Cyber Daming

Chapter 458 A short period of peace

It was a small room with simple furnishings that were almost shabby.

There is one person sitting at each end of the long table.

Ghost King Da quietly looked at the person sitting across from him. Just letting the other person link into this Huangliang dream left Qianhushao's Huangliang host no longer able to construct and modify other scenes.

Wearing a simple dark blue almost black robe, and a neat short hair that is extremely rare among Taoists.

The other person's facial features did not leave a deep impression on Ghost King Da, because the other person's eyes almost made him unable to look away.

They were a pair of Taoist weapons produced by an unknown Taoist sect. They seemed to be no different from ordinary people, but in the depths of their pupils, various bizarre images were circulating like a marquee.

There are criss-crossing streets, and the smoke from cooking flies out of the windows and hangs on the eaves.

There is a windy and rainy dark forest, and a miserable Taoist leads a tired horse to the end of the world with his sword.

There is a city with deep fog, and strange Western barbarians are surrounding them with fierce expressions.

There were corpses all over the battlefield, and the shouts of killing were everywhere under the wolf smoke, which was deafening.

These are all fragments of Huang Liang's dream, which means that while the other party is meeting him, there is still a part of his mind that is silent and reincarnating in various worlds.

Ghost King Da calmed down, looked away, away from those weird and evil eyes, and went straight to the topic: "Liang Jianfeng, Su Qianhu asked me to bring you a message."

"Su Qianhu, do you have any advice?"

The complex world in the Taoist's eyes stopped flowing, and a vicissitudes of desolation emerged from the depths of his pupils.

But Gui Wangda saw very clearly that behind that desolation, there was still a deep-rooted arrogance and indifference.

This is not directed at oneself, but at all creatures in the world.

A sentence jumped out of Gui Wangda's mind for no reason. It was not some vague word "Heaven and Earth are unkind", but a rude and barbaric comment from Su Ce.

"They are obviously a group of mortals who are raised by their fathers and mothers, but they regard themselves as immortals in a false world. What does it mean to cultivate the false and become the true? They are just idiots who lack the fists to beat them hard!"

"Fistes and kicks save the world, but yellow beams harm others. What Mr. Qianhu said is really to the point."

Oni Wangda muttered something in his mouth, and when he saw the doubtful look from the other party, he said seriously: "Sir Senhu, please go to the Senhu Office in Edo Castle. He will personally take care of you."

"I understand. Please report back to Su Qianhu. I will definitely attend the banquet on time."

Liang Jianfeng agreed very neatly and without any hesitation at all.

This caught Ghost King Tatsu off guard, who was full of threats. He even suspected that he had not expressed his meaning clearly, and added: "I want you to go to Edo first as soon as you enter the Japanese area."

"When you are a guest, you must first meet the host. This is the rule. Even if Su Qianhu doesn't remind you, I have this plan."


The Qingcheng Mountain Immortal in front of him showed a particularly humble attitude, completely different from the way Ghost King Da had been exposed to him in the past.

If I hadn't clearly seen the arrogance engraved in the opponent's genes, I might have mistakenly thought that Qingcheng Mountain had sent a pure and good disciple who had emerged from the mud and was untainted.

But thinking about it from another perspective, if Liang Jianfeng was a kind-hearted person, how could he become Bai Yujing's Earth Immortal? How could Bai Yujing's earthly immortal be a kind person?

Although Ghost King Ta's own rank is not high, as the deputy Qianhu of the Japanese Guards, he is still qualified to know some information.

Daoxu Si and Earth Immortal, these two concepts are not the same, they are very different.

Among the major forces in the Dao sect, there are many monks who can be promoted to the fourth level of Dao. Especially among the new monks, as long as your reincarnation is not too bad, you have some basic talent, and you join a force that can get on the stage, it is possible to achieve the fourth level of Dao.

But Baiyu Jingdi Immortal is different. Unless there is a surname such as 'Zhang' or 'Liang' in front of his name, there is almost no chance.

