Cyber Daming

Chapter 474 Zou Zi ranked 108

After ending Su Ce's conversation, Li Jun did not choose to continue to rest in the medical room, but went to the top floor of Baihu Institute.

It was getting late now, and classes at the Confucius Temple across the street had ended, and the surrounding area was quiet.

As for the prosperous urban area in the distance, it has nothing to do with the Baihu Office located on the edge of the city.

Li Jun sat astride the edge of the rooftop and let out a heavy breath in the night wind.

Huang Shilie was not the ritual for him to be promoted to the Fourth Order of the Independent Martial Arts. This was indeed beyond Li Jun's expectation.

With the withdrawal of Honghu and the deaths of Japanese pirate leaders such as Hiroshi Tokugawa, there is no longer any obstacle to the implementation of the New Deal.

This is the goodwill conveyed by Jinyiwei of the Japanese District to the New Donglin Party, and it is also acquiescence to the upcoming abolition.

The next step is to wait for the children of those powerful families to complete the distribution of benefits, and then the Japanese area will be completely reduced to a noun in the pile of old papers, and will be replaced by a new province of the Ming Empire.

But this does not mean that the Japanese area will be calm in the next period of time.

Instead, there will likely be several vicious fights.

After all, not everyone is willing to give up their hard-earned achievements to others, even if the other party is a powerful family.

Otherwise, Su Ce would not have told himself that he would help these brothers onto their horses and send them off for another ride.

Therefore, Li Jun urgently needs to improve his strength. As long as he can advance to the fourth level, not to mention being able to blind all the eyes that are coveting in the dark, at least he can be sure to protect his own people among the hundreds of households below him.

Yuan Mingfei, Fan Wujiu, Xie Bian, Yaksha, Huapi, Madam Gui, and even Chen Qisheng, Zou Sijiu and other special guests.

Li Jun is not a man who takes care of everything, and he is not a saintly person who will get angry when seeing irrelevant people die.

He was just a man who came into this world and started working hard to survive.

But he also knew very well that without these people, he would have died on a dimly lit street somewhere, with his chest cut open and his internal organs removed.

A martial artist walks alone because there is no one in front of him to block his way, but it does not mean that he has no brothers and sisters behind him to follow him.

"The road ahead must be walked by oneself."

Li Jun repeated Su Ce's words softly, and the thoughts in his heart became heavier and heavier.

But if the road was really that easy to find, there wouldn’t be so many lost people.

What's more, he is still walking a path that no one before him, even a martial arts hero like Su Ce, can point to.

Li Jun rubbed his eyebrows and began to sort through all the ritual levels he encountered along the way.

If the rituals of Duxing Wuxu are derived from the genes that record various martial arts, it is the regret of those predecessors of Wuxu who died in the "World's Division of Martial Arts".

Many of his followers died at his hands, including Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and even the martial arts sect he had killed.

But when he was promoted to the culprit, the content of the ritual was clearly no longer limited to the followers of a specific sequence, but had evolved into some ambiguous events.

In fact, even though Li Jun has now reached the peak of Wu Xu's five culprits, he still does not fully understand why after killing Yu Canghai in Osaka City, he was able to fulfill the requirements of the 'disaster' and get promoted.

Su Ce once mentioned to himself before that the sign of breaking the lock and advancing to the next level is that the awakened genes are boiling to the peak. The most intuitive manifestation is that his energy and spirit are at the same time relaxed to the limit.

The so-called ritual, in short, is the method and steps to guide yourself to achieve this requirement.

But now that Li Jun can't think of anything that would make his genes boil, is he going to overthrow the entire New Donglin Party by himself?

Thinking of this, Li Jun couldn't help laughing.

This may be a way, and it may even allow you to advance to more than one rank, but you have to do it.

"Have you thought of anything happy?"

Xie Bian's voice came from behind. Li Jun turned around and looked over. Xie Bian was carrying two bottles of Mingjiu in both hands and walking up the steps to the rooftop step by step.

They were two external mechanical prostheses used to replace the feet. After climbing to the rooftop, they transformed back into a wheelchair.

"Is it true that the body can no longer be used?"

When Xie Bian woke up on his own, Li Jun was leading people in Osaka Castle, but Yang Baize, who was in charge of taking care of him, told him the news immediately.

"I have already asked Zou Keqing. There is still hope, but it may be a bit troublesome and it will take some time."

Xie Bi'an spoke in a relaxed tone and handed a wine bottle to Li Jun.

"But it doesn't matter even if the treatment is not good. Anyway, now the Inuyama City Hundred Households Office doesn't need me to take action with others, I can just hide behind and talk."

Li Jun took the bottle, raised his neck and took a sip. The intense fire penetrated from his throat straight into his stomach. His mind, which was still a little groggy because he had just woken up, instantly sobered up.

"Jiannan Shaochun?" Li Jun touched his mouth, picked up the wine bottle and took a look.

