Cyber Daming

Chapter 443 The reason

"Although today's imperial court has been gnawed into rotten wood by Confucian scholars, for the tens of millions of criminals in the Japanese area, what they are afraid of is never you and me, the imperial guards, nor is it any wealthy and powerful company in the country. They are not even afraid of the powerful nobles who are not afraid of Confucianism, they are afraid of only one thing, and that is the Ming Empire!"

Su Ce said slowly: "If we take off our Feiyu uniforms and take off our Xiuchundao, then these respectful Japanese pirates in front of us will immediately become more vicious bandits than you! You can't stop me, and neither can I." live!"

"For this reason, there is no point in talking about it anymore."

Su Ce spoke softly, "Think it over carefully after you go back one by one. There is no need to report the result to the Qianhu Office. I will keep it to myself."

"Master Qianhu, what should you do?"

This was the only sentence Li Jun said in the entire meeting.

Everyone held their breath and stared at Su Ce, who was sitting at the head.

No matter what kind of thoughts they have in their hearts at this moment, at least there is concern in their eyes.

"What? A little thing who doesn't even have the fourth chapter, still cares about me, the hero of Wu San? You are also lucky, you were not born in the era when the world was divided into martial arts, and you have never seen me killing people back then. Otherwise, you still dare to look at me like this?"

Su Ce waved his hands and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, get out of here and go do whatever you have to do."

After saying these words, Su Ce couldn't help but stand up and leave the venue.

All the Jinyi guards stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, neither San nor Liu. They stood there for a while not knowing what to do.

"Everyone, I hope you can remember the kindness shown by Master Qianhu today!"

Prince Ming, who also said nothing in today's meeting, suddenly spoke, and after speaking, he strode away with the monk in black.

Upon seeing this, Ye Lao and other hundreds of households who followed King Ming's lead immediately followed him quickly.

"What are you pretending to be? The one with the most obvious rebelliousness in the back of your head is you, a bald ass!"

Qiu Long cursed under his breath and turned to look at Li Jun, who was sitting motionless.

"Yan Jun, it seems Qianhu has made up his mind this time. What should we do?"

Qiongqi continued with a look of reluctance: "Yes, do you really want to watch the New Donglin Party abolish the Japanese Guards?"

"It's useless to think about this problem now. Our top priority is which one to bet on! The battle between the Confucian clans is not just about the rank and the size of the fist. The new first-class clan disciples this time, You may not be able to defeat the Confucian scholars who came first."

Ignoring the glares from the surrounding horned dragons and Qiongqi, Leopard Wei looked at Li Jun and said solemnly: "This time, our four cities must advance and retreat together. Only in this way can we have the greatest winning rate."


Li Jun interrupted Leopard Wei's words, looked up at the three of them and smiled: "I am just a martial artist who only knows how to fight. If we are asked to kill people this time, then you can just follow me. As for 'betting' You shouldn’t ask me about this kind of thing, and there’s no need to ask me.”

"You choose how to enter. As for the way out, I will guide you!"

After Li Jun finished speaking, he pushed away his chair, stood up, and walked toward the other side of the venue alone.

Ye Lao sat in the back seat of the car with a gloomy expression. He had been holding back his words and was about to speak, but suddenly he tightened his mouth and glanced up at the black monk sitting in front.

"Don't worry, Xuehe is one of our own."

Hearing King Ming say these words, Ye Lao let out a heavy breath and said in a cold voice: "I incited him like that at the meeting just now, and Su Ce didn't even respond. It seems that this old guy has really been manipulated by Xin Donglin." The Party was so frightened that they decided to let the Imperial Guards of the Japanese District be abolished!"

"The Buddha is worried about falling back into the mortal world, let alone Su Ce, who is just a mortal?"

King Ming sarcastically said: "The older a person gets, the softer his heart becomes. He is indeed not qualified to be a Qianhu."

"But this is good. We don't have to carefully hide it from Qianhusuo. Now we can put the matter in the open."

Ye Lao's tense muscles finally relaxed, a relaxed expression appeared on his face, and he smiled: "After staying in this poor land for so many years, I almost thought I would work here for the rest of my life, but now I finally have the chance to leave. .”

"We have just started betting now, and the outcome is still unknown. Are you so confident, Mr. Ye?"

"With you here, Prince Ming, what do I have to worry about?"

Ye Lao said lazily: "At worst, I will also bet on the Liu family. Edo City and the others can eat it, and a small Shiga should be no problem."

