Cyber Daming

Chapter 47 Jiaofang Division

Li Jun followed an escort maid into the Jiaofang Division. His eyes did not fall on the deliberately swaying waist in front of him, but kept examining the environment along the way.

In the Qingyang District, where land is at a premium, the Jiaofangsi covers a large area. There are small buildings with single doors and courtyards hidden in the well-arranged gardens. They are dimly lit and extremely quiet.

The number of types of cars parked in front of the courtyard and the prices are jaw-dropping.

There are many models that Li Jun has only seen in catalogs on the underground black market in the Ji'e District. They are the kind of out-of-print collectibles that can be sold for sky-high prices.

Some of the guards standing at the entrance of the courtyard noticed Li Jun's gaze and immediately cast warning glances back. Judging from the dangerous aura emanating from them, many of them were actually Sequence Nine masters.

Although I haven't seen an honest official from the Jiaofang Division, just the pomp and show on the surface is enough to shock people.

Compared with here, the so-called nightclubs, bars, and Kabukicho on the streets of Chengdu Prefecture are just places for the poor to play.

Jiaofang Si Cai can be called a real butcher's shop that is full of gold and silver, and it is well deserved to be the number one gourmet shop in Chengdu.

The maid leading the way calmly touched her waist, which was sore from the shaking. Seeing that the guest behind her still didn't make any move, she had no choice but to give up her restless thoughts and honestly led Li Jun to a private courtyard.

Spring River Flowers and Moonlight Night, this is the nameplate hanging in front of the hospital.

As soon as Li Jun entered the courtyard, he saw a young scholar wearing a black-bottomed moiré gown, half leaning on the couch leisurely.

A virtual chessboard was projected in front of him, and he was playing chess with people in the air.

A beautiful-looking woman in palace attire stood behind the scholar, her eyebrows frowning and frowning as the chess game progressed.

Occasionally, when I see a dangerous place, I will exclaim with joy, causing the mountains on my body to rise and fall. It can be seen that they are all original products.

"Boss Gu."

Li Jun stopped at the door, looking neither humble nor arrogant, and handed the prepared Chongzhen Edict to the maid next to him holding a tray to greet him.

"Oh, our protagonist today has finally arrived, come in quickly."

Gu Yong flicked his sleeves and dispersed the shadow of the chessboard. Without even looking at the bright yellow silk book lying on the tray, he smiled at the beautiful woman behind him and asked:

"Thirteenth Niang, this is the new security director of our group, how about it?"

The leader of the academy glanced at Li Jun with his autumn eyes, pursed his lips and said with a smile: "He is indeed extraordinary."

"Then you're in for a treat tonight."

Gu Yong teased, then looked at Li Jun who was sitting upright, and said with a smile: "Although today is the first time we meet, I don't know why I feel like we are like old friends at first sight, Li Jun."

Li Jun also smiled and said: "I also feel as if I have known you, boss, for a long time."

"Isn't this just fate?"

"It should be my honor."

Gu Yong laughed, "What you say is beautiful, and what you do is beautiful."

"Originally, I asked you to do this business just to see how capable you are. Now it seems that I was overly concerned. Letting you take over Gu Ding's position is simply overqualified."

"But don't worry, the position of fourth supervisor is just for your transition. When the time is right, I will promote you immediately."

There was a hint of shame on Li Jun's face, "Boss, you are over-praised. I am very satisfied to be able to join the Security Department. And I am also lucky this time. It was the sudden appearance of Tianfu Heavy Industries that muddied the situation, and I was able to fish in troubled waters."

"Don't be too modest. It's already good if you have the courage to wade into muddy waters."

"Now Bailong Temple has taken vengeance on Tianfu Heavy Industries, and has threatened to cut off all their arms business in Songpanwei. The thought of embarrassing Wu Jinfeng makes me feel happy all over."

Gu Yong put his hands on his hands and laughed, his face beaming with energy.

Du Shisanniang, who was standing behind him, suddenly cast a veiled look outside the room, and immediately a maid walked in quickly holding an injector.

The shell of the injector appears in five colors: green, red, yellow, white, and black, and looks quite mysterious.

Du Shisanniang gently untied the bun on Gu Yong's head, held the scholar's chin with her hands, picked up the injector and dripped a few drops towards the brain-computer interface on the back of his neck.

Gu Yong's whole body trembled and he hummed slightly, with an unfinished expression on his face.

"More today!"

"Master, you are so happy today."

Du Shisanniang chuckled and pushed the injector, and most of the liquid in the cavity was immediately pushed out.

Gu Yong's body tensed instantly, his eyes were trembling under his closed eyelids, the veins on his forehead were exposed, and his twisted face was full of extreme joy.


After a long time, Gu Yong slowly exhaled a breath of hot breath, picked up the five-color injector, and looked at Li Jun with half-squinted eyes.

"The purified Five Stone Powder is a chemical bliss. Do you want to try it?"

These scholars are so damn wild!

"No, I don't really like this way of enjoying myself."

The corners of Li Jun's mouth tightened, and his voice was dry.

Gu Yong didn't force it, and said regretfully, "If you warriors had learned to enjoy life earlier, you wouldn't have made so many enemies."

After saying this, Gu Yong pointed out a black card from his sleeve and threw it to Li Jun.

"You killed two Buddha Nine and one Buddha Eight this time. You should have been promoted to Wu Eight, right? Then the 'Equinox' I prepared for you will be of little use."

"I deposited five hundred thousand banknotes for you in this card, along with a one million interest-free overdraft limit. It is my personal gift to you when you join the company."

"This is not too much money. I suggest you go to the employee internal trading platform and have a look. We are a logistics company after all, and many things that are not available on the market are sold within the group.

"Even the kind of six-art chip that is crudely made and used to fool people is only worth hundreds of thousands of coins."

Li Jun was not polite and put the card away.

Gu Yong seemed to be hot all over at this moment, his face was red, and sweat was dripping from his temples.

He casually tore off the collar of his gown, stood up from the couch with his long hair disheveled, and paced back and forth in the hall, with an extremely excited look on his brows.

"The recommendation is coming soon. This is a rare opportunity. If things are done well, maybe the master will be happy and reward me with an official status recorded in the ritual."

"The key is how to suppress Tianfu Heavy Industry and drive this old dog Wu Jinfeng to a dead end!"

Gu Yong talked to himself, his expression sometimes excited and sometimes cold, looking a little crazy.

He suddenly stopped in front of Li Jun, stretched out his hand to hold Li Jun's shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "The business in the group will be busy next, so if you have nothing to do, try not to leave the Chengdu Prefecture. At the same time, be careful of the people from Tianfu Heavy Industry, Wu Laogou You might jump over the wall in a hurry."

"You just have fun here today. All expenses will be charged to me."

After Gu Yong finished speaking, he opened his arms and strode out of the yard facing the cold wind without waiting for Li Jun's reply.

"I want to become an official, I also want to become an official."

Li Jun was dumbfounded when he saw Gu Yong's crazy one-man show. Sure enough, no matter what world he was in, there were some things he must never touch.

While he was in a daze, a scent of fragrant wind suddenly drifted into his nose.

A hot and plump body came closer, and Du Shisanniang's peach blossom eyes swept back and forth on Li Jun's strong body.

She held her chin in one hand and held a nerve bundle disguised as hair in the other hand, wrapping it around her fingertips.

"Boss, do you want to play with the spiritual or the physical?"

Li Junqu flicked his finger on the nerve bundle and said with a solemn expression: "Man, I only play with reality."

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