Cyber Daming

Chapter 462 Fanatics

Yang Baize and others didn't wait too long when a black 'Wuzui' drove slowly from the street.

The Osaka Castle guards standing on both sides of the road stood tall and solemn at the same time, their fiery eyes following the movement of the car.

As soon as the car stopped at the entrance of Xuanwei Si Yamen, a burst of hearty laughter came from the back seat.

"I'm sorry to have you all wait here for so long. I encountered some minor troubles on the way. I hope you can forgive me."

Wang Changting stepped out of the car with a smile on his face, his words were modest, and he was dressed in a plain long gown. There was no trace of the dandy behavior of a wealthy native of the empire.

Yang Baize, who was standing at the front of the crowd, was the first to bow and salute: "Your Majesty, Yang Baize, led all the colleagues in the Inuyama City Xuanwei Department to meet Mr. Wang."

"You don't have to be so polite." Wang Changting rushed forward in two steps, put his arms around Yang Baize, and said with a smile: "I don't have the shame to accept this gift. I am already flattered that Yang Tongzhi can greet him at the door."

Wang Changting carefully looked at the young officials in front of him, and his eyes flashed with amazement: "Yang Tongzhi is really a young and talented man. When I was your age, I was still studying in Xindonglin Academy, but you have already represented the emperor. You are on the right side of the government, I really admire you!"

"Your Excellency, I'm just doing some dirty work, not being in charge of the government. On the contrary, I have been yearning for the New Donglin Academy, which is known as the 'Longmen of Confucianism'. If possible, I would rather give up my status as a fellow intellectual." , go to the academy and read the sages’ books carefully.”

"Oh, if Yang Tongzhi really has this idea of ​​further study, then it's up to me. I'll send a letter to my tutor when I enrolled later and ask him to reserve a seat for you."

Wang Changting smiled and said: "Although the threshold of Xindonglin Academy is high, in front of Yang Tongzhi, it is like walking on plain ground. If he can recommend such an outstanding talent to enroll for further study, he will probably have to treat me to a drink." Wine will do, otherwise I won’t agree!”

"Then thank you sir!"

"Easy to say, easy to say"

In front of the Xuanwei Si Yamen, a group of officials who were holding their breath couldn't help looking at each other. The atmosphere between the two superior officers in front of them was particularly harmonious, and there was no smell of gunpowder as expected.

Only Xu Zhun, an old official mixed in the crowd, had a playful expression and looked at Wang Changting with a cold look.

"Sir, the people responsible for various tasks in the city are ready to report. How about we go to the Yamen first?"

Yang Baize stepped aside to get out of the way, extending his hand to ask Wang Changting to go first.

"We'll listen to the report later, don't worry about it for a while."

Wang Changting rubbed his arms and shoulders, "After sitting on the sea all night, my whole body is sore and my back is sore. I really want to stretch my muscles. Why don't we take a walk around the city? I can also take this opportunity to learn more about Inuyama Castle. .”

"My lord has an order, of course."

"Then everyone, please stop standing here and go to your own places. I only need Yang Tongzhi to accompany me."

Wang Changting waved his sleeves to the rest of the crowd.

"As commanded."

Amidst the cheers, Xu Zhun's lips parted and he was about to speak. But he saw Yang Baize shake his head covertly, then closed his mouth and dispersed with the crowd.

After a while, the Xuanwei Si Yamen returned to its usual deserted state, with only Yang Baize and Wang Changting walking out side by side.

"Yang Tongzhi, it's just you and me now. It would be too unfamiliar to continue to address us by official titles. How many years am I older than you? How about I call you my good brother?"

"Then the official has overstepped his bounds and has seen Brother Wang."

Wang Changting looked at the serious Yang Baize and couldn't help but laugh, "Baize, you are not very old, but your words and deeds are so mature and steady. It's really amazing."

"It's just a deliberate disguise. In a place like Japan, surrounded by wolves, if I reveal my true nature, I won't be able to suppress those criminals."

