Cyber Daming

Chapter 424 We are in the same boat

Calm has returned to Inuyama Castle Minami.

All the Jinyi Guards of Inushan City have been evacuated. A large group of street bureaus under the Xuanwei Si Yamen are cleaning up the debris on the street. Groups of guards are busy going in and out of the two damaged buildings facing the street, searching. People who may be injured, and potential dangers that may exist.


A soap boot stamped out the remaining fire on the wooden board. Yang Baize looked around at the chaotic scene around him. His raised gaze stayed on the high left side, where the floor was full of gray and black traces burned by the flames.

"No heavy firearms were used, and even the few fire dragons shot out of the water were just fireworks. But it is incredible that just two people can cause so much damage."

Xu Zhun, an old official from Chongqing Prefecture, stood quietly behind him with his hands in his sleeves. Hearing this, he said calmly: "Among the four mountains and one palace in Daoxu, Gezao Mountain is famous for its seal scripts. If this Luo City is given a little more time, he can even blow up this Inuyama City."

"Ge Zao Mountain"

Yang Baize silently chewed these three words, and after a moment he sighed: "Nowadays, the identities and backgrounds of these dragons crossing the river are becoming more and more prominent. On the contrary, it is us local cowards with small families and small businesses who are in a worrying situation."

"People who come from a noble family cherish their lives. People who have a humble family background are bold. When dragons and snakes fight, it's really not certain who will win."

The old man smiled and said: "At least now, these river-crossing dragons haven't taken any advantage."

"By the way, how is the situation at Baihu Station?"

"I have sent a letter to inquire in the name of the Xuanwei Si Yamen, and the answer given by the other party is that everything is business as usual, let us promote the new policy according to the original plan."

Xu Zhun continued: "But in my opinion, after this battle, the situation of the Inuyama City Jinyiwei may not be very good."

Yang Baize didn't say a word, quietly waiting for the other party's next words.

"Xie Bi'an is the second general banner responsible for the intelligence work of the entire Inushan City Baihu Office. This time he was trained into a Yellow Turban Warrior by Luo Cheng. Although with the help of those guests, he successfully cut off his connection with Luo Cheng Cave Heaven. , the mind and consciousness are preserved, but whether a person can wake up depends on his destiny."

"And even if Xie Bian finally succeeds in breaking away from the Yellow Turban status, his own name order will be seriously affected, and it is unclear whether he can maintain his current order."

"In this case, the intelligence work of the Inuyama City Kinyi Guards is bound to be seriously affected."

Xu Zhun said solemnly: "In this regard, we must prepare in advance. We must consider how to control the entire Inuyama City without the intelligence support of Jin Yiwei."

"I remember that among the group of guests recruited by Lord Yan, there was a person of Yin and Yang order?"

"Your Excellency, you are referring to Zou Sijiu, who created the art of writing major cases, right?" Xu Zhun pondered for a moment, then slowly shook his head and said, "Let's not talk about whether he can command the Jinyi Guards 2 of Donggushan City as a guest minister. Even if Yan Jun is really He will delegate power to him, and the strength of Yin Yang Order is not in this area. Unless..."

Yang Baize asked: "Unless what?"

"Unless he can enter the dreams of hundreds of thousands of people in Inuyama City every night. If he can do this, Inuyama City will be impregnable. No matter how the wind blows from all directions, we can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai."

The old man smiled: "But unfortunately, he is just a Zou 449, not the real Zou Zi 49."

Yang Baize pursed his lips feebly. Ever since he came to the Japanese District as the deputy magistrate of the Department of Propaganda and Welfare, he has been very good at handling government affairs, leading Inuyama City to excel in the implementation of the New Deal, and even becoming a model that the entire Japanese District is trying to imitate. benchmark.

But as more and more outsiders entered the city, Inuyama Castle was already in a state of turmoil.

The most critical point is that these latecomers do not follow the rules of the game at all. Without exception, they all want to use brute force to overturn the card table and steal other people's chips.

Such an outrageous approach made Yang Baize, who was no more than the eighth grader now, feel powerless.

At this moment, he finally understood that Li Bufeng, as the propaganda envoy of the Japanese area and nominally the highest-ranking official in the entire Japanese area, had remained silent for so many years, so low-key that he had almost no sense of existence.

"Wherever the blade points, the power comes from the fist. My predecessors have never deceived me."

Yang Baize sighed in his heart, turned to look at the old man, and said sincerely: "Mr. Xu, you are the senior in terms of sequence. In your opinion, what can we do to help the Baihu Institute?"

The old man frowned slightly and said in confusion: "You just need to wait and see what happens, and prepare a back-up plan in case of unexpected events. This time Ge Zaoshan came to the door, it was an internal fight within their Daoxu, and the Jinyiwei of Inushan City was affected, that was also The decision he made by Yan Jun Baihu has nothing to do with us, so why should we get involved?"

"That's not true."

Yang Baize shook his head and raised his hand to point to the surrounding broken wall debris. A slightly young and immature face showed a determined expression.

"Now we are on the same boat as Inuyama Castle's Kinyiwei. We are at the helm and they are rocking the oars. Both of them are indispensable. Since we have chosen to be unanimous in dealing with the outside world, we can only help the relatives, not the managers!"

"We not only have to find a way to help Xie Bian get rid of the status of the Yellow Turban Warriors, but also in the name of Xuanwei Si Yamen, we must inform the mainland of the empire about the execution of Luocheng!"

"I know you want to have a good relationship with Yan Jun. There is no problem with that. The implementation of the New Deal is indeed inseparable from them. As long as Xie Bian's genes can support it, I can help him switch to Confucianism and survive in death. As for whether he can If it can’t be done, then we can only do our best to listen to the people and things, it’s destiny. But isn’t it a bit too much to report the news of Luo Cheng’s death?”

Xu Zhun frowned and said: "Ge Zaoshan is not a small family, and doing this is just a slap in their face openly. Have you considered the pros and cons and risks involved?"

"Of course I know what you said."

The young man laughed loudly: "The biggest risk is that the next time someone comes from Gezao Mountain, they will just rush to pick off my head, Yang Baize. What's the big deal?"

"Isn't it enough that a gentleman will not stand behind a dangerous wall and be threatened with life and death?"

"People with shallow family backgrounds are bold. This is what you said yourself just now. I can't fight, but Penge Zaoshan is drooling, so it's not a big deal. If we can't do this, what's the difference between us and standing idly by? If you abandon your brothers who are barefoot, how can you compete with those men in fine clothes?"


Xu Zhun's heart suddenly trembled, and he subconsciously blurted out: "Is there any movement from the New Donglin Party?"

"See for yourself."

Yang Baize reached out and took out an electronic slip from his sleeve and handed it to the other party.

"In order to speed up the advancement of the New Deal, the New Donglin Party has decided to target the Japanese areas and dispatch more manpower to the Japanese areas within this month. As for the additional candidates, they will be selected from among the major clans."

Xu Zhun glanced ten lines at a time and hurriedly scanned the slips and printed the official documents. As an old official, he could easily see the true purpose hidden between the lines.

The old man suddenly felt angry, blowing his beard and glaring: "These bastards thought that the Japanese area was a tough nut to crack at first, so they were timid and let you young people with little background take the lead. Now that I feel the effects are beginning to show, I can’t wait to pick the fruits, why do they still want to be so shameless?”

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