Xie Bi'an smiled and nodded: "I know that Brother Jun, you used to drink this when you were in Chengdu Mansion, so I specially found someone to transport it from the mainland of the empire. This kind of pure, unadulterated wine is not easy to find in the Japanese area. "

"Actually, with my level, I can't tell the truth from the fake. I just think of an old friend every time I drink this wine."


"A fat man who has been dead for a long time."

Li Jun took another sip and said, "Without him, I might still be a muddy robe guy on Kowloon Street. Riding my motorcycle, walking through the streets, collecting money during the day, and killing people at night. When you have free time, have a hot pot meal, and then find a lowly reformed wandering warbler to vent your anger."

"Listen to what you say, then this fat man is a benefactor."

Li Jun was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, he is indeed a benefactor. It's a pity that his life was not strong enough, so I defeated him to death."

"If I want to compete with you, I have to let Zou Sijiu figure out whether there is such a person in the world."

Xie Bian followed with a smile, and after the laughter dissipated, he said slowly: "Sister Yuan asked me to tell Brother Jun that after the Osaka Castle incident, she and Chen Keqing took a step forward, so that you shouldn't worry too much. .”

Li Jun nodded, "I understand."

"There are also Yaksha and Bustard ghosts. They don't have the guts to speak for themselves. They have been pestering me for a long time. I have to tell you that they don't like to work with Ruxu's people. Even if they are asked to take off their clothes, they I don't want to either. Anyway, Jinyiwei's salary is only three melons and two dates, so it wouldn't be a pity to lose it."

Xie Bian paused and said softly: "Xiao Hei and I are the same."

Li Jun was noncommittal and simply said: "Actually, that kid Yang Baize is a pretty good person."

"A good person is a good person, but it's a pity that he is too polite to urinate in the same pot as us rough guys." Xie Bian shook his head.

"You are quite thick together, so you are so crowded that there is no room for anyone else?"

Li Jun grinned and said, "But my life is tough. Are all of you so brave?"

"Our lives are not soft either. Since everyone is a disaster star, we might as well stop harming others. We can have our own fun."

Xie Bian said sternly: "They also said that if you don't agree, then they will let Fan Wujiu take them to participate in the Honghu Festival, and also go and shout, 'Prince and general Xiang Ning has the guts.' If that doesn't work, just do it on the spot. Luocao, take away all the equipment in the house and go to work as a bandit outside the city. Anyway, we have to find another way to make a living, so it is better to find something familiar to do."

Li Jun sneered when he heard this: "I didn't expect that in a small household like ours, there would be so many sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks who want to rebel! If I guessed correctly, this sentence should be said by that bastard Fan Wujiu Right?"

Xie Bian laughed and chose the default.

“Actually, everyone’s thoughts can be understood.”

Xie Bi'an licked his lips and said slowly: "The old ghost said something before, like us Jinyi guards in the Japanese area are pawns crossing the river who can only advance but not retreat. We can only hold the knife in our hands tightly when we are alive, and we can see each other again after death. Hometown Month.”

"But if you have been a pawn for a long time, there will always be a time when you want to get rid of the shackles and look back. Others will not give us this opportunity. Yang Baize may give it to him, but he does not have the ability to give it. So we have to rely on ourselves. Go earn this freedom and follow Brother Jun to earn it."

Having said this, Li Jun did not continue to squirm, and there was no need to hesitate any longer.

"Follow me all the way to the dark side, no problem. But please help me tell those bastards that I am a poor person among them, so they all had better live a good life for me. If they die, I don’t have the money to pay you pensions.”

"No problem. With the virtue of our Inuyama City Kinyi Guards, they can't afford to die without compensation."

Xie Bian secretly let out a sigh of relief, grabbed the wine bottle and took a sip. His white hair was tied on top of his head with a wooden hairpin with scorch marks. The cuffs of his sleeves fell off to reveal the peach charm tied to his wrist with a red rope.

"Still can't let go?"

Li Jun retracted his eyes without any trace and asked calmly.

"If you let go, you are no longer a human being, but a beast."

Xie Bian put the wine bottle on his lap, frowned slightly, and stared at the night in the distance with his eyes.

"When I was trained into the Yellow Turban Warrior by Luo Cheng, the last picture that appeared in front of me was her lying in a pool of blood. She was such a clean person, but when she left, she was covered in blood. It must be very uncomfortable. Comfortable."

"Actually, during the days when I was unconscious, my consciousness had been stuck in a broken fantasy world. There were not so many streets and so many people there. There was only a small izakaya where she and I sat On both sides of the fire, she played the piano and I sang."

Xie Bi'an stopped talking, raised his head and drank half the bottle of wine in one gulp, exhaling a strong breath of wine.

"Day after day, year after year. A song keeps repeating over and over again. The same line is sung over and over again, 'Waiting for his lover to return home in fine clothes.' I can't fucking finish it."