Yang Baize raised his hand and rubbed his face, not lightly, as if he wanted to loosen the coldness on his facial features, and showed a slightly reserved smile to Wang Changting.

"This life is so difficult, but now that Brother Wang is here, I can breathe a sigh of relief."

Wang Changting Zhuangruo asked casually: "Since it's so hard, why did Bai Zeqian take the initiative to apply to come to the Japanese area to implement the new policy?"

"There is no way," Yang Baize sighed: "If I continue to stay in the empire, I may not have a chance to get ahead in this life. Brother Wang, you should understand the reason."

"Because of Mr. Pei?"

Yang Baize said lightly 'hmm'.

"In fact, with his achievements and abilities, if he wants to return to the New Donglin Party, he can do it at any time. Even the elders in my family often sigh when talking about Mr. Pei, lamenting that such an outstanding talent is wandering around. Outside the party, it is really Confucianism’s loss.”

Yang Baize said dullly: "As a student, I have no right to criticize the teacher's behavior. I will just follow whatever he chooses."

"That's really hard on you. Nowadays, Confucianism is sometimes difficult."

Wang Changting hesitated to speak, "Hey, it's hard to say."

While they were talking, the two of them had already walked out of the street where Xuanwei Si Yamen was located, and a warm atmosphere of the market rushed towards them.

Although it is only the middle of the night, the streets are already crowded with people coming and going. Various shops are open to welcome customers, creating a prosperous and lively scene.

"It seems that you have implemented the New Deal very well, Bai Ze. No wonder I often see words praising Inuyama Castle by name in official bulletins." Wang Changting's tone was very calm.

"I just did my job well. There is nothing worthy of praise."

"I know brother, you are still afraid of me."

Wang Changting stepped aside to get out of the way of a hurried Japanese man who was rushing to order something. He put his hands into his sleeves and looked straight ahead.

"You don't have to rush to deny it. If you and I were in different places today, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to greet you at the gate of the government office, or even let you enter Inuyama Castle so easily."

Yang Baize paused, and he and Wang Changting were halfway apart, silent.

"This time the New Donglin Party allowed our various clans to enter the Japanese area with the obvious intention of letting us come in to pick fruits. Even today's officials are well aware of this, and I'm afraid there are many of them among them. We were all waiting to see the lively confrontation between you and me. Even I didn’t expect that today would go so smoothly. So in front of the Yamen Gate, when Bai Ze saluted me, I didn’t dare to accept it, because I accepted it. Well-deserved!"

Wang Changting directly exposed the current situation, and the atmosphere between the two people suddenly became solemn.

"I may say something that you may think is hypocritical, but actually I really don't want to come to the Japanese area. Although I, Wang Changting, am not a perfect gentleman, I have my own bottom line and integrity. I don't even bother with the idea of ​​a dove occupying a magpie's nest. Do it. But like you, Bai Ze, I have no room to refuse at all. I can only accept a choice."

Wang Changting sighed and continued: "This time Wang chose Inushan City, and you should also know why. Yes, Wang once had a problem with your teacher Pei Xingjian. So they did this deliberately in order to let I will kick you out and have a battle of wills."

Wang Changting's frankness surprised Yang Baize, and his eyes stared at the other person's back, and his eyes were filled with light. For a moment, he was unsure of the other party's intentions.

"But they are them and I am me!"

Wang Changting's words suddenly became passionate. He turned to look at Yang Baize, his eyes burning.

"Be loyal to the public and serve the country, and do things with sincerity. This is the rule I set for myself when I stepped into the Confucian order! Although I am also surnamed Wang, I do not want to collude with them and do these villainous things. I am not willing to continue. The grievances of a generation have become the puppets of their internal strife! You can’t do this in studying, and you can’t do this in life!”

"So this time I come, I will not compete for your merits, Bai Ze, but I want to join forces with you to make Inuyama Castle a benchmark template for the empire's new policy, so that everyone in the court will be impressed. Let those old antiques who are stubborn in their sectarian opinions understand , our new generation of Confucian scholars will not follow the old path of internal fighting again!"