There are fifty ways of heaven, one of which is human.

This "first-line" opportunity is not used to describe the difficulty of becoming an immortal, but represents the real authority of Bai Yujing.

Thousands of Taoists are eager to hone their Taoist hearts and improve their strength in Huangliang's dream. But how to allocate limited resources, only Baiyu Jingzhong, those with seats, have the right to say.

There are only a hundred seats for Earth Immortals in Baiyu Capital, so everyone who can become an Earth Immortal will not be a simple commodity.

Just like the good sword in front of me.

But Gui Wangda didn't care what the other party was planning in his heart, as long as he brought the words to him.

Regardless of whether it's a dragon or a tiger, when it comes to Qianhu's place, it has to sit down when it's time to sit down, and it has to lie down when it's time to lie down.

This conversation ended very quickly, and Liang Jianfeng left the dreamland first.

The picture shattered and faded in front of my eyes, and the roaring sound of rain suddenly sounded.

This is a lonely and uninhabited wilderness, and the city on the far side is submerged in the boiling light and shadow.

"Uncle Clan, what does Su Ce mean?"

Liang Renxian stood one step behind the Taoist, his expression gloomy and ugly.

A talisman floated above the two people's heads, isolating the cold raindrops.

"This old and immortal warrior has come to our door at this juncture. He just wants to seek some bad luck from us and get some benefits for himself."

Liang Jianfeng said in an indifferent tone: "These are all expected. On the contrary, if he continues to pretend to be deaf and dumb, I will feel uneasy."

"Then you went to Edo Castle. What will happen in Osaka Castle? Akechi Haruhiu has been summoned many times. She is now trapped in the city. It will only be a matter of time before she is discovered by Jin Yiwei."

Liang Renxian worriedly said: "With the way this woman behaves, if she falls into a desperate situation, I am afraid that Gao Tianyuan will be buried with her!"

"Su Ce will not force her to death."

Liang Jianfeng's tone was firm: "He has allowed these Japanese pirates to cause trouble for so long, and finally managed to grab a bargaining chip that can command a price. He will not let it go easily."

"But if Gao Tianyuan falls into the hands of Jin Yiwei and tries to snatch it from these greedy hyenas, he will probably have to pay a lot of price. After all, they will soon lose their own nest, so they will definitely take advantage of the opportunity. The lion opens its mouth wide.”

The beloved immortal frowned, and his words were full of contempt and ridicule for the Japanese guards.

"Otherwise, why do you think Su Ce asked me to go to Edo City? The purpose is to delay me and buy time for his Jin Yiwei."

Liang Jianfeng sneered: "Although we in Qingcheng Mountain are not afraid of their extortionate prices, we have never used money to feed dogs! Therefore, Akechi Haruhide and Gao Tianyuan cannot fall into the control of Jin Yiwei."

"Why don't I go to Osaka first?"

The beloved immortal's eyes were fierce: "As long as ours can take the lead, do these lost dogs still dare to snatch it from my hands?"

The Taoist's eyes showed approval, he turned around and patted Liangrenxian's shoulder gently, the aloof arrogance in his eyes was clearly evident.

"Don't worry, Su Ce is surrounded on all sides now and will never have the guts to be my enemy in Qingcheng Mountain!"

In the pitch-black deep sea, a giant steel dragon wearing bright yellow armor lay on the surface of the sea.

The eyes of the 'dragon head' shot out two extremely bright beams of light, glaring angrily at the tiny figure blocking his way forward.

"Such a barbaric act as blocking roads and cutting off paths should be done by a rough guy like Oni Wangda? Why would Mr. Senhu arrange this for me? I'm a damn scholar!"

On the railway track, under the black umbrella, Qian Fengting looked gloomy and cursed: "It's an insult to politeness, it's really an insult to politeness!"