Prince Ming said with a half-smile: "If you really think so, then I will help you contact Liu Dian now?"

"No, no, no."

Ye Lao waved his hands repeatedly, knowing that his thoughts were seen through by King Ming, and said awkwardly: "That's what I said. King Ming, you also know that if I come to your door now, Liu Dian will definitely lower my price. So I'd better wait to take over. Let’s talk about it when the Confucian clan of Shiga Castle arrives.”

"Just think it over yourself."

"Okay, then I will go back and weigh it carefully. I will tell you, Prince Ming, when I make a decision."

"Go ahead."

Ye Lao's figure suddenly began to flicker, and the light intertwined with his facial features began to withdraw.

Just when his figure was about to disappear, Ye Lao suddenly said: "How to deal with the Jiaomu Jiao? This kid is quite courageous. He actually thinks that he is colluding with Yan Junhang and is working as a spy for us."

"It's human nature. After all, in his eyes, Lord Yan really dared to kill him."

Prince Ming said softly: "Keep it for now, he still has uses."


Ye Lao's figure disappeared into the carriage.

"Senior brother, Matsumoto City Hundred Household Shikaha has also sent out a conversation invitation. Do you want to get through?"

A cold and stiff voice came from the black-clothed monk's mouth.

"No, just tell him directly. If he is worried about the risk, I can help him contact Liu Dian."

King Ming sneered: "Riding a donkey to look for a horse and waiting for a price to sell it are all smart people."

"Then do we need to go see Liu Dian? He said before, Senior Brother, please go to the Xuanwei Si Yamen after the meeting to discuss important matters."

"Ignore him and go directly back to your residence."

Prince Ming sneered: "We can't go anywhere now."

"Senior brother, do you doubt Su Ce?"

King Ming frowned slightly: "I don't believe that Wu Xu, who has survived the world's division of martial arts, will still think about these false feelings! Let people like Ye Lao explore the truth first. If Su Ce is really old enough to be a pawn, It’s all gone, it’s not too late for us to move again.”

"Xuehe, let the people below keep their mouths shut during this time. If anyone dares to talk nonsense, you know what to do."

"I will obey my senior brother's decree."

King Ming nodded, as if he suddenly remembered something, and asked, "By the way, have you put down the money for the incense I borrowed on credit from the temple?"

"Not yet. But I have already asked. The temple is holding a meeting to discuss it, and it should be distributed soon."

"A bunch of old people who made a mistake!"

Prince Ming cursed fiercely, "Notify me as soon as the money arrives!"


During the speeding car, King Ming lowered the window, pressed his elbow against the window, and quietly watched the street scene passing by in front of him. His index finger gently rubbed the wisdom root that was as red as cinnabar between his eyebrows.

"Su Ce, what do you want to do?"

"Sir, what do you want to do?"

In front of the Japanese map that occupied the entire wall, Su Ce stood with his hands behind his back.

Measuring every rolling mountain and examining every winding river with the naked eye.

Su Ce did not answer Li Jun's question, but raised his hand and pointed to the southwest corner of the map: "When I followed Emperor Longwu into the Japanese area, it was here that I landed."

"At that time, the Jin Yiwei, as the vanguard of the entire army, sneaked into various cities under my leadership, destroying infrastructure, spying on intelligence, and assassinating important figures. At that time, the only ones qualified to fight us were the guards of the Japanese pirate royal family. But only It's just an eyesore, they are no match for us at all."

"At that time, the Jin Yiwei was at its peak. A seven-man team was equipped with three Wu Xu who were responsible for frontal combat, one Yin Yang Xu who was responsible for covering the whereabouts and dream stealing interrogation, and one Dao Xu who was responsible for long-range fire suppression. There are also two Mo Xu who provide logistics support. They cooperate with each other tacitly and have amazing combat power."

"If it were in an open terrain, even a superior Japanese pirate master would have no choice but to bow his head and wait for death if he encountered such a squad of imperial guards."

Su Ce pointed his finger along the southwest corner to the hinterland of the Japanese area, and drew a clear marching route on the map.

"The entire war is progressing very smoothly. The imperial troops are pointing at them with a crushing force. In just one month, the entire region has been basically pacified. Do you know why the Qianhu Institute was built here? Because? This used to be the political hall of the Japanese pirate royal family, and all the bones of the royal family are buried in the foundation of this building!"

Su Ce sighed with emotion: "But having said that, these Japanese pirates are actually somewhat resilient. Only a few of them have been killed over the years, but some still jump out to rebel from time to time."