These words were impassioned and inspiring, and every word was sincere and magnanimous.

Yang Baize seemed to be frightened, and the expression on his face alternated between frightened and confused, and finally he spat out two short words from his pursed lips.


"I know that Bai Ze still has concerns in your heart, but you will know the power of a horse from a distance, and you will see people's hearts over time. You will naturally know what kind of person I am."

Wang Changting sighed, took a deep look at Yang Baize, turned around and continued moving forward.

Even though the other party had turned his back, the expression on Yang Baize's face was still very complicated, as if he was really shaken by Wang Changting's words.

"Bai Ze, what do you think of the current New Donglin Party?"

Yang Baize was startled and said urgently: "Brother Wang, be careful what you say."

"It doesn't matter. The Wang family of Langya is also a first-class family member after all. One of the pillars of the New Donglin Party. He can still wear the hat of making irresponsible remarks on government affairs. Bai Ze, if you don't dare to say it, then listen to my brother first. view."

"I wonder, Bai Ze, if you know anything about Emperor Jiajing in the pre-Ming Dynasty? This emperor was knowledgeable and intelligent, and his imperial skills were unprecedented. He inherited the throne as a vassal and was still able to control all civil and military officials. In the palm of your hand. You must know that it was an era when the order was not obvious and the ideological trends were advanced. The unpredictable people's hearts could only be observed with the naked eye, and ordinary people could not tell whether they were loyal or treacherous. However, Emperor Jiajing was able to decentralize power for decades, and the throne remained solid. Let go. Now, at least he is a peerless figure in Zongheng Xuyi!"

"But such an emperor with great ambitions was obsessed with the fairy fantasy woven by Tao Xu. He could not extricate himself all day long by reciting pure poems and eating elixirs and mercury. He actually blamed a natural event where snow did not fall on Dao's insanity. Being sincere and incurring divine punishment, Confucianism became the source of boiling public resentment, and innocent people were implicated."

"I have seen this record in a Huangliang History Museum in Confucian Xu."

Yang Baize said slowly: "However, the version I saw at that time had annotations left by someone in the Dharma Preface. One of them impressed me deeply. The person said that a winter without snow would not necessarily lead to an infestation of locusts next year. , but the hidden dangers of the Jiajing Dynasty will inevitably explode due to some trivial matter. The palace expenses are excessive, the government officials are greedy, the national treasury is empty, the people are in dire straits, Confucianism is the first to bear the brunt, and the crime deserves to be punished!"

"I don't agree with this. The real root cause of the Jiajing period lies in Tao Xu's illusory thought of 'inaction', which allowed the emperor to set up hundreds of officials as if they were empty posts and ignore the common people in the world!"

Wang Changting spoke eloquently: "Baize, if you look at the emperors of the empire, starting from Emperor Taizu Gao, they conquered the world with vertical and horizontal control in troubled times, founded a country and established a dynasty, and their achievements lasted for eternity. Influenced by the order, he made the mistake of disrespecting Confucius and Mencius after the founding of the country! Although he woke up when he was old, he used the strict rules and brutal methods of the order to rule the empire, treating the cabinet as a servant, and treating all officials as enemies Kou, beat whenever you say, kill whenever you want, how many unjust, false, and wrongful cases have been made, how many imperial humerus have been killed in vain?"

"During the Jiajing period, the emperor was even more bewitched by the Tao Xu. He did not want to govern the world, but wanted to become an immortal by attaining the Tao. He devoted himself to plundering the wealth of the people in the world to enrich himself."

"It was passed down to Emperor Chongzhen that because he used force to revive the empire, he allowed warriors to run rampant. This led to the disaster of Wuxu that lasted for hundreds of years! It even made us Ruxu have to abandon his car to protect the commander, and secretly helped Daoxu to spread The Dreamland of Huangliang ended that period of dark rule."