The white smoke caused by the fierce friction between the 'dragon's feet' and the rails rose up. Amidst the steaming mist, an angry and high-pitched dragon roar went straight into the sky.

"Why are you trumpeting? If you have the guts, just run over!"

Qian Fengting, who had an evil fire burning in his heart, rubbed his eyes that were sore from the light, pulled the flying fish pattern on his clothes, and yelled loudly: "Don't you recognize this dress? First put these two broken lamps out." Shut it down for me, otherwise you won’t have to run this line anymore in the future!”

As soon as the words fell to the ground, the dragon lay dormant.

The beam of light in Longtou's eyes that could shine for miles suddenly went out, and Qian Fengting realized that he was as if he was blind. He couldn't see anything at all, and the only sound in his ears was the crackling of an umbrella in the wind and rain.

"Yeah, let some light shine out."

As if following the words, the dragon's eyes once again lit up with a faint light, but it was so faint that it couldn't even penetrate the surrounding fog.

"A little more, okay, that's it."

Qian Fengting looked down at his wet robe, touched the rain on his face irritably, and simply put away the ineffective umbrella, leaving his body exposed to the dripping raindrops.

The beard and hair danced wildly, giving rise to a wild spirit.

"Everyone in the car, listen up. I am Qian Fengting, the deputy Qianhu of the Jinyi Guards in the Japanese District. I have been ordered to arrest the Honghu rebels! No one is allowed to get off the car and stay in the car waiting for inspection. Anyone who violates the order will press the button Honghu’s discussion!”

After shouting this sentence, Qian Fengting sat down on the railway track without caring whether the people in the car could hear his shout in this vast environment.

"It's insulting to politeness"

Amid Qian Fengting's sigh, bursts of mechanical sliding sounds suddenly sounded in the lingering fog.

The scales on the side of the dragon's body gradually opened, and from the opened car door, figures dressed as Confucian students came out.

Qian Fengting raised his eyes and saw that there were exactly nine figures emerging from the fog.

"It seems that you feel embarrassed and are you planning to find a place for yourself?"

Qian Fengting looked stern, stood up on his knees, shook the black umbrella in his hand, and the sharp blade popped out with a 'scratching' sound.

But the development of the situation did not go as he expected.

I saw these noble family disciples standing respectfully in the rain, clasping their fists in front of Qian Fengting and performing the Confucian disciple salute.

"A descendant of Confucianism, I have met Senior Qian!"

The noble son of a noble family bowed his head and bowed his head.

At this moment, Qian Fengting finally understood why Su Ce asked him to stop the car instead of letting the rough guy Gui Wangda do it.

Although he knew in his heart that it was not him who asked the other party to salute, it did not prevent Qian Fengting from feeling ups and downs and feeling comfortable.

"This feeling is so damn good!"

Osaka Castle.

In the ruined building, cold rain poured in through the holes in the wall.

Bullet casings were thrown all over the floor and soaked in sewage. Dark red blood stains were still obvious on the skin fragments covered with carbonization marks.

Li Jun squatted on the ground, holding a piece of the mechanical arm stump in his hand and looking at it carefully. Through the remaining eagle feather patterns on it, it was not difficult to tell the identity of the owner of this mechanical arm.

"The battle ended quickly. By the time our people arrived, the building was already empty."

Concubine Yuan Ming stood aside and said in a deep voice: "But the identities of the two parties can probably be guessed. They are Toyotomi Yuanjiang and Huang Shilie."

"If you didn't tell me, I almost forgot that there are these two characters in the Japanese area."

Li Jun laughed dumbly and asked: "What is the situation of Huangshi Group now?"

"It is already an empty shell. All businesses have been shut down. Assets have been transferred. Insiders are dead and missing."

"Huang Shilie is decisive. Instead of leaving it for others to ransack, it is better to stop the loss in time."

Li Jun changed the topic and said coldly: "But this incident happened under the eyes of Prince Ming, a hundred households in Edo City. Didn't he notice it at all?"