Su Ce turned around, looked at Li Jun and asked, "Boy, do you think the genes in people's bones are for fear of strength or for strength?"

Li Jun was stunned by this question. After thinking for a long time, he said: "Fear of strength is just a means of survival, and being strong is the ultimate goal of genes."

"Then you have now seen Ruxu's strategy of killing people without blood, experienced Daoxu's awe-inspiring power in the world, and experienced the weirdness and unpredictability of the Buddhist kingdom on the earth. I ask you now, aren't you afraid, aren't you? fear?"

"Of course I'm afraid."

Li Jun looked magnanimous and grinned: "But what I'm afraid of is that before I die, I won't be able to kill the people I want to kill, and I won't get the revenge I deserve!"

"Not for survival?"

"Is it possible to survive by kneeling?"


"Is living like a dog considered a living?"

"You have a chance to live."

"If you kneel once, you won't have a chance."

"But there are countless enemies in front of you who want you to kneel down."

"From Chengdu to here, my eyes have become red. The color I see the most is red and dazzling blood."

"Just to be able to stand?"

"Just to be able to stand."

"It's not easy to walk alone."

"Create a road in the mountains and build a bridge in the water. If you have a knife in your hand, there will be a road under your feet."

"Okay, great!"

Su Ce's eyebrows twitched, and the solemnity on his face turned into a cheerful laugh.

"It's not in vain that I risked my old face to get you from Chongqing Mansion."

Li Jun was shocked when he heard this and said in horror: "Were you the one who transferred me from Chongqing Mansion to the Japanese area?"

"Who else could I be? Don't you really think that the New Donglin Party would let go of a gangster who dares to kill the prince of the empire so easily because of the protection of the Legalists? And you are so considerate to transfer you to my sect's martial arts His subordinates?"

Su Ce lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and sneered: "But those shady bastards don't have any good intentions. Their purpose is also to see what it is like to practice martial arts alone, so that they can take precautions in advance."

"You are just a Wu Wu five now, so you can't catch their eyes for the time being. When you are promoted to Wu four, they will jump out and try to woo you crazily, whether it is power, money, strength, or women, as long as you want it, They can satisfy you. But when you reach my position, these Confucian clans will target you everywhere and deliberately want to kill you. So when you leave the Japanese area in the future, you must be wary of people from Confucianism!"

Su Ce's words were obviously based on experience, and Li Jun remembered them word for word.

"Why do you want to help me? Just because I practice martial arts alone?"

"That's nonsense. I have no interest in Wu Xu's people for a long time, so why does it matter whether you are a sect or a solo practitioner?"

Su Ce puffed out two puffs of smoke from his nose, but after just two or three puffs, the cigarette was already bottoming out.

"I helped you because Yan Bahuang was a soldier under me back then. Although I have never liked his bad temper of accepting death, I have to say that he is one of the few good people. You did it for him on the Golden Tower Those things you did, I had the bloody spirit I had back then, that’s why I helped you. But now it seems that this decision was the right one."

Su Ce's reason was so simple that it seemed a bit random, but Li Jun felt that it was just the way it should be.

"As for what you just asked about today's meeting."

Su Ce moved to sit in an imperial chair and asked with a smile, "What do you think I want to do?"


Li Jun bluntly expressed his suspicion: "You want to see who will choose to be attached to the clan!"

"Then, whoever is attached to the clan has a treason and I will kill him? Don't forget, most of the officials responsible for the New Deal in each city are also from clans. The difference between them is just the size. In essence, they can no difference."

Su Ce shook his head, "Besides, testing people's hearts before interests and life and death doesn't make much sense. If I really wanted to rebel, I wouldn't wait until today. After the New Donglin Party decides to implement the New Deal When the time comes, I can bring people to join Honghu. Although my current strength is not as good as before, it is still not a problem to be one of the top three kings in Honghu."

Li Jun said in a deep voice: "Even if we don't rebel, as long as we stick together, it won't be easy for the New Donglin Party to abolish the Jinyiwei in the Japanese area!"

"The target of the New Donglin Party is me, and the abolition is just an excuse on the scene. It would be too damn embarrassing if I let you little bastards block my gun at this time."

Su Ce spoke boldly: "Whether I was marching to kill the enemy in the criminal area or fighting against other orders in the empire, I, Su Ce, never had one of my own in front of me. I was always at the forefront. Front Army Front Arrow!"

"So this time, I don't need you to stand in front of me. Instead, I have to drive you all away so that I can really let go and kill the people I have wanted to kill all these years!"

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