"After the division of military power in the world, Emperor Longwu, who succeeded to the throne, no longer believed in those heretical ideas, but he still rejected Confucianism and went astray, empowering eunuchs to rule the world with domestic slaves, which led to the eunuchs It’s so big that a group of monsters worse than Huangliang ghosts almost stole the country.”

"If we look at the history of the empire, how many emperors have caused the country to weaken, the people's morale to wither, demons to run rampant, and the mountains and rivers to sink because they did not respect Confucius and Mencius!"

Wang Changting’s words were sonorous: “So governing the country with Confucianism is the only foundation for a prosperous age!”

It turned out to be a fanatical believer in Confucianism!

Yang Baize suddenly realized that although he showed an expression of approval on his face, he had already scorned Wang Changting's words in his heart.

We talk about Hongwu’s tyranny, but we don’t mention the officials’ perversion of the law.

We talk about Jiajing's corruption, but we don't mention the corruption of party bosses.

It is said that Chongzhen indulged in martial arts, but he did not mention that scholars harmed the country.

However, this skill of avoiding the important and confusing the right and the wrong is worthy of being an elite who came out of the New Donglin Academy!

"Brother Wei, I am discussing this with you today, not in a moment of excitement, but to tell you that, like you, I do not agree with the New Donglin Party, which now only knows how to fight within itself!"

"In my opinion, the real enemy of Ruxu is never within, but other orders! If they are not from my race, their hearts must be different. The 'race' in this sentence is now not limited to blood, but other races. The meaning should include the word 'order'!"

Wang Changting deliberately took a step behind and walked side by side with Yang Baize who was falling behind him.

"Brother Bai Zexian, do you agree with the views I mentioned?"

Yang Baize's heart suddenly sank, and he finally saw Tu Qiong Dagger.

There was a huge flow of people around, but Yang Baize felt like he had fallen into an ice cave at this moment, and a chill came over him.

"I have always had reservations about certain practices of the New Donglin Party."

Yang Baize gave an ambiguous answer, but Wang Changting didn't take it seriously.

"Then it seems that you and I are of the same mind. Foreign enemies are the real thorn in our side, and being united in dealing with the outside world is the attitude that Confucian scholars of our generation should have. Bai Ze, you used to be alone in the Japanese area. In order to stabilize the overall situation, you need to Seek help from others. But now that Brother Wei is here, you are no longer alone."

Wang Changting smiled warmly: "There are some outsiders who should be cleared out, and we need to take action in time. We must not be merciful, otherwise we will have long nights and dreams, and the tail will be too big to fall off."

"Are there any outsiders in Inuyama Castle?"

"Isn't there any?"

Yang Baize said calmly: "It seems that I am short-sighted. I don't know who the outsider in Brother Wang's mouth refers to. Could you please clarify?"

"Inuyama Castle, Jin Yiwei."

Wang Changting patted Yang Baize on the shoulder: "Brother, I know that Bai Ze, you are a very emotional person. You have been grateful to Jin Yiwei before, so you have been unable to do it. But it doesn't matter, you are lucky this time, someone will help you solve it." This problem."

Yang Baize closed his eyes slightly: "Mr. Wang, have you forgotten that Su Qianhu is still in the Japanese area?"

"Of course I won't forget this, but what does this have to do with me? I'm not the one helping you."

Wang Changting smiled and said: "The Imperial Guards of Inuyama City went out to Osaka to exterminate the Japanese pirates. In such a high-risk operation, it is normal for casualties to occur, don't you think?"

Wang Changting spoke in an understatement, but Yang Baize's heart was filled with turmoil.

"Brother Xian, you are a rare talent. Although you are not a member of the New Donglin Party, I don't have those pedantic views. So I hope you can understand current affairs, be a hero, and help me manage Inushan City. After you have made great achievements, you will naturally be indispensable. Your share. Do you understand?”

Yang Baize's footsteps suddenly stopped, and his body was frozen in place.

This time, Wang Changting did not stop and wait for him, but went straight forward.

Wang Changting slowly put his hands in his sleeves behind his back, and the dense and crowded crowd in front of him made way for him.

If an official travels, the people will avoid him.

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