertically, the figure sitting upright slowly took off his hood, revealing a beautiful face with a cold temperament.

"Hey, aunt, can you tell me, is it still a dream?"

Luo Cheng could still laugh at this time, but his eyes were full of cold anger.

"There are rumors in Huangliang Cave that Luo Cheng, the senior brother of the Luo generation in Gezao Mountain, is moody and kills people while talking and laughing. It seems that the rumors are not deceptive."

Akechi Haruhide said calmly: "But I can tolerate your provocation twice, but I can't tolerate it a third time. If you are still stubborn and unwilling to discuss this business with me, then I will kill you now and find someone else." Talk about the Taoist forces."

"do not."

Luo Cheng whipped out his flying sword and threw the body of a middle-aged woman to the side. He grabbed the chair and turned around, sitting across from Akechi Haruhide.

"The people in Longhu Mountain are too arrogant and never accept bloodlines outside their own population. The people in Maoshan are not smart, the people in Qingcheng Mountain are too timid, and the strength of Yongle Palace is too weak. Except for our Gezaoshan, who among these families Will you be accepted?"

Akechi Haruhide was silent for a moment when faced with the Taoist's rhetorical question.

"Have you guessed why I'm looking for you?"

"That's nothing surprising, right?"

Luo Cheng looked matter-of-fact, "Although Ruxu is watching the fire from across the bank now, they can't control Su Ce's Jin Yiwei. After the Edo Rebellion, the Jin Yiwei are looking for you openly, and we are also looking for you secretly. You are now We are in a situation where we are surrounded by enemies from all sides. At this time, when you came to me, apart from wanting to hug Ge Zaoshan’s thigh to protect yourself, could you have any other purpose?”

"If you know everything, why do you do it?"

Akechi Haruhide stretched out a slender finger and pointed at the two corpses lying behind Luo Cheng.

"You mean those two tests just now?"

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "That's the order from above. They want to see how strong you are. If you can't even defeat me, what's the point of Ge Zaoshan?"

"Do you think I will believe you are telling the truth?"

Akechi Haruhide could tell at a glance that the other party was pulling a tiger's skin and telling lies.

She is very clear about the chips in her hand, and her serial strength is definitely not within the scope of Ge Zaoshan's consideration.

Luo Cheng's previous actions were definitely not ordered by the top management of Ge Zao Mountain, but because he wanted to kill him.

"Whether it's true or not, does it matter now?"

"It really doesn't matter."

Akechi Haruhide's fingers hidden in her robe were tightly clasped together. After she paused for a moment, she went straight to the point: "I can give Takamagahara to you."

Luo Cheng raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you in charge? If what I understand is correct, this thing was jointly planned by the four of you, right?"

"You don't need to worry about this. I can use Gao Tianyuan as a bargaining chip, so I am sure of it."

Mingzhi Qingxiu changed the topic: "Is Ge Zaoshan still afraid that I will lie?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Anyway, it's all a matter of handing over the money and delivering the goods."

Luo Cheng laughed loudly: "I was just thinking that such a tiny Huangliang dream is not even as big as a Daosi cave. What is the use of this thing in Ge Zao Mountain?"

Akechi Qingxiu looked directly at the opponent, clearly seeing the ridicule in Luo Cheng's eyes.

"It seems that you are not even qualified to know the truth, or did you mean that you didn't tell the senior officials of the sect at all?"

Luo Cheng's expression darkened, he frowned, but said nothing.

"But no matter what your intentions are or what role you are in, you and I don't need to continue talking today."

A contemptuous sneer appeared on the woman's cold face, she slowly stood up and walked towards the door.

"Take my conditions back. As long as Ge Zaoshan promises to ensure my safety, send me out of the Japanese area, and help me transform into Daoxu Four, I will give Gao Tianyuan away."

"There are a lot of conditions."

"The price of Gao Tianyuan, which was exchanged for hundreds of lives of the entire Akechi family, is far more than this price."

"Whether it's worth it or not, it's not you who has the final say, it's Ge Zaoshan who has the final say!"

Luo Cheng suddenly stood up and looked back at the slender figure.

"There are some things that you are not worthy of knowing at this level, and you cannot make the decision."

Akechi Haruhiu didn't stop, and just when he was about to push the door open, he suddenly looked back.

"I advise you not to hide it, otherwise your top management in Zaoshan will not let you go."


The flying sword pierced through the stars and trembled endlessly. Luo Cheng clenched his fists and his eyes were filled with cold murderous intent.

But until Akechi Haruhide's figure completely disappeared, he didn't take any further action.

"What a Yin and Yang Four, Zhuang Zhoudie."

Luo Cheng slowly exhaled a breath and sneered to himself: "Next time I catch your true body, you will know whether I am worthy of Master Tao."

Suddenly, Luo Cheng's face became extremely ugly, and the surrounding things began to dissipate like sand and dust in the wind.

The entire house collapsed very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the place where Luo Cheng stood was completely exposed to the moonlight.

But even the disk hanging on the sky was melting like a candle at this moment, and the moonlight was dripping towards the ground like water droplets.

"Zhuang Zhou has a dream, and Zhuang Zhou has a dream. Master Tao, I have completely failed this time."

Luo Cheng smiled bitterly and sighed, closing his eyes with a dejected expression.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was still standing in front of the house with the house plate "No. 2075, Shuri Castle South District", and still standing in the pool of sewage in front of the door.

The Taoist robe on his body was wet with dew, which seemed to imply that Luo Cheng had been standing here all night and never left.

At this moment, the sky was getting brighter, and there were sparse pedestrians on the surrounding roads. They gathered in twos and threes and looked at themselves with strange expressions.

"It seems that I was tricked before I entered the house. But it doesn't matter if it makes me angry, and it makes me look stupid in front of these fools. This woman is really stingy."

Thoughts were running through Luo Cheng's mind. He raised his eyes and scanned the area. The crowd watching the excitement dispersed.

Just as he was about to leave, a trace of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

"That loser Luo Tian is dead?!"

Luo Cheng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, "It's really troublesome. You have to find something for me to do even after you die."

While muttering to himself intermittently, Luo Cheng's figure disappeared into the increasingly lively streets of Shuri Castle.

As for Akechi Haruhide's last warning words, he had already forgotten them.

Is it more important for Ge Zaoshan to get Gao Tianyuan, or is it more important for him to get the spot to replace the Earth Immortal?

For Luo Cheng, there was no need to think about this at all.

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