"Then I got bored and stopped singing. She just sat in front of me, crying and looking at me straight in the eyes."

Xie Bian's lips trembled and he pointed his fingers in front of his bloodshot eyes.

"Brother Jun, do you know? She doesn't want me to leave."

Xie Bian's voice was hoarse: "Because this is the last trace of her remaining in this world. I am willing to stay here with her, I really am, even if the time here is so short that I can't even finish singing a song."

"But I left in the end because I wanted to avenge her. Even if the other party was the towering Ge Zao Mountain, and I was just an ant as tiny as dust!"

Xie Bian drank the wine in the bottle in one gulp and raised his face to look at the sky above his head.

"When I woke up, she disappeared. Brother Jun, her name is Fei Yi, could you please help me remember it? I'm worried that I will forget one day. Because the road to revenge for her is too high. It’s too steep, and I’m afraid I won’t have the energy to remember it.”

"No one is qualified to help you remember this name. You have to rely on yourself. But there is another sentence you have to remember."

Li Jun turned around and jumped off the rooftop, carrying the empty wine bottle, and patted Xie Bian's shoulder: "The road is long, so I will carry you on my back. When the mountain is high, I will carry you to climb. As long as we don't After you die, sooner or later we can take you to the Gezao Mountain, and then we will settle the matter with them, and retaliate for vengeance and repay grievance for injustice!"

Xie Bian's head was pressed extremely low and he did not issue any response. However, if you look closely, you will see that his shoulders are constantly shaking at a slight level.

Li Jun stopped staying and walked towards the escalator carrying the empty wine bottle.

At the entrance of the stairs, Concubine Yuan Ming was leaning on the wall, holding the ancient cigarette rod in her hand, and puffed out a faint white smoke from her lightly opened red lips.

"Your way of comforting people is really crude."

"What's the use of saying it so nicely?"

Li Jun casually stuffed the bottle into Yuan Mingfei's arms and walked downstairs.

"Give Yang Baize a message and tell him that he will help me solve a fifth-grade body skill, and I will help him solve that Wang Changting!"

Bai Di Hun Tang.

Prince Ma took the smart and studious Fan Wujiu and Chi Zhu to a practical class downstairs, but Zou Sijiu, who didn't want to get along with him, went to the top-floor bath alone. After three times, he stripped naked and dipped into the hot spring water. A look of satisfaction suddenly appeared on his slightly bruised face.

"Sure enough, life is not just about fighting and killing, but also a balance between work and rest."

Zou Sijiu soaked a piece of white silk, covered his eyes, and slowly exhaled a long breath of turbid air.

"Master Zou, you haven't visited Baidi Huntang for a long time. I miss you very much!"

Yuba, who was sitting on her knees by the pool, was smiling broadly and her tone was particularly attentive.

"Don't miss me. Even if I ask for all the lots, we still don't have that fate."

Zou Sijiu lifted a corner of the white silk fabric and glanced over with one eye exposed.

Yu Po smiled apologetically and said, "Sir, you are joking. Not only I miss you, but also all the girls in our Baidi Hall."

"That's pretty much it."

Zou Sijiu said lazily: "Master Zou, I haven't been here for so long. Have you developed any new tricks here?"

"Of course I have it. Whether it's Mingren's or Yigui's, whether it's written in a book or imagined out of thin air, as long as you ask, I'll have it all here."

Yupo smiled and said, "I just don't know what you are interested in tonight, sir?"

"I'm going to hunt tigers tonight, and I'll pick the one that's the most capable of eating people, Master Zou."

"I'll go right away."

Yupo kneeled back and quietly exited the room.

Not long after, the sound of soft footsteps sounded again in the room.


Zou Sijiu's whole body felt like an electric shock, with waves of tingling tingling. He pulled the white silk off his face and threw it hard on the water.

"Hey, sister-in-law, come here quickly."

In the rising mist, a tender white body slipped into the pool from the other side and swam towards Zou Sijiu.

The sound of water is disturbing and the atmosphere is ambiguous.


A delicate cry floated on the surface of the pool, but a sharp silhouette of legs suddenly appeared in front of the woman's charming eyes!


The water in the pool stirred and made a roaring sound.

The woman's back hit the edge of the bathtub hard, her wet hair covering her drooped head, and she was confused for a moment.

"How big is my uncle and your mother? I don't care who you are. If you want to talk to Mr. Zou and me, can you not choose this critical moment to disgust people?"

Zou Sijiu calmly put his feet away, grabbed the bath towel on the shore and wrapped it around his waist.

"Stop pretending to be dead and tell me your identity."

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman who was almost kicked into the wall of the bathhouse took out her hands and pushed her long hair away from her face, revealing her eyes as dark as ink.

"In the order of Yin and Yang, in the East Palace, Zou Zi ranks one and eight, Lu Zhao."

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