"I don't know if I noticed it or not, but the Qianhu Office has never received any report from him."

Concubine Yuan Ming chuckled and said, "But there is no point in pursuing these matters now."

"That's true."

Li Jun nodded and continued to ask: "Then how could Toyotomi Enjiang, a blacksmith, get involved in the Osaka Castle matter? Did his Mikawa Heavy Industries also cut off its tail and escape?"

"That's not clear."

Concubine Yuan Ming said with a little helplessness: "Prince Ming is very concerned about this. He has swept away almost all the informants I sent there. It seems that the Qianhu Office has no energy to pay attention to these things recently."

"Then don't care!"

Li Jun stood up and came over, stretching, but his face was still unnaturally sallow.

"Daoxu is determined to win Gao Tianyuan, and Foxu also wants to get a share of the pie. Now these Japanese pirates also want to fish in troubled waters, so let's kill them together! It's time to cut through the mess quickly and clean up all these troubles."

Yuan Mingfei said 'hmm' and then said: "I have arranged for Xiao Hei to take the martial arts injector that Yang Long used to buy his life to Qianhu Station. Although I think the chance of him doing anything wrong is very small, it is best to It’s better to be careful.”

"There is also Baima's body in Sangyan Temple. Lord Ma has found it."

Li Jun raised his hand to interrupt the other party's words: "How to distribute these, you can just discuss it, you don't need to tell me."


Li Jun's answer was within Yuan Mingfei's expectation, but it was still necessary to ask.

"Have you ever searched the brain of Dongtong in the Wild World?"

"Zou Sijiu did it himself, but apart from a lot of brainwashing Buddhist scriptures, there is no information about Akechi Haruhide's hiding place."

"This is a bit troublesome."

Li Jun rubbed his eyebrows, his eyes heavy with fatigue.

Now that the clues have been taken away, the clues have been cut off. The size of Osaka Castle is not small. If you want to find Akechi Haruhiu in the huge crowd, you may have a slim chance for a while.

"I have arranged for someone to notify the Xuanwei Si Yamen that the entire city has been cordoned off. No entry or exit is allowed."

"Those guards couldn't even stop the swans, let alone these two desperate mandarin ducks."

Yuan Mingfei pondered for a moment: "Actually, I don't think they will leave Osaka."

Li Jun Meifeng asked: "Why?"

"It's now reached the point where they can't be seen. Unless they can escape from the Japanese area, they will be dug out by the Jinyiwei sooner or later. But if they wanted to leave the Japanese area, they would have been able to do so long ago, and they would not be hiding in the Japanese area today. Osaka Castle.”

Yuan Mingfei said firmly: "There are things here that they are reluctant to leave behind."

"䱱referring to those Huangliang hosts?" Li Jun suddenly wondered.

"That's right, so the reason why they are willing to take such a big risk and stay here must be waiting for the arrival of the buyer. If they give up this opportunity and continue to delay, the Japanese zone will become more and more serious for them. unfavorable."

Yuan Mingfei pursed her lips: "In other words, the things in their hands will become less and less valuable."

Li Jun grinned and said: "That means we still have a little time?"

"But it shouldn't be much."

Concubine Yuan Ming looked at the withered-faced Li Jun with worried eyes, "Can you still do it? Otherwise."

"It has to be okay even if it doesn't work."

Li Jun laughed at himself: "If Old Man Su had to end this small scene personally, it would be a huge loss to his old man's face."

Yuan Mingfei hesitated to speak, and finally swallowed her words of persuasion, and asked instead: "Then what should we do next?"

"You take people back to Osaka Castle first and let the brothers rest. You, Zou Sijiu and the others also seize the time to digest the seized stolen goods."

Li Jun joked: "There is still a lot of time to take action later. If you don't help, I will really be unable to defeat four hands with two fists."

"how about you?"

"I have other things to do."

Li Jun threw away the broken mechanical arm in his hand and sighed: "This night was really long."

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