Cyber Daming

Chapter 436 Yingtian Mansion

"There is nothing I can do. There are too many official duties in Edo City now, and I am already exhausted."

Liu Dian smiled warmly and patted Principal Qin on the shoulder: "But even if I don't have time to see the entire study hall, I can still tell from the mental outlook of these students that you, Principal Qin, have done a great job in governance. good."

"Your Excellency, you are so complimentary. Shaishu Tang's current achievements mainly rely on the strong support of you and Xuanwei Si Yamen."

"We should support it. The Confucius Temple is the core of the Empire's New Deal. As the saying goes, a tall building rises from the ground. If the foundation is not strong, the upper building will be at risk of collapse at any time!"

"My lord, you are absolutely right. When I get back, I will organize all the classes in the academy to study and understand it carefully."

Liu Dian nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, just send it here. I will come to Shaishutang again when I have time. I hope that I can fully see the educational achievements made by you, Supervisor Qin."

"Of course, sir, please don't worry."

At the outermost edge of the crowd, Nagasaki Mine looked lost. His green shirt was covered in large scratches of red paint, which was particularly eye-catching.

However, no one in Shaishutang today had the time to pay attention to him.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Liu Tongzhi, Mr. Liu, who was handsome, handsome and had an extraordinary temperament.

A 'Bai Yi' car produced by the Imperial Shenji Military Industry slid into the crowd silently. Heavily armed guards stood guard at the four corners of the car. The index finger of his right hand was tightly clasped on the trigger of the Duoyan Guard. The eyes under the round helmet Glowing a faint red light, with a coldness of contempt.

"Dear students."

Standing next to the opened car door, Liu Dian looked back at the dense crowd of heads and pairs of adoring eyes.

"I hope you can study hard in Shaishu Tang, understand Confucianism, and strive to break the lock on Jin Dynasty as soon as possible and become a true Confucian scholar. If you work hard enough, maybe you will have a chance before I leave the Japanese area. Working with you.”

"We will bear in mind Master Liu's teachings."

Among the shouts, a slightly sharp shout was particularly abrupt.

"Sir, will you leave Japan one day?"

Principal Qin, who had specially customized a pair of chest-length beards, looked around at the shouts. With just one glance, he was so shocked that he broke out in cold sweat.

Nagasaki Mine, who was dressed in green and red dirty clothes, squeezed his way from the back of the crowd to the front row and looked at Liu Dian with excitement.

Principal Qin calmly shook his head at the master who was about to pounce on him, his face gloomy and ugly.

"There is a time limit for serving as an official. Sooner or later, I will have to take up my post somewhere else."

Liu Dian looked at the 'different' student in front of him and said with a gentle smile, "But not now."

"You just said that you hope to work with us one day. So if I haven't been able to pass the exam by the time you leave office, where should I follow you?"

"Zhang Feng, how brave are you!" Principal Qin was furious, his eyes fierce.

Nagasaki Mine looked at the furious school supervisor, instinctively closed his mouth, and lowered his head in fear.

But when his eyes fell on the dazzling red paint on his body, he seemed to forget the fear in his heart for an instant. He looked up at Liu Dian and said solemnly and seriously: "I hope to follow you."

"Then come to Yingtian Mansion."

The smile on Liu Dian's face remained unchanged: "I will wait for you there."

The empire's homeland is Yingtian Mansion.

A car sped in from the south gate, darting left and right on the crowded long street, causing bursts of screams.

The Yingtian garrison who was patrolling the street was about to take down this arrogant racing fanatic when the captain beside him reached out and grabbed him and slapped him on the back of the head.

"Are you blind, or are your apertures covered in sperm? Didn't you read the sign on the car? The Liu family's chauffeur dared to stop you. You really don't know how to live or die."

After just a moment's delay, the vehicle disappeared from the sight of the young guard.

The guard captain with a gray beard looked thoughtfully at the direction of the vehicle, closed his bulletproof cloth armor, rolled his eyes at the grinning subordinate, and said angrily: "I almost got killed. Your boy got killed."

"Thank you captain, otherwise I would have been in trouble just now."

The young guard suddenly realized what he was doing and broke into a cold sweat. He hurriedly clasped his fists at the captain to thank him.

"But boss, why is the Liu family's car driving so fast in broad daylight?"

The young guard who had just escaped could no longer hold back his curiosity. He scratched his head and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

The guard captain did not answer in a hurry, but looked around cautiously. Seeing that the commotion on the street had subsided, he simply pulled his subordinates into a secluded alley with dead ends.

After kicking the 'huangliang addict' squirming in the corner with three feet and driving him away, the guard captain carefully turned off the recorders on the helmets of the two men.

After doing all this, he slowly said: "Who is the Liu family? They are one of the first-class members of our Yingtian Mansion. We usually pay attention to things that are stable and calm. Today is so abnormal, the people in the car There must be some serious emergency. If you bump into them at this time, wouldn't you go up to them and die yourself?"

The young guard suddenly realized this and couldn't help showing a look of fear on his face.

"You're still too young. Let me tell you, if you want to be a good garrison, especially our garrison in South Zhili, you can't just shoot. You must also learn to read the wind, analyze the situation, and understand policies!"

"If you only know how to keep your head down and go on a rampage, even if one day your family's ancestral graves are filled with smoke, your genes are boiling like a boiling pot, and you are lucky enough to be promoted to the eighth rank of the army, then you will at most be a big ant in Yingtian Mansion. If you say you were run over, you will be run over."

The captain found a step and sat down, sighing: "There are too many and too deep ways here. You still need to learn more."

Hearing this, the young guard hurriedly came closer, bowed and said with a flattering smile: "Then please tell me more, lest I accidentally offend those adults one day. It won't matter if I die by then. , if I get you involved, captain, then I can’t atone for my sin even if I die a hundred times.”

"Death a hundred times, do you think you are Daoxu?"

The guard captain sneered repeatedly and glanced at the other party with squinted eyes.

The young guard immediately understood and quickly took out a palm-sized square box from the back of his armor-style body armor and handed it over.

"When I raided a smuggling gang in the south of the city a few days ago, I found the cigarettes 'Shuntian Te Chun' from their warehouse. They are first-class and high-quality. I specially cut off a pack to honor you, the old man. "

The guard captain's eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand to take the cigarette case, and snorted coldly: "I also thought that you would be in trouble, so I gave you a few words. These are all paid for by the predecessors. I would never tell others about my experience."

"That's right, that's right, thank you captain for your mercy." The young guard nodded and bowed.

The captain smiled with satisfaction, took off the firearm from his back, twisted his body into a comfortable position, coughed twice and said, "You should know what the top priority of our empire is now, right?"

"Of course I know, it's the new policy of the criminal district." The young guard nodded and said: "Not long ago, a group of ships transporting Japanese laborers docked, and I even went to participate in the maintenance of order."

"You know these are just scale claws!"

The guard captain said scornfully: "Do you think the imperial court spent so much effort to get them out because they are really here to work? That's nonsense. You don't even think about it. What's the use of having so many Japanese pirates in our empire who can't even explain clearly? "

"Isn't this the purpose of the New Deal? I've heard others say that it is to draw money out of the cauldron."

"That's just the first step."

The guard captain sneered: "Soon, these young Japanese pirates will be sent to other criminal areas."


"Carry a gun and kill!"

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